Day 26 - Rolled 9 - adopt friend's toddler - not required and since I am getting another baby will skip this for now. Should I roll it again I will accept it.
Leroy sat on his couch and replayed Kate’s teary profession of love over and over in his head. He had wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless, but he was so shocked at all she had told him he needed time to process everything.
He wished now that he had acted on his instinct. Instead, he put the sleeping baby in the crib, turned to her and said the most stupid thing ever, ‘You should call Reid. He deserves to know the truth. I have to leave now. I have a lot to think about’. Then he leaned into the crib and placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead. As he left he heard Kate sob and say ‘I'm so sorry’. It nearly ripped his heart out but all he could think about was getting out of there before he lost it. He didn't know if he could forgive her. But then, who was he kidding, he loved her. He was overcome with emotion. All he wanted to do was go to her, but he didn't know how. He had a child, they had a child. He needed to see her again but she lied to him. None of it made sense.
His phone buzzed indicating a text message interrupting his thoughts. It was from Kate. His heart was in his throat as he read it:
Short and to the point. He supposed he deserved nothing more. He had walked out on her once again. Well no more. He would go by. She was right, they needed to talk, but about more than just the custody arrangements for their daughter.
After Leroy left the hospital Kaitlin cried until little Hailey began to fuss. The baby’s whimpers brought her back to her reality. She pulled herself together and picked up the one day old infant and fed her. She really was beautiful and if she couldn't be with Leroy, at least she had a piece of him to love in their daughter.
The next morning, the nurse came in with the papers for Kaitlin to sign releasing her and Hailey from the hospital.
“Do you have transportation?” she asked.
“Yes. My friend is picking us up,” replied Kaitlin, “She will be here shortly." The nurse looked at her, eyebrows raised with an unspoken question and left the room. No doubt she was wondering why Hailey's father hadn't been back. He hadn't called either. Not that she could blame him, however she knew he would want to see Hailey.
Kaitlin decided to text him instead of call. It would be easier than hearing his voice - she would probably cry.
She hit send then called a taxi. As soon as she hung up with the taxi, her phone buzzed with a reply.
Kaitlin picked her up, put her in the high chair and got her something to eat. Leroy couldn't help himself started laughing, “Holy moly Kate! What a circus!”
Leroy sat on his couch and replayed Kate’s teary profession of love over and over in his head. He had wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless, but he was so shocked at all she had told him he needed time to process everything.
He wished now that he had acted on his instinct. Instead, he put the sleeping baby in the crib, turned to her and said the most stupid thing ever, ‘You should call Reid. He deserves to know the truth. I have to leave now. I have a lot to think about’. Then he leaned into the crib and placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead. As he left he heard Kate sob and say ‘I'm so sorry’. It nearly ripped his heart out but all he could think about was getting out of there before he lost it. He didn't know if he could forgive her. But then, who was he kidding, he loved her. He was overcome with emotion. All he wanted to do was go to her, but he didn't know how. He had a child, they had a child. He needed to see her again but she lied to him. None of it made sense.
His phone buzzed indicating a text message interrupting his thoughts. It was from Kate. His heart was in his throat as he read it:
I am going home today. We should talk about visitation. You are welcome to stop by anytime.
Short and to the point. He supposed he deserved nothing more. He had walked out on her once again. Well no more. He would go by. She was right, they needed to talk, but about more than just the custody arrangements for their daughter.
* * *
After Leroy left the hospital Kaitlin cried until little Hailey began to fuss. The baby’s whimpers brought her back to her reality. She pulled herself together and picked up the one day old infant and fed her. She really was beautiful and if she couldn't be with Leroy, at least she had a piece of him to love in their daughter.
The next morning, the nurse came in with the papers for Kaitlin to sign releasing her and Hailey from the hospital.
“Do you have transportation?” she asked.
