Rolled 8 - Teen babysits and earns $50
It was Saturday morning and Maddy’s 2nd birthday. The boys and the babies were still asleep so it was just Kaitlin and Maddy. Kaitlin sat at the dining table drinking her coffee, enjoying the unusual quiet while Maddy happily played with new toy she had gotten in exchange for wearing diapers when she had been sick.
As Kaitlin drank her coffee, her thoughts wandered to the past month and how things had changed since Reid learned the truth about Hailey.
That night, she had awakened in her bed to the sound of a crying baby. She didn't remember how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was Leroy pulling her next to him on the couch, gently rubbing her back. She must have fallen asleep.
When the baby cried again, she had shaken off the memory, going instantly into mommy auto pilot and began mindlessly throwing off the blankets and climbing out of bed. She was shocked when Reese stopped her. ‘Stay there mom,’ he had said, ‘I got this. You need to sleep'. She muttered thanks and had gratefully gone back to sleep.
After the argument with Reid, Leroy had changed seemingly overnight. He stopped coming by in the mornings, only coming over once the boys were home from school. It was all business. He saw his daughter and left. It was as if he distanced himself from her on purpose. She couldn't blame him, she was a hot mess. He surely didn't want to be in the middle of her drama. So she respected his distance and didn't push for more from him than friendship. Maybe his ‘I love you’ had really meant - I love you as a friend. He deserved better and besides, she was still married.
As for Reid, unfortunately, he hadn't stayed away as she had hoped. He still calls her a few times every week apologizing for his behavior, asking if he can come by. She tried to politely tell him that it was a bad idea. But he continued to call and text telling her he missed her. She couldn't understand why anyone like him would want anything to do with her, especially since she cheated on him and it resulted in the little baby sleeping in the other room. It was flattering and unnerving all at the same time.
She hadn't told Leroy about it. She figured since he didn't seem to want to be with her anymore, she had no right to burden him with her messes.
Kaitlin had to stop brooding over her situation. Today was Maddy’s 2nd birthday and she wanted to make it special for her. A trip to the festival was in order. She called Candy to see if she and Dakota wanted to join them. Candy begged off but said Dakota would love to go, seemingly happy to be free of the little girl for a few hours.
Reese would have to stay home with the babies. Then Kaitlin had an idea. Maybe if Leroy came with them, they could all go. So she called Leroy on the off chance he would join them. She got voice mail so she texted him.
Leroy’s phone rang. It was Kaitlin. It pained him to let it go to voicemail but he had no choice. He stood in his home staring out the window as he thought about the past month. Reid had sent a very real warning after the blow up at Kate’s. His bar had been vandalized the day following their confrontation. The police said there was nothing they could do. No one saw anything. They simply told him he needed to invest in security cameras like the break in was his fault.

After he and Candy had cleaned up he sat down in his office to assess what he needed to replace and how much it was going to cost him. He opened his desk drawer and found a sealed envelope with his name on it. He knew that it been placed there by whomever had busted up the place. He opened it up and read it confirming the whomever was exactly who he suspected - Reid.
‘This was a just a warning. If you want to keep your hole-in-the-wall bar, then stay away from her. She's mine.’
Leroy didn't really care about his bar so much as he worried about Kate. He couldn't drag her into a feud between them that he wasn't equipped to fight. As long as he kept his distance from Kate, then maybe Reid would finally leave her alone. At least this way she wouldn’t become a target too. Reid would just give up and go away.
Hailey was his priority now and he needed to be able to provide for her. Losing his livelihood wouldn't help. Leroy figured he would continue to drop by to see his daughter, but not when he and Kaitlin would be alone. It would be too hard for him and would only provoke Reid. When Hailey was a little older he would work out custody arrangements. That thought made him sick to his stomach. He wanted nothing more than to raise their daughter together - as a family. But not if it meant putting them in harms way.
His phone dinged interrupting his thoughts. A text. From Kate:
Hi. I'm taking Maddy, Dakota and Ben to the festival today for her birthday. Reese is staying home with the babies. I thought if you wanted to join us then you and Reese could bring the babies so he could join us. Let me know. We are leaving at 11:00.
