Day 27 - Rolled 17 - Sick Toddler. Change diaper often. No using the potty.
Kaitlin woke up to the sound of Maddy crying. Poor baby, she thought, you have to be jealous of the new little ones taking your spot as the youngest. She went to her crib and immediately knew jealousy had nothing to do with her tears. She was sick and her and her bed was a mess. Today was going to be a really bad day.
She cleaned up Maddy and put her in the high chair with a bowl of food. Maddy immediately started playing in it not feeling like eating.
Kaitlin stripped Maddy’s bedding placed clean sheets on her crib. Then she loaded the washing machine with the soiled sheets and went to check on Maddy.
Her daughter had tossed her food onto the floor had soiled her pants again. Kaitlin almost gagged when she went to get her out of the highchair. She cleaned her up again. "Tell mommy if you need to go Maddy," Kaitlin reminded her daughter.
Kaitlin hoped to lie down for a few minutes, but it wasn't to be. As soon as walked in the bedroom Hailey began fussing. Her cries were quickly echoed by little Samuel.
Now Reese and Ben were awake too. It was 4:00 am and they had school that day.
Fortunately Reese went to take care of his son while Kaitlin took care of her daughter. After about 30 minutes, it was quiet again. Samuel went back down easily so Reese and Ben tried to get back to sleep. It was almost 6:00 am.
Maddy came toddling across the room crying, looking for her mother. Kaitlin quickly picked up the little girl shushing her so she wouldn’t disturb the boys.
As soon as they exited the bedroom, Maddy started to cry again. “My tummy hurts,” she whined just before she had another accident which made her cry louder. Kaitlin held her away from her. Maddy evidently had a stomach virus that just wasn't done yet. Oh fun.
Once again Kaitlin cleaned up Maddy, but this time put her in one of the diapers she had leftover from when she wasn’t potty trained telling her, “Maddy, we are gonna have to wear diapers today until your tummy is better.”
Well that was the wrong thing to say. “Noooo! Big girl panties! Maddy not a baby!” came the very vocal protest from Maddy.
“Shhh. Maddy you will wake everyone up! Wear them today and we will get a new toy tomorrow,” bargained Kaitlin. Maddy still wasn't happy and stuck out her bottom lip, but at least she didn't try to take off the diaper. Crisis averted.
She put Maddy down then set about making breakfast for Ben and Reese. Once done, she fixed bottles for the babies. Just in time as they began to fuss again. She got them fed and settled and was getting ready to jump in the shower when Maddy started calling for her. Kaitlin looked around and saw the little girl walking weirdly towards her. That could only mean one thing. A dirty diaper. “Maddy?” asked Kaitlin, “did you have another accident?” She nodded her head on the verge of tears. Poor Maddy. She was miserable. Kaitlin sighed and went to work changing her. At least the diaper kept everything ‘contained’.
Kaitlin looked at the clock. She might have 30 minutes before the babies were up again. She looked from the shower to the rocker and the rocker won. Just as she was dozing off, her cell phone rang.
She jumped up and nervously checked the caller ID. Leroy. Thank God. “Hi Leroy,” she answered.
“How are you this morning?” he asked.
“Don’t ask. Maddy is sick. So it is crazy.”
“Want some help?”
“Is that a trick question?” she said laughing.
“I will be there in 10 minutes.”
“My saviour,” she said as she hung up. Crap - I am still in my PJs and haven’t even brushed my teeth. Okay, teeth first, she thought as she ran in the bathroom to do just that.
No sooner than she finished, the buzzer sounded and she let Leroy in.
“Hi!” he said and hugged her, “I was at the bar and you sounded frantic so I didn’t wait.” He took in his surroundings and her appearance and said, “You weren’t kidding!”
“It's been a zoo. Maddy has a stomach virus. But the babies are sleeping now. Hopefully they will stay on a similar schedule. There is coffee. Wanna have some before all hell breaks loose?”
“Sure,” he said and headed to the counter to grab a cup.
“Do you mind if I jump in the shower?” asked Kaitlin as he sat down with his coffee, “I promise to be fast.”
Leroy smiled and said, “Bottles in the fridge and diapers by the crib. I got this!”
“Thank you,” replied Kaitlin thankfully and ran straight into the shower forgetting to grab clean clothes.
While Kaitlin was in the shower, Samuel woke up. Leroy went in to check on him. Just as soon as he had his diaper changed the buzzer sounded. Carrying Samuel he went in the other room and answered the buzzer, “Can I help you?”
“Reese? This is Reid. Buzz me in,”
Damn. Not good timing but Leroy figured no time would be good and at least he could be here to help with the conversation. Kaitlin wanted to do this alone, but this involved him just as much as her. He hoped she didn't get mad and send him away. He just wanted this behind them so they could try to move forward. He decided to let him in.
When Reid walked in he was shocked to see Leroy standing in Katie’s house this early in the morning and holding his baby. “Leroy? What the hell are you doing here again? And why are you holding my child?”
Leroy looked at the baby in his arms. “Hi Reid, nice to see you too," he said sarcastically, "This isn’t your baby.”
“Like hell it's not!” shouted Reid.
“No. You don’t understand….”
“I understand perfectly. Now, give it to me - right now you asshole and then get out of here. And where is Katie?” Then he yelled her name, “Katie!!”
When Kaitlin turned off the shower she thought she heard Reid call her name and felt her knees go weak for a second. She took a deep breath and wrapped towel around her and walked into the living room. Her eyes went wide when she saw that Reid was indeed standing there arguing with Leroy. “Reid? What are you doing here?” she asked.
Both men turned and looked at her.
Reid spoke first, “What the fuck is going on here Katie. Why is this lowlife here again and holding my child. And why aren’t you dressed? Somebody better give me some answers now!” he yelled.
“Reid, hold your voice down. Now Hailey is crying and you are upsetting Maddy!” she said as she ran off to get Hailey.
“Look asshole,” ground out Leroy in a low whisper, “I told you this is NOT your child. It happens to be Kate’s grandchild. Reese is his father.”
Reid started to laugh. “Her kid was screwing around the same time we were! Neither one of them is smart enough to know how to prevent pregnancy. Two peas in a pod.”
Leroy wanted to punch him he was so angry, “You need to leave while you can still walk out. I should have never let you in. She doesn’t want you around.”
Kaitlin walked out of the bedroom carrying Hailey and stopped when she heard Reid and Leroy still arguing, neither one noticing she had come back into the room.
Reid was in Leroy’s face, “How do you know what she wants," he shouted, "you’re just her slumlord. Why are you here anyway? A housecall to collect rent? Well you can leave now. I got it covered.”

