Since Brooke's brother had come over, she decided to just go home with them instead of making Reese drive her. Reese kissed Brooke goodbye and rode the elevator back up thinking about maybe having another piece of pie.
When he opened the door thoughts of pie flew out of his head. His mother was pleading with Leroy to leave her alone. They both froze when he walked in as if caught doing something they shouldn't.

Then his mother told him to leave just like she did the day before they ran. He didn't leave her then and he wasn't going to leave her now. No, that asshole Leroy was going to leave this time.
Then Leroy said something to him about a flashback. But why would she have a flashback? Leroy was never cruel to her or was he? He didn't know his father was for a long time either. That wasn't going to happen again.
Then his mother called him Newt and repeated the same words that were etched in his mind the day his father punched him. He held out his arms and said gently, “Mom - it’s okay, come to me. Dad's not here. It's okay,”
He was relieved when she came to him after checking that Leroy wasn't going to be a threat. He wanted that bastard gone now. “Leave now, asshole” he gritted out.
Leroy looked like he was going to be sick and just stood there for a minute. Finally he said, “Reese, just hold her until she calms down. I will go in the bedroom and wait, but I'm not leaving. Okay?”
Reese was in no position to argue and as long as he was out of sight maybe his mother would be okay. He just nodded towards the bedroom door and Leroy simply turned and walked out of the room. Now he was there alone with his mother not really knowing what happened or what to do.
“It's okay now mom. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore,” said Reese as he rubbed her back, “Come on, let's sit down.”
Kaitlin looked up at Reese seemingly confused and let him lead her to the couch. “Mom, what happened? Are you okay now?” he asked when they were seated.
“What? I think so...Reese, you're not hurt...Oh God, I thought...where is Leroy?” asked Kaitlin frantic.
“I sent him away, you were trying to get away from him.”
“You, you saw that, oh Reese I'm so sorry,” she said as she buried her head in her hands.
Reese looked up as Leroy walked in. He must have heard them talking. “Don't you think you've done enough damage already? You should go before I call the cops.”

“No Reese,” interjected Kaitlin sadly, “He didn't do anything.”
“Then why were you running from him?”
“I wasn't, I thought he was your father. I was running from him,” replied Kaitlin now crying softly.
Leroy walked over and sat down next to Kaitlin. “She was having a flashback Reese,” he said as he took her hand, “At least I'm pretty sure that's what it was.”
“I’m okay baby. I'm sorry you had to see that,” said Kaitlin.
Reese was confused. He knew there was more they weren't telling him. He could tell by the way Leroy was looking at her when she said that. Then Leroy finally spoke to Kaitlin, “Tell him Kate or I will.”
Shit, does she have brain cancer or something? thought Reese. “Tell me what Mom? Are you sick?”
Kaitlin looked at her son and squeezed Leroy’s hand. “Leroy, I can't - you tell him.”
“Kate, do you want to go lie down first?” asked Leroy, “You really need to rest.”
“Okay,” she said weakly.
When Leroy returned Reese was fuming. “So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with her? And no lies. I want the truth.”
“Reese, I have never lied to you. I hope you believe that. I never wanted anything but the best for your mother, you and the kids.”
Yes, that's why you got her pregnant when she was with Reid, he thought. “Then what is it?”
“From what research I've done I think your mother has PTSD.”

