Rolled 1 - teen pregnancy - Warning partial nudity
Kaitlin couldn't help but grin a little as she rocked Hailey. She kept thinking about the kiss. Leroy kissed her! It was so sweet and he said he also wanted more. Unfortunately little had Hailey woken up effectively putting a halt to any more kisses as well as any further discussion. Leroy seemed different after that, happier maybe, but still careful like he was holding back. Yes, there was much left to be said, she thought sadly, her smile changing into a frown.
She was going to have to tell him everything. He was right that they needed to trust each other and keep no more secrets if they were ever to have the ‘more’ they both so badly desired. But her secrets may well be a deal breaker for him. What if he took Hailey? She wouldn't be able to bear it. Now she didn't know what to do. She didn't care what his secrets were. She couldn't imagine anything he would tell her that would change the way she felt about him
“Mom, are you okay?” asked Reese when he walked in and saw her frowning, “I thought things seemed better last night.”
Kaitlin started when Reese spoke. “Oh, yes,” she said smiling at her son, “Much better.” She got up to put Hailey back in the crib. “You are wise beyond your years. Don't you think we didn't know you took Ben and Maddy to give us privacy so we could talk. Thank you, we needed that and things are at least moving forward now.”
“Mom, we don't need him you know. We have been okay alone.”

“Reese, you have made it clear you don't like him, but you need to try. Leroy is a good man and he loves Hailey very much. He will always be a part of my life, and Reese, I want him to be more than just Hailey's father. I think maybe we can be a family someday,” then added sadly, “unfortunately just not now.”
“Because of dad,” surmised Reese.
“Yes. I haven't told Leroy about everything. I am afraid he will take Hailey and leave when he finds out.”
Reese replied sadly, “If he cares, he will wait.” Unlike Jade he thought.
Reese grabbed a cup of coffee when his mother left the room and sat down, his thoughts now on Jade and the party he was invited to. Jade had come back to school two weeks after Sam was born and hadn't spoken a word to him. Which was awkward because they both had the same circle of friends. After the “fight”, he had evidently had earned street cred and had been accepted back into his circle of friends. He supposed it was some sort of test. The other guy really did get the worst of it.
The best part had been Brooke - the most beautiful girl he had ever met. When he returned to school with a black eye and busted lip she had gone all motherly on him. Brooke Began showing up where he was, walked to classes with him and always sat next to him at lunch, openly flirting with him.
He thought about the upcoming pool party that Elliot was having. He wasn't going to go because Jade would be there, plus he didn't want to ask his mom to watch Sam. But Brooke would be there too. He hadn't acted on their relationship because of Sam, but he wanted to and the thought of giving another guy the opportunity to hit on her made his stomach tie up in knots.
Kaitlin walked in and sat down. “Penny for your thoughts,” she asked.
Reese looked up and decided to ask, “Mom, one of the guys at school is having a pool party this weekend. Would you mind if I go?”
“Of course not!” she said happy to see that Reese was making friends, “You should go and have fun. You deserve it.”
Reese couldn't keep the smile off his face, “Thanks Mom!”
Reese arrived at the party, guitar in tow. He put it down and looked around at the people attending hoping to see Brooke. He saw Jade and she turned away when their eyes met. Bitch, he thought, your loss.
While he was stewing over Jade, Brooke sidled up next to him and snaked her arm around his waist. “Hi Reese! I'm so glad you brought your guitar,” she cooed, “I love hearing you play and sing.” Reese wasted no time and swung his arm possessively around her neck grinning.
“Hey," she said, "There's a bonfire on the other side of the pool. Let's go check it out.”
Are you watching this Jade? he thought as he smiled at Brooke. “Sure!” he said and let Brooke take his hand and lead him to where everyone was gathered around the bonfire. Next to fire they had set up a keg. Red solo cups were everywhere. Someone stuck one in his hand. He took a long drink and relished the feeling of calm that washed over him with the alcohol.
He stood there with Brooke holding her hands and downing another cup of liquid courage. She was obviously enjoying being close to him like this snuggling into him. Someone called out, “Play for us Reese!” followed by shouts of encouragement from the others. Brooke looked up at him and smiled and said, “Please do!”
This was something he could do. He took out his guitar and began to play. He played a rock song first, followed by a soft love ballad. When the second song began, everyone started pairing up and slow dancing together, some kissing. He looked at Brooke while he sang the love song.
When he finished, she walked over to him and looked up at him like she wanted him to kiss her. He wanted to do exactly that, so he did.
Someone yelled out ‘BEER PONG!” Brooke grabbed his hand excitedly and said, “Come on Reese - let’s go! Bet I can beat you.”
Reese laughed and said, “You're on!” It felt so good to be here with Brooke and his friends. He forgot all about anything except the pretty little brunette leading him by the hand to the ping pong table.
They played a round and when it was over no one had any idea who really won or cared.
It started to hail so everyone ran to sit under the shelter. Someone had put drinks on the table so they wouldn't get pelted. Everyone was talking and drinking and having a great time. Eventually someone suggested truth or dare and the game was on.

