When Kaitlin got in her car after seeing Newt, she texted Leroy that she was on the way home so he wouldn't worry, then the dam burst. She sat in the car and sobbed for about 10 minutes. Newt had sat back down to finish his beer so didn't follow her out. When she saw him paying his tab, she pulled herself together for the short drive home. She couldn't let him know what seeing him had done to her.
When she walked into the apartment, she saw Leroy, Reese, Brooke and Dakota watching a movie. The babies were asleep and Ben, as usual these days was in his cubby doing whatever he did in there - alone. The lights were out and she was thankful it was dark so they couldn't see how awful she looked.
As soon as the door opened Leroy jumped up. At the same Reese paused the movie. “Mom? Are you okay?” he said genuine concern in his voice.
Kaitlin had to smile. They were both worried about her. It was a good feeling knowing how much they cared. “I'm fine Reese,” she said thankful her voice didn't crack, “We had a much needed talk," she said over her shoulder as Leroy herded her into the bedroom for some privacy.
He closed the door gently so he wouldn't wake the sleeping girls. “Hold me please,” she whispered when he walked back over to her. Leroy immediately wrapped his big arms around her. She had thought she would cry again, but she didn't. She was home in his embrace. Instead of breaking down, she relaxed into his arms where breathing was easy.
“Are you really okay? Do I need to hunt someone down?” he asked stroking her hair.
She let out a little huff. “No, I am fine,” she said into his chest as the realization hit her that she had never mourned the loss of her marriage and maybe that was the real reason she cried so hard after she got in her car. She looked up at him and said, “I am home now. This is where I belong, you are home.”
“Was there ever a doubt?” asked Leroy as he released her and they sat on the edge of the bed together.

“I think I just needed closure. Newt’s not going to make the divorce hard, but he wants a relationship with the kids. He has changed Leroy. He’s going to leave us alone I think. He saw me, us, that day at the courthouse. He said he could tell that you were in love with me.”
Leroy bristled, “You needed him to tell you before you believe it?”
Kaitlin knew he hated Newt, but he was going to have to deal with him back in their lives. But now wasn't the time to push it. “Leroy!" she scolded, "Of course not. I'm just saying other people can tell how much we care about each other. It's nice. But let's not talk about him anymore. Please, stay with me tonight, I just need to feel you close. I don't want to be alone.”
Leroy laughed seemingly more relaxed. “Have you looked around Kate? You are anything but alone.”
Kaitlin punched his arm playfully and smiled, “You Oaf, you know what I mean!”
“Oaf?” he said and raised his eyebrows, “I'll show you Oaf…” he said as he pushed her back onto the bed and began to tickle her.
Kaitlin was laughing and it was great. She needed to laugh unfortunately, she wasn't quiet and Hailey woke up crying so Leroy stopped. “See,” said Kaitlin breathlessly but still grinning, “Oaf! Stay there. I will get her. Maybe she'll lay down with us and go back to sleep soon.”
When she brought their daughter to bed, the little girl quickly snuggled between the two of them. Kaitlin knew this was how it was supposed to be. She had snuggled her other babies, but never together with their father. Newt missed out with Reese because of college and was distant by the time Ben was born. When Maddy arrived, he was a monster.
Hailey was soon fast asleep again laying on Kaitlin's chest. Leroy said, "My turn," and got up to put her back in her crib. Kaitlin watched him, the love for his daughter was evident in his movements, as he gently laid her down and kissed her little forehead. Yes, she was home.
The next morning, Leroy couldn't help the smile that was on his face as he started to make coffee. He had an appointment but wanted to make coffee for Kate before he left. Last night, it had been all he could do not to get in the car and go sit in the parking lot at the diner. He had been so afraid for her. And that damn husband of hers sounded so full of himself on the phone. But when she returned, it seemed like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. One that she had likely carried for the last two years. Then she said he was home for her. When she said that he knew that eventually they would be okay. She loved him as much as he loved her.
Kaitlin came in the kitchen no doubt drawn by the smell of the coffee, “Mmmm...The Coffee God is back!” she said happily.
Leroy turned to her and pulled her into his arms. “Good morning gorgeous! I told you I would always make you coffee because it makes you smile.” He kissed her and handed her a cup of coffee. Kaitlin took it and sat down at the table to look at the paper and Leroy joined her.
“Oh! A half-price sale! I will have to take Brooke to get some diapers and non perishables for when they move. Oh and something for Reese's birthday and graduation too!” she said excitedly.