He wanted to say yes so badly. But if Reid saw them together, things could get ugly and fast. This town was too small to keep secrets. He replied:
Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I have an appointment with an important client at that time. I will stop by and see Hailey after I am done. Tell Maddy I said happy birthday. I will leave her gift if you guys aren't back by the time I leave.
He was glad now he hadn't answered her call. There was no way he could have declined. She would hear the lie in his voice.
Leroy waited until he was pretty sure Kate was gone before he left. He went by the store and picked up a toy for Maddy. Then he headed to Kate's apartment to face Reese alone. Reese had made it clear in the past month how he felt about him. The talk he had with Reese telling him he loved his mother, then acting like she was only a friend that shared a mutual hobby had most certainly caused Reese to hate him. Better he hate him than harm come to them. He didn't think Reid would actually hurt anyone physically, but he could most assuredly cause them problems financially.
Kaitlin read Leroy's message. Sadly, whatever feelings he may have had for her really were gone.
Reese walked up and saw his mother smiling when the text came in, then her face fell. He knew what that meant, Leroy had turned her down. “He’s not coming,” said Reese more as a statement than a question.

Kaitlin sighed, “No. He has an appointment with a client. He said he would stop by after he was done. I'm sorry Reese. I really wanted you to go with us.”
Reese smiled trying to make her feel better. “It's okay mom,” he said, “I don't get a lot of time with the babies. It will be fine.”
“Okay. We won't be gone long. We should be back by 4:00,” she said then turned to get Ben and Maddy.
As his mother walked out of the room, Reese thought about the night he had walked in and saw Leroy sitting on the couch with his arms around his mother. When he first found out that Leroy was Hailey’s father, he assumed he had taken advantage of her and was disgusted. But it became clear that night, or at least he thought it had, that Leroy truly cared for his mother and she cared for him as well.
Leroy had all but yelled at him that night. But the man had been right, his mother needed her sleep so, instead of arguing, he had done as Leroy suggested and went to check on the babies. A few minutes later he watched as the large man gently carried his sleeping mother to her bed and stayed until she was fully asleep again. He motioned for Reese to follow him out and sat down to talk to him.
The two sat down at the table and Leroy started the conversation. “Reese, we need to clear the air. I am not sure why you suddenly decided I was the enemy here, but I need you to know that I care for your mother. She means a lot to me. I want to be a part of her life and I believe she feels the same way. She also loves you very much and if you don't want me around, she will have to choose. She won't choose me Reese. She will choose you. What do you think that will do to her? Do you understand what I am saying here? We both want what's best for her and your family.”
Reese had been both mad and embarrassed. “I just thought…”
“It's okay Reese,” he had said, “I don't know if she told you anything about our relationship. That is her story to tell. And I know you expected that Reid was Hailey's father and frankly, so did I. But I want you to know, I am damned glad he isn't. I love that little girl in there just as I know you love your little boy. I am proud to be Hailey's father and would never, ever do anything that would hurt your mother or any one of you.”
Reese could have sworn Leroy had tears in his eyes as he got up to leave. “Try to let her sleep,” he had said, “She had a really bad day today. Tell her I will call her tomorrow.”
Reese sat there thinking about what Leroy had said after he left. He wished that Samuel’s mom felt the same way about their child. Sadly he knew he needed to let Jade go. He got up and went to bed. The babies would need their 3:00 feeding and he was going to take it.
As he thought back on that night, he realized that his mom may need to let go as well. He hated Leroy Chapman. He was glad Leroy was coming by while everyone was gone. He was going to tell him to leave his mom alone.
“Earth to Reese,” said Kaitlin gently shaking his shoulder, “We’re going. See you later.”
“Bye Mom! Have fun,” he replied.
Leroy showed up a couple of hours after they left. Reese was ready to have it out with him. Everything the man said to him about his mother that night now seemed like a pack of lies. But why would he lie about that and then act completely different. He could see the pain his mother went through every time Leroy came over to see Hailey. He always made it clear he was only coming to see Hailey. This was hurting his mother. Not the same way that his father had hurt them with his physical abuse, but it was just as hard to watch. He was done.
