DAY 17 - Teen gets pregnant - Yikes! Two babies - things are going to get interesting!
When the buzzer rang and it was Leroy, Kaitlin was shocked. He had never stopped by and she was still in her pajama's. “Hi Kate," he said flashing his most charming smile, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay after you left last night. Gotta check on my best bartender, Sexy Kate herself.”
Kaitlin rolled her eyes, “Leroy, please stop calling me that.”
“It's the truth sweetheart!" Then looking around the room, he added,"Hey you did the place up nice. And, what is that I see."
Kate followed his gaze to the mistletoe she had hung for her and Reid. She pointed, "Oh … that?"
Leroy grinned and leaned in to sneak a kiss. But Kaitlin turned her head and he wound up kissing her cheek instead of her lips. Giving her his best puppy dog eyes he said, “Wow, that hurt. Name a drink after a girl and still get the cheek.”
Kaitlin couldn't help but smile, “Leroy, I am fine really. I have work to do. Is there anything else?”
Leroy left his hand on her shoulder after the non-kiss kiss. “No. I was just worried about you. You haven't been yourself and I wanted to be sure lover boy was still treating you right.”
“As I said before, we are fine.”
“Okay, I can see I am not needed here. See you around Sexy Kate." he said as he turned to leave.

"Hmm?" he said hopefully as he turned back around.
Kate walked over and hugged him, "Thanks."
* * *

Kaitlin began thinking about what would happen once she had this new baby. Their tiny apartment was quickly becoming extra tiny. She needed to work to save enough to get into a larger apartment, but harvesting honey was too dangerous for a pregnant woman; the bacteria in the raw honey and the risk of an allergic reaction to a bee sting could harm the baby. The same was true for digging through filthy dumpsters in search of treasures she could fix and sell; the risk of an infection was just too high. So Kaitlin began spending her free time trying to improve her mixology knowledge so she could make better drinks and get better tips. To that end, when the boys were at school she took Maddy with her to the library where her daughter would quietly play and Kaitlin could read.
* * *

Jade had began to come over nearly every evening and do homework with the boys.
She would try to explain some of the algebra to Reese. He hated it - he suppose he inherited that from his father. But Jade was good at it so she patiently helped him.
Afterwards, when Ben and Maddy would fall asleep, the couple began to explore more than just each other's kisses. Their relationship had already escalated before his mom told him to ask Reid if he needed anything. Reese remembered the conversation and wondered if she knew. But then realized she didn't and thinking to himself that she was 'a day late and a dollar short'. At first it was heavy petting.

