Leroy and Kaitlin packed up the oldest kids leaving Jordan, Hailey and Sam with a sitter and headed to the vacant lot where their new home would soon be built.
Ben and Dakota made a huge snowman after making snow angels that marked the spot where they wanted to have their new rooms.
Leroy showed them how to make an igloo and after a couple of hours, it was complete and everyone was exhausted.
Finally, tired, hungry and cold they settled down to warm themselves around the fire-pit, the frozen river and greenbelt that would be their view their backdrop. Leroy told stories while they roasted hot-dogs and marshmallows before heading over to the Winter Festival.
At the festival, the main goal was ice skating. Ben had never tried and refused. It seemed everyone had a partner except him. Kaitlin opted out because she needed to stay with Maddy. She watched laughing as Brooke totally out-skated Reese.
Leroy, also a pro, helped Dakota learn. She was a natural.
The two of them stole the show.

After ice-skating, Reese and Leroy tried their hand at snowboarding.
Finally, before heading home, everyone piled into the picture tent for the obligatory family picture. Except Ben. No one noticed he wasn't there until after they got the picture. Kaitlin panicked but found him getting hot chocolate. She wasn't sure why he took off on his own - she told them they were getting the picture and then were heading home. Everyone made it home exhausted, happy and a little sore from overworking muscles they hadn't used in awhile.
A week later, Christmas was upon them. Leroy spent the night so he would be there early to help. Leroy and Kaitlin got up super early and padded into the living room, still in their pajama's relishing the calm before the storm.

Sitting there in the quiet early morning darkness in front of the lit tree, Kaitlin was melancholic, thinking about last Christmas.
Leroy must have noticed and asked, "Penny for your thoughts."
Kaitlin took a deep breath and let it out gathering her thoughts before answering. “So much has changed for me in the past year," she said with a faraway sound to her voice. “Last Christmas, I was devastated when I discovered I was almost 5 months pregnant with Hailey. I sat in front of this very tree in the tiny apartment you leased me crying. I never thought anything good could come from making the same mistake again. But she was the catalyst that brought us together and now I am grateful to have both of you in my life.
Frankly I don’t know why you stayed with the 'crazy lady'. I am glad you did and now we also have Dakota. Plus, I am a grandmother of two sweet little boys and Reese is engaged to married. I just can't believe how much my world has changed in a year's time.”
“A good change - I hope,” said Leroy smiling.
“Definitely good. You helped make it better,” she said matching his smile. “Leroy, I want to formally adopt Dakota once we get married.”
His smile grew. “Then you are accepting my proposal?” he asked.
"Hmmm,” she said surprised, “I guess I am. I was afraid before. Therapy has helped. Dr. Shea is good. Oh, ummm, I told her you would come with me next time. Is that okay?”
Leroy pulled her into his lap and started peppering kisses all over her face and neck and talking excitedly ignoring everything else. “You just said Yes! Not yes with conditions, but YES! You are going to be my wife. I love you. The best Christmas gift ever!”
Kaitlin couldn't help but giggle. “Shhh - you will wake up the kids!” she reprimanded between his kisses.
Then as if on queue, Hailey started crying. Kaitlin sat up in Leroy's lap. “Uh-oh, too late. Quiet time’s over,” she said.
“Let me get her,” said Leroy as they both stood up.
Instead of walking straight into the bedroom he stopped and turned back to her. “Kate...” he said with a look on his face that made her knees weak, “I love you sweetheart." The emotion in his voice perfectly matched the look on his face. She thought he was going to kiss her again, but Hailey's cry broke the spell and he turned and went to tend to their daughter.
As Kaitlin watched her future husband walk out of the room. she was so emotional she almost cried. This really was going to be her forever. Merry Christmas to me too, she thought and smiled as she made her way to the bathroom to get dressed for the long day ahead.
Ben didn't like the gift Kaitlin got him. He said it was a baby gift. He wanted the newest racing game. "Mr. Reid would have got it for me!" he said and sulked off. Kaitlin was embarrassed by his behavior but didn't want to cause a scene so she let him leave.
Of course, Dakota loved the dolls that Leroy gave her.
“What a fun day, but I am exhausted!” said Kaitlin as she sat down in the floor leaning up against the couch.
No! thought Kaitlin in a panic. That house was everything to her - wasn't it everything to him too? He couldn't give it away. She imagined it as a get away for the two of them. “Absolutely not!” she said adamantly.
After she shrugged off the hands that touched her, she was still breathing too fast and couldn't think. NO! What am I supposed to do? she thought. This time when strong arms went around her from behind and held her tight, she couldn't get away, so she went limp preparing for what might come. Then she heard his voice, soft and sweet, “Kate, babe, I'm right here. Deep breaths for me okay?”
He knew her too well. There was that, they did need to earn it, but that wasn't what upset her and he knew it. Observant man, she thought.
Kaitlin let out a slow breath before trying to put her feelings into words. “It feels like losing a piece of us. The night I stayed with you was pivotal for me. I realized you loved me as much as I love you. You were so sweet. You showed me what life with you could be. Not just the sex, but all of it. The confessions, the talks, just being with you. It was easy. You made me breakfast and gave me a toothbrush. I guess I just thought it would always be there. Maybe as an office for you. And I felt like you wanted to give it all away like maybe those memories weren't as important to you as you are to me.”

