Day 30 - rolled 15 - accident blocks way home and Mom has to find somewhere to stay overnight. WARNING: Partial Nudity.
Kaitlin noticed Reese had changed since the night of the party. She bet it had to do with the texts and phone calls he was getting over the past two weeks. Curiosity won her over and she decided to ask what was up. “Hey Reese,” she said when he hung up, “Wanna spill? Who's the new person taking so much of your time?”
Reese stewed over what to tell her for a minute and finally decided to come clean, well not all the way clean. She didn't know he had gotten drunk at the party and what had happened as a result. That would remain a secret, but he wanted to tell her about Brooke. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he told his mother about his new girlfriend.
“Why don't you invite her over?” said Kaitlin, “I would love to meet this girl that has obviously stolen your heart.”
Reese’s enthusiasm quickly vanished. How could he tell her he was embarrassed by their apartment. Brooke would be disgusted that he shared a bedroom room with his mother and his mother would be disappointed with him. It was a no win situation. Turns out he didn't have to say anything. His mom read his mind.

“Maybe we can meet for dinner at the diner instead,” said Kaitlin gently, “We can plan for a day that Leroy will be here to watch the babies. He can handle them for a couple of hours.”
That morning while Kaitlin was harvesting the honey her thoughts turned to Leroy. Ever since they declared they each wanted more out of their relationship and Leroy said they needed to talk, nothing had really changed. Leroy insisted he needed to keep his current schedule and only come in the evenings which provided no privacy to talk - or anything else for that matter.
He never asked her to go anywhere with him claiming he didn't want to miss time with either of his special ladies. At least there was affection between them now. No steamy, knee weakening kisses, but at least he would give her a happy, but chaste kiss when he arrived and another when he left. The look on his face when he left however, said more than his kiss. He didn't want to leave. But something was making him. She just didn't understand what.
After her harvesting the honey, Kaitlin walked inside to consign it and saw Reid standing by the fireplace. He was looking at her smirking. It unnerved Kaitlin more than she thought it would. He was still calling her and texting her at least once a week. At least they were in a public place.
She ignored him and went on to consign her honey.
She knew he was waiting for her to finish. She could feel him staring at her. When she turned to leave he stepped in front of her blocking her way. “Katie, he said, “weren't you even going to say hello to me?”
“I'm busy Reid. What do you want?” she asked irritated.
Reid reached out to hug her. “Baby, you know what I want,” he said seductively.
Kaitlin backed away from him. “Reid!” she said under her breath, “Stop it. People are looking!”
Reid smiled and stepped closer again taking her arm, “I'm sorry baby,” he said sounding genuinely apologetic, “Let's go somewhere where we can be alone. Just to talk Kaitlin, that's all I want.”
“I'm not going anywhere with you,” replied Kaitlin pulling her arm from his grip, “I need to get groceries and go home. The kids are there alone with Reese.”
“Yeah? And wait for the slumlord to come over so you two can play house like you do every night?” he said sarcastically.

Kaitlin's eyes got wide, “What? Are you spying on me?”
“I just want a chance Katie,” he begged.
“Leave me alone. Please Reid, it’s over,” she said and turned and walked out leaving Reid staring as she left.
Sighing with relief that Reid didn't follow her, Kaitlin got in the car and headed to the grocery. After she got what she needed she turned to go home. Or so she thought. There was a huge traffic jam. This was a small town, what on earth was going on?
Kaitlin turned on the car radio to see if she could get some news. There had been a major wreck and the bridge leading across the river to her house was shut down for the rest of the night. It wouldn't reopen until the morning. Crap! she thought, that is my only way home short of swimming through the swamp. Now what?