“Stop it!” exclaimed Kaitlin. Both men turned around and looked at her.
When Reid saw her with the baby cradled in her arms, he walked over to her and said laughing, “So I understand you are a grandmother Katie. I gotta tell you, you and your kid need to learn a little about birth control!” Then turning his attention to the baby he said, “So this one must be our little oopsie. Why didn't you call me?”
“You need to leave Reid,” said Kaitlin, “This is a bad time. I will call you later.”
Leroy walked into the bedroom to put Samuel back in his crib. He was going to physically remove Reid if he didn’t leave.
“Katie, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry,” said Reid, “Come on, I was only teasing. Let me hold our baby and you get some clothes on. I don't like you half naked in front of other men.”

Leroy came back and Reid was still there so he stood by Kaitlin. “Reid,” said Kaitlin her voice shaking, “she is NOT your baby. You're off the hook. So get out.”
The arguing was upsetting Hailey and she started to cry. Kaitlin shifted the baby around and gave her a pacifier to sooth her.
“Of course she is,” said Reid disgusted with this whole conversation, “It’s biology...” Reid stopped mid sentence when Leroy placed his hand protectively on Kaitlin's shoulder and he understood. “No!” he said looking at Kaitlan for confirmation. “Katie? Fuck, let me see her!” he demanded.
Kaitlin flinched and instinctively pulled the infant closer to her. Now that Reid had put two and two together it was obvious that he wasn't the baby's father. “You fucking bitch!” He spat out, “You were screwing your slumlord boss the whole time you were with me!”
Leroy stepped in front of Kaitlin getting in Reid's face, “That’s it! I have had enough of your bullshit!” he said through gritted teeth, “Leave now on two feet or leave in an ambulance. Your choice asshole.”
Reid ignored Leroy and turned to leave, but stopped and addressed Kaitlin, “Katie, look. I can forgive you. We all get caught up in the moment now and then. We can still be together. You don’t need another brat to raise anyway so give the kid to the slumlord, let him raise it and we can start over. Think about how much better your life will be. I already told you I have way more to offer than this lowlife scum.”

