Rolled 17 - sick toddler
Leroy solemnly walked into the courthouse with Shea holding her hand. Reid’s fate was finally in the hands of the jury. They had deliberated more than a week but rumor had it they had finally told the judge they had reached a verdict. The judge would pass sentence, not the jury, based on the verdict.
Leroy had hoped they would come up with something before the jury reached a verdict. His P.I. said he was close and only needed to verify one other piece of information and it looked very much like Reid had told the truth. He had nothing to do with the fire.
Leroy walked in the courtroom and sat down with Shea. They sat in his usual spot. It was like church, he noticed, the regulars always went back to their same seat. He got a sick feeling in his stomach when he saw Newt was there with his new squeeze which made him thankful Kate decided not to go. Baby Jordan was sick, but he felt like that was an easy excuse for her, but at least he had asked, and he didn't care.
He was shocked Newt hadn't tried to contact her. Maybe it was because they were going back and forth between Roaring Heights and Twinbrook or he really hadn't seen her that day and Miranda kept her mouth shut. Too damn many ifs...he knew it was just a matter of time. Maybe he was working it out with Reid? Who knew.

Everyone filed in followed a few minutes later followed by the judge. He explained what was going to happen then addressed the jury. The jury read the verdict. Reid was found guilty of arson and involuntary manslaughter. Then he asked Reid and his attorney to approach the bench for sentencing.
Leroy knew exactly how Reid must feel. He felt a similar thing when he was 17 and sentenced to six months in Juvie. But this wasn't Juvie, this was prison. Reid was sentenced to 7 years with the possibility of parole in 2. A soft murmur ran through the courtroom along and sobs from Miranda.
When the judge motioned for the officer to take Reid into custody, Miranda lost it and jumped up screaming. Her husband had to hold her back. Newt looked sick and his girlfriend comforted him while Reid's father held his own wife. It was heartbreaking to watch. He was very, very glad Kate wasn't there to see it.
Kaitlin was keeping busy rocking Jordan while Brooke took care of the remaining three children. Maddy was entertaining Hailey in the playpen even though she thought she was for babies. Sam was tearing through the apartment in the walker.
Now that the kids were settled, Brooke walked over to her and looked at her playing with her grandson. "I could have done this Kaitlin, you really didn't have to take off work," said Brooke, "Want me to take Jordan and give you a break?"
As soon as she said that, the front door opened and Leroy walked in. "Well, I guess so now that Leroy's here," replied Kaitlin and handed off Jordan to Brooke. After saying hi to Leroy, Brooke discreetly took Jordan into Reese's cubby, giving Leroy and Kaitlin some privacy.
“Hi babe,” said Leroy unable to hide his guilt and sadness at the verdict.
Kaitlin walked over and put her arms around him. “How long?” she asked.
“7 years. Guilty of arson and involuntary manslaughter,” he said and pulled her tighter.
“Ben…he’s going to be devastated,” said Kaitlin.
Leroy pulled back and looked at her, confused and shocked that she was more worried about Ben than Reid. Ben was a kid, he would get over it. Reid was losing years of his life.
“Kaitlin, an innocent man is being sent to prison and you're worried about Ben? I mean, I know we are all upset, but what about Reid? Don't you think maybe you are coddling Ben too much? Did you ask Shea how to deal with him yet?”
“Of course!” Kaitlin snapped back, “She said it was probably just normal pre-teen hormones kicking in. A phase that he should eventually outgrow. And this is certainly going to add to his horrible moodiness.”
“Baby, Reid is going to prison for 7 years. He will spend the prime years of his life locked up. Yet, you act like you don't care while it’s eating at me. What the hell?”
Kaitlin took a deep breath before replying. “I can't think about Reid,” she said as she pulled Sam from the walker when he started fussing. “I have to focus on what I can control and there is nothing I can do about his situation. I am sorry that he is going to prison, but Leroy, he threatened Hailey and you. He broke into your bar. Did he set that fire to frame you? Probably not, but he did those other things which is why he is where he is. And now, Ben is going to be devastated. So yes, Leroy, I am worried about Ben.”
Leroy watched while she cooed and comforted her grandson and let what she said sink in. Then he realized they were arguing, sort of, and Kate wasn't trying to escape into herself. In fact, she was confronting it head on and remaining present. More progress? He felt his anger dissipate with that realization. Plus, she was right, she couldn't do anything about Reid, but he could, he hoped.

