Day 42 - Rolled 16 - Sick toddler
This morning was starting out bad. Hailey was sick and Kaitlin prayed it wouldn't spread through the other kids like wildfire. She was struggling to get ready for work and was relieved when Brooke arrived. Poor Brooke was going to have her hands full today. A newborn plus a sick toddler. But it was Thanksgiving week and the salon was booked solid so she had to go in. Leroy was really busy too getting some last minute remodels done before the holiday so he couldn't help either.
Kaitlin reluctantly handed off the screaming toddler to Brooke apologizing. “I will be back as early as I can. I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay Kaitlin," replied Brooke, "I will be fine. Maddy’s easy and can entertain Samuel. Please, don't worry.”
"Hi Miss Angie!" said Miranda, "Look at my hair! I desperately need a touch up and a cut. We are having special guests for Thanksgiving. My sister! I haven't seen her in almost 20 years! And Reid will be there. He hasn't been to our Thanksgiving party in a long time. He always volunteered to work so the other guys could be with their families."
“Sure thing Miranda. Have a seat," said Angie motioning to her chair. "How is Reid doing?” she asked and began to comb through Miranda’s hair, “I heard he got out of the hospital. You must be proud. He is a hero around here now. Hmmm. A little trim would be good - how much."
“Shoulder length would be a nice change," replied Miranda, "Thanks for asking Angie. Reid's doing well physically, but emotionally, he is having a hard time. That Leroy Chapman, it's all his fault. You know they found out that the bottles and some of the incendiary materials used to start the fire came from his bar! He has always had it out for Reid since they were in high school when Reid beat him out for the starting position and even later when my Reid's bar was so much more successful than that dive he operates. And did you know his sleazy barmaid brings her kid to the bar while she works? He ought to be shut down for allowing that!"
“Miranda, that's horrible!” said Angie obviously eating up the juicy gossip, “I had no idea Leroy was like that. I have known him for a long time but not well. He always seemed like a nice enough guy. Kept to himself mostly, living on the river. I never went to his bar, so I didn't know how awful it was. I always go to The Red Rendezvous."
After Angie washed and blew dry Miranda's hair and began to style it, Miranda started up again with her Leroy bashing while Kaitlin was forced to listen. "Chapman hates Reid. He actually went after Reid's girlfriend, Katie. He wanted my Reid out of the picture so he could have her for himself. I am just sure he is behind the fire, trying to kill my son. My husband told me the Feds brought him in for questioning. I can't believe they didn't just lock him up right then.”
"Miranda, that's awful," said Angie as she sprayed her hair, "You really think Leroy could do something like that? And, really why any woman would chose Leroy over Reid I have no idea. If you don't mind me saying, your son is quite gorgeous. Of course he comes by his looks honestly!"
“Thank you Angie. Good genes I guess," said Miranda smiling at the compliment. "Reid told me about her one day. Said he thought she was the one. Honestly though, I think she’s beneath him.”
Miranda lowered her voice but not enough that Kaitlin couldn't still hear, “You see, she got pregnant and Reid thought it was his. Turns out it was Chapman’s kid. Reid was devastated. But he still wants her and if she is the one he wants, then I will support it. Whatever makes him happy you know."
"Is she from around here? I don't think I know a Katie,” said Angie.
"No, she's not from around here. Reid met her at the fire station. She was their cook and housekeeper for awhile. Then she worked for Leroy as a barmaid! That's how he got involved. She must be a good lay is all I can think for them to fight over her like that. Funny thing is, when Chapman goes to prison for the rest of this life, his little plan will backfire and Reid will have her all to himself.”
"Umm, what's Katie's last name?" asked Angie.
"Murdock, why?"
Oh shit! thought Kaitlin.
“Miranda, a Kaitlin Murdock works here. Um - she was referred by Leroy. I'm pretty sure she is who you are talking about.”
“Really? Hmmmm. Is she here now? I would like to meet this woman that almost got my son killed and yet has stolen his heart.”
NOOO Angie! she wanted to scream.
“I think so. That's her station over there. Oh and she is still there. Should I introduce you?"
