Ben left the house as soon as everyone went to bed. He rode his bicycle in the pouring down rain all the way to the fire station. He didn't care if it was raining. As long as there wasn't an emergency someone would be there and even if they weren't, he knew his way around. He used to live there after all. Most importantly, they could help him get in touch with Reid.
He walked inside dripping wet and freezing. He needed to get dry so he headed straight to the closest of the many bathrooms. He took off his slicker and dried off as good as he could and pushed his hair back off his face. Then he started looking for someone that could help him find Reid.
As he looked he thought about his hero. Reid was a hero again. Ben knew he would have never done anything like he was accused of and he hated Leroy for making people think he would. Reid puts out fires and saves people, he doesn't start them.
What was even better was he heard his mother tell Reese that Reid was his uncle.He thought a lot about that. He didn't understand why she wouldn't tell him. Leroy probably wouldn't let her because he hates Reid. But still, since they were related, maybe Reid would let him live with him now that he was freed. He didn't think he could stand that house full of babies any longer.
Ben jumped when he heard a voice behind him. “Well, what have we here?”said a familiar voice. Ben turned around and sure enough it was Darius. “Ben?!” he said and pulled him into a manly hug. “My gosh, you have grown at least a foot and you are soaking wet! Are you okay? What are you doing out this late and in the rain?”
Ben threw his shoulders back and tried to sound confident when he answered his old friend. “I came to see Reid.”
“He's not here buddy, was he expecting you?” he asked.
“Uh, Can you call him and let him know I am here for him now?” asked Ben.
“Why don't we call your mom instead?” suggested Darius.
“No! I mean she knows I'm here so you don't have to call her,” he lied.
“I see,” said Darius, “You want something to eat?”
“No thank you. I'm not hungry,” replied Ben.
“Okay, why don't you sit here and watch TV while I try to get hold of Mr. Reid,” he said.
“Thank you!,” said Ben relieved he wasn't going to call his mother. He knew Reid would come for him.
Reid hung up the phone and laid it on the table where he and his brother had been sharing a beer and talking about the shit storm that had been their lives the past 25 years. He knew this phone call was only going to add to it.
He looked at Newt figuring he might as well tell him what was going on. It was his kid after all. “Hey man, that was the station. Evidently Ben ran away from home. He is there asking for me to come and get him.”
Newt frowned. “Ben? Why would he do that? I thought they were all happy little clams without me. And why the fuck would he ask for you?” said Newt getting angry.
Reid through up his hands. “Calm down bro. He and I bonded. He's a good kid, just lonely, and I sort of took advantage to get...well I didn't know Katie was married to you or even married at all. Look, I'm going to go get him and take him home. You stay here. I don't know if seeing you is what he needs right now.”
“Shit. I should be the one going,” grumbled Newt.
Reid grabbed his shirt and threw it on over his t-shirt. He saw his beer sitting there and picked it up and chugged the rest and turned to leave.
Newt called out as he was leaving, “See if you can find out why he ran away. Call if you need help. I'll wait up.”
Reid walked in and saw Ben and Darius talking. He had no idea why Ben would run away. “Hey Ben!” he called out.
Ben looked up and smiled then ran to him and hugged him, “Hi Reid. I knew you would come,” he said.
Reid motioned for the other man to give them some privacy. Darius shrugged and walked out. “Okay, wanna tell me what this is all about?” he asked.
Words just started tumbling out of Ben's mouth. “I wanted to see you but mom said no. You are my only friend. I knew they would let you out. They had to. You would never do what Leroy said! And then Mom wouldn't bring me to see you while you were in jail and then when you got out, she wouldn’t let me invite you to Reese’s stupid birthday party. Mom said it was for family but you’re family. It’s not fair.”
His heart went out to the young man standing in front of him trying to act all grown up. “A prison is no place for a kid Ben. She was right to keep you away. Sit down, let's talk,” he said as gently as possible.
Ben's face fell. “Didn't you want to see me?”
Geez! “Of course I did. We're buds right?” asked Reid.
