Day 41 - Roll 16 - cute baby contest
The next morning, after the kids were at school and the babies fed and settled, Leroy sat down with Kaitlin to tell her about what happened between he and Reid the previous night.
"My PI is having a hard time finding concrete evidence of anything that we can use to make Reid stop this insanity," explained Leroy, " But he has a friend at the FBI and called to see what they could do. The FBI told him if we could get Reid to say something that would incriminate him they would take it to a judge to see if it was enough to file charges.
So when the security guard saw Reid stop at your apartment and start talking to the kids, they called my PI and he called me. I told him I was going to kick his ass to make him talk. Thankfully he talked me down from that. They wanted to wire me so that I could try to get him to say something that would give them evidence that he is behind all of this. Baby, Reid is an arrogant son-of-a-bitch and thinks he has won. Those types like to boast. So I went by and they wired me up real fast so they could hear our conversation.
That's why I called after I got inside. I wanted to be sure they had something. With what he said to me, he thinks we might have enough along with what our mole may be able to testify to about the break-in at my bar to file charges. They are presenting it to a judge next week to see if they feel it's enough. In the meantime we will keep the surveillance on your apartment."
Kaitlin sat back and looked at Leroy in shock. He had said nothing of this last night when they went to bed, but then, they were trying to be quiet. Incredulous, she asked, “You mean he admitted he framed you?”
“Not exactly. But he knows about the evidence they found from my bar AND that they took me in for questioning for possible arson. He also knew that CPS was called on Candy and that I adopted her. He even admitted to knowing my bar more intimately than as a patron. He just seems to know much more than he should.”
Kaitlin began to cry.
Leroy immediately got angry and stood up. “What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded, "You should be happy!! We may finally put this asshole away for his crimes!!”
Kaitlin felt herself withdrawing from Leroy's anger and shrank back into the couch. She needed to explain why she was crying so he wouldn't get more upset with her. “I - I just can’t believe he did those awful things,” she said through her tears. “He seems so nice. Ben adores him. How could I be so gullible. Poor Candy. She would still have Dakota if not for me. And you wouldn’t be fighting to prove your innocence for a crime you didn't commit. I - I can’t do this to you anymore.”
“Dammit Kaitlin! What is it with you trying to take the blame all the fucking time? I can’t stand when you do this shit, it makes me crazy!” said Leroy raising his voice and rubbing his hand over his head even more angry than before.
No. This can't happen. I have to fix this, thought Kaitlin as she sucked in a breath then began to breathe in short little gasps trying to stop her tears. Leroy would be even more angry if she didn’t stop. She had an overwhelming urge to apologize but knew that would also make it worse. She didn't know what to do to make it better and was instantly afraid.
She stood up to get away and Leroy grabbed her hand. She gasped and pulled away, panting harder, trying to stop her tears. She needed to get to the babies - no Reese - but she was too dizzy as she tried to stumble away from him.
He grabbed her from behind as she tried to run. Kaitlin froze bracing for the worst. "Newt, no..." she mumbled not really able to speak. Newt was still talking loudly to her but she couldn't understand what he wanted her to do. Then she heard his voice gently urging her to breathe. “Kaitlin - breathe baby - slowly.” She tried to obey - had to obey - and the dizziness began to go away, but then Newt reached around her and she yelped again.
But he didn’t let her go. Instead he pulled her tightly to him so she couldn't move and continued to tell her to breathe while he stroked her hair and whispered in her ear over and over, “I got you. It’s okay. Just breathe. I love you. It's Leroy baby. Slowly, just breathe for me.”
Finally Kaitlin’s brain began to understand she was okay and she started to breath more normally. Still clutched in his arms, she looked up, tears rolling down her face, to see that it was Leroy holding her not Newt. “Oh God, what’s wrong with me?” she asked.
Holding her gaze he replied softly, “Hon, you have been to hell and back these past couple of years. I am sure this is a stress related breakdown. When you get upset or overwhelmed, you just shut down.”
