Rolled Lice!
Jade had been sent away to await and the birth of her and Reese’s baby. She had only been at school one day after their families had agreed upon how to deal with the situation. Legal documents had been drawn and signed by both parties. The next day she was gone.
Reese had changed after she left and became hyper focused on earning money. He started getting up early before school so he could scavenge for treasures to sell. After he was done, he would come home, shower and go to school. After school he would go to the park and play for a few hours, come home, eat, do homework then fall into bed and start again the next day.
After the boys left for school, Kaitlin sat at the table drinking coffee worrying about Reese. With two babies soon to be added to their household they did need the extra money he was earning, especially since she was unable to contribute much while she was pregnant. Quite frankly without her son's efforts, they would be going through her savings really quickly.
As she thought about their current situation, she realized, they really needed transportation. She looked at her budget and decided to bite the bullet. As much as she hated to part with their hard earned money, she just didn't feel comfortable not having a way to easily get around. Cabs were expensive and not always readily available. Besides, she reasoned, a car would give her more stability. Also, Ben's birthday was coming up. Maybe that would cheer him up. She would have to teach him to drive but she looked forward to it. So a car it would be.
She looked in the paper and found an advertisement for the local dealership. They had a couple of used sedans. One was large enough to carry 6 passengers, but stretched her budget. The other one squeezed in 5. Well, they were going to be 6 soon so the 5 passenger car was out. She called the dealership and he asked if she come now.
An hour later, she and Maddy were driving home in a boat the size of the titanic, she just hoped it fared better. And actually, it felt really good to be behind the wheel of a car again after so long. It truly did give her a sense of freedom she didn't know she was missing before.
No sooner had she arrived back at home, than the phone rang. It was the school. Thank goodness it wasn't the high school, it was Ben's school. She steeled herself for the worst.
“Yes, this is Kaitlin Murdock, is everything okay?”
“We need you to come pick up your son. He has head lice and can't be at school until it's taken care of.”
Kaitlin blew out a breath of relief, “I'll be there in 15 minutes.” Yes, the car was a good purchase.
She collected Ben and was given instructions on how best to deal with lice. She groaned. He had to have his thick black hair shaved and then she would need to disinfect the furniture in their home.
They went straight to the spa. where they were able to take care of Ben.
Ben walked to the barber's chair like a deer in headlights. The salon actually carried the disinfectant spray too, so when they were done they could go straight home.
Once home, Ben slunk over to the couch, book in hand and lost himself in it. Kaitlin felt so bad for him. At 10 years of age, he was beginning to care about his looks. Had he been younger he would have thought it was cool. Thank goodness spring was upon them and it wasn't the middle of winter. She bought him stocking cap anyway. He grabbed it but didn't put it on then asked, "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"
Kaitlin's heart broke again. At this rate, she would die young, "Yes, Ben, you do. You can wear the cap if you want."
"Whatever," he said and went back to the fantasy world of his book.
While Ben read, Kaitlin prepared a cake for Reese. She couldn't wait for him to get home so she could show him the car. After it was done, Kaitlin pulled out her mixology book and settled into the rocking chair, joining Ben in the makeshift living room. Even if Leroy said she was a better mixologist than him, she still wanted to improve her skills.
Reese finally came in the door looking tired and hungry. “Mom, who is here?” he said as he walked in.

Kaitlin propelled herself out of the rocker and ran to greet her son, “Hi Reese! Happy Birthday!” she said being as cheery as she could as she threw her arms around her oldest son.
Maddy, happy to see her brother, followed her mother over to Reese and mimicked her. “Happy Birfday Weese!” she squealed as she grabbed his leg.
He reached down and picked her up. “How's my little munchkin?”
“Ben lost his hawr!” she announce proudly.
“He lost what?” asked Reese trying to make sense of her baby talk.
“She tugged on her hair and repeated, “His hawr!”
He turned and looked at Ben and burst out laughing. “What the Hell Ben?”
“Reese! Watch your language! And please, leave Ben alone,” said Kaitlin mortified. Then she whispered, “He is upset - he had lice and we had to shave his head.”