“Yes. My friend is picking us up,” replied Kaitlin, “She will be here shortly." The nurse looked at her, eyebrows raised with an unspoken question and left the room. No doubt she was wondering why Hailey's father hadn't been back. He hadn't called either. Not that she could blame him, however she knew he would want to see Hailey.
Kaitlin decided to text him instead of call. It would be easier than hearing his voice - she would probably cry.
I am going home today. We should talk about visitation. You are welcome to stop by anytime.
She hit send then called a taxi. As soon as she hung up with the taxi, her phone buzzed with a reply.
I can pick you up.
I have a friend picking me up. You can come by the apartment when I get there.
Tears started burning her eyes again as she read the stilted replies. She had hurt him terribly after he had been so good to her. She never should have kept the truth from him about the baby. She didn't know what she expected when she told him how she felt. It just came out. It seemed like the right thing to say at the time. Obviously not. Now he hates me.
* * *
Once she got home, Kaitlin introduced her kids to their half sister. Reese took one look at Hailey and his eyes said it all. He knew that Reid couldn't be Hailey's father. She had disappointed everyone. She knew she needed to have that conversation now. Ben should know who Hailey's father was since Leroy would be a permanent fixture in their lives now.
Kaitlin hugged Maddy and showed her the baby. Then she called boys to sit with her. She looked at Ben and Reese as she decided how to say what she needed to tell them. “So you know that Hailey is your half sister, right?”
Ben seemed confused and asked, “Why is she our half sister? You aren't married to anyone so isn't she our whole sister?”
Kaitlin smiled at his naivety, “You don't have to be married to have a child with a different father. I am both your mother and Hailey's mother. Your father is Newt. But he isn't Hailey’s father,” she looked at Reese before continuing, “Leroy Chapman is her father. You remember Leroy right, Ben.”
Reese looked disgusted, but Ben smiled. “YES! He was my advocate!” he said proudly, “Is he going to live with us? Can he be my father too?”
Poor Ben, he wanted a father so badly, first Reid and now Leroy. “No baby," she said, "he can't live with us, but he will come see us a lot more now. He will want to see Hailey.”
Ben frowned, “But what about us? Doesn't he want to see us too?”
Kaitlin never thought about how hard this would be on Ben and possibly even Maddy. She had screwed up so bad and if Newt found her now, he would have custody of their children in the blink of an eye. “Yes,” she said lovingly, “I am sure he will want to see you guys too.”
Reese never said a word. He just got up, grabbed his guitar and left. Kaitlin sighed. He had a lot to work out. She just confirmed that his mother was a slut.
* * *
Not long after Reese left, the buzzer sounded. It was Leroy. Kaitlin got butterflies in her stomach. She had no idea what Leroy was going to say. She just wanted to see him badly and had a lot she needed to tell him. There would be no more secrets - that is if he would even speak to her about anything other than working out visitation.
Leroy walked in and before he could say anything Ben launched himself at him. His eyes went wide and he looked at Kaitlin for an explanation. It wasn't needed. Ben's words explained it all. “Hi Mr. Leroy! Are you going to be my half-daddy since Hailey is my half-sister?”
Out of the mouths of babes. Ben had no filter. “I explained to Ben that Hailey was his half sister because you are her father, but not his father,” said Kaitlin.
Leroy got down to Ben's level and hugged him back. “Well, buddy, maybe someday I might just be. But for now why don't we just be buddies.”
Ben thought about it for a second and said, “Did you come to see my new sister?”
Leroy extricated himself from Ben's grasp and stood up. “I did. But I also wanted to see you and your mother,” he said glancing up at Kaitlin.
“Do you know how to play video games?” asked Ben testing him.
Leroy laughed, “Well, I haven't practiced in a while. Maybe you can teach me. But first your mom and I have some grownup things to talk about.”
“Fine…” said the little boy dejected.
Kaitlin fought back the tears that were forming again. Did he just open the door for a future together just for her to hurt him again when they had their grownup conversation. “Ben, it's such a nice day, why don't you go outside and play while Mr. Leroy and I talk,” suggested Kaitlin.