Yes, his sexy Kate was feeling much more relaxed since she and Newt spoke. He was glad he hadn't told her there was a security guard watching over them or what Garrett said about his life potentially being in danger until they could get Chief Conner into custody. Seeing her this happy made him happy. He was glad he hadn't put a dark cloud over it. She could be normal for awhile. “That sounds great Kate. Do you need some money?” he asked.
“No! Brooke and Reese are buying their stuff and I am getting my son's gift myself. I may pick up some things for our house though," she said and gave him a big smile.
Her smile melted his heart. He leaned over and kissed her goodbye. Just like a normal married couple going about their lives. A couple that didn't have to worry about smuggling father-in-laws, abusive husbands and potential death threats.
Brooke arrived shortly after Leroy left. Kaitlin told her about the sale and they decided to take Dakota and Maddy with them leaving Reese and Ben to take care Hailey and the two boys. Reese watched as the four of them walked out like they were on a mission to save the world.
The babies started to cry in unison no sooner than the door closed. Reese was pissed at Ben because he wouldn't help him. When he finally managed to get all three of the babies settled, it was time to have a talk with Ben. He was sick of his attitude and wanted to find out what was going through his bratty little brother’s head.
Reese walked into Ben’s cubby and found him sitting on the bed with his nose in a book. “What are you reading that's so important you couldn't hold Hailey for a few minutes while I fed Jordan?” asked Reese.
Ben didn't look up and just snarled, “Since when do you care?”
“What's wrong with you? Why do you act like that?” said Reese trying not to get any madder than he already was.
Ben put the book down and smirked at Reese. “No one gives a crap about me. They treat me like one of those stupid babies! Even Dakota gets treated more like a grown up than me. Mom takes her everywhere. She even took Maddy with her to go shopping. So if I'm too much of a baby to go then I'm too much of a baby to help with the real babies.”
Whoa! thought Reese. He had no idea Ben was jealous. He never was before. “Ben, that's not true and you know it,” said Reese, “Of course we care about you. Besides, the only reason you even wanted to go was to get Mom to buy you a game and now you are mad.”
Ben jumped off the bed really angry.“That's not why! And it IS true,” Ben shot back, “Mom never takes me anymore. It's always Dakota. And then there's Broooooke. Brooke who can do no wrong. You're no better either. I know why you have two babies Reese. The kids at school sneaked rubbers into my locker in gym class. Then they told me I should give them to you so you could ‘wrap it up’ next time. Even I know that! You make me sick.”
Reset felt awful. “Ben, why didn't you tell me or Mom about that?” he asked feeling like a jerk.
“Why would I tell you anything. And Mom’s no better than you. She had a baby with Leroy and she's still married to Daddy. I'm not stupid. That's adultery. Daddy's gonna be really mad when he finds out! I heard you all talking and I know Mom went to see him yesterday. Why can't we see him too? It's all Leroy's fault! Leroy even made my only friend go to jail! I know! I saw it on TV! Reid would have bought that game for me and we could have played it but now he's in jail and we can't. He doesn't think I am a baby? I just want to go back home!”
Reese was shocked at his brother's anger and started to get defensive. “You take that back. You know why we left! And I don't care if you don't like Brooke, but you better not ever say anything bad about her or Mom ever again! They work hard.” Then he thought and added, “Leroy too! He takes care of Mom and us!”
Ben shot back, “Daddy took take care of Mom better than Leroy! She didn't have to be gone all the time. She was home and helped with my homework and stuff. Now we don't do anything. We can't even see Mimi and Papa anymore!”
“BEN! Daddy hit her!!!” The words just spilled out of his mouth without him thinking he was so mad at Ben.
Ben shook his head. “LIAR!” he spat out. “Daddy just gets really mad sometimes. Mom said he was just stressed at work. SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE A BABY! JUST GET OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I hate all of you!” Ben sat down on the bed and covered his ears.

“LEAVE!” yelled Ben sticking his fingers in his ears. Then he began to chant, “I can't hear you. La-la-la-la.”
“Well now you are acting like a baby!” said Reese even though he knew Ben probably didn't hear him. The sound of little Sam crying in the other room effectively ended the conversation. He sighed and turned to go take care of his son.
Reese picked up his own child shushing him reveling in his innocence. Would he someday be jealous of Jordan? That thought made him sick. He would do everything in his power to see that his two boys were brought up in a loving environment. He would never be like his asshole father.
Reese sat in the rocking chair with Sam. He needed to hold him a little longer. Ben was right, he and Reid were buddies and he knew Ben missed him. But he had no idea what to do about it. Ben’s behavior frightened him, but Ben was always a loner, entertaining himself and playing pretend.

