Day 31- Rolled 15 again! Bridge is still closed.
Kaitlin woke to the smell of coffee and pancakes wafting in from the kitchen. She looked over and Leroy's side of the bed was empty. He was making her breakfast. No man had ever done that for her before. She smiled happily, stretched and threw her legs over the side of the bed to get up. She was deliciously tender from the night before and it made her smile even more.
She threw on one of his shirts and went into the bathroom to try and tame her hair and maybe rinse her mouth.

She looked on the counter and he had laid out an unopened toothbrush for her. It was such a little gesture but it made her tear up. She didn't deserve him.
Leroy heard Kaitlin stirring and went to check on her. He found her in his bathroom and silently watched her brush her teeth from the doorway. Damn she looks good wearing my shirt he thought. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face. She was so sexy, my sexy Kate. Mine.
Then he noticed she was crying and his stomach clenched. “Kate?” he said worriedly, “what's wrong?” She jumped and turned around. Without saying a word she flung herself into his arms and cried harder.

Leroy stroked her hair worried that something had happened. “Kate, baby, what's wrong, what happened?” She just shook her head still not saying anything. Finally she stopped crying and tried to catch her breath but not moving from his embrace.
“I'm sorry,” she said into his chest and took a couple of involuntary breaths from crying, “this is….you are….I don't deserve any of it. You are too good to me and I am afraid.”
Leroy relaxed. “My sexy Kate,” he said with a laugh then growled, “Get your sexy ass in the kitchen before your breakfast gets cold or you will find how bad I can be.” That made her laugh. Then he turned her around and playfully swatted her butt, “Now Lass!”
As they ate Kaitlin's mind was racing. The intimacy she and Leroy shared last night as they made love, waking up in his bed this morning and now having breakfast with him more than fulfilled her fantasy of what life could be like - should be like. But this wasn't reality, it was only a stolen moment in time.
She wanted more than anything for this to never end. But it couldn't be. Not yet. Maybe in time, but would Leroy give her that? Was their love strong enough to survive? She was married and could lose her kids. She had to establish herself on her own, without Leroy's help. She had been gone for over a year now. Hopefully, they had given up looking for her. She didn't want to think about the alternative. And then there was Reid to deal with. She was putting the man she loved at risk because of his apparent obsession with her. She had to fix that. No more lives should be destroyed because of her.
Leroy seemed lost in his own thoughts as well. When their eyes met, they both knew theirs was an uphill climb. They both started to talk at the same time. Kaitlin was determined to go first once again so she could get it out.
“Me first, please,” she said holding up her hand to stop him and pleading with her eyes. He sighed and said nothing more waiting for her to continue.
“Leroy, I love you…” she said and had to stop and take a deep breath before going on, “Last night and now this morning - it has been magical and I want nothing more than to be able to be with you like this every day and every night, waking up in your arms each morning. But we both know that can't be…”
“Let me finish,” said Kaitlin, “First - I'm married to an abusive man. When I ran I didn't know how we were going to survive. I just knew I had to get away. His family has money and they know nothing about the abuse. No one does except the woman I spoke to at the shelter, my kids and now you. Newt is their only child. To protect myself I have to be able to prove I can do this on my own. I can't be dependent on you or anyone.

Second - I can't put you at risk because of Reid. You say he is the one that broke into your club and it has been four months and he is still calling me. He hasn't threatened me, but he has threatened you through the note he left. I will make it clear that I am not interested. That should make him stop."
Leroy thought about all that she said before responding, “Reid is going to be difficult. He has connections. His step father is chief of police. And, as we have already experienced, thugs that work for him, willing to do his dirty work. Let me deal with Reid - don't get involved.
As for your husband, if he has money, then I don't think they are still looking. When you went to the hospital and delivered Hailey, well that is a public record. And it was almost a year from the time you left. They would have likely found you already if anyone was still looking.”
Kaitlin stood up and sighed, “I hope you're right,” she said sadly, “But I can't keep hiding and looking over my shoulder. I need to be free of Newt before we can even try to think about a life together. I should go. Poor Reese. He's probably pulling his hair out by now.”
Then she looked down at what she had on and grinned, “Oops,” she said embarrassed, “I should trade your shirt for my clothes.”
Leroy got up and put his arms around her. “Kate, it feels so good to finally hold you. I will find a way for us to be together. You, me, your kids and our daughter. We will one day be a family. I promise.”