She called Reese to let him know she was stuck. “I don't know what to do. I would go to Candy’s but she lives on the same side of the bridge.”
“Mom, calm down. Where does Leroy live?”
“Of course. He is on this side, but I have never been to his house. Guess I will go by now. I will call you later. Will you guys be okay, how are the babies?”
“Mom, everything is fine,” said Reese and laughed when he added, “Enjoy your evening.”
She could hear the snicker in his voice. Embarrassed she quickly said, “Reese! I gotta go!” and hung up.
Kaitlin pulled up to Leroy's house. It was built out onto a peer on the bank of the river. There were big picture windows looking out over the water and it was surrounded by a huge deck. She sat in her car looking at it. She thought it was very Leroy. Not overdone, but nice and the view of the river was amazing. She could see him living here.
She sighed. She knew she should have called first but the cars were honking and she was only two blocks away. So why was she so nervous to get out of the car?
Because he had never invited her to his house before. Unlike Reid who had taken her everywhere, his house, his club, to movies, out to dinner. It was almost like Leroy was afraid to be seen with her.
Kaitlin finally got out of the car and went to the door.
She didn't know what to expect when he answered, but what he did wasn't on her list. His eyes went wide when he saw her standing there and he looked around as if looking to see if anyone else was with her. Instead of pulling her to him in a welcoming hug, he looked angry and nervous. “Shit Kate, what the hell are you doing here? You can't be here.”
Kaitlin felt like she had been punched and stood there with her mouth open like a fish out of water. When she didn't answer, his tone became worried, “Kaitlin, are you okay?”
She said the first thing that came to her mind as she began to tear up, “Damn. Your married. I gotta go.” Then she turned to walk off but Leroy grabbed her arm before she could take a step.

“Get in here. Hurry,” he said urgently, his voice full of pain.
“No. It's okay. I'm leaving,” she said and for the second time that day pulled her arm from a man's grip.
“Kate, I'm not married,” he said impatiently, “I'm sorry, just come inside and we can talk.”
“You're not?”
Kaitlin followed Leroy inside and sat down at the bar while he started mixing them a drink. “Kate,” he said as he blended the drinks, “You want to explain to me why you showed up on my doorstep. I would have been at your apartment in a couple of hours.”
Kaitlin ignored his question still in a daze. It felt surreal being in his home and seeing this part of Leroy she had never seen before. “I like your place. How can you stand being in my crappy apartment - uh - no offense.”
Leroy smiled, his emerald eyes sparkling, “It has sentimental value to me. That was the first place I ever owned. I used to live there. It's kind of like going home. Now, you want to tell me what's going on with you?”
“Sorry, I should have called before barging in, the bridge is shut down until morning. I had nowhere to go,” she explained. After a beat she said, “Leroy, are you ashamed or embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“Oh Kate, no! Why would you think that?” he said as he carried the drink to her.
Kaitlin thought a minute before answering, “Well, I've never been here before. We don't go out during the day, or at night for that matter. When I got here you acted like you didn't want me here and then tried to hurry me inside presumably so no one would see me. You distanced yourself from me after Hailey was born. I don't understand. What's wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you. Come here,” he said as he held his arms out for her.
Kaitlin snuggled into his embrace trying not to cry. It felt so good to be next to him, like that was where she belonged. Then he started stroking her hair and she melted.
“I love the way your hair feels,” he whispered, “But not as much as I love you Kate.”
Kaitlin pulled away, “Don't Leroy. Don't say that!”
This time it was Leroy that was shocked. “Why? It's true,” he said.
“Because…” was all she could muster. Then she looked at him, tears threatening to fall, “I think we should talk. I bought hamburgers at the store. I’ll make them and we can talk while we eat.”
Kaitlin went first. She was afraid if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to do it. She spent the next hour telling him everything. She left nothing out. She actually got through it without crying.
Leroy was pissed. He now had two men he wanted to end. Newt Murdock, her current husband and Reid Nielson. Both were assholes and didn't know how to treat a woman. He couldn't believe she had run with the kids. His Kate was stronger than she gave herself credit for. He loved her even more if that was possible.

Now it was his turn. Leroy began to tell about her about his past. From being raised in foster homes, spending time in Juvenile Detention when he was 15 for vandalism and theft to dropping out of school at 17. Working two jobs, a bartender by night and construction worker by day when possible to earn enough money to make a life for himself. Buying the apartment and living in one side while he rented the other. And finally being able to buy the bar and his house. Lastly he told her about Reid’s threat and the break in.
“Leroy,” she said quietly, “I saw Reid today. He knows you come to my apartment in the evenings. Is he having you followed?”
“I don't know Kate,” he said thoughtfully, “maybe.”
“That's why you didn't want me here,” she said stoically, “So he wouldn't go after your bar.” Suddenly she remembered her car was out front and jumped up. “Leroy! My car is parked in your driveway!”
He got up and walked over to her. “It's okay,” he said putting his hands on her shoulders, “I have security cameras and an alarm. We are safe."