"No need. I will talk to her. Thanks Angie."
"Well, you have a good Thanksgiving Miranda and I hope things work out for Reid. See you in 6 weeks.”
Kaitlin turned around when she heard Angie say she worked there and tried to get out of sight. She didn't want to see Reid's mother. She was crazy. But she was too late.
“Excuse me,” said Miranda, “Are you Katie, err Kaitlin Murdock?”
Kaitlin turned around and tried to act like she hadn't heard the entire conversation. “Yes. How can I help you?” she asked forcing herself to smile.
Miranda stared at her for a minute with a hint of recognition on her face. It was a little unnerving because she looked just like Cassie - her mother-in-law.
“Um. Kaitlin Murdock…” she said smiling sweetly like she just didn't say horrible things about her, “so you are a friend of my son’s I believe. Maybe more than a friend if I understand it correctly. I can see why he is taken with you. Such a cute little thing. But, have we met before?"

Kaitlin just shook her head no so Miranda continued talking, "But you look sooo familiar and Murdock -well - it isn't a common name - especially Kaitlin Murdock. Funny, my nephew married someone named Kaitlin. How cute. Are you sure we haven't met before? I guess not, I think I would have remembered you.”
Kaitlin wanted the ground to swallow her up. She was sure Miranda knew exactly who she was. “I'm sorry, I don't think we have met. You said you are Reid's mother?”
“Miranda Connors. Yes, Reid Nielsen is my son.”
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Connors. Reid and I, uh, dated for awhile. But we broke up. I'm glad he's okay. I - um - went to see him while he was in the hospital, took my son, he wanted to see him.”
“You have a kid? Interesting, and he still dated you knowing that? Tsk-tsk.”
“Mrs. Connors, that's really none of your business.”
“So you do have a kid?”
“Ma’am, Reid and I are no longer seeing each other so I don't see how my children are any of your concern.”
“Children? Hmm. You do know that Reid would very much like to be seeing you again. He has so much more to offer someone like you than than that loser Leroy Chapman.”
“If you will excuse me, I have work to do, Mrs. Connors.” said Kaitlin.
Miranda laughed, “Do I make you nervous? My apologies Kaitlin. You know, we could become good friends. Shall I tell Reid you said hello?”
“Uh, sure. Please excuse me,” mumbled Kaitlin as she turned around and headed for the bathroom to the laughter of Miranda.
Kaitlin locked herself in a stall until she could pull herself together. Then she stepped out and splashed water on her face before she could make herself go back out praying Miranda Connors would be gone.
As soon as Kaitlin stepped out of the restroom, Angie made a beeline toward Kaitlin and grabbed her. “Kaitlin, is it true? You used to date Reid Nielsen and broke up with him to go with Leroy? I mean Leroy’s nice and all, but Reid is a yummy hot fireman.”

Kaitlin pulled away. “Old news Angie. Reid just isn't my type. It was sweet while it lasted. Go after him. He's available.”
“Not according to Miranda - he's still pining away for you.”
“Are we done Angie? I have a sick kiddo at home and need to relieve the sitter."
To be continued....
Go back to Chapter 41

Kaitlin reluctantly handed off the screaming toddler to Brooke apologizing. “I will be back as early as I can. I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay Kaitlin," replied Brooke, "I will be fine. Maddy’s easy and can entertain Samuel. Please, don't worry.”
* * * *
At the salon it was one client after the other. Then she walked in. Reid’s mother. Fortunately she was there for Angie. Kaitlin kept her back to them, but she couldn't help but overhear their conversation."Hi Miss Angie!" said Miranda, "Look at my hair! I desperately need a touch up and a cut. We are having special guests for Thanksgiving. My sister! I haven't seen her in almost 20 years! And Reid will be there. He hasn't been to our Thanksgiving party in a long time. He always volunteered to work so the other guys could be with their families."
“Sure thing Miranda. Have a seat," said Angie motioning to her chair. "How is Reid doing?” she asked and began to comb through Miranda’s hair, “I heard he got out of the hospital. You must be proud. He is a hero around here now. Hmmm. A little trim would be good - how much."