“Kate,” he said in a low voice since Sam appeared to be going to sleep in her arms. He waited and when she looked up he continued, “My P.I. says he may have evidence that will free Reid.”
She looked at him with hope in her eyes. “Really?” she mouthed so as not to disturb Sam.
“A possible videotape and confession that will prove who started the fire,” he whispered.
Kaitlin closed her eyes and tried to compose herself, but Leroy saw the lone tear slip out from under her closed lashes. He knew it killed her that Reid was convicted and was relieved that maybe they could help even though she didn’t seem to want him to know that. She quickly turned around and went to put Sam in his bed to nap.
Hailey and Maddy seemed to have just noticed that he was there. Maddy started calling him over to pick them both up. He reached in and lifted both girls out of the playpen while he waited for Kate to come back.
In that moment, Leroy made a decision. He was going to try and get Kate to go ahead and file for divorce. She was ready. So much stronger. She didn't need to wait and try to prove anything. Newt clearly appeared to have moved on. The sooner they could get married the sooner she could close the door on her past and they could move forward - without fear. Also, getting married and living together as a family may finally bring the stability that Ben desperately needed if it wasn't already too late. He hoped Shea was right and this was a phase he would soon outgrow.
Got to Chapter 50
Go Back to Chapter 48 - Part 3

Leroy had hoped they would come up with something before the jury reached a verdict. His P.I. said he was close and only needed to verify one other piece of information and it looked very much like Reid had told the truth. He had nothing to do with the fire.
Leroy walked in the courtroom and sat down with Shea. They sat in his usual spot. It was like church, he noticed, the regulars always went back to their same seat. He got a sick feeling in his stomach when he saw Newt was there with his new squeeze which made him thankful Kate decided not to go. Baby Jordan was sick, but he felt like that was an easy excuse for her, but at least he had asked, and he didn't care.
He was shocked Newt hadn't tried to contact her. Maybe it was because they were going back and forth between Roaring Heights and Twinbrook or he really hadn't seen her that day and Miranda kept her mouth shut. Too damn many ifs...he knew it was just a matter of time. Maybe he was working it out with Reid? Who knew.

Everyone filed in followed a few minutes later followed by the judge. He explained what was going to happen then addressed the jury. The jury read the verdict. Reid was found guilty of arson and involuntary manslaughter. Then he asked Reid and his attorney to approach the bench for sentencing.
Leroy knew exactly how Reid must feel. He felt a similar thing when he was 17 and sentenced to six months in Juvie. But this wasn't Juvie, this was prison. Reid was sentenced to 7 years with the possibility of parole in 2. A soft murmur ran through the courtroom along and sobs from Miranda.
When the judge motioned for the officer to take Reid into custody, Miranda lost it and jumped up screaming. Her husband had to hold her back. Newt looked sick and his girlfriend comforted him while Reid's father held his own wife. It was heartbreaking to watch. He was very, very glad Kate wasn't there to see it.
* * * * * * * * *
Kaitlin was keeping busy rocking Jordan while Brooke took care of the remaining three children. Maddy was entertaining Hailey in the playpen even though she thought she was for babies. Sam was tearing through the apartment in the walker.
Now that the kids were settled, Brooke walked over to her and looked at her playing with her grandson. "I could have done this Kaitlin, you really didn't have to take off work," said Brooke, "Want me to take Jordan and give you a break?"
As soon as she said that, the front door opened and Leroy walked in. "Well, I guess so now that Leroy's here," replied Kaitlin and handed off Jordan to Brooke. After saying hi to Leroy, Brooke discreetly took Jordan into Reese's cubby, giving Leroy and Kaitlin some privacy.
“Hi babe,” said Leroy unable to hide his guilt and sadness at the verdict.
Kaitlin walked over and put her arms around him. “How long?” she asked.
“7 years. Guilty of arson and involuntary manslaughter,” he said and pulled her tighter.
“Ben…he’s going to be devastated,” said Kaitlin.
Leroy pulled back and looked at her, confused and shocked that she was more worried about Ben than Reid. Ben was a kid, he would get over it. Reid was losing years of his life.
“Kaitlin, an innocent man is being sent to prison and you're worried about Ben? I mean, I know we are all upset, but what about Reid? Don't you think maybe you are coddling Ben too much? Did you ask Shea how to deal with him yet?”
“Of course!” Kaitlin snapped back, “She said it was probably just normal pre-teen hormones kicking in. A phase that he should eventually outgrow. And this is certainly going to add to his horrible moodiness.”
“Baby, Reid is going to prison for 7 years. He will spend the prime years of his life locked up. Yet, you act like you don't care while it’s eating at me. What the hell?”
Kaitlin took a deep breath before replying. “I can't think about Reid,” she said as she pulled Sam from the walker when he started fussing. “I have to focus on what I can control and there is nothing I can do about his situation. I am sorry that he is going to prison, but Leroy, he threatened Hailey and you. He broke into your bar. Did he set that fire to frame you? Probably not, but he did those other things which is why he is where he is. And now, Ben is going to be devastated. So yes, Leroy, I am worried about Ben.”
Leroy watched while she cooed and comforted her grandson and let what she said sink in. Then he realized they were arguing, sort of, and Kate wasn't trying to escape into herself. In fact, she was confronting it head on and remaining present. More progress? He felt his anger dissipate with that realization. Plus, she was right, she couldn't do anything about Reid, but he could, he hoped.