“Leave,” said Kaitlin shaking.
“You heard her," said Leroy and pointed, "There's the door.”
As Reid finally turned to leave he looked at Leroy and said too calmly, “I’d watch my back if I were you, slumlord. She's mine.”
After Reid left, Kaitlin, still wrapped in the towel was shivering. “Kate, you are shivering,” said Leroy concerned, “Give me Hailey. You need to get dressed and dry your hair.” Kaitlin handed Hailey to Leroy without a word and went to do as he said. Leroy cuddled his little girl.
A few minutes later she emerged from the bedroom, not feeling any better. Leroy made some hot tea and handed her a cup. Her hands shook when she took it from him. “He's gone Kate," said Leroy soothingly, "It's over.”
Kaitlin looked at him, her eyes wild, “Did you hear him? He's not gone. He threatened you. You must hate me now. I'm so sorry. What are we going to do?”
Leroy did hear. And frankly he was worried, but it wouldn't help Kaitlin to share his concern. Instead he said, “He's all talk sweetheart. Don't worry about him. And for the love of God, stop apologizing. None of this is your fault. I could never hate you. Come on let's go sit on the couch so you can relax. The boys will be home soon."
When they sat down Kaitlin laid her head on Leroy's shoulder and fell asleep almost instantly. He didn't dare move lest he wake her. But he didn't mind, he needed to think. What would Reid do? He didn't take his threat lightly. Reid usually got what he went after. But surely he would leave them alone now that he knew Hailey wasn't his. He hoped.
A few minutes later, the door opened and Reese walked in. "What are you doing here?" asked Reese angrily.
"Shhhh!" whispered Leroy, "Your mom's asleep. Why don't you check on the little ones and leave her alone." He had made up his mind he wasn't going to put up with any of Reese's crap. Reese had liked him just fine when he thought they were just friends. But what were they now, he wondered. Still friends? She said she loved him. But as a friend or as a lover. Maybe he misunderstood.
Go To Chapter 28
Go Back to Chapter 26
She cleaned up Maddy and put her in the high chair with a bowl of food. Maddy immediately started playing in it not feeling like eating.
Kaitlin stripped Maddy’s bedding placed clean sheets on her crib. Then she loaded the washing machine with the soiled sheets and went to check on Maddy.
Her daughter had tossed her food onto the floor had soiled her pants again. Kaitlin almost gagged when she went to get her out of the highchair. She cleaned her up again. "Tell mommy if you need to go Maddy," Kaitlin reminded her daughter.
Kaitlin hoped to lie down for a few minutes, but it wasn't to be. As soon as walked in the bedroom Hailey began fussing. Her cries were quickly echoed by little Samuel.
Now Reese and Ben were awake too. It was 4:00 am and they had school that day.
Fortunately Reese went to take care of his son while Kaitlin took care of her daughter. After about 30 minutes, it was quiet again. Samuel went back down easily so Reese and Ben tried to get back to sleep. It was almost 6:00 am.

As soon as they exited the bedroom, Maddy started to cry again. “My tummy hurts,” she whined just before she had another accident which made her cry louder. Kaitlin held her away from her. Maddy evidently had a stomach virus that just wasn't done yet. Oh fun.
Once again Kaitlin cleaned up Maddy, but this time put her in one of the diapers she had leftover from when she wasn’t potty trained telling her, “Maddy, we are gonna have to wear diapers today until your tummy is better.”
Well that was the wrong thing to say. “Noooo! Big girl panties! Maddy not a baby!” came the very vocal protest from Maddy.