After Ben went outside, Kaitlin poured two cups of coffee. They sat down at the table in silence as the sipped the coffee. Kaitlin finally broke the silence and said, “I think we have about 30 minutes before Hailey wakes up.” She swallowed hard before continuing since he hadn't said anything. “Leroy, I am so sorry. I messed up on so many fronts. I had no right to tell you how I feel. I wasn't trying to trap….”
“Kaitlin, sweetheart,” he said softly as he reached across the table and placed his much larger hand over hers, “I think we both made mistakes. I am sorry I left like I did. It was all too much to take in.”
At the use of her full name, she knew he was serious. She choked back tears before speaking. “I’m so sorry,” was all she could squeak out.
“The time for apologies is past,” he said, “We just need to figure out how to move forward. No more secrets. We tell each other everything.”
At his words Kaitlin looked down knowing she had so much more to tell him.
“I will go first,” he said and paused when she didn't look at him, “Kaitlin, please, look at me.” She lifted her face to do as he requested and caught her breath. She had seen that look before. They locked eyes for a few seconds as if trying to see into each other's soul before he went on saying simply, “I love you too.”
No sooner had the words left his lips than the buzzer sounded making Kaitlin jump. Damn, damn, damn. Not now! And please don't let it be Reid. She hadn't spoken to Reid yet and wasn't ready to face him.
She reluctantly got up and went to the door, “Yes?”
“I am here with the baby," came the unmistakable voice of Jade's mother.
Damn again! She hadn't had a chance to tell Leroy this secret. He would surely take back his words when he found out, but Reese needed to be here now. She turned to Leroy in a panic and said, “I need Reese. He is at the park across the street…”
There was no mistaking the urgency of Kaitlin's request, “I'll go,” said Leroy totally confused.
“Thank you. I will explain later," then she pressed the intercom, “Come in please.”
The door opened and Leroy passed Mrs. Greenwood carrying what was obviously a newborn infant that couldn't have been much older than his own daughter. What the hell?
* * *
When Leroy returned with Reese in tow, Mrs. Greenwood had already left. But the infant didn't leave with her. Kaitlin was holding and cooing to the newborn.
When Reese walked in Kaitlin had a sense of deja vu. She smiled tenderly at her son and repeated nearly the same words she had said to Leroy three days ago, “Reese baby, come here. Meet your son.”
When Reese walked in Kaitlin had a sense of deja vu. She smiled tenderly at her son and repeated nearly the same words she had said to Leroy three days ago, “Reese baby, come here. Meet your son.”
She looked at Leroy and his mouth was hanging open. She smiled apologetically at him hoping he would stay long enough to let her explain. Reese came and took the baby from her. “A son," he stated his voice full of emotion,"What's his name?”
“Jade named him Samuel. But if you want to change it you can,” said Kaitlin adding, “He was born the same day as Hailey.”
“No,” sad Reese sadly, "if that's what Jade named him I won't change it. He should have something from his mother.”
Kaitlin looked at Leroy helplessly. He just shook his head and trying to decide whether or not to stay for the show when a cry from the other room decided for him. Kaitlin looked up and asked, “Your daughter is calling. Do you mind getting her? I need to….” she said gesturing to the boys. Leroy nodded so she continued much relieved, “Diapers are next to the crib and bottles are in the fridge, just need to be warmed up.”
Leroy went to fetch his daughter while Kaitlin attempted to explain to Ben that he was now an Uncle and that Samuel was not his half brother but his nephew. He wanted to know where Sam's mother was and Kaitlin explained that she was Samuel’s grandmother and would be like a mother for him until Reese graduated and moved away and maybe got married and took Samuel with him.
As Leroy listened to Kate interact with her boys, he realized how much she loved them and knew he couldn't ask for a better mother for his child. If she would only open up to him, they may have a chance at a life together. He could see himself being a part of this very large family that seemed to care so much for one another. Very unlike how he grew up. This is how it's supposed to be.