When it was Reese's turn, he took dare - no way he was doing truth. “I dare you to do chug one of the drinks!”
Easy enough. He picked up a glass and everyone cheered him on as he drank it in one huge gulp. Everyone was laughing and having a great time.
When it was Brooke’s turn she also took dare. Her friend Georgia said “I dare you to kiss Reese!”
He was pretty sure that was planned but he didn't mind. He looked at Brooke, waggled his eyebrows and held out his arms and made a come on motion with his hands.
Brooke scooted into his arms and proceeded to make out with him. Everyone started yelling “get a room”. Reese decided that was a good idea.
He took Brooke by the hand, this time leading her. As they walked towards the house he heard someone say I dare you to skinny dip and a then a loud splash. He was very glad he wasn't out there anymore!
Once inside, Reese took Brooke to Elliot's bedroom and locked the door behind them. They fell onto the bed and picked up where they left off.
Soon clothes were on the floor and Reese was on top of Brooke. All inhibitions annihilated by the alcohol. Neither one could get enough of the other.
Afterwards the couple fell fast asleep in each other's arms oblivious to the ongoing party.
Reese woke up an hour later to a loud banging noise. Someone was knocking on the door. “Come on lover boy, put your pants on! Parents will be home soon!” came the voice on the other side of the door.
He groaned and his head hurt. At first he didn't know where he was but quickly realized he wasn't alone. He looked down and saw Brooke was wrapped around him - naked. Then it came back to him. Crap! He hadn't meant for this to happen. He really liked Brooke. Now he felt like he had used her. “Brooke, sweetheart, wake up,” he said as he gently shook her.

“Hmmmm,” she moaned as stirred, “My head.” He untangled himself from her and sat on the edge of the bed as she woke. When she saw him and realized they were both naked, she looked as surprised as he did, “Oh shit! Did we?” Seeing the look on his face and as the memories began to came back in dribs and drabs she smiled sweetly and said simply, “We did.”
“Yes,” said Reese softly, “we did. I'm so sorry. I think we both had too much to drink.”
Brooke reached up and touched his face, “Reese, don't apologize,” Brooke replied tenderly, “I'm not sorry. I'm just sorry I don't remember it clearly. I like you a lot, in case you didn't notice.”
Reese smiled down at her, “I like you too - a lot - and Brooke I did notice. But now we need to - um - get dressed and get out of here before we get totally busted.”
After they were dressed Reese pulled Brooke into a hug and whispered in her ear, “I really am sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, not like this anyway. It should have been special for you. Please forgive me.”
Brooke pulled away and looked him in the eye before replying, “Reese, I am just as much to blame here. I told Georgia to dare me to kiss you.”

Reese laughed. “You think I didn't know that,” he said. Brooke looked down embarrassed. “It's okay. But you wanted to kiss me, not do this...Hey, look at me,” he said and lifted her chin to look at him, “I was glad and Brooke, I would very much like to kiss you again."
Before he could another loud knock came on the door followed by the voice, “Murdock! If you don't come out now I'm going to unlock the door from out here - clothes or no clothes!”
“We’re coming!” Reese yelled back, rolling his eyes. When he looked at Brooke, her eyes were wide and he realized the double meaning of his words. They both broke into a fit of giggles before smoothing their clothes and opening the door for their walk of shame.
Go to Chapter 30
Go back to Chapter 28.
Kaitlin couldn't help but grin a little as she rocked Hailey. She kept thinking about the kiss. Leroy kissed her! It was so sweet and he said he also wanted more. Unfortunately little had Hailey woken up effectively putting a halt to any more kisses as well as any further discussion. Leroy seemed different after that, happier maybe, but still careful like he was holding back. Yes, there was much left to be said, she thought sadly, her smile changing into a frown.
She was going to have to tell him everything. He was right that they needed to trust each other and keep no more secrets if they were ever to have the ‘more’ they both so badly desired. But her secrets may well be a deal breaker for him. What if he took Hailey? She wouldn't be able to bear it. Now she didn't know what to do. She didn't care what his secrets were. She couldn't imagine anything he would tell her that would change the way she felt about him

Kaitlin started when Reese spoke. “Oh, yes,” she said smiling at her son, “Much better.” She got up to put Hailey back in the crib. “You are wise beyond your years. Don't you think we didn't know you took Ben and Maddy to give us privacy so we could talk. Thank you, we needed that and things are at least moving forward now.”
“Mom, we don't need him you know. We have been okay alone.”