Ben pulled the hat on his head scowling and went back to his book. Reese, still laughing, turned to his mother and repeated, “Whose car is that?”
“Well, I figured,” she said pointing to her belly, “with the new additions we are soon going to have very soon, that we needed transportation more now than ever...It’s ours!" she said excitedly, "I bought it today!”
“Mom, it's a tank!”
“Yes, but it's our tank. It's all we could afford and it is a 6 passenger car. My first thought was titanic actually," she said laughing.
“Well, not exactly my dream car, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. Will you teach me to drive the Titanic?”
“Of course! We can start this weekend. Now, please, go talk to your brother then we can have some cake. Be NICE!”
Reese walked over to Ben, still cuddling Maddy and sat down next to him. “Nice hat Ben,” he said trying to extend a peace offering. Ben just looked at his big brother for a minute. Finally, Ben couldn't hold the smile back any longer and broke. They both started laughing hysterically. Kaitlin breathed a sigh of relief as she set about preparing the cake. She was happier in that moment than she had been since she found out she was pregnant. Reese laughing was almost worth poor Ben having to get his head shaved.
* * *
Leroy's bar had been getting busier lately. It was turning into a regular hot spot. Maybe it was the break in the weather. Spring had officially arrived. The snow was almost completely melted, the trees were budding and wild flowers were beginning to pop up everywhere. So when one of the firemen stopped by on their way home, Kaitlin thought nothing of it. Until he started chatting her up.
“Hey. I know you!" said the red-headed fireman as she took his drink order, "You’re the one that used to live at the firehouse. Yeah, Nielson’s friend."

“Um, yes. I helped out for awhile. Mr. Nielson helped me get the job. Um, how is he doing?” Stupid Kaitlin. Why did you ask him that?
“To be honest lady, he’s been a bear lately! Well, more than normal anyways. Wait a minute, weren't you two an item for a while? I could swear I heard him tell one of the guys he was datin' the firehouse lady.” Then he looked her up and down, his eyes resting on her heavily pregnant belly and laughed, “Oh, guess not. Reid doesn't mess with married women. He says ‘why stir up a hornet's nest when there are plenty of fishes in the sea’, or some dumb shit like that. I'll tell him you said hey - uh - what's your name again?”
“Yeah, Katie! That's who he was talkin’ ‘bout.” He picked up his drink, raised it in a toast and said "Cheers." Then he turned and walked upstairs much to Kaitlin's relief, mumbling to himself along the way. She prayed he would be too drunk to remember their conversation.
Candice slipped into the seat he vacated, having overheard the conversation. "You dated Reid Nielson? THE most sought after bachelor in Twinbrook?"
"Candy! Shhh! Yes. Well, no, not exactly. We are, were friends. That's all," replied Kaitlin. Damn, that's what I get for running to a small town. Everybody knows everybody, she thought.
"Are, were, no, yes. Kate, you seem confused by Reid. So, tell me..." said Candice pointing to Kate's 7 1/2 month pregnant belly, "that wouldn't be..."
"NO!" said Kaitlin.
"Sorry honey. Must have hit a nerve."
"No, I'm sorry Candy. I just don't want people jumping to conclusions."
"Okay sweetie," she said and went upstairs to check on the new bartender.
So.... Is there anyone she isn't lying to? She knows she's in a small town, right? People compare notes, someone is going to realize she's telling everyone different stories.
ReplyDeleteYes. Things don't stay secret long in small towns.
DeleteAnd the lies keep coming. She's going to get found out one of these days and probably very soon. The brown stuff it's going to hit the fan and it's not going to be very nice at all.
ReplyDeletePoor Ben! How humiliating for him. Well, at least he and Reese ended up getting a good laugh.
Duck!!! The brown stuff is going to fly! Lol
DeletePoor Ben, I feel sorry for him. And I agree with everyone else that Kaitlin needs to put an end to her lying.
ReplyDeleteShe is in such a mess. The lying is only making it worse.