“Shoulder length would be a nice change," replied Miranda, "Thanks for asking Angie. Reid's doing well physically, but emotionally, he is having a hard time. That Leroy Chapman, it's all his fault. You know they found out that the bottles and some of the incendiary materials used to start the fire came from his bar! He has always had it out for Reid since they were in high school when Reid beat him out for the starting position and even later when my Reid's bar was so much more successful than that dive he operates. And did you know his sleazy barmaid brings her kid to the bar while she works? He ought to be shut down for allowing that!"
“Miranda, that's horrible!” said Angie obviously eating up the juicy gossip, “I had no idea Leroy was like that. I have known him for a long time but not well. He always seemed like a nice enough guy. Kept to himself mostly, living on the river. I never went to his bar, so I didn't know how awful it was. I always go to The Red Rendezvous."
After Angie washed and blew dry Miranda's hair and began to style it, Miranda started up again with her Leroy bashing while Kaitlin was forced to listen. "Chapman hates Reid. He actually went after Reid's girlfriend, Katie. He wanted my Reid out of the picture so he could have her for himself. I am just sure he is behind the fire, trying to kill my son. My husband told me the Feds brought him in for questioning. I can't believe they didn't just lock him up right then.”
"Miranda, that's awful," said Angie as she sprayed her hair, "You really think Leroy could do something like that? And, really why any woman would chose Leroy over Reid I have no idea. If you don't mind me saying, your son is quite gorgeous. Of course he comes by his looks honestly!"

Miranda lowered her voice but not enough that Kaitlin couldn't still hear, “You see, she got pregnant and Reid thought it was his. Turns out it was Chapman’s kid. Reid was devastated. But he still wants her and if she is the one he wants, then I will support it. Whatever makes him happy you know."
"Is she from around here? I don't think I know a Katie,” said Angie.
"No, she's not from around here. Reid met her at the fire station. She was their cook and housekeeper for awhile. Then she worked for Leroy as a barmaid! That's how he got involved. She must be a good lay is all I can think for them to fight over her like that. Funny thing is, when Chapman goes to prison for the rest of this life, his little plan will backfire and Reid will have her all to himself.”
"Umm, what's Katie's last name?" asked Angie.
"Murdock, why?"
Oh shit! thought Kaitlin.
“Miranda, a Kaitlin Murdock works here. Um - she was referred by Leroy. I'm pretty sure she is who you are talking about.”
“Really? Hmmmm. Is she here now? I would like to meet this woman that almost got my son killed and yet has stolen his heart.”
NOOO Angie! she wanted to scream.
“I think so. That's her station over there. Oh and she is still there. Should I introduce you?"
"No need. I will talk to her. Thanks Angie."
"Well, you have a good Thanksgiving Miranda and I hope things work out for Reid. See you in 6 weeks.”
Kaitlin turned around when she heard Angie say she worked there and tried to get out of sight. She didn't want to see Reid's mother. She was crazy. But she was too late.
“Excuse me,” said Miranda, “Are you Katie, err Kaitlin Murdock?”
Kaitlin turned around and tried to act like she hadn't heard the entire conversation. “Yes. How can I help you?” she asked forcing herself to smile.
Miranda stared at her for a minute with a hint of recognition on her face. It was a little unnerving because she looked just like Cassie - her mother-in-law.

Kaitlin just shook her head no so Miranda continued talking, "But you look sooo familiar and Murdock -well - it isn't a common name - especially Kaitlin Murdock. Funny, my nephew married someone named Kaitlin. How cute. Are you sure we haven't met before? I guess not, I think I would have remembered you.”
Kaitlin wanted the ground to swallow her up. She was sure Miranda knew exactly who she was. “I'm sorry, I don't think we have met. You said you are Reid's mother?”
“Miranda Connors. Yes, Reid Nielsen is my son.”
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Connors. Reid and I, uh, dated for awhile. But we broke up. I'm glad he's okay. I - um - went to see him while he was in the hospital, took my son, he wanted to see him.”
“You have a kid? Interesting, and he still dated you knowing that? Tsk-tsk.”