He turned her face to his and kissed her. She kissed him back like she was drowning and his kisses would save her.
Their passion escalated from one heartbeat to the next. She would leave, but not just yet.
She had to get out of his shirt, quickly. Or not, she thought, when he lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and they both groaned.
He backed her up to the wall so she could help support her weight and took her. This was primal. Something she had never experienced before. It was almost over before they started, both of them so overcome with need, as if this would be the last time they could be together in this way.
Leroy lowered her back to her feet. They were both breathing hard and Kaitlin could feel his heart beating through his shirt she still wore. “Shower,” he said when he could talk, “Then you can leave. I promise.”
“Uh uh,” was all she could manage. If he wasn't holding her around the waist, she would have slid down the wall to the ground.
Kaitlin left to go home. She missed her children terribly. This was the longest she had been separated from them other than when she delivered Hailey. When she got in the car she called Reese to let him know she was on the way. He told her the bridge was still out. They had to fly some engineers in from Houston to oversee the repairs. They were arriving this afternoon and were going to work overnight to finish it. It should be done in the morning.
Kaitlin didn't know what to do. Her first instinct was to go back to Leroy's but she knew that wasn't a good idea. The more she was with him the harder it would be to keep away and they had to keep away from each other until Reid was dealt with. Knowing she would still see him in the evenings when he came to see Hailey was the only thing that had made it bearable to leave his house in the first place.
She pulled into the library and decided to read for awhile and think.
Leroy would worry so she picked up her phone to text him so she wouldn't disturb anyone with a phone call.
She had just hit send when Reid walked in and sat down next to her.
“Hey gorgeous,” he whispered and grabbed her phone, “Get stranded on the good side of town last night?” Not waiting for an answer he started looking at her texts seeing the one she had just sent. Kaitlin was fuming. Then Reid started typing:
When he finished he looked at her and said, “Come on Katie. You can stay at my place. I know you can't afford a hotel.”
Kaitlin's heart rate sped up. He knew she had been with Leroy last night and tried to remember what her message said. She didn't get up but looked up at Reid and said through clenched teeth, “Give me back my phone please.”
He stood up, smiled and put it behind his back, “What do I get if I give it back? Will you come with me?”
Then he showed her the message, “See, you already let him know you would be with me so no worries. Everyone knows where you are. All good.”
Kaitlin thought about it for a minute. Maybe this would be good. If she was nice to Reid, he would leave Leroy alone long enough for them to figure out how to get him to stop and make him understand she wasn't interested. And she certainly didn't want to provoke him. “Fine, let's go.”
Reid was smiling, “Ladies first,” he said and motioned for to go ahead of him. He smiled watching her do as he asked. Her message had sounded like she had told that ass to leave her alone. His goons would be there soon to deliver a personal message which would just reinforce the breakup and warn him to get full custody of the bastard child. Leroy Chapman should know better than to encroach upon his territory. Now he just needed to figure out who her other kids father was and dump them back on him, then this sexy little divorcée would be all his. He couldn't wait. She was different now and it excited him even more. She had been so submissive when they first met, not so unlike most women he had been with. He liked this new fiery side of her.
Reid took Kaitlin to his house. When they got inside, he excused himself for a minute and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out her phone. He smiled sheepishly, handed it to her and said, “I almost forgot - my bribe to get you to come with me. Here you go. You may want to call the rugrats and let them know where you are. Tell Ben I said hi.”
Kaitlin was shocked. She hadn't expected him to give it back. She was further surprised when he was a perfect gentleman. He made them lunch which was really good. After lunch he asked if she wanted to go relax in the spa and poured them both a glass of wine.
Reid saw her look at it the wine suspiciously and laughed. He looked at her sweetly saying,“Katie, sweetheart, I am trying to win your affection back, not poison or drug you. If you like, there are swimsuits in the drawer in the downstairs bedroom. You can sleep there tonight, unless….”
She was embarrassed. “I'm sorry Reid. You really have been a sweet and gracious host. I shouldn't be so jumpy. And I will sleep downstairs. Thank you.”
“You know what, you stay put and relax in the spa or sunbathe. I have some work to take care of in my office. There's more wine if you want. When I am done, we will have dinner. We can go out, or if you like, stay here and I will cook for us." He turned and went upstairs.