“Hi Reese, sorry I couldn't go with your mom,” said Leroy obviously uncomfortable.
“So about that,” replied Reese, “What's going on with you anyway? You told me you wouldn't hurt my mother, but you are. I really thought you were different. But you are no better than my asshole father. I think you need to arrange for weekends with Hailey and stay away the rest of the time. I am sick of seeing her cry.”
Leroy was dumbfounded. He had no idea that it had been hard on Kaitlin. She hadn’t indicated she wanted more than what they had as friends. “Reese...I - I do care,” he stammered, “She’s the mother of my baby. It’s just complicated. She doesn't, I mean, I don't think…”
“No! You didn't think did you. I'm calling bullshit!” Reese shouted back, “You want to know what complicated is? Try watching your father, the man that is supposed to love you, hit your mother and then getting punched trying to stop it. Running away to escape him and being homeless, 6 people living in a shitty one bedroom apartment, having to raise your baby because it wasn't wanted by its mother. That's complicated!”
“I, I'm sorry Reese. I didn't know...Kate...your mother, she never told me. Damn, I suspected she may have been abused, but...she wouldn't talk about it and I didn't try to make her. I tried to stay away from her because she was with Reid. She had made it clear that we were a mistake. But things change. There are things you and her don't know. I don't want to hurt her. Reese, I love your mother. I am just trying to protect her.”
“Love her? Protect her?" said Reese incensed, "The only thing she needs to be protected from is you and my asshole father. Were you the reason she broke it off with Reid?”
“She had her own reasons for that," said Leroy softly, "None of which had anything to do with me. You will need to ask her.”
Kaitlin came through the door with Maddy and Ben in tow interrupting their argument. “Oh, hi Leroy,” said Kaitlin surprised, “I didn't know you were still here.”
Then she turned to Reese and said sheepishly, “Reese, I hate to ask since you have been sitting with the babies all day, but Candy needs to run some errands and wants to know if you can go over and sit with Dakota for a couple of hours. She said she would pay you.”
Maddy squealed, “I wanna sit with Kota too!”
Reese looked at Leroy before replying to his mother, “Sure. Okay. I will take Maddy and Ben can come too. We can play video games while Maddy and Dakota play together." He immediately took Maddy from his mom's arms and the three of them left leaving Kaitlin and Leroy alone.
Kaitlin stared at Leroy confused as the trio went out the front door, “What just happened?” she asked.
Leroy sighed, “Kate, we need to talk,” he said, sadness in his voice, “Let’s go sit down.”
Kaitlin followed Leroy to the couch and he pulled her down next to him. He began to explain, “Reese took the kids to give us some space. He is worried about you. He thinks I am hurting you. Kate, is that true? Am I hurting you?”
Leroy wouldn't look at her and she wasn't sure how to respond. She thought for a minute, trying to find the right words, then finally started stammering, “I - I thought you and I - but - only friends? Is that it?”
Leroy felt defeated and replied gently, “If that is what you want us to be. But, Kate, is that what you want?”
Kate slowly shook her head murmuring, “Not friends,” then she swallowed hard before continuing quietly, afraid of what his response would be, “I wanted - want more.”
“Kate,” came the pained response from Leroy as he let out the breath he was holding waiting for her answer. He reached over and pulled her closer to him and looked with longing deep into her brown eyes. “I want more too, much, much more.”
Kaitlin smiled with relief at Leroy's words and then his lips crashed into hers with need and desire. She moaned and closed her eyes and kissed him back matching his passion.
Suddenly Leroy remembered Reid and pulled back. He looked at Kaitlin again, this time with sadness in his eyes and whispered one word, “Fuck.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Kaitlin nervously at the sudden shift in his mood. Leroy didn't swear much so she knew whatever it was, it had to be bad.
“Sweetheart,” he said somberly, “if we are to be more, and God knows I want to have more with you, we have to put all of our cards on the table. I have some things I need to tell you. And after my conversation with your son this afternoon, you obviously have secrets of your own. I don't think 'more' is going to be easy.”