Leroy showed them how to make an igloo and after a couple of hours, it was complete and everyone was exhausted.
Finally, tired, hungry and cold they settled down to warm themselves around the fire-pit, the frozen river and greenbelt that would be their view their backdrop. Leroy told stories while they roasted hot-dogs and marshmallows before heading over to the Winter Festival.
At the festival, the main goal was ice skating. Ben had never tried and refused. It seemed everyone had a partner except him. Kaitlin opted out because she needed to stay with Maddy. She watched laughing as Brooke totally out-skated Reese.
Leroy, also a pro, helped Dakota learn. She was a natural.

After ice-skating, Reese and Leroy tried their hand at snowboarding.
Finally, before heading home, everyone piled into the picture tent for the obligatory family picture. Except Ben. No one noticed he wasn't there until after they got the picture. Kaitlin panicked but found him getting hot chocolate. She wasn't sure why he took off on his own - she told them they were getting the picture and then were heading home. Everyone made it home exhausted, happy and a little sore from overworking muscles they hadn't used in awhile.
* * * * * * *

Sitting there in the quiet early morning darkness in front of the lit tree, Kaitlin was melancholic, thinking about last Christmas.
Leroy must have noticed and asked, "Penny for your thoughts."
Kaitlin took a deep breath and let it out gathering her thoughts before answering. “So much has changed for me in the past year," she said with a faraway sound to her voice. “Last Christmas, I was devastated when I discovered I was almost 5 months pregnant with Hailey. I sat in front of this very tree in the tiny apartment you leased me crying. I never thought anything good could come from making the same mistake again. But she was the catalyst that brought us together and now I am grateful to have both of you in my life.
Frankly I don’t know why you stayed with the 'crazy lady'. I am glad you did and now we also have Dakota. Plus, I am a grandmother of two sweet little boys and Reese is engaged to married. I just can't believe how much my world has changed in a year's time.”