“Reese, you have made it clear you don't like him, but you need to try. Leroy is a good man and he loves Hailey very much. He will always be a part of my life, and Reese, I want him to be more than just Hailey's father. I think maybe we can be a family someday,” then added sadly, “unfortunately just not now.”
“Because of dad,” surmised Reese.
“Yes. I haven't told Leroy about everything. I am afraid he will take Hailey and leave when he finds out.”
Reese replied sadly, “If he cares, he will wait.” Unlike Jade he thought.
Reese grabbed a cup of coffee when his mother left the room and sat down, his thoughts now on Jade and the party he was invited to. Jade had come back to school two weeks after Sam was born and hadn't spoken a word to him. Which was awkward because they both had the same circle of friends. After the “fight”, he had evidently had earned street cred and had been accepted back into his circle of friends. He supposed it was some sort of test. The other guy really did get the worst of it.
The best part had been Brooke - the most beautiful girl he had ever met. When he returned to school with a black eye and busted lip she had gone all motherly on him. Brooke Began showing up where he was, walked to classes with him and always sat next to him at lunch, openly flirting with him.
He thought about the upcoming pool party that Elliot was having. He wasn't going to go because Jade would be there, plus he didn't want to ask his mom to watch Sam. But Brooke would be there too. He hadn't acted on their relationship because of Sam, but he wanted to and the thought of giving another guy the opportunity to hit on her made his stomach tie up in knots.
Kaitlin walked in and sat down. “Penny for your thoughts,” she asked.
Reese looked up and decided to ask, “Mom, one of the guys at school is having a pool party this weekend. Would you mind if I go?”
“Of course not!” she said happy to see that Reese was making friends, “You should go and have fun. You deserve it.”
Reese couldn't keep the smile off his face, “Thanks Mom!”
* * *
While he was stewing over Jade, Brooke sidled up next to him and snaked her arm around his waist. “Hi Reese! I'm so glad you brought your guitar,” she cooed, “I love hearing you play and sing.” Reese wasted no time and swung his arm possessively around her neck grinning.
“Hey," she said, "There's a bonfire on the other side of the pool. Let's go check it out.”
Are you watching this Jade? he thought as he smiled at Brooke. “Sure!” he said and let Brooke take his hand and lead him to where everyone was gathered around the bonfire. Next to fire they had set up a keg. Red solo cups were everywhere. Someone stuck one in his hand. He took a long drink and relished the feeling of calm that washed over him with the alcohol.
He stood there with Brooke holding her hands and downing another cup of liquid courage. She was obviously enjoying being close to him like this snuggling into him. Someone called out, “Play for us Reese!” followed by shouts of encouragement from the others. Brooke looked up at him and smiled and said, “Please do!”
This was something he could do. He took out his guitar and began to play. He played a rock song first, followed by a soft love ballad. When the second song began, everyone started pairing up and slow dancing together, some kissing. He looked at Brooke while he sang the love song.
When he finished, she walked over to him and looked up at him like she wanted him to kiss her. He wanted to do exactly that, so he did.
Someone yelled out ‘BEER PONG!” Brooke grabbed his hand excitedly and said, “Come on Reese - let’s go! Bet I can beat you.”
Reese laughed and said, “You're on!” It felt so good to be here with Brooke and his friends. He forgot all about anything except the pretty little brunette leading him by the hand to the ping pong table.
They played a round and when it was over no one had any idea who really won or cared.
It started to hail so everyone ran to sit under the shelter. Someone had put drinks on the table so they wouldn't get pelted. Everyone was talking and drinking and having a great time. Eventually someone suggested truth or dare and the game was on.

When it was Reese's turn, he took dare - no way he was doing truth. “I dare you to do chug one of the drinks!”
Easy enough. He picked up a glass and everyone cheered him on as he drank it in one huge gulp. Everyone was laughing and having a great time.
When it was Brooke’s turn she also took dare. Her friend Georgia said “I dare you to kiss Reese!”
He was pretty sure that was planned but he didn't mind. He looked at Brooke, waggled his eyebrows and held out his arms and made a come on motion with his hands.
Brooke scooted into his arms and proceeded to make out with him. Everyone started yelling “get a room”. Reese decided that was a good idea.
He took Brooke by the hand, this time leading her. As they walked towards the house he heard someone say I dare you to skinny dip and a then a loud splash. He was very glad he wasn't out there anymore!

