Day 36 - Rolled 3 - Forced day off from work. Essentially you cannot earn any money on this day.
Kaitlin woke up to her phone ringing. She hoped it was Leroy but it turned out to be the owner of the salon telling her not to come in today. They were replacing some of the plumbing and they wouldn't be able to work. All appointments for the day had been cancelled.
Crap, I really needed the money, she thought as she made coffee then went outside and picked up the newspaper. Maybe there was more information on the fire.
Kaitlin sat down and began to read. The name of the deceased fireman had been released and his obituary was in the paper. She was thankful it wasn't one of the men that they knew. He had been from a station in the neighboring town. Still it was horribly sad to see that he had left a family behind.
It also named Reid Nielsen as the fireman that was still in the hospital in intensive care. His condition was listed as critical but stable. She remembered that Leroy said that she shouldn't waste her sympathy on him. Well, she couldn't help it.
She knew they had a tumultuous history that went back to their childhood years, but Leroy never talked about the details. And even though Reid had scared her with that his last phone call, she couldn't help but feel sad for him. He had helped Ben and he had helped her family by giving them a place to live when they desperately needed it. Just because he was jerk and threatened her and Leroy didn't mean she wished him harm or worse dead. She was the one that hurt Reid when she pushed him out of her with no explanation. Funny thing is, if not for Reid, she would never have met Leroy.
Kaitlin sighed and picked up her phone. She needed to hear Leroy's voice. He always calmed her down.
Kaitlin giggled uncomfortably. “Why do you always ask me that? You must think I'm a mess all the time.”
“Not all the time,” he teased.
“Thanks a lot,” said Kaitlin and let out a breath before continuing, “Did you happen to see the paper this morning?”
“Yes. And it's on the news too. He’s being treated like a damn hero.”

“Kate, after what he said to you, why do you still def...never doesn't matter. Don't you need to be heading to work soon?”
She knew Leroy hated that she had empathy for Reid but she wasn't going there so she ignored his comment. “That's the other reason I called. I have an unscheduled day off so I wanted to ask a favor.”
She started laughing, “Leroy! You perv. No, well maybe, but that's not why I'm calling. I wanted to know if you would come over later today and start helping Reese learn to drive. I can't because I can't leave the babies with Ben and a sitter is out of the question since I am losing a whole day's pay. And….”
Leroy cut her off mid sentence. “Whoa Kate. I don't need a reason. Let me finish up here with my client and then I will be right over. Uh, we are using your car - right?”
“I love you Kate.”
Every time he said that to her it made her smile. She wondered if he could feel it through the phone. “I love you too Leroy. See you soon,” she said and disconnected the call. She felt like a lovesick teenager.
* * *
Leroy arrived just before lunch. He kissed Kaitlin, then went straight to his daughter and snuggled her close. “I love the way she smells,” he said as he nuzzled Hailey.

