Day 24 - Rolled 13 - Social Worker coming. Have to stay home from work.
Two weeks later and another scary phone call greeted Kaitlin. She didn't get many calls and it seemed like every time her phone rang, it was something bad. Today was no exception. This time it was from Child Protective Services. The woman on the other end of the line said they had received a report that her son had been fighting and had been suspended from school. They had to follow up on it. She would be by after the kids got home from school to inspect her home and interview her and her kids to determine if there was a need for further action.
Kaitlin shivered as she hung up the phone. She was going to have to spend the entire day cleaning and preparing for the visit from the social worker. She wasted no time getting started.
As she was cleaning she realized there was no way she would be able to work tonight. She would be mentally and physically exhausted. It was already getting hard for her to move she was so hugely pregnant. Regardless, she had to be sure the kids were fed, homework done, cookies baked and the house spotless before the social worker showed up. On the bright side, if anything about this could have a bright side, should things go well, she could use this as a feather in her cap when she came out of hiding and filed for divorce and custody of her children.
Kaitlin was frantically cleaning and Maddy happily banging on the xylophone when the buzzer rang making Kaitlin jump. She was afraid to answer, fearing it might be the social worker showing up early. She answered and it was a delivery. Flowers. Reid had sent her a beautiful bouquet. Well at least his timing was good. She could use fresh flowers to decorate.
The buzzer rang again a few minutes later. Holding her breath she answered again. When Leroy’s voice came over the intercom, she was grateful. She quickly buzzed him in, so happy he wasn’t the social worker, “Hi Leroy!” she said, “I am so glad to see you, but why are you here?”
Leroy grinned, “You are? I mean, Candy said Reid stopped by and you two had a fight. She said I should probably stop by check on you. Are you okay?”
I am going to murder Candy, she thought. “No, um Yes,” stuttered Kaitlin trying to calm herself, “I am just cleaning up. Actually, though, I am glad you stopped by. I need to see if I can take off this evening.”
Leroy’s shoulders slumped. He hoped she wanted to see him to see him not just because she needed to ask off. “Sure Kate,” he said, “it should be a slow night, Candy can cover. Is something wrong? It's not the baby is it?”
“No. Yes, I mean the baby is fine. But well, yes,” said Kaitlin as she struggled with what to tell him then finally decided to just tell him as the words came tumbling out, “Sort of...wrong that is. You see Reese got in trouble for fighting in school and well it’s a long story, but I got a call this morning from CPS and they are sending a social worker to investigate and they won't tell me who turned in the complaint, evidently it's confidential, so I need everything to be perfect,” she stopped and took a breath before continuing, “Leroy, I can’t lose my kids, and I am a nervous wreck, so I can't work tonight.”
Leroy got a worried look on his face. “Kate, look where you live,” he said as he gestured around her apartment, “You have made the place as nice as possible - nice flowers by the way - but sweetheart, you already have 3 kids crammed into a one bedroom apartment and are expecting your fourth any day. Frankly I am surprised you haven’t already given birth. Regardless, you know they are going to ask about the baby’s father and about your other children's father as a potential placement for them or even foster care.”
“Oh Leroy. Do you really think so?” she asked nervously.
“Yes Kate. I know so,” then winced before adding, “from personal experience. The kid’s best interest is their primary goal and most of the time foster care is better, but not always. In your case not. Sweetheart, if they deem you are not a fit mother or your living conditions are not conducive to properly raise your children, they are within their rights to take them. You should ask Reid to come and be with you when they come. At least you can show you have the support of your baby’s father. That will help.”

Kaitlin was more upset than before. “No. I can’t ask him,” she tried to explain, “It’s just not possible. I will simply have to convince her I am capable.”
Leroy was incensed and demanded, “What the Hell is his problem? He sends you flowers and thinks that is enough? How can he not be here with you even now. You are going to give birth any day!”
“No. No. It's me. It's complicated. He can't be here. I will just convince her I can take care of my kids that's all.” said Kaitlin defiantly.
“Kate! You don't understand. You cannot do this alone. If not Reid, then at least let me be your advocate. I can be here when she comes by. Vouch for you.”
Kaitlin was surprised. “You would do that for me?” she asked timidly.
“Of course. That's what friends do, they take care of each other. Look, I need to go run a couple of errands. What time do you want me here?”
Kate thought for a second before replying. “Come by for dinner - 5:30. They are supposed to be here at 7:00. You can eat with us. It’s the least I can do to repay you for your help.”
