Kaitlin was glad when the buzzer sounded this morning instead of the phone ringing. Phones were not her friend lately. She smiled when she heard Leroy's voice. Kaitlin happily buzzed him in. When he walked in she quickly enveloped him in a huge hug repeating thank you over and over.
When he finally extricated himself from her he said, “I put you to bed. Hope you didn't mind. How are you this morning?”
Kaitlin laughed and asked, “What are you now, my personal guardian angel?”
Leroy laughed as well, “I have been called many things in my life, but guardian angel is not one of them!”
“Well, I hope I didn't drool all over your leg. But seriously, my baby is due any day. I will need a couple of weeks off to recover and make sure Reese is up to taking care of it when it's born. I will work as long as I can.”
“No worries. Take as much time as you need. I will always have a place for Sexy Kate at my bar.”
“Thanks Leroy. I….” the buzzer sounder interrupting her. She shrugged indicating she wasn't expecting anyone, “Yes?”
“Morning!” came the cheery voice over the intercom, “Special Delivery for the little Mother-to-Be.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “Come on in Reid,” she said as she buzzed him in.
Reid walked in dressed in his work clothes with more flowers. He ignored Leroy and walked over to Kaitlin handing her the flowers with a flourish and said, “Something beautiful for the beautiful mother of my child.”
“Well,” said Leroy, “looks like that is my queue. I will see you later Kate,” then he turned to walk out and looking over his shoulder added, “Call me if you need anything, anything at all.”
Reid glared at Leroy as he walked out. Kaitlin just smiled and said, “Thanks again Leroy. I will talk to you later.”
After he left, Reid turned to Kaitlin and angrily demanded, “What is your boss doing in your apartment?”
His apparent anger surprised Kaitlin and she got defensive. “Leroy is a good friend.”
“He's your boss and your landlord! Not a friend!” he spat out, “If you need anything, I am here. I have way more to offer than a bartender and slumlord.”
Kaitlin was furious and wanted Reid gone, “I think it's time for you to leave too.”
That sobered him up. “I'm sorry Katie,” he said apologetically, “I want you to come to me if you need anything. I don't understand why you push me away, I guess I am just jealous.”
The apology was working and Kaitlin softened. He was trying so hard, sending her flowers and calling her everyday. She began to feel bad that she pushed him away, if only he had continued to pursue her with same intensity when she broke up and not when he found out she was pregnant. “Reid, you can't get angry if I have friends. We are NOT together.”

Kaitlin bit her lip before replying, “It's complicated Reid, I just…”
“Dammit Katie,” said Reid exasperated, “that is not an answer. As I said before, I hadn't planned to be a father, but I am going to be one and I am prepared to have a part in our child's life, preferably together with you. I know what it's like to grow up with absentee parents. I don't want that for our child. Katie, I am not sure if what we had was love, but I think it was getting there. I am willing to give us a chance. Why aren't you? We can raise our child together as a family.”

“Reid - I'm - I'm sorry. I can't have this conversation now.”
“Then when Katie - when our child is a teenager? When?”
Kaitlin began to tear up, “Reid, don't you see - I can't have you in my life simply because I screwed it up by getting pregnant. I won't trap you into a relationship that you may grow to resent. Just let me have the baby and get settled. Then you and I can talk when I'm not so emotional. I won't stop you from being a part of its life, but we can't be together because of the baby. After it's born - maybe we can start again, but not now - I can't do this now. It's too hard.”
Reid took her hands in his, doing his best to be gentle, “I will take that as you do have feelings for me. I care about you too Katie. If you asked me a year ago if I would be considering spending the rest of my life with one woman and have 4 children, I would've said you were insane. But you changed all of that. Maybe I am the one that is insane, but you did that to me.”
“Please Reid, don't say that. I cannot give you any commitment other than what I have already - ahhh…” she took in a breath and then grabbed stomach, “Ouch!”
Reid’s eyes got big, “Katie! Are you okay, is it time?”
Katie actually laughed at his expression saying, “No. The baby is just trying to stretch. Guess it wants out.”
Reid's eyes softened as he asked, “Can I feel? Please?”
Kaitlin smiled. He looked so cute and Kaitlin was touched, “Of course,” she said. Reid gently placed his hand on her belly, eyes wide. Kaitlin put her hand on his. “Here,” she said as she guided it to where the baby was kicking. She put a little more pressure on it so he could feel the definite impression of the little foot that was kicking her.