When he left, Kaitlin went into the bedroom to change. She was tempted to look at her phone to see if Leroy had texted her back and to let him know she was okay. But she didn't. She still didn't trust Reid although he wasn't doing anything that seemed untoward. She was beginning to remember why she fell for him in the first place. He was so charming. She found a bikini as he said there would be. Hmm? Who were these for? Well, he did have a reputation, he even told her once that he did.
She went outside and lay down in the lounger. The warmth of the sun on her skin coupled with the gentle sound of the water circulating in the spa quickly lulled her to sleep.
She awoke to the sound of Reid's voice, “Hey Sleeping Beauty, time for dinner. Did you decide?”
She opened her eyes and Reid was inches from her face. She jumped and he caught her. “Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. You are beautiful when you sleep you know. But I already knew that about you. I always liked watching you sleep after we made love."
“Reid! You frightened me!” she said jumping up ignoring what he said.
Reid sighed and reached out to her, “I just miss you. I don't know what I did that made you...never mind. Did you decide - in or out?”
Kaitlin forced herself to smile, “Out. I haven't eaten out in a long time. It will be a nice treat.” Really, she just didn't want to be alone with him in his house any longer than necessary.
“Okay. We can go to my club. How long before you are ready?”
During dinner Reid began 20 questions, the game he used to play with her when they first met: Where are you from? Westcoast. Why did you divorce? Not happy. Did he abuse you? Don't want to talk about it. What was his name? I'd prefer to forget. Does he really look like me? Yes. He already knew that. She tried her best to be vague without lying to him.
Finally she decided to turn the tables. She tried to look interested, “Enough about my boring life, tell me about you,” she asked. Turns out he was born in the same town as she was, although she didn't tell him that. Guess it is a small world. He and his mother moved to Twinbrook when was 10. He never knew his real father and figured that's why his mom moved them away. She remarried when he was 15. They were so much into each other that he felt like a third wheel. He sounded so bitter. She began to feel sorry for him.
He kept trying to refill her wine glass. Nope...not getting drunk. Finally she decided they needed to go and asked to leave. She knew what was upstairs and did NOT want to wind up there with him.
When they got back to his home, Kaitlin was still worried he would try to force himself on her even though he hadn't tried anything so far. But she didn't want to give him an opportunity. “Thank you for dinner Reid, but I need to get to bed. It's been a long week and I want to get home early.”
Reid looked disappointed, “I was hoping we could continue our conversation from dinner. I was enjoying getting to know you better.”
Kaitlin tried to smile, “Maybe another time,” she said and turned to leave. Then she realized she had nothing to sleep in. “Um, Reid?”
He looked at her hopefully, “Yes? You don't want to sleep alone?”
“No, I mean yes, I want to sleep alone. But can I borrow a t-shirt or something?” she said uncomfortably.
“Will you model it for me?” he asked mischievously.
“REID! Never mind,” she said as she turned to walk away. This wasn't worth it.
He grabbed her arm to stop her, “Hold on,” he said defeated, “I will get you something.”
“Thank you,” she said weakly.
Reid handed had a t-shirt. “If I'm not here when you wake up, just let yourself out. The door will lock automatically when you close it. I had my guys bring your car. It's in the driveway. Goodnight Katie,” he said and blew her a kiss.
If there were flies in the room she would have caught a dozen standing there with her mouth open. Yes, he jumped on everything she said, but he didn't push her. Maybe they had been wrong about Reid. Maybe it really wasn't him that messed up Leroy's bar. She hoped so. She also hoped he got the message that she didn't want to be anything more than friends. Period. But she knew he would continue to call her.
Go to Chapter 32
Kaitlin woke to the smell of coffee and pancakes wafting in from the kitchen. She looked over and Leroy's side of the bed was empty. He was making her breakfast. No man had ever done that for her before. She smiled happily, stretched and threw her legs over the side of the bed to get up. She was deliciously tender from the night before and it made her smile even more.

She looked on the counter and he had laid out an unopened toothbrush for her. It was such a little gesture but it made her tear up. She didn't deserve him.
Leroy heard Kaitlin stirring and went to check on her. He found her in his bathroom and silently watched her brush her teeth from the doorway. Damn she looks good wearing my shirt he thought. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face. She was so sexy, my sexy Kate. Mine.
Then he noticed she was crying and his stomach clenched. “Kate?” he said worriedly, “what's wrong?” She jumped and turned around. Without saying a word she flung herself into his arms and cried harder.