Looking at her he continued, "But you are wrong Kate. I kept you away to keep you safe. To hell with the bar. I figured if he thought we weren’t together he would leave you alone. I guess I was wrong. He's now become obsessed with having you and it will only get worse. When Reid wants something he stops at nothing to get it. This isn't the first time I have been on the receiving end of some imagined vendetta he has against me.”
“Leroy, I'm afraid" said Kaitlin, "I have an overwhelming urge to run again, but I need to stay in Twinbrook. Prove I can take care of my children. No judge in their right mind would award custody to me right now. If not for you, they would have been taken from me already. But I can't do that to my kids again. Reese has a new girlfriend and Ben is doing so much better. As crappy as it is, we have begun to build a life here. We can't run again. And I could never leave Hailey,” then she looked up at Leroy, “or the man I love.”
Leroy wrapped her in his arms and whispered, “We will figure it out together. But you are right, you can't run. I couldn't bear it.” He looked at her and said, “Kate, I do love you.”
Then he put his lips on hers. Kaitlin moaned and her knees felt weak. If he hadn't had his arm around her waist she would have been in a puddle on the ground.
Leroy picked her up like she weighed nothing. She started laughing as the memory of that fateful night when he had carried her to the back room of his bar and made love to her came rushing back. “Why Mr. Chapman,” she said in her best Scarlett O'Hara imitation, “Do you always carry your women to bed?”
“Damn right!” he said and grinned.
Leroy laid Kaitlin down on his bed and leaned over her, “My sexy Kate," he said sweetly, "You are so beautiful. I have dreamed of having you in my bed and waking up with you by my side since the day I met you.”
He leaned down and kissed her. Softly at first and then more urgently.
He began to undress her, kissing her newly exposed skin as he went until they were both undressed and ready to give themselves fully to each other.
Kaitlin’s heart rate slowly went back to normal as she floated back down to earth still ensconced in her lover's arms. She knew this was where she belonged. She could feel the love radiating from Leroy. She desperately wanted him to know she felt the same. “I love you,” she whispered and snuggled closer. She could swear she could hear him smile.
Just before sleep took her she jumped up and yelled, “Oh crap!”
Leroy sat up and grabbed for her. “No - don't leave me again!” he said panicked.
“I need to call Reese. Check on the babies,” she said.
Leroy let out a sigh of relief. “Here - use my phone,” he said and handed her his phone. Then pulled her into his lap and rubbed her back while she spoke to the Reese.
“Better?” he asked when she hung up.
She looked at him with lust in her eyes and said suggestively, “I will be in a few minutes.”
Go to Chapter 31
Go back to Chapter 29

Reese stewed over what to tell her for a minute and finally decided to come clean, well not all the way clean. She didn't know he had gotten drunk at the party and what had happened as a result. That would remain a secret, but he wanted to tell her about Brooke. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he told his mother about his new girlfriend.
“Why don't you invite her over?” said Kaitlin, “I would love to meet this girl that has obviously stolen your heart.”
Reese’s enthusiasm quickly vanished. How could he tell her he was embarrassed by their apartment. Brooke would be disgusted that he shared a bedroom room with his mother and his mother would be disappointed with him. It was a no win situation. Turns out he didn't have to say anything. His mom read his mind.

“Maybe we can meet for dinner at the diner instead,” said Kaitlin gently, “We can plan for a day that Leroy will be here to watch the babies. He can handle them for a couple of hours.”
* * *
That morning while Kaitlin was harvesting the honey her thoughts turned to Leroy. Ever since they declared they each wanted more out of their relationship and Leroy said they needed to talk, nothing had really changed. Leroy insisted he needed to keep his current schedule and only come in the evenings which provided no privacy to talk - or anything else for that matter.
He never asked her to go anywhere with him claiming he didn't want to miss time with either of his special ladies. At least there was affection between them now. No steamy, knee weakening kisses, but at least he would give her a happy, but chaste kiss when he arrived and another when he left. The look on his face when he left however, said more than his kiss. He didn't want to leave. But something was making him. She just didn't understand what.
* * *
After her harvesting the honey, Kaitlin walked inside to consign it and saw Reid standing by the fireplace. He was looking at her smirking. It unnerved Kaitlin more than she thought it would. He was still calling her and texting her at least once a week. At least they were in a public place.
She ignored him and went on to consign her honey.
She knew he was waiting for her to finish. She could feel him staring at her. When she turned to leave he stepped in front of her blocking her way. “Katie, he said, “weren't you even going to say hello to me?”
“I'm busy Reid. What do you want?” she asked irritated.
Reid reached out to hug her. “Baby, you know what I want,” he said seductively.

