Day 33 - Rolled 11 - Stolen wallet lose $50.00
The buzzer sounded early. Kaitlin looked at the clock and rolled her eyes. Reid just wouldn't give up. “Reid, what?!”
“LEROY!!!!” screamed Kaitlin, threw the door open and launched herself into his arms. He barely had time to brace himself to catch her. He couldn't help but laugh while she peppered kisses all over his face.
Then suddenly she stopped kissing him and wriggled down glaring at him. Then she started hitting at him with her fists. He grabbed her hands to stop her, “Hey, stop. What’s with the Jekyll and Hyde routine? Come on, let's go inside before you attract a crowd.”
Kaitlin seemed to realize he was right, so turned around and huffed into the apartment followed closely by Leroy. He closed the door behind him.

“Kate, I'm sorry,” said Leroy when she turned around obviously furious with him.
“No! You don't get to come in here saying you're sorry for disappearing without an explanation and expect me to just accept it! That's NOT how this works!”
“Kate,” he said quietly, “I had my reasons. I just…..umph! Ben! Hi kid!”

“No I didn't. Mr. Reid huh?”
“Yep. He helped Mom when we were all sick. Hailey loooovvves the swing but not if you go too fast. I am almost tall enough to put Sam and Hailey in it. Mom says I have to wait until I am 11. That's only just 4 more months. I don't know why I have to wait.”
Leroy looked all sad at Ben, “Mom knows best buddy.”
Leroy looked at Kaitlin, “Speaking of Hailey, I really do need to see her. Even if she's sleeping, I want to just look at her.”

“She's not asleep," said Ben, "Come on. Hailey’s over there playing with Sam.” Ben grabbed Leroy's hand to lead him to where the two babies were.
“Oh my goodness! Look at her sitting up so big! And Sam too!” exclaimed Leroy. He bent down and picked up Hailey. She promptly started screaming bloody murder.

Kaitlin looked at him apologetically. “Unless you are around regularly they sometimes don't know who you are right away. Give her a minute. I think you just scared her. Let's sit down and talk. Let her get used to you again, then you can hold her.”
When they sat down, Kaitlin smiled at Leroy. “Look, I'm sorry I got upset, but Leroy, you can't shut me out.”
Leroy held up his hand to stop her. “You’re right, but not now,” he said nodding towards Ben. “But I do have some really good news for you. My tenant just moved out of the 2 bedroom apartment next door. It's much bigger. I can help you move in this weekend.”
“How much? And, Leroy, before you answer, I am paying the same deposit and rent the current tenant is paying. No favors. Do you understand?”
He told her the price and she frowned. “I can do the deposit, but I am going to have to get a steady job to ensure I can make the payment and still save money. Any ideas on a job? And not working at the bar. Sorry, but the pays sucks.”
“The salon is looking for someone full time. They will teach you. I am happy to give a reference. You did work for me until the very day Hailey was born. And got a drink named after you,” he said and winked at her, the memories bringing a smile to his face as he looked at his little girl.
At the mention of her name, Hailey looked up at her father and smiled.
“I think she's ready for you now,” said Kaitlin. She looked at Hailey and asked, “ready to go see your Daddy now?” and handed her over to Leroy. This time she allowed him to hold her. “Let me get her bottle and you can help her with it. She will try to do it herself so be careful.”
Leroy snuggled his little girl and began to talk baby talk to her, “Daddy will never be gone that long again. I missed you sooo much!" Then he kissed her forehead.
Kaitlin started giggling at the sight of the 6 foot tall, 210 pound man talking baby talk to a little girl with a pink bow in her hair.
"What?" he laughed back.
* * *
Kaitlin was so excited. It was moving day. Unfortunately, the apartment was on the 8th floor. Thank goodness for elevators. The view was nice and they had no upstairs neighbors to deal with. So not so bad. It was also next door to the duplex where they had lived before. Kaitlin thought she had died and gone to heaven.
There were two large bedrooms. She decided to keep Maddy and Hailey in her room. She even sprang for new bedroom furniture.
Ben and Reese shared the other room. Kaitlin used the dividers to give them their own personal space as much as possible. She recalled what the social worker had said about them needing space to call their own.
Reese wanted Sam in his half of his the bedroom. That way he could easily care for his little boy.
And finally, a matched dining room set in a huge kitchen with upgraded appliances. All of the walls were a beige color. It was a bit bland but miles better than the dingy green walls from her other place. Eventually she could get some more window coverings and maybe some paintings to brighten it up.
The living area was large as well. She divided it between a play area for the kids and a cozy sitting area. It wasn't 5th Avenue but it was to her.
And of course the bathroom was much like the one she had before but just a little larger and much nicer.
After they were finished unpacking and Leroy left, Reese pulled Kaitlin aside, “Mom, I am going to get a part time job after school. There is an opening at the bookstore. It will leave my weekends free. That way I can help with the cost of caring for Sam.”
“I don't think so," said Kaitlin, "I appreciate it, but you have enough responsibility already with little Sam and school.”
“That's exactly why. I have to contribute. I am doing this. I know this apartment stretched your budget so I am just asking for your support not your permission."
“Fine Reese, but if your grades suffer when school starts back, you will quit."
"Thanks Mom, I love you. G'night."
Kaitlin was so proud of him. Tomorrow she would make a special dinner for both Reese and Leroy.
"Thanks Mom, I love you. G'night."
Kaitlin was so proud of him. Tomorrow she would make a special dinner for both Reese and Leroy.
* * *
The next morning Kaitlin sat drinking her coffee enjoying a rare moment alone with Ben while he ate French Toast. Suddenly it dawned on her she hadn't heard from Reid in a few days. She hadn't told him she was moving so either he didn't know where she was or he knew that Leroy was back so stayed away. She hoped it was the latter and he had finally given up.
Kaitlin was looking forward to tonight's dinner. Leroy and Reese had worked so hard moving furniture. She was amazed at the amount of ‘stuff’ they had accumulated in just a year. She needed to pick up a few things for the meal, so she told Reese she would be back in a few and headed to the store.
When she got ready to pay for her groceries, she discovered her wallet was missing from her bag. Crap! Not only was her wallet gone along with her ID, it had at least $50.00 in it. She apologized to the clerk, left the groceries and went home to get some more cash.
When she returned, she noticed that the man in line behind her had also been behind her in line the first time she was there. She remembered him because she had accidentally bumped into him when she walked in before she lost her wallet. He was creepy and spooked her a little. Especially because he was back again. She thanked the clerk for holding her groceries, paid and went straight home trying to see if he was following her. She couldn't tell if he was or not and forgot about it.
Kaitlin had just barely finished putting up the groceries when her phone rang. Reid. She almost didn't answer it, but decided to try again to let him know that they couldn't be together.
“Hello Reid,” she said flatly.
“Katie!” he said frantically, “Where the hell are you living now? You moved without letting me know? Was it Chapman’s idea? Are you living in another of his slums! What is it about him? I am so much better for you!”
“Excuse me? How dare you talk to me like that. I don't owe you any explanations. I told you Reid, we won't work!”
“Shit,” he said under his breath, “I'm sorry Katie. I got upset and panicked when I didn't know where you were.”
Then something clicked into place. The man at the grocery store. He was having her followed while Reid was at work. “ you have someone spying on me? Don't lie to me.”
“Uh, not spying, just watching out for you. Making sure, um, you are okay.”
“Well they suck at it. Someone stole my wallet in the grocery store right under their watchful eye! So stop it. Now! Call them off or I am going to the police!”
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I just that I have to work a triple shift. Two of our best firemen moved and I have to fill in for the next few weeks and can't be there to check on you. I just needed to be sure you were okay so I wouldn't worry.”
“Worry, or to be sure I wasn't sleeping with Leroy?”
“Are you?”
“Reid! That's none of your business. I mean it, call them off or I am going to the police.”