When they all sat down at the table, Kaitlin looked at Reese and gave him her best mom look. She had told him that Leroy was going to help him with some driving lessons and he better thank him for that. Reese rolled his eyes at her before addressing Leroy.
“My pleasure Reese. Just promise not to kill me - okay!” laughed Leroy.
Kaitlin watched the exchange between Leroy and Reese. This was a great idea. Reese, as hard as he tried to be the man of the house, really needed a good male role model to bond with. She hoped that Leroy would be that for him. Today was turning out to be better than she thought.
Ben had been especially quiet this morning even while they were eating not saying anything. When there was a lull in the conversation he asked quietly, “Mom, is Mr. Reid going to die?”
Kaitlin shot a glance at Leroy to warn him to let her take this one. She had no idea what he might say given his hatred of Reid. “Honey, I don't think so. He was hurt really bad, but the reports say he is in critical but stable condition. That means he is really sick, but isn't getting worse. Mr. Reid is a strong man. He will be okay but it just might take a couple of months.”
“Can I go see him?” asked Ben expectantly, “I want to talk to him. He is a hero. It said so on the News.”
Kaitlin wasn’t sure how to comfort him. He and Reese didn't know about their ‘grown up’ problems. Reese knew she and Reid weren't seeing each other, but he didn't know about the threats. She couldn’t tell Ben that his hero was a world class jerk. That would hurt Ben more. “Ben, only family is allowed to be with him now.”
“But we are like family! He is my good Daddy!” insisted Ben.
“No Ben, we aren't family and he isn't your Daddy and never was,” said Kaitlin firmly, “He is just a very good friend that cares for you. Kind of like an Uncle, but not. Look, why don't we send some flowers and a get well card. His family can read it to him. You can write a special note inside. Okay?”
“Uncles are family,” reasoned Ben.
Leroy spoke up. “Hey, Buddy. He will like it if you send him a card. Maybe that will help him get well faster.”
“No it won't!! I'm not a stupid little kid anymore! I know he’s not my Daddy because of you and Hailey!”
“BEN!!” scolded Kaitlin horrified, “Apologize to Mr. Leroy! Mr. Reid could never be your father and Mr. Leroy has nothing to do with that.”
“I hate you both!” said Ben as he got up and shoved the chair back to the table. Then he turned and ran to his room.
Kaitlin started to get up and go after him. Reese stopped her in her tracks. “Uh, Mom, don’t. Let him be for a few minutes. He’s just upset and afraid. You know he didn't mean it.” Then he looked at Leroy, “Look, you know Ben adores Hailey and you too Leroy. He told me he wished you lived here with us.”
“Why didn't you tell me?” asked Kaitlin stunned.
“It was a secret he shared with me. Leroy, ever since the Social Worker came, he talked about you all the time. And Mom, when you told us that Leroy was Hailey’s father Ben wanted him to live with us. He was forgetting about Reid. Well until he brought the swing. But you know he adores Hailey and Sam. Mom, just give him a minute. Now….Mom…..where are the car keys? Leroy owes me some driving lessons.”
Kaitlin and Leroy just sat there looking at this 17-year-old that seemed wise beyond his years.
“Uh, sure. Let me get them.”
* * *
When he didn't respond she rubbed his back and continued talking to him. “It's okay to be upset. Reid is a very good friend and he's sick. We all feel helpless and afraid because we can't fix it. I promise, as soon as he is well enough, we will go see him. Okay?”
Ben looked up, “Promise?”
“Promise. Now come here. I really need a hug.”
Kaitlin knelt down in the floor and pulled Ben to her. He started crying. “I'm sorry,” he said in between sobs, “I don't hate you and Mr. Leroy. He's not going to take Hailey and leave is he?”
“Oh Ben, no sweetheart. He loves all of us very much. He would never do anything to hurt you," said Kaitlin as she stood up. “Now come on, there are some hungry babies that need you and me to feed them.”
“Can I give Hailey her bottle?” he asked obviously feeling guilty about his outburst.
Kaitlin smiled warmly at Ben, “She would love that. She is lucky to have you as a big brother.”
Kaitlin handed him the bottle and he helped her hold it so she wouldn't drop it.

After she finished Ben stayed and played with her.

* * *
Reese and Leroy returned after a few hours. They both walked through the door laughing. Kaitlin saved the letter she had started writing and shutdown the laptop. She walked over to the two men. Men. Yes, she thought, Reese is definitely a young man. She was so happy to see them bonding. “Sounds like it went well,” she said smiling.

“Hey! That was when we first started,” protested Reese, “I got it now. And anyway I only went that far!” he said as he held his hands apart to illustrate. “But, I was able to pass the driving test thanks to my most excellent teacher," he said bowing down to Leroy.
“Flattery will get you nowhere kid! We had to get it right or your Mom would have killed me,” said Leroy laughing.
When Ben saw them come in he waited until Reese went to get Sam and walked over and stood by Kaitlin. “Mr.Leroy,” he said softly with his head down, “I - I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said before.”
Leroy scooped him up in a bear hug. “Ben, my man, it's okay. Sometimes, when we are hurting, we all say things we don't mean. I was pretty sure you were just upset about Reid.”
“And you won't leave us and take Hailey away?”
“Never, I promise,” said Leroy as he looked over at Kaitlin and winked.
Go back to Chapter 35