As he rocked his son, the 'what ifs' started. What if Sam or Jordan acted like that when they got older? What if Ben didn't snap out of it. What if Ben made their mom choose between him and Leroy? Did their mother even realize how upset Ben really was? What if Ben insisted on living with their father?
He really wished Brooke was there to talk to. She always made him feel better and they could figure out what to do. He didn't know if he should tell his mother what Ben said or not. It would only hurt her more. And Leroy would probably try to talk to Ben and that would just make it worse. His mom was right, Leroy wasn't the enemy. His father was. This was his fault, not Leroy's.
Their new house was almost finished. Maybe when he and Brooke moved out, it would be easier for Ben. Ben would be the oldest and then maybe he would calm down. It was only a couple of months away. Probably no need to make things worse.
Go to Chapter 52 - Part 1 of 3
Go Back to Chapter 52 Part 2
When she walked into the apartment, she saw Leroy, Reese, Brooke and Dakota watching a movie. The babies were asleep and Ben, as usual these days was in his cubby doing whatever he did in there - alone. The lights were out and she was thankful it was dark so they couldn't see how awful she looked.

Kaitlin had to smile. They were both worried about her. It was a good feeling knowing how much they cared. “I'm fine Reese,” she said thankful her voice didn't crack, “We had a much needed talk," she said over her shoulder as Leroy herded her into the bedroom for some privacy.
He closed the door gently so he wouldn't wake the sleeping girls. “Hold me please,” she whispered when he walked back over to her. Leroy immediately wrapped his big arms around her. She had thought she would cry again, but she didn't. She was home in his embrace. Instead of breaking down, she relaxed into his arms where breathing was easy.
“Are you really okay? Do I need to hunt someone down?” he asked stroking her hair.
She let out a little huff. “No, I am fine,” she said into his chest as the realization hit her that she had never mourned the loss of her marriage and maybe that was the real reason she cried so hard after she got in her car. She looked up at him and said, “I am home now. This is where I belong, you are home.”
“Was there ever a doubt?” asked Leroy as he released her and they sat on the edge of the bed together.

“I think I just needed closure. Newt’s not going to make the divorce hard, but he wants a relationship with the kids. He has changed Leroy. He’s going to leave us alone I think. He saw me, us, that day at the courthouse. He said he could tell that you were in love with me.”
Leroy bristled, “You needed him to tell you before you believe it?”
Kaitlin knew he hated Newt, but he was going to have to deal with him back in their lives. But now wasn't the time to push it. “Leroy!" she scolded, "Of course not. I'm just saying other people can tell how much we care about each other. It's nice. But let's not talk about him anymore. Please, stay with me tonight, I just need to feel you close. I don't want to be alone.”
Leroy laughed seemingly more relaxed. “Have you looked around Kate? You are anything but alone.”
Kaitlin punched his arm playfully and smiled, “You Oaf, you know what I mean!”
“Oaf?” he said and raised his eyebrows, “I'll show you Oaf…” he said as he pushed her back onto the bed and began to tickle her.
Kaitlin was laughing and it was great. She needed to laugh unfortunately, she wasn't quiet and Hailey woke up crying so Leroy stopped. “See,” said Kaitlin breathlessly but still grinning, “Oaf! Stay there. I will get her. Maybe she'll lay down with us and go back to sleep soon.”
When she brought their daughter to bed, the little girl quickly snuggled between the two of them. Kaitlin knew this was how it was supposed to be. She had snuggled her other babies, but never together with their father. Newt missed out with Reese because of college and was distant by the time Ben was born. When Maddy arrived, he was a monster.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning, Leroy couldn't help the smile that was on his face as he started to make coffee. He had an appointment but wanted to make coffee for Kate before he left. Last night, it had been all he could do not to get in the car and go sit in the parking lot at the diner. He had been so afraid for her. And that damn husband of hers sounded so full of himself on the phone. But when she returned, it seemed like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. One that she had likely carried for the last two years. Then she said he was home for her. When she said that he knew that eventually they would be okay. She loved him as much as he loved her.
Kaitlin came in the kitchen no doubt drawn by the smell of the coffee, “Mmmm...The Coffee God is back!” she said happily.
Leroy turned to her and pulled her into his arms. “Good morning gorgeous! I told you I would always make you coffee because it makes you smile.” He kissed her and handed her a cup of coffee. Kaitlin took it and sat down at the table to look at the paper and Leroy joined her.
“Oh! A half-price sale! I will have to take Brooke to get some diapers and non perishables for when they move. Oh and something for Reese's birthday and graduation too!” she said excitedly.

