Reese wanted to know why his mother's relationship with Reid was a mistake. She didn't seem any happier since she broke up with him and besides, he had grown to like Reid. It had been weird at first to separate his father from the Reid since they looked so much alike. He was always expecting Reid to blow up and strike out. But he never did. Now that Reese had gotten to know him better, it was easy to separate the two and Reid didn't make him think of his father anymore. He was just - well - Reid. Reese had heard everyone has a twin somewhere. He was a believer.

When Reese got home from school, he found his mom in the kitchen and decided this was as good a time as any to ask her. “Mom, can we talk now?" asked Reese, "You said you had something to tell me about Reid.”
Kaitlin swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew this time was coming and couldn't put it off any longer. “Yes. Let's sit down.”
Once the two of them sat down in the mismatched chairs, Reese broke the silence, “I don't understand why you said your relationship with Reid was a mistake. He seems really nice.”
“Reese, he is. But our relationship was moving too fast. I wanted to keep it just friends, but he didn't. And then I didn't and then we…”

Kaitlin sighed and decided to just say it, “Reese, I'm pregnant.”
Reese just stared at her for a minute trying to comprehend what she just said. How could she let that happen after lecturing him about taking precautions. And why would she dump Reid? None of it made sense. “How? I mean - I know how - but - how did you let that happen? And why would you break up? Because Reid doesn't want kids?”

“Reid doesn't know. And I don't know when - or if - I will tell him.”
“Reese, I am still married to your father. I can't be with Reid. Getting involved with him was a mistake that is now compounded even further. Reid doesn't know that I am still married to your father. He just assumed we were divorced and I didn't correct him.”

His mom got very emotional and paused a second before answering, “It's not that simple. I can't, not until I can prove that I am a fit mother and can take care of you three on my own,” then she looked down at her belly and added, “now four. I don't want him near you therefore I have to have full custody. Your grandparents would take you away from me and your father would support it just to punish me. They have tons of money and influence to do that. Honey, I am working hard and saving money to buy a house. Then I will be able to show I can adequately care for you. Unfortunately, we may need to move into a larger apartment first since this little apartment is going to get pretty crowded in just a few more months, so it may take longer than I hoped. I can't drag Reid into the mess that is our lives. And besides, I married a man once before because I was pregnant...”

Reese was angry. “It's not fair! I am going to get a job to help out. Even if I have to search for junk to refinish and consign or play guitar for tips. I am a good babysitter too. Maybe I can do that, just something.”

“Yes I am. I will be 17 in March. I am old enough to help out. Don't try to stop me Mother!”
Ben walked in the door from school effectively ending their conversation.
Reese got up from the table determined that he would help his mother however he could no matter what she said. He wanted to have some of his own money anyway. That way he wouldn't feel guilty when he wanted to take Jade to the movies and he could contribute. Yes, the sooner they could have their own place, the better.
* * *
Ben would be 10 today. As Kaitlin was baking his birthday cake, she contemplated calling Reid and asking him if he would stop by to wish him happy birthday. It had been just over 3 weeks since Reid slammed the door in her face and almost 2 months since he had seen Ben. Reid's absence in his life was evident in Ben's withdrawal and subsequent return to his make-believe world.
Kaitlin glanced at her son playing make-believe by himself. It broke her heart, so she caved and texted Reid. She figured he wouldn't take her call but might at least read her text.
Hi Reid. Today is Ben's birthday. We are having a small celebration this evening. It's just us. I tried to get him to invite school friends and he said he didn't have any. It would mean the world to him if you would stop by - if only for a few minutes. I am not asking for me, but for him. The party is at 7:00, but anytime would be fine.
Kaitlin hit send and waited for a response. Nothing. She figured as much. At least she tried.
She pulled the cake out and set it on the table. Sadly, it would only be the four of them and Jade.
* * *
Kaitlin had just placed the small collection of gifts on the table next to the cake when the buzzer sounded making Kaitlin jump. Could it be Reid?
When Reid's voice came over the intercom, Kaitlin felt a shiver go through her. Then her eyes begin to sting with happy tears. She waited a beat to swallow them back and pull herself together before she buzzed him in.
When Reid walked in he barely acknowledged Kaitlin, and started looking around the room for Ben. “Where’s the birthday boy?” he asked, obviously wanting to get this over as quickly as possible.