Ben smiled. “Yes!!” he exclaimed and then looked around and seeing no one lowered his voice anyway, “And we are family. Did you know that you're my Uncle? Isn't that cool?”
Reid almost choked. “Who told you that Ben?”
“I heard Mom telling Reese,” he said excitedly and began to explain, “You see, Papa is your father and Daddy's father, but you don't have the same Mom. Sort of like me and Hailey have the same mom but not the same dad. She is my sister. So Daddy is your brother which makes you my Uncle!”
Shit! he thought, he almost followed all of that. “Well, looks like you got it all figured out," said Reid, "So, does your mother know where you are?”
“You already knew you were my Uncle? Why didn't you tell me?” asked Ben looking hurt.
“Hey bud, I only just found out too. What do you say we call your mom and let her know where you are so she won't worry,” prodded Reid.
Ben scowled before replying. “She won't even know I'm gone and won't care anyway. She thinks I'm a troublemaker. So, I was thinking, since mom won't let me see Daddy, couldn't I just live with you? I promise I won't be any trouble and I am really good at cleaning house. And then you will have someone to race with!”
Reid groaned inwardly. He couldn't figure out why Ben assumed his mother thought he was a troublemaker. He was a good kid. “Ben,” he said with concern, “I am sure your mother doesn't think you are a troublemaker. She loves you.”
“Nope. She told me," he said matter of factually, "She said I was trouble. So can I? Can I live with you please?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face that tugged even more at Reid’s heartstrings.
Now that Reid had been spending time with Ben’s father, he could see Newt in him and it was hard. How could he break this kids heart? “I tell you what," he said negotiating with Ben, "We have to call your mother and let her know where you are. She might already have the cops looking for you.”
Ben's eyes went wide and Reid thought he was going to cry. “You can't tell them! I will be in sooo much trouble if they take me to the police station again!”
Again? Ben had been in trouble with the cops before? Or had he run away before? What the hell? “No Ben, you won't be in trouble. They will be trying to help you. Everyone will be worried that something bad happened to you. They will be relieved to know you are okay. I have to call your mom Ben. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Ben hung his head.
“Stay right here while I call her. You want me to get Darius to sit with you?”
“No sir, I'll stay here,” said Ben looking dejected.
Fuck. After a minute Reid came back in. It had taken him a few minutes to calm down Katie. Ben was right, she had no idea he was even gone. He told her he would bring him home and she could get his bike later because it was still storming.
Reid came back in carrying Ben's raincoat. He handed it to him to put on. “Come on Ben, let's go. I'm taking you home,” said Reid.
Ben put it on and asked eagerly, “To your house?”
He didn’t particularly like kids so why was Ben getting to him? Reid wanted to find out what was going on with Ben but it wasn't his place. Uncle or not. “No Ben, not today. You need to go to your own home. I will talk to your mom and maybe you and I can hang out at the arcade some time. Okay?” he said hoping to ease his fears a little.
“She won't let me. She always says no,” said Ben flatly.
Reid thought Ben was really going to cry this time. All he got from Katie was that Ben had been acting out; being disrespectful and doing things he knew were wrong. Ben just needed someone to pay attention to him, a father. He got that Ben wasn't a Leroy fan so that wasn't working out. Damn Newt. He knew Newt was in therapy for his ‘problem’ and was trying to get Katie to let him see his kids. But all he could do right now was take Ben back to his mother. Dammit.

“Well, let me talk to her, okay," said Reid smiling, "I bet I can make her say yes, and Ben, she really is happy you are okay. Come on bud, let’s get you home.”
He walked inside dripping wet and freezing. He needed to get dry so he headed straight to the closest of the many bathrooms. He took off his slicker and dried off as good as he could and pushed his hair back off his face. Then he started looking for someone that could help him find Reid.

What was even better was he heard his mother tell Reese that Reid was his uncle.He thought a lot about that. He didn't understand why she wouldn't tell him. Leroy probably wouldn't let her because he hates Reid. But still, since they were related, maybe Reid would let him live with him now that he was freed. He didn't think he could stand that house full of babies any longer.