What does that mean, am I going crazy? she thought, “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to get upset, it - it just happened and I couldn't stop it.”
“Are you okay now? You're still trembling.”
Kaitlin barely had a hold on her emotions. “I - I think so…but..Leroy...I need...I need to apologize or I can’t breathe. I need you to know I'm sorry for this mess.”
Leroy sighed pulling her tighter and kissed her forehead, “It’s okay baby. You know I love you. I'm okay. We’ll get through this together and then we can relax and just be a family - all 10 of us if it comes to that. Remember, Kate, you are safe with me.”
“Thank you,” whispered Kaitlin as she laid her head on his chest finally relaxing.
A few days later Kaitlin realized Halloween had snuck up on her. Ben and Dakota wouldn't let it her forget it either. They wanted a Halloween party - even Maddy was begging along with them. Kaitlin finally agreed laughing. “Okay! Okay! We don't have time for anything but a family party but we will have one.”
Dakota was beside herself an turned to Ben. “I am going to be Tinkerbell!” she said matter of factually.
Ben grimaced. “I am going to be a superhero! Fairies are stupid!”
“Ben!” warned Kaitlin and gave him the mommy look.
“Fine. You can be a stupid fairy,” said Ben rolling his eyes.
"Don't say stupid!" scolded Kaitlin. Then she heard the school bus outside, "Uh oh, the bus is here, you two need to go!"
Kaitlin tried not to laugh when Ben turned and grabbed Dakota's hand. "Come on Dakota. Let's go." The first grader happily let Ben drag her out the door to the bus.
As much as Ben pretended to get fed up with Dakota and at times teased her unmercifully, she had given him a purpose. He had taken his role as big brother, mentor and protector very seriously. Even with Maddy and Hailey. He loved his little sisters and his nephews, Sam and Jordan.
Their fast growing family, instead of being a threat to Ben, did just the opposite. It made him feel important.
Dakota seemed to be the real catalyst to his change. She looked up to him and sought him out for everything. She did anything he told her to do. She was thriving with them and coming out of her shell. Who knew Dakota would have such a positive impact on their family. Leroy was right. Living with them was exactly what she needed and also what Ben needed.
He was worried about Kaitlin and her ‘episodes’ as he had come to think of them - little panic attacks triggered by seemingly less and less. Leroy had began to walk on eggshells around her, not telling her everything so she wouldn't have a meltdown. And he let her apologize if she needed to, but he didn't think that was helping her. After the last one, he was pretty sure she had called him Newt when she was trying to get away from him, but she could have just said no. Regardless, thought Leroy, I am going to call around tomorrow and see if I can find out what sort of therapy might help her.
Once the little ones were dressed in their costumes, Leroy got ready in his pirate getup, complete with eye patch and guyliner. Then he and Reese took on the babysitting duties while Brooke helped Kaitlin carve pumpkins, put up decorations and setup the buffet.
Leroy sat back and watched. Kaitlin looked so happy. Happier than he had seen her in a while. Everyone was ready except her. She told him her costume was a surprise and she would dress as soon as everything was done.
Kaitlin eventually pronounced everything ready and went to put on her costume. When she walked out Leroy and Reese both did a double take. She had on a black wig and looked completely different.
Leroy let out a low whistle and put Hailey down. He almost thought someone else had come in without him seeing them, then realized at the same time it was Kate. Damn she looks sexy in her costume, he thought and walked over to her.
"Babe, you look hot!" whispered Leroy.
Kaitlin giggled, "I am supposed to be Elvira. I borrowed the wig from the salon. I take it you approve."
Reese had turned on the music so Leroy bowed and asked, "May I have this dance?"
"Pirates know how to dance?" she teased.
"Let me show you my lovely Lady of Darkness. We pirates have many surprising talents," he replied and wiggled his eyebrows which caused his eye patch to wiggle. Kaitlin started laughing as he took her in his embrace and began to dance surprisingly well. Behind them, Hailey had also began to bounce to the music and squealed.
"Look," whispered Kaitlin, "Reese and Brooke are dancing too. They look so happy. I am glad that they found each other."