But it soon escalated to sex - without prom as an excuse. Reese really did like Jade. They were 'dating' as her friends referred to couples that were exclusive. He had eyes for no other girl and was pretty sure she didn't look at any other guy. They were joined at the hip.
The only problem was since they were now having sex, he really did need to talk to Reid. He didn't like having to pull out. It was messy and spoiled the moment. Reese decided he would corner his Mom's boyfriend at Christmas next week.
Unfortunately, Jade's parents didn't approve of their relationship. He was the 'homeless' kid that lived at the junkyard, the fire house and now in the tiny duplex across the street from the bar where his mom worked. Jade usually told her parents she was going to her girl friend's house instead of to see Reese just to avoid the arguments.
* * *
On Christmas day, Reid came over and they had a poor man's Christmas Dinner, spaghetti. Reid just laughed, "Hey at least we will have pumpkin pie for desert. Anyway, I don't care what we have to eat. I love that we are eating it together and you do make a mean spaghetti!"
"Thanks," replied Kaitlin. "What were you and Reese talking about so secretively?"
"Are you sure you want to know?" he asked as he glanced at Ben who busy reading the newest Harry Potter book Reid had given him for Christmas.
"Shouldn't I?" she asked even more curious than ever.
"Well," he said as he lowered his voice, "you know those - um - packages you told him to ask me about? He asked, so I gave him some. Baby, they are already - uh - active," he said glancing at Ben again to see if he was paying attention to their cryptic conversation. Kaitlin began to tear up. "Honey, they will be careful, but I do feel better now."
About that time Maddy started calling for Mistow Weid and pulling on his pants leg, "Wook! Boaf burble!" she squealed. Kaitlin was grateful for the interruption and smiled at Reid.
He looked down at the three foot tall squealing child to try and figure out what she was talking about. It took all of two seconds. He scooped her up in the air, "I am the purple people eater and I eat little kids that wear purple!!!! They are my FAVORITE!!!!!" he growled and began to tickle her mercilessly.
"NO!!! Don't eat me burble beoble eater!" and giggled that sweet little kid giggle. When he stopped and she could breathe enough to talk she giggled, "Again!" So he tickled her until she was exhausted.
He snuggled her close and said, "Okay, I think it's time for this little purple people eater to get to bed."
"Bedtime stowy? Pwease?"
"Okay - but a quick one. I have to go soon and I need a little Mommy time."
* * *
The next day, when Kaitlin arrived at the bar she was surprised to see another lady she didn't know tending the bar. Kaitlin sat down and asked, "Where's Leroy?"
"He isn't working nights much anymore. He asked me if I could fill in for awhile. What can I get you to drink?"
"Nothing, I uh, work here too, at least, I think I still do," said Kaitlin. What was she feeling? Then she realized she looked forward to seeing Leroy every night and was disappointed but was she jealous of this new lady too? She was pretty. But she was with Reid and had no right to feel jealous. She should be happy if they were an item. "My name is Kaitlin Murdock."
"Ah - as in 'Sexy Kate's Rainbow' aka S K R. Leroy told me you would be in."
Kaitlin blushed. "Yes. It's silly. I wish he wouldn't have done that."
"Candice Ochoa. Nice to meet you," said Candice as she walked around to the other side of the bar and sat down. "Mind to show me how to make it since it's your special drink?"
"Sure," said Kaitlin unsure what else to do and walked behind the bar and began to mix her drink.
The two of them chatted throughout the evening, mixing drinks for the few regulars that braved the weather to have a drink.
* * *
Go To Chapter 18
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i'm not gonna lie, i totally want leroy and kate to hook up! ;) i don't know why, he just has this really charming, cute aesthetic when he's around her, if that makes sense?
ReplyDeletei'm really loving this story so far! you don't give yourself enough credit as a writer, you do a great job of explaining the characters and what they're going through really well. that can be tricky when working with the sims as a medium (it took me a month or so to get used to it myself, and sims 4 is way less quirky than sims 3). all the characters are beautiful, and your screenshots are artfully done.
your spacing is great as well. you don't have more screenshots than text, which is a really important balance to have, and you've had that since chapter one.
the only suggestion i can offer you (if you want any, that is! if not, just ignore me!) is to smooth out your transitions from perspective to perspective a little bit better. i get slightly confused when it hops from character to character, only because each conclusive paragraph of their perspectives ends abruptly. don't be afraid to use lots of metaphors, ideas, and stuff like that as a closing statement for their perspective paragraphs! :)
can't wait to read more!
- theories of happiness
After devouring most of your stories, this feedback really helps my confidence. I would love an example of what you mean are talking about. I know when I read and don't realize whose perspective it is I get lost too. I would love an example of what you mean by a conclusive paragraph.
Deleteno problem!
Deleteso from this chapter in particular, the biggest part that felt "abrupt" to me was when you ended the paragraph of Reese and Jade with "Jade usually told her parents she was going to her girl friend's house instead of to see Reese just to avoid the arguments." and just immediately hopped to Christmas day between Kate and Reid. It felt like a really rough moving transition, and while it wasn't bad, it just felt like the kind of sentence that meant the perspective of Reese would continue for longer than that.
Also, I felt like the topic of Jade's parents not approving would have been better suited before Reese thought about how messy pulling out was and such, as that relationship with Jade's family is more personal than the idea of talking to Reid for condoms is, and that would have been a good closing thought to his perspective.
And don't worry about messing up transitions and stuff, or placement. As a seasoned writer, I mess up constantly in my own stories. It's just part of the process, hahah.
Does that help at all? I admit, I'm not really good at giving helpful criticism without sounding like I make no sense. ;u;
Thief! I'm kinda laughing because it's her neighbor. Poor Leroy, he had to put some space there. I wonder when Kaitlyn is going to start sharing the news that she's pregnant.
ReplyDeleteYes. He really cares about her.
DeleteI'm dying that you rolled the pregnant teen right after she had the talk with Reese. xD
ReplyDeleteIt was so not funny! 2 babies and hopefully no twins!
DeleteLOL twins would be horrid atm
ReplyDeleteTwins! It's bad enough we will get two babies close together!
DeleteIt's definitely suck that their whole life is going to be followed with some bad rolls, hehe. Too bad but sometimes that's just how life works
ReplyDeleteOh man! Two babies and now history is going to repeat itself. If Kaitlin doesn't get gray hair by the time she's 40, I'll be very surprised. And oh man! The burglar!!!
ReplyDeleteYes. Two. Ugh. She's trying but keeps making bad choices.
DeleteOh, Kaitlin! I can't believe how you rolled for another pregnancy. Right after that talk and explanations with Reese!
ReplyDeleteOopsie! The rolls were killing me...