The delicious aroma of garlic bread permeated the small apartment indicating dinner was ready. Everyone was dressed, homework was done. Kaitlin had already warned the boys that they had to be on their best behavior and Ben had become upset. He was afraid he would get taken away. Kaitlin tried to reassure him that as long as he was polite everything would be fine.
Promptly at 5:30 Leroy arrived. Kaitlin threw herself into his arms when he walked in. The fact that he dressed up for her didn't go unnoticed. She couldn't help but tease him about it. Smiling she said, “You clean up pretty good for a bartender!”
He laughed and shot back, “That's owner-operator and boss man to you missy! And as such, may I say, you clean up mighty nice for a pregnant barmaid.”
“Touché!” said Kaitlin. She was so happy he was here she was almost giddy. She hadn't realized exactly how much she had looked forward to his arrival. “Come on boss man,” she said dragging him by the hand to the dining table, “dinner is ready and we need to eat while it's warm.”
While they ate, they discussed the upcoming visit. Kaitlin explained that Leroy was here to be a advocate for her. Ben asked what a advocate was so Leroy explained to him that he was here to tell the lady what a great mom she was and to be there to support her while she answered questions. Ben asked if Leroy would be his advocate too when the lady talked to him. Leroy laughed and promised he would.
Just as the last of the dishes were put away, the buzzer sounded again. Kaitlin suddenly got a sick feeling in her stomach and it wasn’t from the pregnancy.
Leroy noticed and put his arms around her to reassure her. “It’s going to be fine. Trust me,” he said.
Kaitlin reluctantly buzzed in the social worker.
The social worker handed Kaitlin her ID saying, “Hi. You must be Kaitlin Murdock. I am Mary Johnson with Child Protection Services." While Kaitlin looked at the ID, Mary took in all of Kaitlin, obviously taking note of her hugely pregnant belly making Kaitlin even more nervous than before. Leroy was right, I need someone here to help me. .
Kaitlin nodded to her and handed back her ID. Then Mary turned her attention to Leroy asked, “And you are?”
“Leroy Chapman, nice to meet you Ms. Johnson,” he said and stuck his hand out.
Mary still frowning, ignored his outstretched hand saying, “Hmm, well I am here to interview Ms. Murdock and her children. Not you, Mr. Chapman. Now if you'll please excuse us.”
Kaitlin panicked - he couldn’t leave. She and Leroy both spoke at the same time, Kaitlin saying,”No! He --” and Leroy saying, “I believe she --”
Mary interrupted them. “One at a time! Ms. Murdock. You first. Why should Mr. Chapman be allowed to remain?” then she pointed at Kaitlin’s belly and said, “Is he your baby’s father?”
Kaitlin looked at Leroy and blurted out, “Yes! Yes, Leroy is my baby’s father,” then held her breath hoping he would just go along. He simply smiled.
“Very well then. You may stay Mr. Chapman.”
Mary started with a tour of their home taking notes. Leroy grabbed Kaitlin's hand as she walked into the shared bedroom. He knew she was worried about the fact that all of them slept in there.
For the remainder of the hour she interviewed the two boys. Ben was frightened at first but when Leroy sat next to him and encouraged him to go ahead, he calmed down and happily answered her questions.
Then it was Reese's turn. Kaitlin was more concerned about his answers than Ben’s. However, Mary wouldn’t allow anyone to be with them when she spoke to Reese.
When the social worker was finished with the kids, Kaitlin put the Maddy to bed and told Reese and Ben they needed to go to bed as well.
Reese called her over as she was walking out of the bedroom and quietly said, “Mom, tell Leroy congrats on the baby.”
Crap.."Reese," said Kaitlin, "honestly, we had no choice. She might take Maddy and Ben. Please, go on to bed, I need to get back out there."
Now it was her and Leroy’s turn to be interviewed. Kaitlin was terrified. Leroy sat next to her and held her hand. His touch and very presence calmed her enough to answer questions. The two of them made up so much stuff on the fly that she hoped it made sense. However, both of them seemed to be on the same wavelength - as if they could read each other's mind. The good thing is Mary Johnson was buying it.
Finally, Mary finished writing up her recommendation. "Please have a seat. I want to go over my findings and recommendation with the two of you. “Ms. Murdock, Mr. Chapman, while I don’t personally condone having children out of wedlock, your older children seem very well adjusted, even living in this cramped apartment with no 'personal' space. Even your two year old daughter is developing normally. The boys also seem to have attached themselves to your boyfriend. Reese spoke highly of you Mr. Chapman and Ben obviously has a lot of trust in you as he was nervous to speak with me until you sat next to him. Reese explained the fight at school and has assured me that it will not happen again. Make sure it doesn't.