Reid smiled and stepped closer again taking her arm, “I'm sorry baby,” he said sounding genuinely apologetic, “Let's go somewhere where we can be alone. Just to talk Kaitlin, that's all I want.”
“I'm not going anywhere with you,” replied Kaitlin pulling her arm from his grip, “I need to get groceries and go home. The kids are there alone with Reese.”
“Yeah? And wait for the slumlord to come over so you two can play house like you do every night?” he said sarcastically.

Kaitlin's eyes got wide, “What? Are you spying on me?”
“I just want a chance Katie,” he begged.
“Leave me alone. Please Reid, it’s over,” she said and turned and walked out leaving Reid staring as she left.
* * *
Sighing with relief that Reid didn't follow her, Kaitlin got in the car and headed to the grocery. After she got what she needed she turned to go home. Or so she thought. There was a huge traffic jam. This was a small town, what on earth was going on?
Kaitlin turned on the car radio to see if she could get some news. There had been a major wreck and the bridge leading across the river to her house was shut down for the rest of the night. It wouldn't reopen until the morning. Crap! she thought, that is my only way home short of swimming through the swamp. Now what?

She called Reese to let him know she was stuck. “I don't know what to do. I would go to Candy’s but she lives on the same side of the bridge.”
“Mom, calm down. Where does Leroy live?”
“Of course. He is on this side, but I have never been to his house. Guess I will go by now. I will call you later. Will you guys be okay, how are the babies?”
“Mom, everything is fine,” said Reese and laughed when he added, “Enjoy your evening.”
She could hear the snicker in his voice. Embarrassed she quickly said, “Reese! I gotta go!” and hung up.
* * *
Kaitlin pulled up to Leroy's house. It was built out onto a peer on the bank of the river. There were big picture windows looking out over the water and it was surrounded by a huge deck. She sat in her car looking at it. She thought it was very Leroy. Not overdone, but nice and the view of the river was amazing. She could see him living here.

Because he had never invited her to his house before. Unlike Reid who had taken her everywhere, his house, his club, to movies, out to dinner. It was almost like Leroy was afraid to be seen with her.
Kaitlin finally got out of the car and went to the door.
She didn't know what to expect when he answered, but what he did wasn't on her list. His eyes went wide when he saw her standing there and he looked around as if looking to see if anyone else was with her. Instead of pulling her to him in a welcoming hug, he looked angry and nervous. “Shit Kate, what the hell are you doing here? You can't be here.”
Kaitlin felt like she had been punched and stood there with her mouth open like a fish out of water. When she didn't answer, his tone became worried, “Kaitlin, are you okay?”
She said the first thing that came to her mind as she began to tear up, “Damn. Your married. I gotta go.” Then she turned to walk off but Leroy grabbed her arm before she could take a step.

“Get in here. Hurry,” he said urgently, his voice full of pain.
“No. It's okay. I'm leaving,” she said and for the second time that day pulled her arm from a man's grip.
“Kate, I'm not married,” he said impatiently, “I'm sorry, just come inside and we can talk.”
“You're not?”
* * *
Kaitlin ignored his question still in a daze. It felt surreal being in his home and seeing this part of Leroy she had never seen before. “I like your place. How can you stand being in my crappy apartment - uh - no offense.”

“Sorry, I should have called before barging in, the bridge is shut down until morning. I had nowhere to go,” she explained. After a beat she said, “Leroy, are you ashamed or embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“Oh Kate, no! Why would you think that?” he said as he carried the drink to her.
Kaitlin thought a minute before answering, “Well, I've never been here before. We don't go out during the day, or at night for that matter. When I got here you acted like you didn't want me here and then tried to hurry me inside presumably so no one would see me. You distanced yourself from me after Hailey was born. I don't understand. What's wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you. Come here,” he said as he held his arms out for her.
Kaitlin snuggled into his embrace trying not to cry. It felt so good to be next to him, like that was where she belonged. Then he started stroking her hair and she melted.
“I love the way your hair feels,” he whispered, “But not as much as I love you Kate.”
Kaitlin pulled away, “Don't Leroy. Don't say that!”
This time it was Leroy that was shocked. “Why? It's true,” he said.
“Because…” was all she could muster. Then she looked at him, tears threatening to fall, “I think we should talk. I bought hamburgers at the store. I’ll make them and we can talk while we eat.”
* * *
Kaitlin went first. She was afraid if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to do it. She spent the next hour telling him everything. She left nothing out. She actually got through it without crying.
Leroy was pissed. He now had two men he wanted to end. Newt Murdock, her current husband and Reid Nielson. Both were assholes and didn't know how to treat a woman. He couldn't believe she had run with the kids. His Kate was stronger than she gave herself credit for. He loved her even more if that was possible.