“Mrs. Connors, that's really none of your business.”
“So you do have a kid?”
“Ma’am, Reid and I are no longer seeing each other so I don't see how my children are any of your concern.”
“Children? Hmm. You do know that Reid would very much like to be seeing you again. He has so much more to offer someone like you than than that loser Leroy Chapman.”
“If you will excuse me, I have work to do, Mrs. Connors.” said Kaitlin.
Miranda laughed, “Do I make you nervous? My apologies Kaitlin. You know, we could become good friends. Shall I tell Reid you said hello?”
Kaitlin locked herself in a stall until she could pull herself together. Then she stepped out and splashed water on her face before she could make herself go back out praying Miranda Connors would be gone.
As soon as Kaitlin stepped out of the restroom, Angie made a beeline toward Kaitlin and grabbed her. “Kaitlin, is it true? You used to date Reid Nielsen and broke up with him to go with Leroy? I mean Leroy’s nice and all, but Reid is a yummy hot fireman.”

Kaitlin pulled away. “Old news Angie. Reid just isn't my type. It was sweet while it lasted. Go after him. He's available.”
“Not according to Miranda - he's still pining away for you.”
“Are we done Angie? I have a sick kiddo at home and need to relieve the sitter."
To be continued....
Go back to Chapter 41
Arghh Angie why? You blew her cover! ��
ReplyDeleteWith Miranda aware of Kaitlin, I wonder if someone will make the connection over Thanksgiving dinner. Miranda is definitely suspicious. That's going to be a whole slew of bad news!
Oh - yes. Even though she and Cassie are estranged, she has been keeping up with what has been going on. And the name Kaitlin Murdock is not common so.... Yep yikes....
DeleteAngie is just a gossip and really had no idea about Kaitlin because she is very private. It's so much like a salon especially if you go to one person regularly.
My heart almsot stopped when Miranda came to talk with Kate, I was like '' well, nice to meet you, Kate! oooh, Angie you almost blew everything up! And I'm eager to know how much more things will happen in thanksgiving! I hope Miranda don't bring her sister to see how much Kate looks like...Kate.
ReplyDeleteLOL - That would be horrible! I hope she doesn't either.
DeleteSomeone needed to knock Angie's block off. Man, this can't be good. Reid really needs to be put out of commission for sure and disgraced. That guy being thought of as a hero and Leroy catching blame for everything totally makes me sick. Let's hope the tables turn and let's hope it happens very soon.
ReplyDeleteAngie is definitely a gossip and is eating it up! Shame on her. And hold on, things are going to heat up fairly soon! 😏
DeleteThings only seem to be getting more complicated for Kaitlin!
ReplyDeleteAll those lies eventually catch up to you right? Not that she did anything wrong, but a lot of people have been scheming for sure. But why?
DeleteTotally agree!
DeleteAngie is such a bitch. After that type of conversation, who would point Miranda in Kaitlin's direction?! I wanted to scream haha. Miranda seems like a snake, just like her son. Really hoping Leroy can manage to get Reid out of their lives for good!
ReplyDeleteAngie is a bitch. But Miranda is one of the elite in the community and she liked the gossip she was getting first hand! Maybe they can soon be rid of Reid...I hope so.
DeleteI just want to shake Kaitlin sometimes! I want to give her just a smidge more strength, then she'd stop folding herself into a smiling doormat. But avoiding conflict is her jam, so I guess... When is Leroy scheduling that therapy appointment?
ReplyDeleteSoon, very soon! 😇
DeleteWoooowww, Angie threw her under the bus there! Why would she do that after all the awful things Miranda was saying about her/Leroy. I think she handled the Miranda situation perfectly, though. She was in public and at work, so causing a scene there wouldn't have benefited her. I know its her MO to avoid conflict but I think it worked in her favor here.
ReplyDeleteOh definitely. Miranda is well known and it would have been the talk of the town and Miranda would have had her for lunch!!! Haha!
DeleteOh no, she's now closer to Newt than ever :o
ReplyDeleteOh yes. The past is very quickly catching up to her.