“Ben! That's rude,” admonished Kaitlin mortified at his question.
Reid glanced at Kaitlin before replying to Ben, “Just for a little while buddy, then I gotta get back to work.” When Ben's shoulders slumped, he produced a gift, “But I did bring you a present. Why don't you open it now then maybe we can play for a few minutes before I have to leave.”
Ben opened up the gift and his eyes grew wide. “Cool! Come on Mr. Reid, let’s play.”
Kaitlin sat at the kitchen table and sighed at the sight of the two of them sitting on the couch, trash talking each other just like nothing had ever changed. How can Reid do what she and Reese cannot? Watching the two of them she wondered if Newt even realized it was Ben’s birthday today. Why she cared she didn't know and pushed the thought out of her head.
Then she felt butterflies in her stomach and her hand automatically moved to her abdomen. She knew it wasn't butterflies when it happened again. At 4 1/2 months, her baby was big enough that she could feel its movements. Her little baby bump would not be small much longer and so easily concealed. She already had to wear loose tops and couldn't button the top button on her jeans. That's when she realized this had been a very bad idea. She had just let Ben think that Reid could be a part of their lives when that clearly wasn't going to happen no matter how much she wished it could. She had hurt Reid and he would never forgive her. He deserved someone better than her.
After about 30 minutes, Reid got up and said goodbye to Ben. Ben pleaded for him to stay and Reid shot another glance at Kaitlin before replying, “I told you Buddy, I gotta go to work. You practice those hairpin turns and maybe next time you can beat me.” At the promise of a next time, Ben relented and picked up the controller and went back to his game.
Kaitlin turned to Ben and said, “Ben! Didn't you forget something?”
“What? Oh, Thank you Mr. Reid!”
“You're welcome buddy, Happy Birthday,” he said and turned to leave not saying anything to Kaitlin.

Reid just looked at her with an expression she couldn't read and continued out the door without saying a word. At least he didn't slam it this time.
* * *

Soon folks were throwing money into his guitar case. This was awesome and Jade was impressed too. She seemed proud to be with him. After about two hours he had collected over $100 when he suddenly realized they were going to miss his brother's party if they didn't leave. He gathered up his things and he and Jade walked back to his house, hand in hand, guitar proudly slung over his back with a huge smile on his face.

When they got inside Reese asked, “Was that Reid's car I saw pulling away?”
“Yes, he brought Ben a new racing game. He's playing it now.”
"Really," he said, then pressed a wad of cash into his mother's hand and whispered, “Here, I made some tips playing my guitar today.”
He looked over and saw Ben was indeed playing the latest racing game. “Cool!” exclaimed Reese and he and Jade went over to join Ben leaving his mother standing there speechless.
Go To Chapter 21
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just wanted to let you know that your transitions from perspective to perspective are way smoother and much more clear! great chapter! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Trying to take it in and be cognizant of how I transition. :)
DeleteThis lady needs some therapy so that she can grow and self-love. Everyone else seems to think she's so great, I don't know why she struggles so hard to see it for herself.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. She has been emotionally and then physically abused for so long that this is definitely a struggle for her.
DeleteWow! Talk about an awkward situation. With Ben being so attached to Reid, it makes the breakup even harder. She definitely need some therapy to help her iron all this out.
ReplyDeleteYes! She is such a mess. She needs someone to talk to. Therapy would help. She called him for Ben but it was a mistake.
DeletePoor Kaitlin suffers so much from PTSD. She needs to see a therapist, that could help her get better.
ReplyDeleteShe is definitly suffering from PTSD and has no idea. Therapy needs to be in her future sooner rather than later.