The baby promptly kicked at the gentle pressure of his hand and Reid beamed up at her and gushed, “God, there really is a little human in there. My baby. I can't wait to meet him.”
“Or her,” said Kaitlin smiling.
Reid was smiling ear to ear now, “Or her. A daughter. Oh my, I would spoil her rotten and then ground her for life when she turns 15!”
“Then let's hope it's a boy!” laughed Kaitlin, then she suddenly stiffened. This was the same trap she had allowed herself to fall into with Newt. He had reacted similarly when she was pregnant with Reese, but look where that led. She was already letting herself be charmed by him. He needed to leave now so she pulled away telling him, “Reid, I have things to get done before work this evening. It's time for you to leave.”
“And the walls just went back up,” he said frowning. He reached out and stroked her cheek, “Baby, I will break them down. You will see, we will be a family. I want to be there for the birth. Promise you will call me when the time comes.”
Kaitlin panicked, “NO! I don't need help. Candy will be there with me. I will call you after it's born. When I get home, you can come over and see the baby, spend time with it.” She saw how bad that hurt him. “I'm sorry Reid,” she said gently, “Please try to understand. I have to do it this way.”
“Kaitlin, you have so many secrets that you aren't telling me. If really you want me to understand, then you need to be honest with me.”
“Reid, please leave. I already told you, I can't do this now.”
Reluctantly Reid turned to leave saying, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
* * *

He hung the picture on the wall above the TV and sighed before he answered, "Second place again. I won't ever be good enough to get her first place. I really thought adding the prop would help."
Kaitlin started laughing and said, "Well, maybe if you could see Maddy instead of the toy in her mouth!"
"She kept hiding in the toy box!" said Reid, "I had to take the shot when she would popped up!" then he started laughing too and handed her $150.00, "Here's to the new apartment fund."
"Keep it. Go buy something special for your baby,"said Kaitlin, "You know, it will be here within the month, as will your step brother or sister."
* * *
A week and 7 flower deliveries from Reid later, Kaitlin waddled over to the bar thinking that this would have to be her last day. The baby had dropped and her back hurt. There would be no way she could work another night.
“Hi Candy, she said as she plopped down on the stool, “I think I'm done. This is going to have to be my last day until after the baby is born.”
“Sure doll. I will let Leroy know so he can make plans to start coming in again until you get back.”
Kaitlin stood up to move behind the bar and bent over in pain, “Oh, shit Candy! I think I am in labor!”
“Oh no! Go into the back room and lie down. I will call Leroy and when he gets here we can get you to the hospital. Are you okay to wait or do we need to go now?”
“I think I can wait, thanks.”
Candice got Leroy on the phone, “I need you to get to the bar. Kate’s in labor and I need to take her to the hospital.”
“I'm on the way. I will be there in 10 minutes. Is she okay?”
“Yes, she's laying down in the back room.”
“Okay. Uh, she probably will want Reid to know. Ask her for his number and give him a call.”
“Okay.” Then the line went dead.
“NO!” exclaimed Kaitlin as another contraction ripped through her, “Do. Not. Call. Reid!”
“Are you sure?” asked Candice confused.
After the pain subsided, she said, “No Candy. Just you. Please don't call him,” then she had to stop when yet another pain took over, “I already told him I didn't want him there.”
Leroy came running in, “Hey Kate, you ready to go have this kid?”
Kaitlin couldn't help but smile, “Well, this kid is ready to meet the world for sure!" said Kaitlin as she started to get up, "Come on Candy, we can go now. I just need to get my bag from the house.”
“I will run get it and then we can go,” said Candy, “Stay with her Leroy, I will be right back.”
“Thanks Candy. Please tell Reese so he won't worry…..Ohhh…..shit!” she screamed as another contraction took hold.
“I’m going!” said Candy as she rushed out.
“Leroy, thank you,” said Kaitlin her voice full of emotion as the contraction eased.
One minute later, another contraction came and Kaitlin grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard, “We need to go - NOW! - too close together!”
Leroy didn't need to be told twice, “Let's go! My car is out front.”
Leroy helped Kaitlin to the car and sped off to the hospital.
* * *
A nurse in scrubs walked in and Leroy looked at her expectantly. “Mr. Chapman?” she said and smiled warmly when he jumped up, “Kaitlin is in room 321. Mother and daughter are doing fine. We are just running the standard tests and cleaning her up. You can go see Kaitlin now and we will bring in your daughter shortly.”