In preparation for today, I did check on the boys school records and both boys are doing surprisingly well in school. The only issue Reese has had is this recent altercation. He will be a senior next year and we don’t want him to have gotten this far just to drop out and become a juvenile delinquent.”
Leroy reached over and put his hand on Kaitlin's leg and could feel her trembling so he left it there. He didn't know if she was angry, nervous or both. He, for one, was furious at the way she was talking to them but didn't dare show it.
The social worked flipped the page and continued, “As far as your living conditions are concerned Ms. Murdock, I understand each of you had your own place before you became - involved - and have leases that you cannot afford to break. So as soon as your respective leases are up, we expect you to pool your resources into one larger, more appropriately sized home that will better house four children. Therefore, my recommendation, Ms. Murdock, is to leave the children in your custody since they appear to be doing fine with the understanding that very soon you will be in more appropriate housing. However, understand also, should we get another report and the living situation hasn’t improved, then we may be forced to place your younger children in foster care.”
With that last statement, she stood up and said, “Good evening Ms. Murdock, Mr. Chapman. I can see my way out.”
Before the door even closed Kaitlin dissolved into tears. Leroy held her close while she sobbed. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have someone help ease her pain. She didn’t want him to let her go. But she had to. She finally began to pull herself together, then pulled away and began to apologize, “Leroy, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. But I was afraid. Thank you for not disputing it. Oh god, she thinks we are going to move in together.”
“Kate, honey, it's okay,” he said sweetly, “I was going to say the exact same thing if you hadn’t said it first.”
Kaitlin started talking without taking a breath, “You were so good with the kids, I can’t thank you enough, I really am trying to get a bigger place, I already have some money saved but it’s just been hard making money in my condition, but after the baby comes...”
Leroy pulled her to him again soothing her, “Shhh. Honey, it’s over. Calm down. You have nothing to worry about.”
Kaitlin leaned back and looked up at him, still in his arms. She saw the love in his eyes before he could hide it and her heart skipped a beat. She forgot what she was going to say and continued to study him as her thoughts raced. She knew that look wasn't just friendship, but the kind of love a man has for a woman. Had it always been there? And why did it make her heart race when he looked at her like that? She remembered what Candy had said, two men. Leroy and Reid. Kaitlin was suddenly afraid. She remembered once again why she pushed them both away. But Leroy didn’t care whose baby she was carrying. Reid would care. It had been almost 4 months since they broke up and he didn't bother calling her until he found out she was pregnant. It was the baby...
Leroy’s voice interrupted her thoughts breaking the spell he had her under, “I see so many emotions going on in your face right now. Fear, love, uncertainty but mostly fear. Kate you are full of mysteries. I hope someday you will let me in on all of your secrets, that maybe someday…”
“No Leroy. I can’t. Not now…”
“Someday then, but now, let me to stay with you for awhile. I don't think you should be alone. We can just watch a movie and try to forget all of this unpleasantness.”
Kaitlin was now positive he could read her mind and readily agreed. "I need to change first and get this braid out of my hair. I will only be a minute,"and then she turned and said, "Thanks Leroy."
When she came back in, Leroy had already turned on the TV and found a movie to watch. He convinced her to lay down, cradling her head in his lap. He absently stroked her hair while they watched the movie. Kaitlin felt herself relaxing from the gentle strokes and had trouble keeping her eyes open. I will just close them and listen, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.
When she was breathing deeply, Leroy carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed. When he laid her down and she snuggled into the covers, he smiled.
He stood and watched her sleep for a few minutes before he turned and quietly left the bedroom being careful not to wake the sleeping children that shared the space with her. He let himself out of her apartment and went home a little more hopeful about his future than he was a week ago.
Go to Chapter 25
Go Back to Chapter 23
Two weeks later and another scary phone call greeted Kaitlin. She didn't get many calls and it seemed like every time her phone rang, it was something bad. Today was no exception. This time it was from Child Protective Services. The woman on the other end of the line said they had received a report that her son had been fighting and had been suspended from school. They had to follow up on it. She would be by after the kids got home from school to inspect her home and interview her and her kids to determine if there was a need for further action.
Kaitlin shivered as she hung up the phone. She was going to have to spend the entire day cleaning and preparing for the visit from the social worker. She wasted no time getting started.