“I wouldn't do that if I were you Mrs. Murdock.”
“What?” Kaitlin’s hands were shaking now.
“I know Kaitlin. You still have your old address on your driver's license. I know where he lives. In fact, Katie sweetheart, we used to know each other. I stand to become a very rich man - well a much richer man - if I let him know about your little secret, but I don't want to do that and I don't think you want me to either. All I wanted is for us to have a chance. I have been very patient. We had a good thing going until you screwed the slumlord. Tell me Katie, why did you do it? Did he force you? I will kill him if he did.”
Then the second piece clicked into place. He had wanted her identification and the 'spy' had stolen it from her when he bumped into her. “Shut up Reid! You're crazy. Don't call me back!” shouted Kaitlin and disconnected the call.
Then the second piece clicked into place. He had wanted her identification and the 'spy' had stolen it from her when he bumped into her. “Shut up Reid! You're crazy. Don't call me back!” shouted Kaitlin and disconnected the call.

It feels like Kaitlin is having a fresh start. It makes me emotional for her.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah! Well, she is working on it. The apartment is sooo much better than the old one. It makes her feel really good. Then Reid has to go ruin it. :(
ReplyDeleteLovely apartmant, glad she finally saw the true colors of Reid...ugh, i hope he dies in a hole.
ReplyDeleteYes. Reid is bad news. Good she finally saw it.
Delete"everything is fine just hurry" seriously?! I like Kaitlyn, but I'm honestly staying to think she's a pathological liar. Has she ever answered a direct question with the entire truth?
ReplyDeleteAwww. She didn't want him to worry???
DeleteWhat the fuck.....
A huge mess....
DeleteOkay, can we say CREEPY, boys and girls? Reid is scaring the crap out of me and now he has way too much info on Kaitlin. She should've texted to Leroy that everything is NOT fine because it sure as hell isn't. Speaking of texts, how do you do the phone and text pictures? That's pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteReid is a creepy - no doubt. The phone text is so cool! I will find the website where you can do it and let you know this weekend. I wish I would have had it earlier.
DeleteThat drama since is definitely tingling now!
ReplyDeleteHaha!! It should keep tingling for a while.
DeleteNO, Reid knows Newt? Oh. My. God. It's getting messier and messier.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...just wait. It gets reallly messy!