Now it was his turn. Leroy began to tell about her about his past. From being raised in foster homes, spending time in Juvenile Detention when he was 15 for vandalism and theft to dropping out of school at 17. Working two jobs, a bartender by night and construction worker by day when possible to earn enough money to make a life for himself. Buying the apartment and living in one side while he rented the other. And finally being able to buy the bar and his house. Lastly he told her about Reid’s threat and the break in.
“Leroy,” she said quietly, “I saw Reid today. He knows you come to my apartment in the evenings. Is he having you followed?”
“I don't know Kate,” he said thoughtfully, “maybe.”
“That's why you didn't want me here,” she said stoically, “So he wouldn't go after your bar.” Suddenly she remembered her car was out front and jumped up. “Leroy! My car is parked in your driveway!”
He got up and walked over to her. “It's okay,” he said putting his hands on her shoulders, “I have security cameras and an alarm. We are safe."

Looking at her he continued, "But you are wrong Kate. I kept you away to keep you safe. To hell with the bar. I figured if he thought we weren’t together he would leave you alone. I guess I was wrong. He's now become obsessed with having you and it will only get worse. When Reid wants something he stops at nothing to get it. This isn't the first time I have been on the receiving end of some imagined vendetta he has against me.”
“Leroy, I'm afraid" said Kaitlin, "I have an overwhelming urge to run again, but I need to stay in Twinbrook. Prove I can take care of my children. No judge in their right mind would award custody to me right now. If not for you, they would have been taken from me already. But I can't do that to my kids again. Reese has a new girlfriend and Ben is doing so much better. As crappy as it is, we have begun to build a life here. We can't run again. And I could never leave Hailey,” then she looked up at Leroy, “or the man I love.”
Leroy wrapped her in his arms and whispered, “We will figure it out together. But you are right, you can't run. I couldn't bear it.” He looked at her and said, “Kate, I do love you.”
Then he put his lips on hers. Kaitlin moaned and her knees felt weak. If he hadn't had his arm around her waist she would have been in a puddle on the ground.
Leroy picked her up like she weighed nothing. She started laughing as the memory of that fateful night when he had carried her to the back room of his bar and made love to her came rushing back. “Why Mr. Chapman,” she said in her best Scarlett O'Hara imitation, “Do you always carry your women to bed?”
“Damn right!” he said and grinned.
* * *
Leroy laid Kaitlin down on his bed and leaned over her, “My sexy Kate," he said sweetly, "You are so beautiful. I have dreamed of having you in my bed and waking up with you by my side since the day I met you.”

He began to undress her, kissing her newly exposed skin as he went until they were both undressed and ready to give themselves fully to each other.
* * *

Just before sleep took her she jumped up and yelled, “Oh crap!”
Leroy sat up and grabbed for her. “No - don't leave me again!” he said panicked.
“I need to call Reese. Check on the babies,” she said.
Leroy let out a sigh of relief. “Here - use my phone,” he said and handed her his phone. Then pulled her into his lap and rubbed her back while she spoke to the Reese.
“Better?” he asked when she hung up.

Go to Chapter 31
Go back to Chapter 29
I'm so happy you rolled a 15! Otherwise they never would've talked.
ReplyDeleteI know! It was the best roll ever!
DeleteOMG!!! FINALLY!!! Enough said. :D
ReplyDeleteLol! No kidding!!!
DeleteAt least someone is telling the truth! Ugh, so much confusion before.
ReplyDeleteYes. The truth finally!!
DeleteThis roll was perfect for them to finally have an honest conversation. Still love Leroy. It was funny when he was afraid she would leave him again. Not this time fortunately!
ReplyDeleteYes! Finally got her alone with him and they definitely made up for lost time. ❤️