“Definitely good. You helped make it better,” she said matching his smile. “Leroy, I want to formally adopt Dakota once we get married.”
His smile grew. “Then you are accepting my proposal?” he asked.
"Hmmm,” she said surprised, “I guess I am. I was afraid before. Therapy has helped. Dr. Shea is good. Oh, ummm, I told her you would come with me next time. Is that okay?”
Leroy pulled her into his lap and started peppering kisses all over her face and neck and talking excitedly ignoring everything else. “You just said Yes! Not yes with conditions, but YES! You are going to be my wife. I love you. The best Christmas gift ever!”
Kaitlin couldn't help but giggle. “Shhh - you will wake up the kids!” she reprimanded between his kisses.
Then as if on queue, Hailey started crying. Kaitlin sat up in Leroy's lap. “Uh-oh, too late. Quiet time’s over,” she said.
Instead of walking straight into the bedroom he stopped and turned back to her. “Kate...” he said with a look on his face that made her knees weak, “I love you sweetheart." The emotion in his voice perfectly matched the look on his face. She thought he was going to kiss her again, but Hailey's cry broke the spell and he turned and went to tend to their daughter.
As Kaitlin watched her future husband walk out of the room. she was so emotional she almost cried. This really was going to be her forever. Merry Christmas to me too, she thought and smiled as she made her way to the bathroom to get dressed for the long day ahead.
* * * * * * *
Hailey's cry must have been the signal that it was time to get up because the whole apartment full of kids began to stir. Kaitlin and Leroy helped get them fed and dressed while Maddy, Ben and Dakota kept asking when it was time to open their gifts.
Brooke and her family arrived not long after so they decided to go ahead and exchange gifts.
Of course, Dakota loved the dolls that Leroy gave her.
After dinner, Kaitlin and Brooke's father sat together and had a nice talk. He thanked her for all they had done to make sure Brooke got the education she needed and his grandchild was well taken care of.
Leroy even managed to lure Kaitlin under the mistletoe. Of course she didn't mind at all. With the exception of Ben's little fit, it had been a wonderful day.
After everyone left and the kids were finally in bed, it was once again just Leroy and Kaitlin in the living room sitting in front of the tree much the same way the started the day.

Leroy slid down beside her. “It was nice. Without a doubt the most wonderful Christmas I have ever had. Kate, I have been thinking. I want to give Reese and Brooke my house as a wedding/graduation gift.”
No! thought Kaitlin in a panic. That house was everything to her - wasn't it everything to him too? He couldn't give it away. She imagined it as a get away for the two of them. “Absolutely not!” she said adamantly.
“Why?” he asked looking shocked.
Kaitlin got up and paced back and forth. Why? He asked why. Doesn't he understand? “Are you crazy?" she said irritated, "That house is your home. You built it. You can't just give it away. And besides, they need to earn whatever comes to them. No.”
“Hey...I shouldn't have brought it up," replied Leroy sounding a bit nervous, "It's too soon. Forget it."
“No, I won’t forget it," she shot back a little hysterical, "And what do you mean too soon? Too soon for the crazy lady that loses touch with reality? No. That house, it’s your home, it's where we...it's...it's... where you…” she said now crying and motioning between the two of them.
“Kate - calm down. We can talk about it later,” pleaded Leroy as he stood up to go to her.
“No! I won't calm down. You would be giving away - I don't know. What did I do? Why? Tell me now!” she demanded. She knew she was breathing too fast and could feel the darkness begin to creep into the outer edges of her vision, but she couldn't help it. He didn't understand - she felt like he just rejected her. She didn't want to leave but she didn't know how to stop it.
Leroy reached for her and she shrugged away from him so he pulled back and said, “Okay. Okay. We can talk now. But, baby, you have to be calm first. Please Kate. Slow down.”
Kaitlin nodded her head and tried to slow down her breathing taking deep breaths. Now she remembered what she was supposed to do. Breathe. After a few minutes she calmed down enough that she was able to talk. “I'm sorry," she said quietly, "It's your home. I had no right to tell you what to do with it.”
He turned her around in his arms and held her. “No Kate, you have every right to your opinion," he said, "Don't forget that. Even though we aren't married we share our lives as if we are. We will be married soon though. Baby you said Yes this morning. Remember? So, Kate, that means we make decisions together.”
“I don't know what happened just now. It felt like you didn't ….and the walls started closing in...and...” she said trying to explain.
Leroy kissed the top of her head, “Shhh. Stop." he said in a calming tone, "You almost left me, but baby, you didn’t. You were able to get it under control and stay with me. You did good. Let's sit down and start over, or we can wait. You were stressed today even though we had a great time. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to see to it that everything was perfect. There are two of us now. It's not all on you anymore.”
“That's better. I love the way you feel snuggled up against me. Now, do you want to tell me why you really don't want me to give the kids the house - and not the bullshit answer that they need to earn it.”