Soon clothes were on the floor and Reese was on top of Brooke. All inhibitions annihilated by the alcohol. Neither one could get enough of the other.
Afterwards the couple fell fast asleep in each other's arms oblivious to the ongoing party.
Reese woke up an hour later to a loud banging noise. Someone was knocking on the door. “Come on lover boy, put your pants on! Parents will be home soon!” came the voice on the other side of the door.
He groaned and his head hurt. At first he didn't know where he was but quickly realized he wasn't alone. He looked down and saw Brooke was wrapped around him - naked. Then it came back to him. Crap! He hadn't meant for this to happen. He really liked Brooke. Now he felt like he had used her. “Brooke, sweetheart, wake up,” he said as he gently shook her.

“Hmmmm,” she moaned as stirred, “My head.” He untangled himself from her and sat on the edge of the bed as she woke. When she saw him and realized they were both naked, she looked as surprised as he did, “Oh shit! Did we?” Seeing the look on his face and as the memories began to came back in dribs and drabs she smiled sweetly and said simply, “We did.”
“Yes,” said Reese softly, “we did. I'm so sorry. I think we both had too much to drink.”
Brooke reached up and touched his face, “Reese, don't apologize,” Brooke replied tenderly, “I'm not sorry. I'm just sorry I don't remember it clearly. I like you a lot, in case you didn't notice.”
Reese smiled down at her, “I like you too - a lot - and Brooke I did notice. But now we need to - um - get dressed and get out of here before we get totally busted.”
After they were dressed Reese pulled Brooke into a hug and whispered in her ear, “I really am sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, not like this anyway. It should have been special for you. Please forgive me.”
Brooke pulled away and looked him in the eye before replying, “Reese, I am just as much to blame here. I told Georgia to dare me to kiss you.”

Reese laughed. “You think I didn't know that,” he said. Brooke looked down embarrassed. “It's okay. But you wanted to kiss me, not do this...Hey, look at me,” he said and lifted her chin to look at him, “I was glad and Brooke, I would very much like to kiss you again."
Before he could another loud knock came on the door followed by the voice, “Murdock! If you don't come out now I'm going to unlock the door from out here - clothes or no clothes!”
“We’re coming!” Reese yelled back, rolling his eyes. When he looked at Brooke, her eyes were wide and he realized the double meaning of his words. They both broke into a fit of giggles before smoothing their clothes and opening the door for their walk of shame.
Go to Chapter 30
Go back to Chapter 28.
UH OH!! Not good .. he is a good guy!
ReplyDeleteReese is a good guy. He tries to be the man of the house but he is only 17. And Brooke really does like him. I hope things go better with Brooke than they did with Jade.
DeleteSuch an amazing storyline so far can't wait to see how it develops for Kaitlin.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I will have another chapter this weekend. It's going to get crazy with another baby on the way. That's for sure.
DeleteI hope she is better than Jade...he needs someone!
ReplyDeleteYes. I think he has been trying not to fall for her but couldn't help it. She has been very sweet to him.
DeleteThis whole thing was sweet if wildly inappropriate. It's really too bad Reese is so damn fertile, lol.
ReplyDeleteI feel really bad for Reese. I hope she is the one.
DeleteOh no, I don't think Reese is a bad guy but the whole thing started because he wanted to make Jade jealous. ;_; Thats not a good beginning to a relationship.
ReplyDeleteYes. Not good. Everyone in this poor family wants someone to love and to love them back so badly. Maddy is the least affected by it all.
DeleteOh no! As Al from Quantum Leap would say, " This is not good Sam." When you bring alcohol into it, it usually doesn't end well. Well, let's hope Brooke is better than Jade was. Kaitlin is going to have a cow when she finds out that Reese knocked up another girl.
ReplyDeleteYes. Not looking forward to that conversation. I hope Brooke is the one for him.
DeleteNoo, a teen pregnancy roll. Oh goodness :o
ReplyDeleteYes...yucky...I am having so much fun watching you comment and reliving Kaitlin’s story....❤️
DeleteI'm having so much fun reading this and knowing what's in store in the future! Oh btw, I've only just figured out I'm not getting notifications here, that was a surprise, haha.
DeleteHaha! I have replied to’s been a fun trip down memory lane and I am cringing at the writing. This was my first real attempt to write a story for others to read and oh my...I think I got better, but I see so much that should be changed!
DeleteWell, don't worry, I cringe at my present day writing, LOL. I love it best when I mix up words that sound similar. That may be because English comes as my second language, but guess what... I do it in Polish, too, haha.