As she was cleaning she realized there was no way she would be able to work tonight. She would be mentally and physically exhausted. It was already getting hard for her to move she was so hugely pregnant. Regardless, she had to be sure the kids were fed, homework done, cookies baked and the house spotless before the social worker showed up. On the bright side, if anything about this could have a bright side, should things go well, she could use this as a feather in her cap when she came out of hiding and filed for divorce and custody of her children.
Kaitlin was frantically cleaning and Maddy happily banging on the xylophone when the buzzer rang making Kaitlin jump. She was afraid to answer, fearing it might be the social worker showing up early. She answered and it was a delivery. Flowers. Reid had sent her a beautiful bouquet. Well at least his timing was good. She could use fresh flowers to decorate.
The buzzer rang again a few minutes later. Holding her breath she answered again. When Leroy’s voice came over the intercom, she was grateful. She quickly buzzed him in, so happy he wasn’t the social worker, “Hi Leroy!” she said, “I am so glad to see you, but why are you here?”
Leroy grinned, “You are? I mean, Candy said Reid stopped by and you two had a fight. She said I should probably stop by check on you. Are you okay?”
I am going to murder Candy, she thought. “No, um Yes,” stuttered Kaitlin trying to calm herself, “I am just cleaning up. Actually, though, I am glad you stopped by. I need to see if I can take off this evening.”
Leroy’s shoulders slumped. He hoped she wanted to see him to see him not just because she needed to ask off. “Sure Kate,” he said, “it should be a slow night, Candy can cover. Is something wrong? It's not the baby is it?”
“No. Yes, I mean the baby is fine. But well, yes,” said Kaitlin as she struggled with what to tell him then finally decided to just tell him as the words came tumbling out, “Sort of...wrong that is. You see Reese got in trouble for fighting in school and well it’s a long story, but I got a call this morning from CPS and they are sending a social worker to investigate and they won't tell me who turned in the complaint, evidently it's confidential, so I need everything to be perfect,” she stopped and took a breath before continuing, “Leroy, I can’t lose my kids, and I am a nervous wreck, so I can't work tonight.”
Leroy got a worried look on his face. “Kate, look where you live,” he said as he gestured around her apartment, “You have made the place as nice as possible - nice flowers by the way - but sweetheart, you already have 3 kids crammed into a one bedroom apartment and are expecting your fourth any day. Frankly I am surprised you haven’t already given birth. Regardless, you know they are going to ask about the baby’s father and about your other children's father as a potential placement for them or even foster care.”
“Oh Leroy. Do you really think so?” she asked nervously.
“Yes Kate. I know so,” then winced before adding, “from personal experience. The kid’s best interest is their primary goal and most of the time foster care is better, but not always. In your case not. Sweetheart, if they deem you are not a fit mother or your living conditions are not conducive to properly raise your children, they are within their rights to take them. You should ask Reid to come and be with you when they come. At least you can show you have the support of your baby’s father. That will help.”

Kaitlin was more upset than before. “No. I can’t ask him,” she tried to explain, “It’s just not possible. I will simply have to convince her I am capable.”
Leroy was incensed and demanded, “What the Hell is his problem? He sends you flowers and thinks that is enough? How can he not be here with you even now. You are going to give birth any day!”
“No. No. It's me. It's complicated. He can't be here. I will just convince her I can take care of my kids that's all.” said Kaitlin defiantly.
“Kate! You don't understand. You cannot do this alone. If not Reid, then at least let me be your advocate. I can be here when she comes by. Vouch for you.”
Kaitlin was surprised. “You would do that for me?” she asked timidly.
“Of course. That's what friends do, they take care of each other. Look, I need to go run a couple of errands. What time do you want me here?”
Kate thought for a second before replying. “Come by for dinner - 5:30. They are supposed to be here at 7:00. You can eat with us. It’s the least I can do to repay you for your help.”
* * *

Promptly at 5:30 Leroy arrived. Kaitlin threw herself into his arms when he walked in. The fact that he dressed up for her didn't go unnoticed. She couldn't help but tease him about it. Smiling she said, “You clean up pretty good for a bartender!”
He laughed and shot back, “That's owner-operator and boss man to you missy! And as such, may I say, you clean up mighty nice for a pregnant barmaid.”
“Touché!” said Kaitlin. She was so happy he was here she was almost giddy. She hadn't realized exactly how much she had looked forward to his arrival. “Come on boss man,” she said dragging him by the hand to the dining table, “dinner is ready and we need to eat while it's warm.”