Ben jumped when he heard a voice behind him. “Well, what have we here?”said a familiar voice. Ben turned around and sure enough it was Darius. “Ben?!” he said and pulled him into a manly hug. “My gosh, you have grown at least a foot and you are soaking wet! Are you okay? What are you doing out this late and in the rain?”
Ben threw his shoulders back and tried to sound confident when he answered his old friend. “I came to see Reid.”

“Uh, Can you call him and let him know I am here for him now?” asked Ben.
“Why don't we call your mom instead?” suggested Darius.
“No! I mean she knows I'm here so you don't have to call her,” he lied.
“I see,” said Darius, “You want something to eat?”
“No thank you. I'm not hungry,” replied Ben.
“Okay, why don't you sit here and watch TV while I try to get hold of Mr. Reid,” he said.
“Thank you!,” said Ben relieved he wasn't going to call his mother. He knew Reid would come for him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Reid hung up the phone and laid it on the table where he and his brother had been sharing a beer and talking about the shit storm that had been their lives the past 25 years. He knew this phone call was only going to add to it.
He looked at Newt figuring he might as well tell him what was going on. It was his kid after all. “Hey man, that was the station. Evidently Ben ran away from home. He is there asking for me to come and get him.”
Newt frowned. “Ben? Why would he do that? I thought they were all happy little clams without me. And why the fuck would he ask for you?” said Newt getting angry.
Reid through up his hands. “Calm down bro. He and I bonded. He's a good kid, just lonely, and I sort of took advantage to get...well I didn't know Katie was married to you or even married at all. Look, I'm going to go get him and take him home. You stay here. I don't know if seeing you is what he needs right now.”
“Shit. I should be the one going,” grumbled Newt.
Reid grabbed his shirt and threw it on over his t-shirt. He saw his beer sitting there and picked it up and chugged the rest and turned to leave.
Newt called out as he was leaving, “See if you can find out why he ran away. Call if you need help. I'll wait up.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Ben looked up and smiled then ran to him and hugged him, “Hi Reid. I knew you would come,” he said.

Words just started tumbling out of Ben's mouth. “I wanted to see you but mom said no. You are my only friend. I knew they would let you out. They had to. You would never do what Leroy said! And then Mom wouldn't bring me to see you while you were in jail and then when you got out, she wouldn’t let me invite you to Reese’s stupid birthday party. Mom said it was for family but you’re family. It’s not fair.”
His heart went out to the young man standing in front of him trying to act all grown up. “A prison is no place for a kid Ben. She was right to keep you away. Sit down, let's talk,” he said as gently as possible.
Ben's face fell. “Didn't you want to see me?”
Geez! “Of course I did. We're buds right?” asked Reid.
Ben smiled. “Yes!!” he exclaimed and then looked around and seeing no one lowered his voice anyway, “And we are family. Did you know that you're my Uncle? Isn't that cool?”
Reid almost choked. “Who told you that Ben?”

Shit! he thought, he almost followed all of that. “Well, looks like you got it all figured out," said Reid, "So, does your mother know where you are?”
“You already knew you were my Uncle? Why didn't you tell me?” asked Ben looking hurt.
“Hey bud, I only just found out too. What do you say we call your mom and let her know where you are so she won't worry,” prodded Reid.
Ben scowled before replying. “She won't even know I'm gone and won't care anyway. She thinks I'm a troublemaker. So, I was thinking, since mom won't let me see Daddy, couldn't I just live with you? I promise I won't be any trouble and I am really good at cleaning house. And then you will have someone to race with!”
Reid groaned inwardly. He couldn't figure out why Ben assumed his mother thought he was a troublemaker. He was a good kid. “Ben,” he said with concern, “I am sure your mother doesn't think you are a troublemaker. She loves you.”
“Nope. She told me," he said matter of factually, "She said I was trouble. So can I? Can I live with you please?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face that tugged even more at Reid’s heartstrings.