Maddy started repeating ‘ho we mo we’ over and over as she stuck her hands in her food.
Kaitlin looked at Leroy and said, “I can't believe you are even still here. You are very brave.”
“I can't leave now, it's just starting to get interesting,” he said still laughing and shaking his head.
Once again the buzzer sounded and Kaitlin froze.
Leroy looked at her and said, “Please tell me that's NOT another baby delivery.”
She smiled weakly shaking her head, “No. I just hope it's not Reid.”
He questioned her with just a look and she shook her head.
“Shit,” he said under his breath so Maddy wouldn't pick it up.
When she heard Candy's voice, she was relieved. “Come in and join the party.”
Candice walked in followed by a shy 4 year old hiding behind her legs. “Hi Kate!" she said then noticed that Leroy was and added, "and Leroy? I, uh, came by to see that sweet baby girl and bring a baby gift." She looked behind her and pointed, "This is my daughter. Say hi Dakota.”
Dakota mumbled, “Hi.”
“Hi Dakota,” said Kaitlin cheerily as she accepted the gift from Candice, “Thanks Candy. I didn't know you had a daughter. She's adorable.”
Candice rolled her eyes, “Well, I just got her full time. She has been living with the sperm donor since she was born. He got just got married and his new honey didn't want to raise someone else's kid so here we are.”
“Well she's beautiful,” gushed Kaitlin. Then addressing Dakota as she lifted Maddy out of the high chair she said, “there is toy box full of toys. You and Maddy can play.”
Dakota and Maddy ran to the toys, Maddy thrilled to have someone her size to play with.
Once the girls were settled, Candy finally noticed the two babies. Surprised she said, “Girl, you didn't tell me you were having twins!”
“No, that is my son’s baby," explained Kaitlin, "Little Sam was born the same day as Hailey so it's going to be like having twins for sure. He has full custody. Leroy has Hailey.”
"Aww, let me see her," said Candy as she took Hailey from Leroy. She began to coo at the baby then her eyes grew wide and she looked from the baby to Kaitlin and finally to Leroy, “No. Fucking. Way!"
“Candy. Language!” scolded Leroy.
Candy didn't wait for confirmation, the look on their face was enough. Looking at Kaitlin she asked, “Does your boyfriend know?”
“He's not my boyfriend! We haven't been together for months,” said Kaitlin.
Candy blew out a low whistle, “Well somebody better tell his ass because he thinks otherwise. He was in the bar asking for you last night. Said he stopped by to see you, but you weren't home and weren't answering his calls. Since he was asking, I figured you hadn't told him you had the baby so I didn't say nothin'. He said to tell you he had to go out of town and would be by tomorrow. Boy is he gonna shit his pants!”
This time both Leroy and Kaitlin said, “Candy!”
“So, I gotta ask you a favor," said Candy ignoring their admonishment, "Seein' as how our little girls are getting along so well and you are already running a daycare here with all these kids, would you mind sittin’ for her some?”
“I don't know Candy. Maybe when the babies are a bit older and sleeping through the night. She and Maddy do seem to have bonded. Give me a few weeks to recover and get into a routine. Okay hon?”
"Sure," sighed Candice, "Well, I better go. Let me know when you break Reid's handsome little heart. Like I said before, I wanna be around to pick up the pieces.” Then she looked at Leroy, “You might want to be around too. I don't think he's going to take any of this too well. Oh - and I will be bringing Dakota to work. She can sleep in the bed in the back room.” Then she called out across the room, “Come on Dakota, we gotta go girl.”
Maddy promptly began to cry when her new playmate had to leave. Kaitlin picked her up and soothed her reassuring her that she would get to play with Dakota again.
After Candy and Dakota left and they put the babies to bed and Kaitlin was exhausted. Ben and Reese were watching TV, so Kaitlin and Leroy sat at the table.
“I'm sorry, we have zero privacy here and I know we need to talk,” said Kaitlin.