While they ate, they discussed the upcoming visit. Kaitlin explained that Leroy was here to be a advocate for her. Ben asked what a advocate was so Leroy explained to him that he was here to tell the lady what a great mom she was and to be there to support her while she answered questions. Ben asked if Leroy would be his advocate too when the lady talked to him. Leroy laughed and promised he would.
Leroy noticed and put his arms around her to reassure her. “It’s going to be fine. Trust me,” he said.
Kaitlin reluctantly buzzed in the social worker.
The social worker handed Kaitlin her ID saying, “Hi. You must be Kaitlin Murdock. I am Mary Johnson with Child Protection Services." While Kaitlin looked at the ID, Mary took in all of Kaitlin, obviously taking note of her hugely pregnant belly making Kaitlin even more nervous than before. Leroy was right, I need someone here to help me. .
Kaitlin nodded to her and handed back her ID. Then Mary turned her attention to Leroy asked, “And you are?”
“Leroy Chapman, nice to meet you Ms. Johnson,” he said and stuck his hand out.
Mary still frowning, ignored his outstretched hand saying, “Hmm, well I am here to interview Ms. Murdock and her children. Not you, Mr. Chapman. Now if you'll please excuse us.”
Kaitlin panicked - he couldn’t leave. She and Leroy both spoke at the same time, Kaitlin saying,”No! He --” and Leroy saying, “I believe she --”
Mary interrupted them. “One at a time! Ms. Murdock. You first. Why should Mr. Chapman be allowed to remain?” then she pointed at Kaitlin’s belly and said, “Is he your baby’s father?”
Kaitlin looked at Leroy and blurted out, “Yes! Yes, Leroy is my baby’s father,” then held her breath hoping he would just go along. He simply smiled.
“Very well then. You may stay Mr. Chapman.”
Mary started with a tour of their home taking notes. Leroy grabbed Kaitlin's hand as she walked into the shared bedroom. He knew she was worried about the fact that all of them slept in there.
For the remainder of the hour she interviewed the two boys. Ben was frightened at first but when Leroy sat next to him and encouraged him to go ahead, he calmed down and happily answered her questions.
Then it was Reese's turn. Kaitlin was more concerned about his answers than Ben’s. However, Mary wouldn’t allow anyone to be with them when she spoke to Reese.
When the social worker was finished with the kids, Kaitlin put the Maddy to bed and told Reese and Ben they needed to go to bed as well.
Reese called her over as she was walking out of the bedroom and quietly said, “Mom, tell Leroy congrats on the baby.”
Crap.."Reese," said Kaitlin, "honestly, we had no choice. She might take Maddy and Ben. Please, go on to bed, I need to get back out there."
Now it was her and Leroy’s turn to be interviewed. Kaitlin was terrified. Leroy sat next to her and held her hand. His touch and very presence calmed her enough to answer questions. The two of them made up so much stuff on the fly that she hoped it made sense. However, both of them seemed to be on the same wavelength - as if they could read each other's mind. The good thing is Mary Johnson was buying it.
Finally, Mary finished writing up her recommendation. "Please have a seat. I want to go over my findings and recommendation with the two of you. “Ms. Murdock, Mr. Chapman, while I don’t personally condone having children out of wedlock, your older children seem very well adjusted, even living in this cramped apartment with no 'personal' space. Even your two year old daughter is developing normally. The boys also seem to have attached themselves to your boyfriend. Reese spoke highly of you Mr. Chapman and Ben obviously has a lot of trust in you as he was nervous to speak with me until you sat next to him. Reese explained the fight at school and has assured me that it will not happen again. Make sure it doesn't.
In preparation for today, I did check on the boys school records and both boys are doing surprisingly well in school. The only issue Reese has had is this recent altercation. He will be a senior next year and we don’t want him to have gotten this far just to drop out and become a juvenile delinquent.”
Leroy reached over and put his hand on Kaitlin's leg and could feel her trembling so he left it there. He didn't know if she was angry, nervous or both. He, for one, was furious at the way she was talking to them but didn't dare show it.
The social worked flipped the page and continued, “As far as your living conditions are concerned Ms. Murdock, I understand each of you had your own place before you became - involved - and have leases that you cannot afford to break. So as soon as your respective leases are up, we expect you to pool your resources into one larger, more appropriately sized home that will better house four children. Therefore, my recommendation, Ms. Murdock, is to leave the children in your custody since they appear to be doing fine with the understanding that very soon you will be in more appropriate housing. However, understand also, should we get another report and the living situation hasn’t improved, then we may be forced to place your younger children in foster care.”