"Fuck," said Kaitlin echoing Leroy's earlier description of their situation. Leroy grinned at her and started to pull her to him for another kiss when a small cry came from the next room.
Kaitlin sat back and sighed, “That sounds like our daughter. You want to go get her while I will get her bottle ready?”
Our daughter. Leroy liked the sound of that. “Sure,” he said smiling, “but, Kate, this conversation is far from over.”
Go to Chapter 29
Go back to Chapter 27
It was Saturday morning and Maddy’s 2nd birthday. The boys and the babies were still asleep so it was just Kaitlin and Maddy. Kaitlin sat at the dining table drinking her coffee, enjoying the unusual quiet while Maddy happily played with new toy she had gotten in exchange for wearing diapers when she had been sick.
As Kaitlin drank her coffee, her thoughts wandered to the past month and how things had changed since Reid learned the truth about Hailey.
That night, she had awakened in her bed to the sound of a crying baby. She didn't remember how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was Leroy pulling her next to him on the couch, gently rubbing her back. She must have fallen asleep.
When the baby cried again, she had shaken off the memory, going instantly into mommy auto pilot and began mindlessly throwing off the blankets and climbing out of bed. She was shocked when Reese stopped her. ‘Stay there mom,’ he had said, ‘I got this. You need to sleep'. She muttered thanks and had gratefully gone back to sleep.
After the argument with Reid, Leroy had changed seemingly overnight. He stopped coming by in the mornings, only coming over once the boys were home from school. It was all business. He saw his daughter and left. It was as if he distanced himself from her on purpose. She couldn't blame him, she was a hot mess. He surely didn't want to be in the middle of her drama. So she respected his distance and didn't push for more from him than friendship. Maybe his ‘I love you’ had really meant - I love you as a friend. He deserved better and besides, she was still married.
As for Reid, unfortunately, he hadn't stayed away as she had hoped. He still calls her a few times every week apologizing for his behavior, asking if he can come by. She tried to politely tell him that it was a bad idea. But he continued to call and text telling her he missed her. She couldn't understand why anyone like him would want anything to do with her, especially since she cheated on him and it resulted in the little baby sleeping in the other room. It was flattering and unnerving all at the same time.
She hadn't told Leroy about it. She figured since he didn't seem to want to be with her anymore, she had no right to burden him with her messes.
Kaitlin had to stop brooding over her situation. Today was Maddy’s 2nd birthday and she wanted to make it special for her. A trip to the festival was in order. She called Candy to see if she and Dakota wanted to join them. Candy begged off but said Dakota would love to go, seemingly happy to be free of the little girl for a few hours.
Reese would have to stay home with the babies. Then Kaitlin had an idea. Maybe if Leroy came with them, they could all go. So she called Leroy on the off chance he would join them. She got voice mail so she texted him.
* * *
Leroy’s phone rang. It was Kaitlin. It pained him to let it go to voicemail but he had no choice. He stood in his home staring out the window as he thought about the past month. Reid had sent a very real warning after the blow up at Kate’s. His bar had been vandalized the day following their confrontation. The police said there was nothing they could do. No one saw anything. They simply told him he needed to invest in security cameras like the break in was his fault.

After he and Candy had cleaned up he sat down in his office to assess what he needed to replace and how much it was going to cost him. He opened his desk drawer and found a sealed envelope with his name on it. He knew that it been placed there by whomever had busted up the place. He opened it up and read it confirming the whomever was exactly who he suspected - Reid.
‘This was a just a warning. If you want to keep your hole-in-the-wall bar, then stay away from her. She's mine.’
Leroy didn't really care about his bar so much as he worried about Kate. He couldn't drag her into a feud between them that he wasn't equipped to fight. As long as he kept his distance from Kate, then maybe Reid would finally leave her alone. At least this way she wouldn’t become a target too. Reid would just give up and go away.
Hailey was his priority now and he needed to be able to provide for her. Losing his livelihood wouldn't help. Leroy figured he would continue to drop by to see his daughter, but not when he and Kaitlin would be alone. It would be too hard for him and would only provoke Reid. When Hailey was a little older he would work out custody arrangements. That thought made him sick to his stomach. He wanted nothing more than to raise their daughter together - as a family. But not if it meant putting them in harms way.