Kaitlin let out a slow breath before trying to put her feelings into words. “It feels like losing a piece of us. The night I stayed with you was pivotal for me. I realized you loved me as much as I love you. You were so sweet. You showed me what life with you could be. Not just the sex, but all of it. The confessions, the talks, just being with you. It was easy. You made me breakfast and gave me a toothbrush. I guess I just thought it would always be there. Maybe as an office for you. And I felt like you wanted to give it all away like maybe those memories weren't as important to you as you are to me.”
Leroy looked pained for a second before he replied. “Sweetheart, that night was everything to me too. I knew you were it for me way before then, but that night solidified everything. I knew you wanted to be with me as much as I wanted you in my life." Then a devilish grin split his face and he added, "And - um-uh - don't forget the next morning. That was pretty damn hot.”
Kaitlin couldn’t help but laugh as she hit him on the arm. “Perv!” she laughed out.
“Hey, I didn't hear any complaints from you at the time. So Kate,” he said conspiratorially wiggling his eyebrows, “When we build the master suite, you know we will have to christen the walls, right?”
“Leroy!” exclaimed Kaitlin glad he couldn't see the blush that turned her face bright red.
“Sorry babe, you make me crazy. The point is, I feel the same way. That house is full of memories. I did most of the labor that went into it. Actually, that's why I wanted Reese and Brooke to have it. We won't need it after we get your - no - our house built and we are married. Hell, we barely need it now, but it will still be a part of our family. And besides, it’s close to the lot where we are going to build.”
Our family, thought Kaitlin, he had her with those two words. They really were going to be a real family not just a rag-tag group of people spending time together. Hopefully, by next Christmas her name would be Kaitlin Chapman. Finally she agreed, “Okay, but they will either lease it or buy it. They aren't getting it handed to them.”
Leroy turned her face to his. “Deal,” he said then kissed her sweetly.
Kaitlin couldn't help but pull him closer, parting her lips inviting him inside turning the kiss passionate.
Aw Ben :'(((
ReplyDeleteHe's going through a phase, isn't he? :'(
Yes...that pre-teen nobody loves me stage. But he's kinda been going through that since the beginning...I was actually shocked when he refused the gift from his mom.. and he was queued up to go to the photo booth and disappeared. Then when they were ice skating he wouldn't skate. I had to go with it all because it was just so Ben and worked perfectly with his middle childness.
DeleteOh, no goody, Ben! How old is he? Depending on the awnser, this might just be a fase, or the start of the pre-teen Ben! Is nice to see everyone having fun, and how Leroy and Kate are actually working things out...but I'm still afrid of how Ben is going to end up when he grow's up...or even now! I hope he dosen't know where Reid lives, because, I could totally imagine him running o get there..
ReplyDeleteHe is almost 11. So he is a bit into the preteen stage but I think it's probably more than that alone. Hah. You are right, if he knew where Reid lived or had a way to contact him, he would likely run away to live with him! The grass is always greener! Poor Ben. He has a lot of growing up to do.
DeleteBen, Ben, Ben... *sigh* I seriously feel for that kid. But I'm worried about him too :( I loved seeing Leroy help Katie calm down in this chapter. I think the therapy is really helping her! They are a great couple. And he is a total sweetheart for offering the house to the kids <3
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing about Ben is everything was totally how it happened in the game! He wouldn't ice skate even though I sent him, he didn't go into the tent for the picture even though I sent him and he refused Kaitlin's gift! It was so perfectly Ben.
DeleteKaitlin is definitely doing better. Leroy gets frustrated but he is learning. And so is she. We'll see more improvement in the next couple of chapters.
I love the way Kate and Leroy interact now. They're really learning how to be a healthy and communicative couple.
ReplyDeleteNow if only... someone could deal with BEN!!! Just please, like for once, in the actual moment when his behavior and tantrums should be addressed? For fucks sake guys...
How do you really feel? Lol.
DeleteIsn't it like that though with a houseful of kids. You try to ignore the bad behavior? Not make waves as long as it isn't hurting anyone else? But really neither of them know how to be parents. Not really. Kaitlin spoiled her kids and Leroy got an insta-family. But they are definitely trying though and their interactions are much healthier. Thank goodness for therapy.
Oh Ben...Goodness, poor boy.
ReplyDeleteKaitlin and Leroy are a sweet couple as per usual. And I am glad Kaitlin could stop her panic attack this time.
Kaitlin’s working hard to get better and Ben is withdrawing more.