She put Maddy down then set about making breakfast for Ben and Reese. Once done, she fixed bottles for the babies. Just in time as they began to fuss again. She got them fed and settled and was getting ready to jump in the shower when Maddy started calling for her. Kaitlin looked around and saw the little girl walking weirdly towards her. That could only mean one thing. A dirty diaper. “Maddy?” asked Kaitlin, “did you have another accident?” She nodded her head on the verge of tears. Poor Maddy. She was miserable. Kaitlin sighed and went to work changing her. At least the diaper kept everything ‘contained’.
Kaitlin looked at the clock. She might have 30 minutes before the babies were up again. She looked from the shower to the rocker and the rocker won. Just as she was dozing off, her cell phone rang.
She jumped up and nervously checked the caller ID. Leroy. Thank God. “Hi Leroy,” she answered.
“How are you this morning?” he asked.
“Don’t ask. Maddy is sick. So it is crazy.”
“Want some help?”
“Is that a trick question?” she said laughing.
“I will be there in 10 minutes.”
“My saviour,” she said as she hung up. Crap - I am still in my PJs and haven’t even brushed my teeth. Okay, teeth first, she thought as she ran in the bathroom to do just that.
No sooner than she finished, the buzzer sounded and she let Leroy in.
“It's been a zoo. Maddy has a stomach virus. But the babies are sleeping now. Hopefully they will stay on a similar schedule. There is coffee. Wanna have some before all hell breaks loose?”
“Sure,” he said and headed to the counter to grab a cup.
Leroy smiled and said, “Bottles in the fridge and diapers by the crib. I got this!”
“Thank you,” replied Kaitlin thankfully and ran straight into the shower forgetting to grab clean clothes.
While Kaitlin was in the shower, Samuel woke up. Leroy went in to check on him. Just as soon as he had his diaper changed the buzzer sounded. Carrying Samuel he went in the other room and answered the buzzer, “Can I help you?”
“Reese? This is Reid. Buzz me in,”

When Reid walked in he was shocked to see Leroy standing in Katie’s house this early in the morning and holding his baby. “Leroy? What the hell are you doing here again? And why are you holding my child?”
Leroy looked at the baby in his arms. “Hi Reid, nice to see you too," he said sarcastically, "This isn’t your baby.”
“Like hell it's not!” shouted Reid.
“No. You don’t understand….”
“I understand perfectly. Now, give it to me - right now you asshole and then get out of here. And where is Katie?” Then he yelled her name, “Katie!!”
When Kaitlin turned off the shower she thought she heard Reid call her name and felt her knees go weak for a second. She took a deep breath and wrapped towel around her and walked into the living room. Her eyes went wide when she saw that Reid was indeed standing there arguing with Leroy. “Reid? What are you doing here?” she asked.
Both men turned and looked at her.

“Reid, hold your voice down. Now Hailey is crying and you are upsetting Maddy!” she said as she ran off to get Hailey.
Reid started to laugh. “Her kid was screwing around the same time we were! Neither one of them is smart enough to know how to prevent pregnancy. Two peas in a pod.”
Leroy wanted to punch him he was so angry, “You need to leave while you can still walk out. I should have never let you in. She doesn’t want you around.”
Kaitlin walked out of the bedroom carrying Hailey and stopped when she heard Reid and Leroy still arguing, neither one noticing she had come back into the room.
Reid was in Leroy’s face, “How do you know what she wants," he shouted, "you’re just her slumlord. Why are you here anyway? A housecall to collect rent? Well you can leave now. I got it covered.”

“Stop it!” exclaimed Kaitlin. Both men turned around and looked at her.
When Reid saw her with the baby cradled in her arms, he walked over to her and said laughing, “So I understand you are a grandmother Katie. I gotta tell you, you and your kid need to learn a little about birth control!” Then turning his attention to the baby he said, “So this one must be our little oopsie. Why didn't you call me?”

Leroy walked into the bedroom to put Samuel back in his crib. He was going to physically remove Reid if he didn’t leave.
“Katie, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry,” said Reid, “Come on, I was only teasing. Let me hold our baby and you get some clothes on. I don't like you half naked in front of other men.”