Leroy didn't bother correcting her. He just needed to see Kaitlin and ensure she was okay. He figured he should call Reid, but his need to check on her overruled. She shouldn't be alone anyway he reasoned.

He walked in the room and Kaitlin was dozing. He didn't wake her. She needed to rest while she could, so he sat in the chair next to the bed and gazed at her. As he looked at her, he knew. There was no denying it anymore. He loved her and yet he had no chance to be anything more than a friend. How could he compete with someone like Reid. His bar with the most popular place in town and he was assistant fire chief. And of course, she just had his baby. Zero chance. He sighed and figured he would call Reid when she woke up and leave them alone. That was really all he could do.
A voice from the doorway startled him out of his thoughts. It was the same nurse from before carrying a little tiny baby swaddled in a pink blanket. “Should I wake her?” she asked.
“Uh, no, she should probably rest,” said Leroy quietly.
“Well, then, would you like to hold your daughter?” she said as she walked towards Leroy.
The sound of voices woke Kaitlin. She struggled to sit up and saw Leroy sitting by her bedside. “Leroy?” she mumbled.
“I'm here,” he said then turned to the nurse and said, “please, let her mother hold her.”
Kaitlin grimaced as she scooted off the side of the bed. “I would like to sit in the chair if it's okay.”
“Let me help you,” said Leroy jumping up and helped her to the chair.
Feeling a bit better she teased Leroy, “I had a baby, I am not sick Leroy!” Once Kaitlin was settled in the chair the nurse handed her the baby. She began to rock and coo to her, “Oh, my beautiful little Hailey. Let mommy see you.”
The nurse turned to leave and said, “I will leave you three to bond. Use the call button if you need anything.”
Kaitlin caught her breath when she looked at the beautiful child in her arms. She immediately knew who the baby's father was. There was no doubt. Hailey had a beautiful caramel complexion that was a perfect blend of mother and father plus a little smattering of strawberry blond hair. She was going to be striking when she grew up.

“Leroy, come here please,” said Kaitlin, her voice filled with emotion, “you need to meet your daughter.”
“God I know," laughed Leroy,"Everyone here thought I was her father. Speaking of which, you really should call Reid.”
Kaitlin looked at him, smiling, blinking back tears, “Leroy, I am not joking.”
“What? No, that’s not funny or possible,” said Leroy as he got up.
“Leroy, she is your daughter. Here, she said handing the tiny bundle to Leroy, "Look at her. She's beautiful.”
He took the infant from Kate and sat back down in the chair trying to determine if this was real or she was still messing with him. He gently pulled the blanket back from her little face so he could see more of her. As he looked at her the realization sunk in that the tiny baby was indeed his child. A lump formed in throat as a solitary tear rolled down his cheek. When he was finally able to speak he whispered, “God, how can I fall in love in the space of one minute?” He rubbed his big finger over her tiny forehead tracing it down to her little turned up nose, "She is beautiful Kate - and she's mine, ours.”
Finally he looked up at Kaitlin as the reality of what happened hit him in the gut. “Kate, why did you lie to me?” he asked barely able to breath, “you knew all along I might be her father. What were you so damned afraid of? My reaction or was it Reid's?”
Tears were streaming down Kaitlin's face as she replied, “I'm so sorry Leroy. I couldn't let you think she might be yours. I didn't want to hurt you. I was with Reid and our night together was a mistake. And for the record, I broke it off with him after I found out I was pregnant. I didn't want him to know. He found out through the grapevine. Leroy, I didn't know who her father was. It could have been either of you. But even if I knew Reid was her father, I still would have broke it off with him. I didn't want him, or you for that matter, to be with me because I was pregnant. All of this is my fault. I needed to deal with it myself. I will never have someone be trapped in loveless marriage with me because they feel obligated.”

“Leroy, don't. Please don't make me feel worse”
“Make you feel worse? How the hell do you think I feel knowing that you have lied to me all of these months? I would have done anything for you Kate - anything. I hired Candy because I couldn't bear to see you everyday. I tried to forget about you. I didn't know you had left Reid. When Candy said you were fighting last month, I was so pissed at him for not being there for you. That’s why I came by to check on you. I needed to make sure you were okay. I wanted to go get him and drag his ass to this hospital. I wanted him to come to your house and help with social worker but you refused. When I saw him this week at your house, I just thought you guys had made up. And I still don't understand it. Do you love him Kate?”