Leroy looked over his shoulder. Sure enough they seemed as lost in each other as he was in Kaitlin. Then he laughed. "Don't look now but Ben and Dakota are dancing too!"
Everything is perfect, thought Leroy, I could do this every day for the rest of my life. As long as we take care of Reid and Newt - the fucking Murdock brothers - it will happen. This can be my future and damn it looks good.
Reese got out his camera and began to take pictures. He started with selfies of Brooke and himself then gathered the babies and took a few shots of them. He told Leroy he planned to submit the best one for this fall’s photo contest.
After they danced, played a few games and handed out candy, they all gathered around and had some of the roasted chicken that Kaitlin had prepared for their buffet.
After dinner, the doorbell finally stopped ringing. Everyone took charge of one of the little ones to get them to bed. Brooke fed Jordan and put him down for the night, Leroy took Hailey and tucked her in, Reese took his little boy Sam and Kaitlin took Maddy. After about an hour all of the youngest children were settled in bed.
That left Dakota and Ben. After a 'just one more time please' of Rock Paper Scissors, the two older children reluctantly went to bed exhausted. The house was now quiet with only the adults still up.
Reese sighed. "I guess I have to take Brooke home. I will be back in about an hour," he said as the couple walked arm in arm out the door.
As soon as the door shut, Leroy grabbed Kaitlin around the waist and pulled her to him. “Alone at last my gorgeous Goddess of the Night,” he said waggling his eyebrows then added huskily, “Do you have any idea how sexy you are? I have been drooling all night long.”
Kaitlin let out a little giggle that made Leroy want her even more. “Not as hot as you are,” she said seductively, “I like the pirate loo… mmm.” Leroy cut her off before she could finish with a steamy kiss.
Leroy released Kaitlin turned the lights down and turned on some soft music. He didn't want the evening to end, Kate just seemed so happy right now. "Dance with me again Kate. Did you know that it was our first dance today?" asked Leroy.
"Mmm Uh." said Kaitlin laying her head on his shoulder, "Do I have to always wear a black wig to get you to dance with me?" she asked.
"Maybe. You do look sexy all gothic looking," teased Leroy and Kaitlin playfully swatted him on the back.
As they continued to dance he pulled her closer and soon their hands began to roam over each others bodies.
Leroy ripped off his hat and eye patch. Kaitlin did the same with her wig. "Much getter," she said as she shook out her hair. Clothes would be next if they didn't slow down.
Leroy needed to kiss her. He pulled Kaitlin to him. "God Kate, I love you so much."
"Mmmm, I love you too, guyliner and all," she replied laughing, "it's kinda sexy."
"Then kiss me Queen of the Night!"
Kaitlin grabbed him and pulled him to her and kissed him seductively.
Leroy started tugging on her costume in an effort to remove it. The party, the levity of it and now the intimacy, this was what they both needed and Leroy knew they didn’t have much time. The shower was the safest bet since it was the only place they could pretty much be guaranteed a little privacy. And wash off their makeup at the same time.
He broke the kiss, turned Kaitlin around, slapped her playfully on her butt and in his best pirate voice said, “, before I make ye walk the plank, argggg!”
Without missing a beat Kaitlin replied, "You do know I am the Queen of Darkness and can place an evil spell on you...pirate..." then she dissolved into giggles, kicked off her heels and ran to the shower.
Leroy followed in her wake laughing and saying "Arggg!" He thought he was happier right then than he had ever been in his entire life.
To Be Continued....
Go Back to Chapter 40
The next morning, after the kids were at school and the babies fed and settled, Leroy sat down with Kaitlin to tell her about what happened between he and Reid the previous night.
So when the security guard saw Reid stop at your apartment and start talking to the kids, they called my PI and he called me. I told him I was going to kick his ass to make him talk. Thankfully he talked me down from that. They wanted to wire me so that I could try to get him to say something that would give them evidence that he is behind all of this. Baby, Reid is an arrogant son-of-a-bitch and thinks he has won. Those types like to boast. So I went by and they wired me up real fast so they could hear our conversation.