Yes, his sexy Kate was feeling much more relaxed since she and Newt spoke. He was glad he hadn't told her there was a security guard watching over them or what Garrett said about his life potentially being in danger until they could get Chief Conner into custody. Seeing her this happy made him happy. He was glad he hadn't put a dark cloud over it. She could be normal for awhile. “That sounds great Kate. Do you need some money?” he asked.
“No! Brooke and Reese are buying their stuff and I am getting my son's gift myself. I may pick up some things for our house though," she said and gave him a big smile.
Her smile melted his heart. He leaned over and kissed her goodbye. Just like a normal married couple going about their lives. A couple that didn't have to worry about smuggling father-in-laws, abusive husbands and potential death threats.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Brooke arrived shortly after Leroy left. Kaitlin told her about the sale and they decided to take Dakota and Maddy with them leaving Reese and Ben to take care Hailey and the two boys. Reese watched as the four of them walked out like they were on a mission to save the world.
The babies started to cry in unison no sooner than the door closed. Reese was pissed at Ben because he wouldn't help him. When he finally managed to get all three of the babies settled, it was time to have a talk with Ben. He was sick of his attitude and wanted to find out what was going through his bratty little brother’s head.
Reese walked into Ben’s cubby and found him sitting on the bed with his nose in a book. “What are you reading that's so important you couldn't hold Hailey for a few minutes while I fed Jordan?” asked Reese.
Ben didn't look up and just snarled, “Since when do you care?”
“What's wrong with you? Why do you act like that?” said Reese trying not to get any madder than he already was.
Ben put the book down and smirked at Reese. “No one gives a crap about me. They treat me like one of those stupid babies! Even Dakota gets treated more like a grown up than me. Mom takes her everywhere. She even took Maddy with her to go shopping. So if I'm too much of a baby to go then I'm too much of a baby to help with the real babies.”
Whoa! thought Reese. He had no idea Ben was jealous. He never was before. “Ben, that's not true and you know it,” said Reese, “Of course we care about you. Besides, the only reason you even wanted to go was to get Mom to buy you a game and now you are mad.”
Ben jumped off the bed really angry.“That's not why! And it IS true,” Ben shot back, “Mom never takes me anymore. It's always Dakota. And then there's Broooooke. Brooke who can do no wrong. You're no better either. I know why you have two babies Reese. The kids at school sneaked rubbers into my locker in gym class. Then they told me I should give them to you so you could ‘wrap it up’ next time. Even I know that! You make me sick.”
Reset felt awful. “Ben, why didn't you tell me or Mom about that?” he asked feeling like a jerk.
“Why would I tell you anything. And Mom’s no better than you. She had a baby with Leroy and she's still married to Daddy. I'm not stupid. That's adultery. Daddy's gonna be really mad when he finds out! I heard you all talking and I know Mom went to see him yesterday. Why can't we see him too? It's all Leroy's fault! Leroy even made my only friend go to jail! I know! I saw it on TV! Reid would have bought that game for me and we could have played it but now he's in jail and we can't. He doesn't think I am a baby? I just want to go back home!”
Reese was shocked at his brother's anger and started to get defensive. “You take that back. You know why we left! And I don't care if you don't like Brooke, but you better not ever say anything bad about her or Mom ever again! They work hard.” Then he thought and added, “Leroy too! He takes care of Mom and us!”
Ben shot back, “Daddy took take care of Mom better than Leroy! She didn't have to be gone all the time. She was home and helped with my homework and stuff. Now we don't do anything. We can't even see Mimi and Papa anymore!”
“BEN! Daddy hit her!!!” The words just spilled out of his mouth without him thinking he was so mad at Ben.
Ben shook his head. “LIAR!” he spat out. “Daddy just gets really mad sometimes. Mom said he was just stressed at work. SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE A BABY! JUST GET OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I hate all of you!” Ben sat down on the bed and covered his ears.