Leroy stroked her hair worried that something had happened. “Kate, baby, what's wrong, what happened?” She just shook her head still not saying anything. Finally she stopped crying and tried to catch her breath but not moving from his embrace.
“I'm sorry,” she said into his chest and took a couple of involuntary breaths from crying, “this is….you are….I don't deserve any of it. You are too good to me and I am afraid.”
Leroy relaxed. “My sexy Kate,” he said with a laugh then growled, “Get your sexy ass in the kitchen before your breakfast gets cold or you will find how bad I can be.” That made her laugh. Then he turned her around and playfully swatted her butt, “Now Lass!”
* * *
As they ate Kaitlin's mind was racing. The intimacy she and Leroy shared last night as they made love, waking up in his bed this morning and now having breakfast with him more than fulfilled her fantasy of what life could be like - should be like. But this wasn't reality, it was only a stolen moment in time.
She wanted more than anything for this to never end. But it couldn't be. Not yet. Maybe in time, but would Leroy give her that? Was their love strong enough to survive? She was married and could lose her kids. She had to establish herself on her own, without Leroy's help. She had been gone for over a year now. Hopefully, they had given up looking for her. She didn't want to think about the alternative. And then there was Reid to deal with. She was putting the man she loved at risk because of his apparent obsession with her. She had to fix that. No more lives should be destroyed because of her.
“Me first, please,” she said holding up her hand to stop him and pleading with her eyes. He sighed and said nothing more waiting for her to continue.
“Leroy, I love you…” she said and had to stop and take a deep breath before going on, “Last night and now this morning - it has been magical and I want nothing more than to be able to be with you like this every day and every night, waking up in your arms each morning. But we both know that can't be…”

“Let me finish,” said Kaitlin, “First - I'm married to an abusive man. When I ran I didn't know how we were going to survive. I just knew I had to get away. His family has money and they know nothing about the abuse. No one does except the woman I spoke to at the shelter, my kids and now you. Newt is their only child. To protect myself I have to be able to prove I can do this on my own. I can't be dependent on you or anyone.

Second - I can't put you at risk because of Reid. You say he is the one that broke into your club and it has been four months and he is still calling me. He hasn't threatened me, but he has threatened you through the note he left. I will make it clear that I am not interested. That should make him stop."
As for your husband, if he has money, then I don't think they are still looking. When you went to the hospital and delivered Hailey, well that is a public record. And it was almost a year from the time you left. They would have likely found you already if anyone was still looking.”

Then she looked down at what she had on and grinned, “Oops,” she said embarrassed, “I should trade your shirt for my clothes.”
He turned her face to his and kissed her. She kissed him back like she was drowning and his kisses would save her.
Their passion escalated from one heartbeat to the next. She would leave, but not just yet.
She had to get out of his shirt, quickly. Or not, she thought, when he lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and they both groaned.
He backed her up to the wall so she could help support her weight and took her. This was primal. Something she had never experienced before. It was almost over before they started, both of them so overcome with need, as if this would be the last time they could be together in this way.
Leroy lowered her back to her feet. They were both breathing hard and Kaitlin could feel his heart beating through his shirt she still wore. “Shower,” he said when he could talk, “Then you can leave. I promise.”
“Uh uh,” was all she could manage. If he wasn't holding her around the waist, she would have slid down the wall to the ground.
* * *
Kaitlin left to go home. She missed her children terribly. This was the longest she had been separated from them other than when she delivered Hailey. When she got in the car she called Reese to let him know she was on the way. He told her the bridge was still out. They had to fly some engineers in from Houston to oversee the repairs. They were arriving this afternoon and were going to work overnight to finish it. It should be done in the morning.
Kaitlin didn't know what to do. Her first instinct was to go back to Leroy's but she knew that wasn't a good idea. The more she was with him the harder it would be to keep away and they had to keep away from each other until Reid was dealt with. Knowing she would still see him in the evenings when he came to see Hailey was the only thing that had made it bearable to leave his house in the first place.
She pulled into the library and decided to read for awhile and think.
Leroy would worry so she picked up her phone to text him so she wouldn't disturb anyone with a phone call.
The bridge is still out. It won't be repaired until tomorrow. I guess I'll
try to find a hotel room. 😕 I didn't want you to worry. It’s better this way.
She had just hit send when Reid walked in and sat down next to her.