Kaitlin sat back and looked at Leroy in shock. He had said nothing of this last night when they went to bed, but then, they were trying to be quiet. Incredulous, she asked, “You mean he admitted he framed you?”

Kaitlin began to cry.

Kaitlin felt herself withdrawing from Leroy's anger and shrank back into the couch. She needed to explain why she was crying so he wouldn't get more upset with her. “I - I just can’t believe he did those awful things,” she said through her tears. “He seems so nice. Ben adores him. How could I be so gullible. Poor Candy. She would still have Dakota if not for me. And you wouldn’t be fighting to prove your innocence for a crime you didn't commit. I - I can’t do this to you anymore.”
“Dammit Kaitlin! What is it with you trying to take the blame all the fucking time? I can’t stand when you do this shit, it makes me crazy!” said Leroy raising his voice and rubbing his hand over his head even more angry than before.
No. This can't happen. I have to fix this, thought Kaitlin as she sucked in a breath then began to breathe in short little gasps trying to stop her tears. Leroy would be even more angry if she didn’t stop. She had an overwhelming urge to apologize but knew that would also make it worse. She didn't know what to do to make it better and was instantly afraid.

He grabbed her from behind as she tried to run. Kaitlin froze bracing for the worst. "Newt, no..." she mumbled not really able to speak. Newt was still talking loudly to her but she couldn't understand what he wanted her to do. Then she heard his voice gently urging her to breathe. “Kaitlin - breathe baby - slowly.” She tried to obey - had to obey - and the dizziness began to go away, but then Newt reached around her and she yelped again.
But he didn’t let her go. Instead he pulled her tightly to him so she couldn't move and continued to tell her to breathe while he stroked her hair and whispered in her ear over and over, “I got you. It’s okay. Just breathe. I love you. It's Leroy baby. Slowly, just breathe for me.”
Finally Kaitlin’s brain began to understand she was okay and she started to breath more normally. Still clutched in his arms, she looked up, tears rolling down her face, to see that it was Leroy holding her not Newt. “Oh God, what’s wrong with me?” she asked.
Holding her gaze he replied softly, “Hon, you have been to hell and back these past couple of years. I am sure this is a stress related breakdown. When you get upset or overwhelmed, you just shut down.”
What does that mean, am I going crazy? she thought, “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to get upset, it - it just happened and I couldn't stop it.”
“Are you okay now? You're still trembling.”
Kaitlin barely had a hold on her emotions. “I - I think so…but..Leroy...I need...I need to apologize or I can’t breathe. I need you to know I'm sorry for this mess.”
Leroy sighed pulling her tighter and kissed her forehead, “It’s okay baby. You know I love you. I'm okay. We’ll get through this together and then we can relax and just be a family - all 10 of us if it comes to that. Remember, Kate, you are safe with me.”
“Thank you,” whispered Kaitlin as she laid her head on his chest finally relaxing.
* * *

Dakota was beside herself an turned to Ben. “I am going to be Tinkerbell!” she said matter of factually.
Ben grimaced. “I am going to be a superhero! Fairies are stupid!”
“Ben!” warned Kaitlin and gave him the mommy look.