With that last statement, she stood up and said, “Good evening Ms. Murdock, Mr. Chapman. I can see my way out.”
Before the door even closed Kaitlin dissolved into tears. Leroy held her close while she sobbed. It felt so good to be in his arms, to have someone help ease her pain. She didn’t want him to let her go. But she had to. She finally began to pull herself together, then pulled away and began to apologize, “Leroy, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. But I was afraid. Thank you for not disputing it. Oh god, she thinks we are going to move in together.”
“Kate, honey, it's okay,” he said sweetly, “I was going to say the exact same thing if you hadn’t said it first.”
Kaitlin started talking without taking a breath, “You were so good with the kids, I can’t thank you enough, I really am trying to get a bigger place, I already have some money saved but it’s just been hard making money in my condition, but after the baby comes...”
Leroy pulled her to him again soothing her, “Shhh. Honey, it’s over. Calm down. You have nothing to worry about.”

Leroy’s voice interrupted her thoughts breaking the spell he had her under, “I see so many emotions going on in your face right now. Fear, love, uncertainty but mostly fear. Kate you are full of mysteries. I hope someday you will let me in on all of your secrets, that maybe someday…”
“No Leroy. I can’t. Not now…”
“Someday then, but now, let me to stay with you for awhile. I don't think you should be alone. We can just watch a movie and try to forget all of this unpleasantness.”
Kaitlin was now positive he could read her mind and readily agreed. "I need to change first and get this braid out of my hair. I will only be a minute,"and then she turned and said, "Thanks Leroy."

When she was breathing deeply, Leroy carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed. When he laid her down and she snuggled into the covers, he smiled.
He stood and watched her sleep for a few minutes before he turned and quietly left the bedroom being careful not to wake the sleeping children that shared the space with her. He let himself out of her apartment and went home a little more hopeful about his future than he was a week ago.
Go to Chapter 25
Go Back to Chapter 23
leroy is the sweetest <3
ReplyDeletea big question i have is why hasn't kate gotten a paternity test? :0 no doubt leroy would have been happy to pay for it had he known she was unsure whose baby it was?
Honestly - she is broke. But she does have her own demons that are keeping her from wanting to know. She didn't want to have happen what is happening with Reid. Now that he knows she is pregnant he rightly assumes he is father and now is actively trying to get her back. She lied to Leroy so he wouldn't do the same thing. And really, once the baby is born there will likely be no need for a parternity test.
Deletethat's fair!
DeleteI mean, Leroy is so sweet! SO much better ( in my opinion) than Rein! I hope they end up together!
ReplyDeleteSo different - Leroy is definitely better for her than Reid.
DeleteI hope she talks with Reese about what the social worker expects so he knows not to get into any more fights.
ReplyDeleteFor sure.
DeleteI like that we get to see Leroy helping her with this. I'm hoping this won't complicate things. I like how they handle this social worker things, I remember social worker was the worst NPC in the sims 3, well, after the repoman.
ReplyDeleteYes. Leroy really cares about her. I was glad he helped too.
DeleteDamn, I hate social real life, too. Most of them act holier-than-thou and this one was no different. I hope Kaitlin finds out who reported her so she can go after them with a freshly sharpened chainsaw. Hahahaha. I'm in a bit of a weird mood - nasty chest cold and hubby made me our version of a hot toddy...a bit of warm wine with a couple shots of booze. I'm...really...feeling no pain and hubby thinks it's hilarious...which it actually is. LOL. But yeah anyway...what an awful,time. Leroy was a total doll and I like him more and more. Kaitlin needs to get it together and not screw it up.
ReplyDeleteI am laughing so much. But really sorry you feel bad. Leroy did good.
DeleteGo ahead and laugh. Hubby is doing the same and really, it is funny. I'm not really a lightweight but there was quite a lot of booze in there. LOL. The bug isn't fun - I hate being sick - but at least I'm getting in quite a bit of reading. :) Leroy did good and I believe he genuinely loves her.
DeleteYes. He does. Feel better soon.
DeleteOkay, all aboard the Leroy bandwagon!
ReplyDeleteLol! Yep - he's a keeper!
DeleteLeroy is so cute and thank God he was there to help Kaitlin!
ReplyDeleteHe is very much in love with her.