Leroy came back and Reid was still there so he stood by Kaitlin. “Reid,” said Kaitlin her voice shaking, “she is NOT your baby. You're off the hook. So get out.”
The arguing was upsetting Hailey and she started to cry. Kaitlin shifted the baby around and gave her a pacifier to sooth her.
“Of course she is,” said Reid disgusted with this whole conversation, “It’s biology...” Reid stopped mid sentence when Leroy placed his hand protectively on Kaitlin's shoulder and he understood. “No!” he said looking at Kaitlan for confirmation. “Katie? Fuck, let me see her!” he demanded.
Kaitlin flinched and instinctively pulled the infant closer to her. Now that Reid had put two and two together it was obvious that he wasn't the baby's father. “You fucking bitch!” He spat out, “You were screwing your slumlord boss the whole time you were with me!”
Leroy stepped in front of Kaitlin getting in Reid's face, “That’s it! I have had enough of your bullshit!” he said through gritted teeth, “Leave now on two feet or leave in an ambulance. Your choice asshole.”
Reid ignored Leroy and turned to leave, but stopped and addressed Kaitlin, “Katie, look. I can forgive you. We all get caught up in the moment now and then. We can still be together. You don’t need another brat to raise anyway so give the kid to the slumlord, let him raise it and we can start over. Think about how much better your life will be. I already told you I have way more to offer than this lowlife scum.”

“Leave,” said Kaitlin shaking.
“You heard her," said Leroy and pointed, "There's the door.”
As Reid finally turned to leave he looked at Leroy and said too calmly, “I’d watch my back if I were you, slumlord. She's mine.”
* * *
After Reid left, Kaitlin, still wrapped in the towel was shivering. “Kate, you are shivering,” said Leroy concerned, “Give me Hailey. You need to get dressed and dry your hair.” Kaitlin handed Hailey to Leroy without a word and went to do as he said. Leroy cuddled his little girl.
A few minutes later she emerged from the bedroom, not feeling any better. Leroy made some hot tea and handed her a cup. Her hands shook when she took it from him. “He's gone Kate," said Leroy soothingly, "It's over.”
Kaitlin looked at him, her eyes wild, “Did you hear him? He's not gone. He threatened you. You must hate me now. I'm so sorry. What are we going to do?”
Leroy did hear. And frankly he was worried, but it wouldn't help Kaitlin to share his concern. Instead he said, “He's all talk sweetheart. Don't worry about him. And for the love of God, stop apologizing. None of this is your fault. I could never hate you. Come on let's go sit on the couch so you can relax. The boys will be home soon."
When they sat down Kaitlin laid her head on Leroy's shoulder and fell asleep almost instantly. He didn't dare move lest he wake her. But he didn't mind, he needed to think. What would Reid do? He didn't take his threat lightly. Reid usually got what he went after. But surely he would leave them alone now that he knew Hailey wasn't his. He hoped.
A few minutes later, the door opened and Reese walked in. "What are you doing here?" asked Reese angrily.
"Shhhh!" whispered Leroy, "Your mom's asleep. Why don't you check on the little ones and leave her alone." He had made up his mind he wasn't going to put up with any of Reese's crap. Reese had liked him just fine when he thought they were just friends. But what were they now, he wondered. Still friends? She said she loved him. But as a friend or as a lover. Maybe he misunderstood.
Go To Chapter 28
Go Back to Chapter 26
I'm trying to understand Reese's issue with Leroy. Other than being a reminder his mother isn't good at monogamy, why is he reacting so strongly?
ReplyDeleteWe find out more about Reese's feelings towards Leroy in the next chapter.
DeleteI feel really bad for the children in this story. Reese thought of Reid as his father figure - as did Ben - and Katie sort of ruined that for them for no real reason. Ben is so desperate for a father that every single male figure in his life he asks to be his father. It's so sad.
ReplyDeleteReid is being a dick head now, but he was nice while they were dating. I can't blame her for following her heart but still...
So true about Ben. I feel really bad for him. Reese is just trying to protect his mother.
DeleteDamn! We really see the darker side of Reid, don't we? What he said with the birth-control comments was totally uncalled for. Yeah, it was sort of true, but the way he said it was just not nice at all. Kaitlin is well shut of him. i'm not too keen on Reese's attitude. Yeah, he's concerned about his mother, but Leroy did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteYes...Reese is being protective. He had accepted Reid and now everything is messed up. And we will see more of Reid. He won't give up that easily.
Deleteugh, so glad i never liked reid. reese is starting to get on my bad side too, now, hahah.
ReplyDeleteReid definitely has his own issues. And Reese - well Reid was growing on him too.
DeletePoor Leroy. He is such a gem and everyone diminishes him. It was such a big mess in this chapter when all came to light. I am so glad that Reid is not the father. Maybe it would have turned out much worse if he was!
ReplyDeleteReid may not have been much better of a father than her husband was. So yes, worse if Reid fathered her baby.