“Hey gorgeous,” he whispered and grabbed her phone, “Get stranded on the good side of town last night?” Not waiting for an answer he started looking at her texts seeing the one she had just sent. Kaitlin was fuming. Then Reid started typing:
Disregard that last message. Reid is here and has
generously offered to allow me to stay with him.
When he finished he looked at her and said, “Come on Katie. You can stay at my place. I know you can't afford a hotel.”
Kaitlin's heart rate sped up. He knew she had been with Leroy last night and tried to remember what her message said. She didn't get up but looked up at Reid and said through clenched teeth, “Give me back my phone please.”
He stood up, smiled and put it behind his back, “What do I get if I give it back? Will you come with me?”

Kaitlin thought about it for a minute. Maybe this would be good. If she was nice to Reid, he would leave Leroy alone long enough for them to figure out how to get him to stop and make him understand she wasn't interested. And she certainly didn't want to provoke him. “Fine, let's go.”
Reid was smiling, “Ladies first,” he said and motioned for to go ahead of him. He smiled watching her do as he asked. Her message had sounded like she had told that ass to leave her alone. His goons would be there soon to deliver a personal message which would just reinforce the breakup and warn him to get full custody of the bastard child. Leroy Chapman should know better than to encroach upon his territory. Now he just needed to figure out who her other kids father was and dump them back on him, then this sexy little divorcée would be all his. He couldn't wait. She was different now and it excited him even more. She had been so submissive when they first met, not so unlike most women he had been with. He liked this new fiery side of her.
* * *
Leroy's phone buzzed indicating a text. The doorbell rang at the same time. Leroy looked out the window to see who was there and saw two of Reid's goons. Shit. He decided to ignore them, but they started banging on door yelling, “Open up Chapman. We know you're in there. Don't make us bust down the door!!”
He figured he would get it over with and opened the door. “What do you want?” he growled.
“Whoa man,” one of them said holding his hands in the air, “We are just here to deliver a message. Let's see - Keep away from the chick and file for custody of the kid - or you won't need to worry about ever seeing the kid again.” Then he looked at his cohort for confirmation that he said it right. He nodded. Satisfied he said, “Understand?”
Leroy was barely holding it together. “GET OUT!” He shouted and slammed the door. They had just threatened Hailey and he couldn't breathe. He now knew what he needed to do. He went to his bedroom and grabbed a suitcase out of the closet.
Before Leroy started packing, he wanted to hear Kaitlin's voice and let her know he would be gone for a few weeks. He picked up his phone to call her and saw he had a couple of texts from her and began to read them.
He sat down on the edge of his bed because he couldn't stand up any longer after reading Kaitlin's text messages. Leroy wasn't a crier. Only one tear had escaped when he held his infant daughter for the first time, but now the floodgates were threatening to open. He sat for a few minutes with his head in his hands taking deep breaths and pulled himself together. He had to protect them. This was the only way. So, instead of calling Kate, he decided he would text her later tonight after he was gone and started throwing clothes into the open suitcase.
* * *
Reid took Kaitlin to his house. When they got inside, he excused himself for a minute and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out her phone. He smiled sheepishly, handed it to her and said, “I almost forgot - my bribe to get you to come with me. Here you go. You may want to call the rugrats and let them know where you are. Tell Ben I said hi.”
Kaitlin was shocked. She hadn't expected him to give it back. She was further surprised when he was a perfect gentleman. He made them lunch which was really good. After lunch he asked if she wanted to go relax in the spa and poured them both a glass of wine.
Reid saw her look at it the wine suspiciously and laughed. He looked at her sweetly saying,“Katie, sweetheart, I am trying to win your affection back, not poison or drug you. If you like, there are swimsuits in the drawer in the downstairs bedroom. You can sleep there tonight, unless….”
She was embarrassed. “I'm sorry Reid. You really have been a sweet and gracious host. I shouldn't be so jumpy. And I will sleep downstairs. Thank you.”
“You know what, you stay put and relax in the spa or sunbathe. I have some work to take care of in my office. There's more wine if you want. When I am done, we will have dinner. We can go out, or if you like, stay here and I will cook for us." He turned and went upstairs.
When he left, Kaitlin went into the bedroom to change. She was tempted to look at her phone to see if Leroy had texted her back and to let him know she was okay. But she didn't. She still didn't trust Reid although he wasn't doing anything that seemed untoward. She was beginning to remember why she fell for him in the first place. He was so charming. She found a bikini as he said there would be. Hmm? Who were these for? Well, he did have a reputation, he even told her once that he did.