"Don't say stupid!" scolded Kaitlin. Then she heard the school bus outside, "Uh oh, the bus is here, you two need to go!"
Kaitlin tried not to laugh when Ben turned and grabbed Dakota's hand. "Come on Dakota. Let's go." The first grader happily let Ben drag her out the door to the bus.
As much as Ben pretended to get fed up with Dakota and at times teased her unmercifully, she had given him a purpose. He had taken his role as big brother, mentor and protector very seriously. Even with Maddy and Hailey. He loved his little sisters and his nephews, Sam and Jordan.
Their fast growing family, instead of being a threat to Ben, did just the opposite. It made him feel important.
Dakota seemed to be the real catalyst to his change. She looked up to him and sought him out for everything. She did anything he told her to do. She was thriving with them and coming out of her shell. Who knew Dakota would have such a positive impact on their family. Leroy was right. Living with them was exactly what she needed and also what Ben needed.
* * *
The next afternoon, everyone was getting ready for the family Halloween Party. Kaitlin had already dressed Hailey in her Halloween costume. Leroy picked up his daughter and was smitten. She looked so sweet with her little face painted. He couldn't help but smile. While Leroy held her he thought about the last few weeks. They had been very stressful while they continued to wait for the Judge to determine if they had enough evidence to proceed with charges against Reid or at least bring him in for questioning. He hoped tonight’s Halloween party would alleviate some of the stress they were feeling if only for a little while.He was worried about Kaitlin and her ‘episodes’ as he had come to think of them - little panic attacks triggered by seemingly less and less. Leroy had began to walk on eggshells around her, not telling her everything so she wouldn't have a meltdown. And he let her apologize if she needed to, but he didn't think that was helping her. After the last one, he was pretty sure she had called him Newt when she was trying to get away from him, but she could have just said no. Regardless, thought Leroy, I am going to call around tomorrow and see if I can find out what sort of therapy might help her.
Once the little ones were dressed in their costumes, Leroy got ready in his pirate getup, complete with eye patch and guyliner. Then he and Reese took on the babysitting duties while Brooke helped Kaitlin carve pumpkins, put up decorations and setup the buffet.
Leroy sat back and watched. Kaitlin looked so happy. Happier than he had seen her in a while. Everyone was ready except her. She told him her costume was a surprise and she would dress as soon as everything was done.

Leroy let out a low whistle and put Hailey down. He almost thought someone else had come in without him seeing them, then realized at the same time it was Kate. Damn she looks sexy in her costume, he thought and walked over to her.
"Babe, you look hot!" whispered Leroy.
Kaitlin giggled, "I am supposed to be Elvira. I borrowed the wig from the salon. I take it you approve."
Reese had turned on the music so Leroy bowed and asked, "May I have this dance?"
"Pirates know how to dance?" she teased.
"Let me show you my lovely Lady of Darkness. We pirates have many surprising talents," he replied and wiggled his eyebrows which caused his eye patch to wiggle. Kaitlin started laughing as he took her in his embrace and began to dance surprisingly well. Behind them, Hailey had also began to bounce to the music and squealed.
"Look," whispered Kaitlin, "Reese and Brooke are dancing too. They look so happy. I am glad that they found each other."

Everything is perfect, thought Leroy, I could do this every day for the rest of my life. As long as we take care of Reid and Newt - the fucking Murdock brothers - it will happen. This can be my future and damn it looks good.

After they danced, played a few games and handed out candy, they all gathered around and had some of the roasted chicken that Kaitlin had prepared for their buffet.

That left Dakota and Ben. After a 'just one more time please' of Rock Paper Scissors, the two older children reluctantly went to bed exhausted. The house was now quiet with only the adults still up.
Reese sighed. "I guess I have to take Brooke home. I will be back in about an hour," he said as the couple walked arm in arm out the door.

Kaitlin let out a little giggle that made Leroy want her even more. “Not as hot as you are,” she said seductively, “I like the pirate loo… mmm.” Leroy cut her off before she could finish with a steamy kiss.
Leroy released Kaitlin turned the lights down and turned on some soft music. He didn't want the evening to end, Kate just seemed so happy right now. "Dance with me again Kate. Did you know that it was our first dance today?" asked Leroy.
"Mmm Uh." said Kaitlin laying her head on his shoulder, "Do I have to always wear a black wig to get you to dance with me?" she asked.
"Maybe. You do look sexy all gothic looking," teased Leroy and Kaitlin playfully swatted him on the back.

Leroy ripped off his hat and eye patch. Kaitlin did the same with her wig. "Much getter," she said as she shook out her hair. Clothes would be next if they didn't slow down.