Kaitlin was surprised by the question and began to think about the answer. Reid had never said he loved her, in fact he said he didn't know whether he did or not. He had asked her if she had feelings for him. Of course she did. But what were those feelings. She glanced at Leroy sitting there cuddling his daughter and the pain on face was real. She had hurt him deeply with her deception, when in reality she was only trying to protect him, or was it herself she was guarding?
Suddenly she knew the answer. Her feelings for Reid were as a friend - with benefits. Something she wasn't proud of. She was so used to giving away herself to someone that didn't love her, when Reid befriended her and wanted to have sex with her, it had been easy to give herself to him. But it was only her slipping right back into the role that she had played her whole life, pleasing someone else in hopes of a few kind words. She wanted him to love her and thought that if he did, then she would automatically love him too. The fact that he looked like Newt compounded it. But there was no depth of feeling for Reid like she had with Leroy.
It hit her like a ton of bricks. She loved Leroy. She had never been in love with Newt either, only the idea of him. And when Reid came along, it was like a do over. Reid was so much like Newt it felt comfortable. She knew how to be around him, what to expect and he exceeded her expectations. But she didn't love him. It was the man sitting across from her that held her heart.
While Leroy sat waiting for an answer, the little burrito baby in his arms started to cry. “I think she needs her mother,” he said.
Kaitlin swiped at her tears and said, “There's a bottle in the crib for her. Why don't you try to feed her Leroy. You need to bond with her.”
Watching Leroy fumble around trying to get Hailey to nurse the bottle warmed her heart. He was so cute trying to be gentle with her. Finally Hailey latched on to the bottle and Leroy beamed with pride. She continued to watch him feeding their daughter, the love that was blossoming in his heart apparent in his eyes.
When Hailey was finished, Leroy snuggled the baby back into the crook of his big arms. Kaitlin pulled herself up from the chair and walked over to Leroy. She looked at him and only hoped he could see the love she had in her heart for him in her eyes like she saw his love for their daughter. “Leroy,” she said softly, “I don't love Reid. I realize now that I never did. And he doesn't love me either, not really. He only came back because he thought I was carrying his child. No Leroy, it's not Reid that I love. I know that now. It’s you. Leroy, I love you.”
Go to Chapter 26
Go back to Chapter 24
WOW that is a tangled web!
ReplyDeleteOh yes...well poor Leroy still doesnt know everything about her.
ReplyDeleteLerate forever!
Ha ha ha! Glad you approve! Love the ship!
DeleteThank gowd! I really liked when she realized of wy she wanted to be with Reid...you took that situation with Newt in the beginning of the story and made it into a plot!
ReplyDeleteLol. It turned into one for sure.
DeleteI felt like she had a special connection with Leroy, and you know I've been rooting for him this whole time. I'm so happy it's his baby! Also, I'm a little worried for when Reid finds out that is not his baby.
ReplyDeleteYes. That's going to be - interesting.
DeleteWelcome to the world, Hailey! Good luck! (Something tells me you'll need it... your mother is a hot mess LMAO But your daddy seems to have a decent head on his shoulders so maybe you'll turn out ok :P)
ReplyDeleteI really hope Leroy has a positive impact on Kaitlin and leads her to some healing! She really needs it.
Yes! She needs him badly. I don't think he realizes just how messed up she is. But she's trying.
DeleteThis chapter kinda make me mad! Hehe. I think my eyes rolled so many times I think the spring might had been broken. Haha. I guess the ending kind of stop "some" of the complication but still, it's a little bit frustating to read. Although, gotta do some props for your writing to actually make me feel engaged in kate's twisted roller coaster. Even though sometimes it's been hard to empatize with her because of her choice, her reasoning behind it seems a little bit more human and realistic.
ReplyDeleteOkay I am imaging your eyes boinging around in your head like a cartoon character and laughing so much. But really, thank you for the comment. A lot of folks are not happy with her right now. I don't blame them. I am glad you feel engaged in her roller coaster though and think her reasoning is at least somewhat plausible. :)
DeleteWell, it's about time she's STARTING to figure out her feelings. She has a long way to go but one step at a time is what it takes to get started. I hope Leroy can get over the hurt and that Kaitlin will be honest with him from now on. I'm worried about Reid's reaction when he finds out Hailey isn't his.
ReplyDeleteReid won't be too happy for sure. But yay that they are moving forward.
DeleteYES! I was waiting so long for her to realize the feeling she's had for Leroy all along.
ReplyDeleteYes! Moving forward anyway...Baby steps...