His phone dinged interrupting his thoughts. A text. From Kate:
Hi. I'm taking Maddy, Dakota and Ben to the festival today for her birthday. Reese is staying home with the babies. I thought if you wanted to join us then you and Reese could bring the babies so he could join us. Let me know. We are leaving at 11:00.
He wanted to say yes so badly. But if Reid saw them together, things could get ugly and fast. This town was too small to keep secrets. He replied:
Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I have an appointment with an important client at that time. I will stop by and see Hailey after I am done. Tell Maddy I said happy birthday. I will leave her gift if you guys aren't back by the time I leave.
He was glad now he hadn't answered her call. There was no way he could have declined. She would hear the lie in his voice.
Leroy waited until he was pretty sure Kate was gone before he left. He went by the store and picked up a toy for Maddy. Then he headed to Kate's apartment to face Reese alone. Reese had made it clear in the past month how he felt about him. The talk he had with Reese telling him he loved his mother, then acting like she was only a friend that shared a mutual hobby had most certainly caused Reese to hate him. Better he hate him than harm come to them. He didn't think Reid would actually hurt anyone physically, but he could most assuredly cause them problems financially.
* * *
Kaitlin read Leroy's message. Sadly, whatever feelings he may have had for her really were gone.
Reese walked up and saw his mother smiling when the text came in, then her face fell. He knew what that meant, Leroy had turned her down. “He’s not coming,” said Reese more as a statement than a question.

Kaitlin sighed, “No. He has an appointment with a client. He said he would stop by after he was done. I'm sorry Reese. I really wanted you to go with us.”
Reese smiled trying to make her feel better. “It's okay mom,” he said, “I don't get a lot of time with the babies. It will be fine.”
“Okay. We won't be gone long. We should be back by 4:00,” she said then turned to get Ben and Maddy.
As his mother walked out of the room, Reese thought about the night he had walked in and saw Leroy sitting on the couch with his arms around his mother. When he first found out that Leroy was Hailey’s father, he assumed he had taken advantage of her and was disgusted. But it became clear that night, or at least he thought it had, that Leroy truly cared for his mother and she cared for him as well.
Leroy had all but yelled at him that night. But the man had been right, his mother needed her sleep so, instead of arguing, he had done as Leroy suggested and went to check on the babies. A few minutes later he watched as the large man gently carried his sleeping mother to her bed and stayed until she was fully asleep again. He motioned for Reese to follow him out and sat down to talk to him.
The two sat down at the table and Leroy started the conversation. “Reese, we need to clear the air. I am not sure why you suddenly decided I was the enemy here, but I need you to know that I care for your mother. She means a lot to me. I want to be a part of her life and I believe she feels the same way. She also loves you very much and if you don't want me around, she will have to choose. She won't choose me Reese. She will choose you. What do you think that will do to her? Do you understand what I am saying here? We both want what's best for her and your family.”
Reese had been both mad and embarrassed. “I just thought…”
“It's okay Reese,” he had said, “I don't know if she told you anything about our relationship. That is her story to tell. And I know you expected that Reid was Hailey's father and frankly, so did I. But I want you to know, I am damned glad he isn't. I love that little girl in there just as I know you love your little boy. I am proud to be Hailey's father and would never, ever do anything that would hurt your mother or any one of you.”
Reese could have sworn Leroy had tears in his eyes as he got up to leave. “Try to let her sleep,” he had said, “She had a really bad day today. Tell her I will call her tomorrow.”
Reese sat there thinking about what Leroy had said after he left. He wished that Samuel’s mom felt the same way about their child. Sadly he knew he needed to let Jade go. He got up and went to bed. The babies would need their 3:00 feeding and he was going to take it.
As he thought back on that night, he realized that his mom may need to let go as well. He hated Leroy Chapman. He was glad Leroy was coming by while everyone was gone. He was going to tell him to leave his mom alone.
“Earth to Reese,” said Kaitlin gently shaking his shoulder, “We’re going. See you later.”