"Mmmm, I love you too, guyliner and all," she replied laughing, "it's kinda sexy."
"Then kiss me Queen of the Night!"
Kaitlin grabbed him and pulled him to her and kissed him seductively.
Leroy started tugging on her costume in an effort to remove it. The party, the levity of it and now the intimacy, this was what they both needed and Leroy knew they didn’t have much time. The shower was the safest bet since it was the only place they could pretty much be guaranteed a little privacy. And wash off their makeup at the same time.
He broke the kiss, turned Kaitlin around, slapped her playfully on her butt and in his best pirate voice said, “, before I make ye walk the plank, argggg!”
Without missing a beat Kaitlin replied, "You do know I am the Queen of Darkness and can place an evil spell on you...pirate..." then she dissolved into giggles, kicked off her heels and ran to the shower.
Leroy followed in her wake laughing and saying "Arggg!" He thought he was happier right then than he had ever been in his entire life.
To Be Continued....
Go Back to Chapter 40
Poor Kate,as I always say, she should go see some therapist of a kind...and knowing her personality, I think she would happily go if Leroy said so...I think she needs to be just a little bit more...selfish, if you get what I mean, you are not a fairy godmother to try to slove everyone's problem! And eveythings is not your fault, remember, Nwet is one thing, Leroy is another...altough, it would help if Leroy would not scream to her.
ReplyDeleteHa! You got it all exactly right. She thinks she has to make everything perfect but that is part of what she experienced being married to Newt for so long. Especially in the later years before she ran. Leroy is frustrated and gets mad and maybe a little jealous every time she acts like she cares about Reid. He is trying to understand her. But the last time at least he didn't leave and now he has a better idea of what's really happening with her and plans try to get her to seek out help.
DeleteIt started out rough but everyone was having a great time in the end. I feel for Leroy. He gets frustrated and angry but it has to be hard for him as he's trying to figure out where everything fits. I'm glad he'll actively seek out some therapy for Kaitlin, and I think she'll go if he urges her. It's not good to be walking on eggshells. It's stressful and no good can come from that.
ReplyDeleteYou assessment is so right. If she doesn't get help things between them may go south very quickly.
DeleteAww I think the relationship between Ben and Dakota is so sweet. I hope Kaitlin will get better. She is in such a difficult situation so used to being treated badly, and now she has Leroy who is the complete opposite. Kind and caring- it seems hard for him as he just wants her to trust him.
ReplyDeleteIt's harder on Leroy than he thought it would be when she gets upset. The more she cares the more she gets upset at the smallest thing. Her emotions are a mess. At least he is going to find some help for her. I just hope she does agree to go.
DeleteDakota and Ben are so sweet. She has given him a purpose in the family. :)
I've never been more relieved reading this story than I was when Leroy said he'd look into therapy for Kate. YES, PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteThis was a cute chapter, besides that sad start :( I loved all the costumes, and the ending was so adorable. They are a great couple, and I really hope they last. I think it'll be a lot easier when Kaitlin has her issues more under control and they don't have to worry about Reid anymore!
Yes! I hope Leroy is able to convince her to get help. And because Kaitlin knew that she got confused, she might, I hope, be willing to listen. He can tell she is getting worse. With her calling him Newt he finally realized its more than her just rejecting him and not trusting him - although there is probably a little of that too.
DeleteWe will find out more about Reid and Newt and their mothers in the coming chapters.
It was fun to dress them up in their costumes and have a party! Glad you liked it. They had such a good chemistry in their early relationship before life got in the way and I wanted to show some of that again.
Is the house full yet? I hope they don't make another baby. And yes, she looked hot in her costume.
ReplyDeleteI really hope he finds her some therapy. It doesn't seem to have occurred to her to try and take care of her own mental and emotional health, so I'm glad he's trying to assist with that.
Yes! The house is finally full. No more babies! I had to make Dakota a child. I just couldn't do 4 toddlers and an infant! And it was good for Ben too! 😁 I have been worrying about him.