“That's okay. Our discussions can hold for another day. You look exhausted Kate. I don't want to leave, but I think I probably should. We will figure this out," then he smiled before continuing,"I think we both want to. Baby steps okay?" then he added somberly, "And, Candy does have a point. Reid is not going to take this well. If you want, I will be here with you when you talk to him.”
“Leroy, Reid isn't your mess to fix," said Kaitlin, "I will talk to him. No need for you to be involved. But thank you. It seems like you are always there for me. I totally don't deserve you.”
“Kate. In case you didn't notice, I am involved. Don't shut me out. If there is any chance for us, you have to be honest and let me in. Now, I really need to go and you should sleep while the “twins” are sleeping.”
He got up and addressed the boys, “Boys, I am putting your mom to bed and then I am leaving. She needs to rest. Reese, if you need anything, call me.” Reese just grunted a response.
Leroy got up and helped Kaitlin up. She winced a little when she stood. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Just a little sore from the delivery. I will be okay in a couple of days.”
Leroy put his arm around Kaitlin and she gladly let him support her weight as they walked into the bedroom.
Kaitlin sat down on the bed. “Where’s your pajamas?” whispered Leroy not wanting to wake the trio of sleeping children. She pointed to the dresser. He pulled out a sleep shirt and held it up for her approval. She nodded yes so he laid it on the bed next to her. When Kaitlin stood up to change, Leroy turned his back to give her privacy.
Kaitlin touched Leroy’s shoulder when she was done. He couldn't resist any longer. Leroy pulled her to him and wrapped his big arms around her and held her for a few minutes. He could feel her tears soaking through his shirt. He stroked her hair and whispered, “It's going to be alright. We will work through whatever it is. No more tears.” Then he kissed her on the forehead and said, “I will be back tomorrow. Now climb into bed and get some sleep.”
:) nice update .. sweet ending
ReplyDeleteThanks! I wish things would be easy for them. She still has things to confess. :( And we will see her confrontation with Reid soon. Theirs is definitely not a normal love story.
DeleteI was cracking up laughing through most of this chapter. For a second, I thought you'd changed her mind and was going to have her adopt Dakota too. Such a circus, but this family is really sweet and loving. They're like a little battered boat that refuses to sink.
ReplyDeleteI am a little confused as to why Katie is telling Candy and such that Sam isn't hers. I thought the agreement was that she pretend she had twins? That way no one would know that Reese has knocked up his girlfriend?
ReplyDeleteThat ways definitely a faux pas on the author! Oops.... she will have to ask her to keep it quiet later.
DeleteWoops forgot the other baby was coming too. Also seeing your respond to Kursty's comment on asking cindy to keep quiet was going to go bad. Knowing how much she know about stuff, she just got the charm to get all the juicy gossip around town and Kate is no exception.
ReplyDeleteYes so true. I should have had her lie badly. I feel like I should rewrite that piece of this chapter. But, we haven't seen the last of Candy. They are friends.
DeleteAwwww, Leroy is such a doll. I just love him and want things to work out for them. What a sideshow. LOL. All those babies! They're a sweet, loving family though, so I'm pulling for them all. I'm not sure about Candy though. They're friends but with Candy being such a gossip, things may come out that Kaitlin doesnt want coming out, at least not that way. It was so sweet that Maddy has a playmate, but Candy seems very cavalier, even apathetic, about her daughter. That worries me.
ReplyDeleteCandy loves her daughter but has no idea what to do with her. They had no relationship until recently. Leroy is a gem.
ReplyDeleteLol. You were the first shipper. Lerate!
DeleteAwwww look at all those cribs lined up, maybe he can convince her to move in with him or help find a bigger place.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely need a bigger place!!!
DeleteNo way! This was such a hilarious read. I wouldn't be able to play with so many babies, so kudos to you!
ReplyDeleteSoooo many babies. Here’s a baby for you - later! 😂😂😂 But at least Kate and Leroy are moving forward.