“Bye Mom! Have fun,” he replied.
* * *
Leroy showed up a couple of hours after they left. Reese was ready to have it out with him. Everything the man said to him about his mother that night now seemed like a pack of lies. But why would he lie about that and then act completely different. He could see the pain his mother went through every time Leroy came over to see Hailey. He always made it clear he was only coming to see Hailey. This was hurting his mother. Not the same way that his father had hurt them with his physical abuse, but it was just as hard to watch. He was done.
“Hi Reese, sorry I couldn't go with your mom,” said Leroy obviously uncomfortable.
“So about that,” replied Reese, “What's going on with you anyway? You told me you wouldn't hurt my mother, but you are. I really thought you were different. But you are no better than my asshole father. I think you need to arrange for weekends with Hailey and stay away the rest of the time. I am sick of seeing her cry.”
Leroy was dumbfounded. He had no idea that it had been hard on Kaitlin. She hadn’t indicated she wanted more than what they had as friends. “Reese...I - I do care,” he stammered, “She’s the mother of my baby. It’s just complicated. She doesn't, I mean, I don't think…”
“No! You didn't think did you. I'm calling bullshit!” Reese shouted back, “You want to know what complicated is? Try watching your father, the man that is supposed to love you, hit your mother and then getting punched trying to stop it. Running away to escape him and being homeless, 6 people living in a shitty one bedroom apartment, having to raise your baby because it wasn't wanted by its mother. That's complicated!”

“She had her own reasons for that," said Leroy softly, "None of which had anything to do with me. You will need to ask her.”
Kaitlin came through the door with Maddy and Ben in tow interrupting their argument. “Oh, hi Leroy,” said Kaitlin surprised, “I didn't know you were still here.”
Then she turned to Reese and said sheepishly, “Reese, I hate to ask since you have been sitting with the babies all day, but Candy needs to run some errands and wants to know if you can go over and sit with Dakota for a couple of hours. She said she would pay you.”
Maddy squealed, “I wanna sit with Kota too!”
Reese looked at Leroy before replying to his mother, “Sure. Okay. I will take Maddy and Ben can come too. We can play video games while Maddy and Dakota play together." He immediately took Maddy from his mom's arms and the three of them left leaving Kaitlin and Leroy alone.
Kaitlin stared at Leroy confused as the trio went out the front door, “What just happened?” she asked.
Leroy sighed, “Kate, we need to talk,” he said, sadness in his voice, “Let’s go sit down.”
Kaitlin followed Leroy to the couch and he pulled her down next to him. He began to explain, “Reese took the kids to give us some space. He is worried about you. He thinks I am hurting you. Kate, is that true? Am I hurting you?”
Leroy wouldn't look at her and she wasn't sure how to respond. She thought for a minute, trying to find the right words, then finally started stammering, “I - I thought you and I - but - only friends? Is that it?”
Leroy felt defeated and replied gently, “If that is what you want us to be. But, Kate, is that what you want?”
Kate slowly shook her head murmuring, “Not friends,” then she swallowed hard before continuing quietly, afraid of what his response would be, “I wanted - want more.”
“Kate,” came the pained response from Leroy as he let out the breath he was holding waiting for her answer. He reached over and pulled her closer to him and looked with longing deep into her brown eyes. “I want more too, much, much more.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Kaitlin nervously at the sudden shift in his mood. Leroy didn't swear much so she knew whatever it was, it had to be bad.
“Sweetheart,” he said somberly, “if we are to be more, and God knows I want to have more with you, we have to put all of our cards on the table. I have some things I need to tell you. And after my conversation with your son this afternoon, you obviously have secrets of your own. I don't think 'more' is going to be easy.”
"Fuck," said Kaitlin echoing Leroy's earlier description of their situation. Leroy grinned at her and started to pull her to him for another kiss when a small cry came from the next room.
Kaitlin sat back and sighed, “That sounds like our daughter. You want to go get her while I will get her bottle ready?”
Our daughter. Leroy liked the sound of that. “Sure,” he said smiling, “but, Kate, this conversation is far from over.”
Go to Chapter 29
Go back to Chapter 27