Now that Reid had been spending time with Ben’s father, he could see Newt in him and it was hard. How could he break this kids heart? “I tell you what," he said negotiating with Ben, "We have to call your mother and let her know where you are. She might already have the cops looking for you.”
Ben's eyes went wide and Reid thought he was going to cry. “You can't tell them! I will be in sooo much trouble if they take me to the police station again!”
Again? Ben had been in trouble with the cops before? Or had he run away before? What the hell? “No Ben, you won't be in trouble. They will be trying to help you. Everyone will be worried that something bad happened to you. They will be relieved to know you are okay. I have to call your mom Ben. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Ben hung his head.
“Stay right here while I call her. You want me to get Darius to sit with you?”
“No sir, I'll stay here,” said Ben looking dejected.
Fuck. After a minute Reid came back in. It had taken him a few minutes to calm down Katie. Ben was right, she had no idea he was even gone. He told her he would bring him home and she could get his bike later because it was still storming.
Reid came back in carrying Ben's raincoat. He handed it to him to put on. “Come on Ben, let's go. I'm taking you home,” said Reid.
Ben put it on and asked eagerly, “To your house?”
He didn’t particularly like kids so why was Ben getting to him? Reid wanted to find out what was going on with Ben but it wasn't his place. Uncle or not. “No Ben, not today. You need to go to your own home. I will talk to your mom and maybe you and I can hang out at the arcade some time. Okay?” he said hoping to ease his fears a little.
“She won't let me. She always says no,” said Ben flatly.
Reid thought Ben was really going to cry this time. All he got from Katie was that Ben had been acting out; being disrespectful and doing things he knew were wrong. Ben just needed someone to pay attention to him, a father. He got that Ben wasn't a Leroy fan so that wasn't working out. Damn Newt. He knew Newt was in therapy for his ‘problem’ and was trying to get Katie to let him see his kids. But all he could do right now was take Ben back to his mother. Dammit.

“Well, let me talk to her, okay," said Reid smiling, "I bet I can make her say yes, and Ben, she really is happy you are okay. Come on bud, let’s get you home.”
Yeah, Ben is just a lonely child :'(
ReplyDeleteReid got that right.
I just hope when Kate comes back she would understand what he's going through. Well, actually, it seems that she does know what he's going through but not knowing how he handles it. :s
Very lonely. The kids at school made fun of him about his brother getting Brooke pregnant and he's embarrassed to bring anyone to his apartment because of how the live. I can imagine him defending Reid to them as well, because they surly know that it's his mother that he was having an affair with. Small town and all. So they pick on him. When Dakota came he began to warm up to her until she needed a mom to help her through having her head shaved. Then he felt rejected by her too. Plus there is definitely the pre-teen hormones raging. :(
DeleteOH poor kid .. life seems to be scrambled eggs to him!
ReplyDeleteFor sure! Scrambled eggs is a good way to put it!
DeleteLook at Reid being reasonable. Ben has really put him in a tough position, but of course, Ben couldn't know that. He just sought out the one person he felt he could count on to actually pay attention to him.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see how Kaitlin handles this. So help me if she sends Ben to his room without talking to him!!!
I hope they talk too! We will see how she decides to deal with it. :) But there are few more chapters before we get to that. Sending him to his room is the easy way out and helps nobody for sure!
DeleteBen is little boy going through so much. He must be in a lot of pain!!
ReplyDeleteExactly. He feels like nobody cares and doesn't know how to fit in. He doesn't really hate his family but it's easier if he makes himself think he hates them then he can pretend they don't matter.
DeletePoor Ben, he has the right to be confused about all this! And I hope Kate sin't like ''hormones, do what?'' and actually talks to him.
ReplyDeleteI hope eventually she will figure that out and it's not too late.
DeleteWow, first Reid talked to Ben to get to Kate, but now he really got attached to him. It is so cute how much Ben looks up to him. But he's such a lonely, messed up child. It broke my heart when I read he was right and Kate didn't even notice his absence.
ReplyDeleteSo sad. He slipped out after everyone was asleep. :(. And Reid was really being sweet.