“LEAVE!” yelled Ben sticking his fingers in his ears. Then he began to chant, “I can't hear you. La-la-la-la.”
“Well now you are acting like a baby!” said Reese even though he knew Ben probably didn't hear him. The sound of little Sam crying in the other room effectively ended the conversation. He sighed and turned to go take care of his son.

Reese sat in the rocking chair with Sam. He needed to hold him a little longer. Ben was right, he and Reid were buddies and he knew Ben missed him. But he had no idea what to do about it. Ben’s behavior frightened him, but Ben was always a loner, entertaining himself and playing pretend.

As he rocked his son, the 'what ifs' started. What if Sam or Jordan acted like that when they got older? What if Ben didn't snap out of it. What if Ben made their mom choose between him and Leroy? Did their mother even realize how upset Ben really was? What if Ben insisted on living with their father?
He really wished Brooke was there to talk to. She always made him feel better and they could figure out what to do. He didn't know if he should tell his mother what Ben said or not. It would only hurt her more. And Leroy would probably try to talk to Ben and that would just make it worse. His mom was right, Leroy wasn't the enemy. His father was. This was his fault, not Leroy's.
Their new house was almost finished. Maybe when he and Brooke moved out, it would be easier for Ben. Ben would be the oldest and then maybe he would calm down. It was only a couple of months away. Probably no need to make things worse.
Go to Chapter 52 - Part 1 of 3
Go Back to Chapter 52 Part 2
Yeah, Reese, wrap it up. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh Ben, puberty is a tough thing to go through alone. At least now you're saying things out loud now :^)
I wonder how Ben's going to take it when he hears about the divorce... Will he listen to his parents explain it all or flip out out of anger because everything is already ruined in his eyes, not letting them talk?
Hopefully he'll find out Leroy is actually working on freeing Reid so he won't be so upset. Ben is going to be that secret hurdle Kate has to jump if she wants to maintain a good relationship with ALL her kids!
Maybe if he finds out Leroy is trying to free him it would help, but I can see him saying something like 'he wouldn't be in the first place if it wasn't for you!' He's alone in a houseful of people that care about him.
DeleteKaitlin definitely needs a wake up call where Ben is concerned. So far he just stays huddled in his room, out of site, out of mind.
Then Leroy sees things through rose colored glasses. He wants his family so badly he just can hardly stand it.
And well, Reese, is just a kid trying to be grown up and looking forward to being on his own with his little family that he has because he didn't wrap it up! When his babies came along, his focus switched from his brother and sister to his own kids. That affected Ben more than anyone knew.
Then Dakota joined the household and Ben had a new purpose but that was short lived when she had to get her head shaved and then she and Kaitlin bonded so Ben rejected her...poor dude.
So... let's just ignore Ben more and hope the problem gets better?? I can't with this family.
ReplyDeleteEvery time they say no more secrets, they keep more secrets. So Leroy didn't tell Kate about the info her got from the PI either? Ugh, these people!
The itty bitty silver lining of this chapter is that Reese made some mental peace with Leroy and understands he has a positive place in their lives.
Yes...Leroy told Reese where Kaitlin was. He's trying.
DeleteLeroy did tell her he met with Garrett, the PI, and that Chief Conner was behind it. But he didn't tell her he could still be in danger. Just that Reid would likely be freed. He also told her about her father-in-laws illegal business practices. She mentioned that to Newt. But he didn't connect all the dots for her.
Ben just keeps crying out and nobody is really hearing him. :(
Oh gosh wow Ben. I hope he expresses how he feels to his mum. He just seems to be getting a bit more complicated.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of Reese he is all grown up and really cares for his babies and Brooke!
Reese is trying, but he is really just a kid himself and probably a bit overwhelmed with two babies less than a year apart in age. He and Brooke are very much in love. When I have free will on in the game they autonomously flirt with each other. Lol..
DeleteYep, that the problem with childrem, they won't stay inocent forever...They really shoudl talk with Ben about this, or be like ''Alright, go to your father'' and live a happily life not thinking about Ben...Not that would happen! I belive Ben's story will go faaaar away from thi incident. is not like a simple talk will make up his mind.
ReplyDeleteSo right you are. There is so much going on with him. A simple talk will not do it for sure.
DeleteAnd here goes Ben. I can understand his feelings, but it'll be so hard to explain things to him...
ReplyDeleteNow you see why Ben was so messed up in his teen years and into his college years. Hang tight...