“Kate,” he said in a low voice since Sam appeared to be going to sleep in her arms. He waited and when she looked up he continued, “My P.I. says he may have evidence that will free Reid.”
She looked at him with hope in her eyes. “Really?” she mouthed so as not to disturb Sam.
“A possible videotape and confession that will prove who started the fire,” he whispered.
Kaitlin closed her eyes and tried to compose herself, but Leroy saw the lone tear slip out from under her closed lashes. He knew it killed her that Reid was convicted and was relieved that maybe they could help even though she didn’t seem to want him to know that. She quickly turned around and went to put Sam in his bed to nap.
Hailey and Maddy seemed to have just noticed that he was there. Maddy started calling him over to pick them both up. He reached in and lifted both girls out of the playpen while he waited for Kate to come back.
In that moment, Leroy made a decision. He was going to try and get Kate to go ahead and file for divorce. She was ready. So much stronger. She didn't need to wait and try to prove anything. Newt clearly appeared to have moved on. The sooner they could get married the sooner she could close the door on her past and they could move forward - without fear. Also, getting married and living together as a family may finally bring the stability that Ben desperately needed if it wasn't already too late. He hoped Shea was right and this was a phase he would soon outgrow.
Got to Chapter 50
Go Back to Chapter 48 - Part 3
Hmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about them being all 'pro-Reid'. I mean, it sucks that he was framed for arson and almost died because of it but in the end, he still threatened everyone and kept trying to manipulate the family. /shurg/
ReplyDeletePretty much Kaitlin's point. More to come on that saga very soon.
DeleteYes! file the paperwork, and let's move on. I'm sure Newt will appreciate the divorce and the chance to try and repair his relationship with his kids.
ReplyDeleteI get where Leroy is coming from. He's buried the hatchet with Reid and wants the chance to fix things so Reid doesn't have to go through the grown up version of what he did.
Leroy's feeling pretty guilty. As far as burying the hatchet, well it's still has the handle sticking out!!! He's not a fan, but he is giving him the benefit of the doubt. It's more about his guilt, but really he had no choice. He could be the one on trial.
DeleteI still don't like Reid, but, 7 years, is quite a long time...I would be fine with 3, or even 4, just beause what he did to they, everything! I like this Kate much better, she seems less like a victim herself, but, i'm still not sure about Newt...She is getting better, but, progress in only recent, she could go back and have an episode once she saw Newt.
ReplyDeleteI like this new Kate better too! She is doesn't want to be a victim anymore. And with Newt lurking around the corner, well who knows if she is ready for that or not. I hope so.
DeleteI don't expect anyone to like Reid! He did do those awful things and deserves something just for that. It's too bad Ben doesn't get it.
Although he is not a likable character I was still glad to see a bit of softness from Kaitlyn towards Reid's predicament
ReplyDeleteYes. Their relationship is difficult. She knows how Ben feels about him. And he did help her when they were homeless.
DeleteJust out of curiosity, how do you get the "flavor" of the story going? Do you "orchestrate" how each thing happens to make the progression of the story flow or let things happen and write about it? Especially with the personality of the Sims, themselves.
ReplyDeleteGreat question. The prologue helped me get the initial characters and as the rolls forced events to happen I tried to determine how eac character got into that situation and they just developed further. I let the rolls dictate what happened though and wrote the story around that and some of what actually happened in the game. Sorry it wasn't a real clear answer. Towards the end I knew how I wanted some things to happen. But Ben's behavior was a surprise :) Leroy and Reid were to and were characters the game generated. Reid was spawned from the sim bin so I changed his eye color and went with it.
DeleteKaitlin has grown so much. I hope she does decide to file for divorce so she can be finally free. Reid will hopefully realise his mistakes and learn from them and I hope they prove who is really behind this!!
ReplyDeleteShe has. I am proud of her. I don't know if she will let Leroy talk into that. She may be getting better but she hasn't confronted Newt yet.
DeleteMore to come on the reasons behind all the shenanigans!
(It's Amanda/Citizen again. I'm lazy typing my URL in every time LOL sorry)
ReplyDeleteDespite everything, I do feel kinda bad for Reid. The guy is a jerk, sure. But being a jerk is not a crime worthy of jail time! Hopefully the PI comes through!
And YES Kate, please file for divorce. What a huge step that would be for her!
Your comment was in my spam folder. Yes, Reid - meh - shouldn't be in jail. Things are messed up.
DeleteOh wow, Kaitlin is not defending Reid and Leroy is. Things change. But he is right, Reid doesn't deserve to be locked up. And he is also right in that she is ready to divorce. About freaking time!
ReplyDeleteReid and Leroy did have a history and that is likely why. She is ready. I hope she goes through with it.