She went outside and lay down in the lounger. The warmth of the sun on her skin coupled with the gentle sound of the water circulating in the spa quickly lulled her to sleep.
She awoke to the sound of Reid's voice, “Hey Sleeping Beauty, time for dinner. Did you decide?”
She opened her eyes and Reid was inches from her face. She jumped and he caught her. “Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. You are beautiful when you sleep you know. But I already knew that about you. I always liked watching you sleep after we made love."
“Reid! You frightened me!” she said jumping up ignoring what he said.
Reid sighed and reached out to her, “I just miss you. I don't know what I did that made you...never mind. Did you decide - in or out?”
Kaitlin forced herself to smile, “Out. I haven't eaten out in a long time. It will be a nice treat.” Really, she just didn't want to be alone with him in his house any longer than necessary.
“Okay. We can go to my club. How long before you are ready?”
* * *
During dinner Reid began 20 questions, the game he used to play with her when they first met: Where are you from? Westcoast. Why did you divorce? Not happy. Did he abuse you? Don't want to talk about it. What was his name? I'd prefer to forget. Does he really look like me? Yes. He already knew that. She tried her best to be vague without lying to him.
Finally she decided to turn the tables. She tried to look interested, “Enough about my boring life, tell me about you,” she asked. Turns out he was born in the same town as she was, although she didn't tell him that. Guess it is a small world. He and his mother moved to Twinbrook when was 10. He never knew his real father and figured that's why his mom moved them away. She remarried when he was 15. They were so much into each other that he felt like a third wheel. He sounded so bitter. She began to feel sorry for him.
He kept trying to refill her wine glass. Nope...not getting drunk. Finally she decided they needed to go and asked to leave. She knew what was upstairs and did NOT want to wind up there with him.
* * *
When they got back to his home, Kaitlin was still worried he would try to force himself on her even though he hadn't tried anything so far. But she didn't want to give him an opportunity. “Thank you for dinner Reid, but I need to get to bed. It's been a long week and I want to get home early.”
Reid looked disappointed, “I was hoping we could continue our conversation from dinner. I was enjoying getting to know you better.”
“No, I mean yes, I want to sleep alone. But can I borrow a t-shirt or something?” she said uncomfortably.
“Will you model it for me?” he asked mischievously.

He grabbed her arm to stop her, “Hold on,” he said defeated, “I will get you something.”
“Thank you,” she said weakly.
Reid handed had a t-shirt. “If I'm not here when you wake up, just let yourself out. The door will lock automatically when you close it. I had my guys bring your car. It's in the driveway. Goodnight Katie,” he said and blew her a kiss.
If there were flies in the room she would have caught a dozen standing there with her mouth open. Yes, he jumped on everything she said, but he didn't push her. Maybe they had been wrong about Reid. Maybe it really wasn't him that messed up Leroy's bar. She hoped so. She also hoped he got the message that she didn't want to be anything more than friends. Period. But she knew he would continue to call her.
Go to Chapter 32
Gosh this is starting to get very intense. I feel so sorry for Kaitlin.
ReplyDeleteShe is pretty much blaming herself for everything and beginning to doubt herself. Leroy is off to save the day or at least he hopes it will. We will see what he's up to later.
Deletenice ending .. surprised
ReplyDeleteThanks. More on the way! Lol.
DeleteHe is psyco, Katilin! I bet he put something on her phone so he can knows where she is 24 hours a day! And keep an eye for him.
ReplyDeleteYes. Hopefully she will figure it out.
DeleteShe blames herself for everything that isn't her fault whole simultaneously making things worse with a series of bad decisions. Such a unique Sim, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteSeriously! She needs to stop that! Reid isn't her fault for sure.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh no! Reid needs to be stopped and fast. He is a total psycho and will stop at nothing to get to her. I think he did something to her phone and I don't like the fact that Leroy is off doing who knows what. I hope he doesn't believe for a minute that she wanted to go with Reid willingly. Kaitlin needs to wise up and realize what Reid really is, a psycho.
ReplyDeleteHe is obsessed with her for sure. Probably because she never threw herself at him. She is a challenge and he and Leroy have a history.
DeletePlease don't fall for Reid again, Katie! He is SO not worth it.
ReplyDeleteNo, not worth it. I don’t think she has any intention of that. But he is being so charming.