“Reese, dammit! This is exactly why I made her lie down. She doesn't need to hear you saying there's nothing wrong. She doesn't want to admit anything is wrong, but it's been getting worse and now she realizes, especially after tonight, that something is wrong and it scares her. I didn't know what was going on either at first and just thought she was afraid of me and it pissed me off. Reese, you have to know I would never hurt her. I love your mother and she loves me. I think, because we are closer now, certain things are causing her to have flashbacks. Tonight she thought I was Newt. She even said so. I was trying to calm her when you came in.”
Reese tried to process what he was saying. His mother definitely was happier with Leroy around. She lit up when he walked into a room. And she looked at Leroy the same way Brooke looked at him. Leroy was right, she was reliving the night before they ran. So why was she doing that? He looked at Leroy, unshed tears making his eyes glisten as he thought about that night. Reese swallowed hard before speaking. “She said the exact same thing tonight that she said when my father hit me that last day before we ran. I will never forget her words.”
Leroy looked at him with sadness in his eyes. “I don't know exactly why she is having these flashbacks but have an idea. She didn't have any intimate relationships when you first moved here. So there was nothing to “trigger” her. But now, things are more normal,” Leroy snorted before continuing, “well not normal, but you understand what I mean. She has a home and a job. Now that she isn't fighting for survival, there is concern that your father may find out where she is before she deems herself ready to divorce him and he will take you are your siblings away from her.”
Reese started to protest, “Let me finish. So she has different pressures, plus our relationship. She feels so damn guilty for everything. She hasn't accepted that none of this is her fault. So if we have an argument, she gets 'triggered' and those old feelings that she hasn't dealt with surface and take over. Reese, I only got mad at her tonight because she was apologizing again and that was all it took. I just wanted her to understand it's not her fault. Based on what you just said, she wasn't with us a few minutes ago. She was back at that night. She needs help we are not qualified to give her. Based on her willingness for me to tell you, I think maybe she is finally ready to accept that help.”
“No Reese. Newt broke her. Your father caused this!”
“She was fine before you!” said Reese swiping at the tears that were threatening to fall.
“I need to see her,” said Reese turning to walk away.
Leroy grabbed his arm and stopped him. “No. Not like this. You handled her well earlier. If you go in there it's going to be to support her not blame me. Remember, Newt is the asshole here, not me. And right now, your Mom needs support and therapy, not her son arguing with her over me. I will wait out here and give you two some privacy, but understand, I will always be a part of Kate’s life unless she tells me to leave.”
Reese shrugged his arm from Leroy's grip. He knew Leroy was right and it pissed him off. It was just so hard to see his mother like that. He took a deep breath, scrubbed his hands over his face and went into the bedroom to tell his mom it was going to be okay and hold her hand until she fell asleep.
When Reese walked in, his mother sat up in bed with a sad smile on her face. She patted the side of the bed next to her for him to join her. Reese tried to swallow down the lump in his throat as he crawled up in the bed beside his mother. She pulled him to her and whispered, “Thank you baby. It’s gonna be okay.”
He wrapped his arms around her and the dam burst. The tears came silently as his whole body shook with his sobs. His mother held him like she did when he was little and let him cry in her arms. He was pretty sure she was crying too.
Go to Chapter 43 - Part 1 of 2
Go back to chapter 42 Part 2 of 3
Maybe this was good for Reese to see. I mean, it's not pleasant at all but hopefully, this is what it takes to make Kaitlin see she needs help and fast.
ReplyDeleteI felt sorry for Reese at the end of the chapter but am still not happy with him. It seems everyone is so quick to use Leroy as the scapegoat when none of this is his fault. That poor man is catching hell from all sides and I, for one, can't wait to see the tables turn. Reese needs to realize who their true allies are.
You are spot on! This certainly opened Kaitlin's eyes. I am not sure how much she realizes that Leroy and Reese haven't had the best relationship. Although it has improved. But still...he's looking for someone to blame.
DeleteI am glad Reese saw this. He is maturing so quickly, its so good to see their mother -son relationship deepen. I think there is always a time in a parent child relationship where you finally see your parent as a person. Not just your mum! Glad Kaitlin has realised.
ReplyDeleteYes....I thought the end was so sweet. They were comforting each other and yes, deepening their relationship. She is no longer just his mom but also a person. :) Which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't seen her breakdown and heard from her what was really happening. I hope he eventually will fully trust Leroy.
DeleteI don't know. I kind of see Reese's point. Leroy's temper scares me, and if someone was yelling at me for apologizing I'd definitely get upset and I'd probably...if they were online I'd block them and put them on ignore and never talk to them again and probably go through a couple of weeks of hating myself, and if it was IRL...IRL I'd probably freeze or fawn. Or fight, maybe. Sometimes when the spousal person does something triggering I'll choose fight, because I trust him enough and I know he's safe and he's not going to abandon me or hit me. So I guess in Kaitlin's situation I would have chosen fight, probably, and I would have been the one in Reese's position, calling Leroy an asshole and either telling him to leave or leaving myself.
ReplyDeleteIn situations where I don't trust the person enough for fight, I either go quiet and small (freezing), or I, well, profusely apologize (fawning).
Honestly I kind of want to see Kaitlin own Leroy now, just be like "Yo, step off, I apologize because I can't freaking help it, and when you yell at me it makes it a thousand times worse."
But I guess they're all still learning.
I think he's figuring it out the hard way. Next chapter is better. :)
DeleteOHH UGH .. I hope he see the truth now and lets his mom get the help she needs!
ReplyDeleteYes. This was eye-opening for Reese. It humanized his mom a bit.
DeleteReese is looking for an easy target to blame and Leroy is right in front of him. In a way, that makes sense. But sheesh! I wish I could go back to when Leroy first hired Kaitlin and tell him to run! This family has so many issues. Luckily, Leroy loves Kaitlin and her family so much because they are soooo much to deal with.
ReplyDeleteKaitlin is indeed lucky to have Leroy and that he loves her...And they have a child together now....maybe his fault for taking advantage of her. They had become very good friends at that point and there was a lot of sexual tension between them.
DeleteAnd you are right Reese was looking for an easy target. He didn't want to admit his mother had these issues. It scared him and he needed someone to blame.
Eh, I see Reese's point. Leroy might not be hurting her physically but he has to understand that he IS triggering her. Every time he yells at her (or loses his temper) she has an attack, and the worst part is he usually loses his temper over stupid things (like apologizing). She needs help, certainly, but Leroy might need anger management in order to be with Katie as well. She is more sensitive than the average individual, and while he loves her and wants to be with her, he might need help learning how to behave around a battered woman.
ReplyDeleteYes. He doesn't get why getting upset with her over silly things makes her lose it. He wants her to stop it and be stronger but certainly is ill equipped to know how.
DeleteFor the 100th - Kaitlin, please get help. Everyone is worried. She can't let it take over her life.
ReplyDeleteYes - I think after this, she will have to.