DeleteI think Kaitlin is becoming concerned about her emotional health finally. She has always focused all of her energy on taking care of others that she has sorely neglected herself. Leroy didn't know the extent of it either except that the last time was different from the rest.
all caught up!
ReplyDeletei'm so overjoyed that leroy and kate are together, i have been cheering those two on since i started reading this story. i've always felt reid was a tad creepy, and i didn't like his resemblance to newt in the slightest (story wise, though i found it very funny game wise!)
also, for the love of all that is holy, someone needs to tell these people that they don't need to keep / adopt every single child that walks through their door. they are slowly, but surely, building a community in their own household!
on top of that, i mentioned in a previous comment that kate really needs to stop letting her pride get in the way of allowing leroy to get them a better living situation. at some point, your bleeding heart can be the death of you and all that you love, and i think kate is hitting that point. she has so many mouths to feed, and doesn't appear to be slowing down any time soon with the reproduction bingo she'd got going for her! now is the time for leroy to get her therapy and bring her to his home; they're only freaking (semi) engaged!
it's not only kate / leroy that need to stop the reproduction bingo, though. reese needs to keep his pants zipped up (or learn to keep his men at bay a little better!) i guess he got kate's fertile genetics!
to bring my rambling to a conclusion, i'm excited to see what comes next! i really hope that reid is handled, once and for all. i'm not sure how much more i can tolerate him. :P
Ha! I saw you did a little binge reading there! Well, your not alone in your dislike of Reid. And I can safely say that the daycare is full. :)
DeleteLeroy has finally figured out that Kate does indeed need therapy. They probably both do. I just hope she will agree to it, but this last episode of hers did scare her a little so maybe. I am not so sure it's pride that's driving her irrational actions...something deeper maybe. Regardless I think therapy is surely what she needs along with her sweet Leroy. ❤️ And a frigging bigger house!
Reese did screw up pretty bad (pardon the pun). 😂 He was hurting seeing Jade. And Brooke had been so nice to him and she did throw herself at him at the party. Plus they both were a bit drunk. Still no excuse. But I think he has learned. At least Brooke didn't run away from her responsibilities. She really does adore Reese. Her background was much different from Jade's. She was a caregiver where Jade was just a spoiled princess.
Welcome back by the way! 😁 I hope you are updating your stories soon. They are so captivating.
Great chapter! Admittedly, I did not go back and reread every chapter, but Kaitlin seems to have a lot going on, and Leroy seems supportive and compassionate (even if sometimes it is hard). Loved the Halloween party. :)
ReplyDelete- Birdie/Revlon
Thanks! Yep - a ton going on with her. Things will be coming to a head soon.
DeleteYesssss. I am so happy that Kate is going to get he help that she needs eventually (hopefully). It is very apparent that she is still scared deeply from Newt and needs help to move on with her life.
ReplyDeleteEveryone's costumes are so adorable and <3 the last scene. The little role play they had going on at the end was hot. haha
Thanks. I am so happy he realizes she needs help. That role play was fun. It was always part of their chemistry. They needed to get some of that back.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI binged all of this wow...
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of having conflicting emotions right now... Like, I'm very happy she's realizing she needs help, but I'm still very frustrated about Reid. I sort of wish he had died in that fire :/ but then again, that wouldn't have made for very good drama haha. Will we see Newt at all soon? I feel like that's coming.
Wow! Thanks for reading (bingeing)! I had mixed feelings about whether or not Reid would die. Several other readers share your sentiment there.
DeleteSo hold on to that thought about Newt. That is coming. It was inevitable at this point. I have several chapters written ahead but had surgery on my foot last week and haven't been able to get to my PC as it's upstairs. 😕 I need to get screen shots so I can post the new chapters.
Oh goodness...These flashbacks seem awfully similar to what Ben has been going through recently!
ReplyDeleteYes - that's why when Sofia told his mom she immediately knew it was worse than him just being worried about Sofia....She experienced it, but much, much worse than Ben. You will see as this story continues to unfold.