The apartment was quiet. The kids were finally kissed goodnight and tucked in. Leroy and Kaitlin headed back into the living area and sat together on the couch. Kaitlin looked at him apologetically and took his hand. "I'm sorry we didn't get to see the lot today," she said quietly.
“That's okay, we can all go tomorrow since it's Saturday and we can make a fun day out of it," said Leroy with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
Kaitlin sat back and looked at him with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Leroy lifted Kaitlin's hand and kissed it before responding. "We need to spend more time together as a family. Ben worries me. He is rejecting us - well me - again. I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but I really need to try to build a better relationship with him, Reese too for that matter.”
Kaitlin suddenly got quiet. “Shhh. Listen,” she whispered, “Is that Dakota crying?”
Leroy’s face fell even more. “Yes. I thought she was asleep. Want me to go?”
“No, you relax, let me,” said Kaitlin as she got up and walked into Dakota's little cubby.
Dakota was sitting up in bed curled into a ball and crying. Kaitlin walked over and turned on the bedside lamp. “Dakota? What's wrong sweetheart?” she asked.
Dakota looked up at her and sniffed, "I don't want to have orange hair."
"Why would you think you will have orange hair?" asked Kaitlin.
"Since you are my mommy now, my hair might grow back orange like yours,” she said still crying.
Kaitlin bit back a grin at the same time as her heart broke in a thousand pieces for Dakota. She sat down next to her and pulled her close. “No, no baby," Kaitlin assured her, "Did Ben tell you that?"
Dakota shook her head. Thank god for small favors. It was just her young imagination working overtime, thought Kaitlin. She continued to hold and rub Dakota's back and said as gently as she could, "Honey, your first mother, Candace, she gave you your hair when you were born and you will always have that part of her no matter what. It will always be soft as cotton and black as night, just like it was before.”
Dakota wiped the tears from her eyes, sat up straight and sighed dramatically while rolling her eyes, “Thank God - Goodness!” she said as she slapped her hands over her mouth for swearing. Then she said apologetically, “I like your hair Mommy K, but I am glad I get to keep my hair. How much longer before it comes back?”
Kaitlin helped Dakota lay back down. “Only a couple of months," she said, "Now, get to sleep baby, tomorrow is a special day. We are going on an outing to see where our new home will be built. We are having a cookout. Maybe the girls will have a snowball fight against they boys. Maybe even build an igloo,” she said and tucked Dakota in again. She adjusted the cap she wore to bed, bent down and kissed her goodnight.
When Kaitlin walked back in, Leroy handed her a glass of wine. She smiled gratefully and took the glass from him taking a sip. “I guess this is for the Reid discussion?”
Leroy smiled sheepishly, “Yes and I figured today was stressful enough that we could both use a drink. Is Dakota okay?”
“Yes. Poor thing. She is actually handling everything like a trooper. She was afraid that her hair would grow back like mine since I am now her ‘mother’. It just broke my heart.”
Leroy frowned. “All thanks to the Nielsen family," he growled, "She should still be with Candy.”
Kaitlin shook her head. “What are you talking about?" she asked incredulously, "You know Candy was hinting for me to take her before that even happened so don't you feel guilty over taking her away from her birth mother." Then Kaitlin laughed a little, "Ha! Look at me telling YOU not to feel guilty. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."
That made Leroy smile. "Progress?" he asked.
Kaitlin looked at Leroy as she thought about what he just asked, Progress. It was progress - wasn't it? She hadn't felt afraid to confront him about his feelings - tell him he was wrong in what he thought nor did she assume the blame for it to make him feel better. Maybe her birthday date did more for their relationship than she thought or maybe it was the sessions with Dr. Shea - probably both. Finally she answered him and her thoughtful expression turned into a loving smile, "Yes baby, progress."
Leroy held out his glass in a toast, "To progress then."
"To progress," said Kaitlin and clinked her glass with Leroy's.
After Kaitlin took a drink she remembered what they were talking about and asked, "But what about Reid? Angie told me he was arrested, but released on bail plus he had a restraining order to keep away from you and I.”
Leroy got serious and pointed to the couch. “Let's sit down."
After they settled on the couch, he said, "Reid came to see me on your birthday.”
Kaitlin was stunned. If what Angie said was true, he wasn't supposed to be near either of them. “Why? How?” she asked.
Leroy swallowed hard before answering. “Kate, I think he is innocent. I've been thinking a lot about what he told me when he came in and based on that, it makes some perverted sort of sense that he didn't start the fire - along with some other things.”
“What…” was all she could get out. Of all the things he could have said about Reid, she didn't for one second think it might be that.
Leroy began to recant the encounter and what Reid had said. When he got to the part about Reid losing people he loved and mentioned Dr. Shea she stopped him.
“Wait! He used to date Shea? As in Dr. Shea?”
“Yes. When I got arrested, everyone that knew me felt like it was all Reid’s doing. He had the most to gain. They knew me - knew I wasn't into that shit. But let me explain.

I already told you Shea and I were close, living in the same foster home when we were younger. Some of the kids in school were picking on her and I stepped in and put a stop to it. I became like a big brother to her and she became my shadow. I sort of see Ben and Dakota like that. You know.
Anyway, Reid and I had become good friends playing sports together from the time we were about 12 or 13 all the way through our junior year. He was right in his note. We were best friends - until the my arrest. Since Shea was my shadow she knew Reid and had a secret crush on him. Finally when we were in high school she blossomed and he noticed her as more than my annoying tag-along. They started dating and I couldn't have been happier for her. She and Reid were inseparable.
He and Shea probably would have gotten married right out of high school or least moved in together to go to college. She was in advanced classes so they were hoping he would get a football scholarship and she would follow him and go to school wherever he was.
At the beginning of our senior year when it became clear that I would be captain of the team and likely be the starter and he my backup, I got framed for robbing the store and put in Juvie. Of course he became Captain and got the starting position. My friends said he set me up. Why would anyone else do it? I listened to them and so did Shea even though Reid insisted he didn't do it. He acted like he really thought I did it too and that pissed me the hell off. He thought I was influenced by the gangs that were part of the foster system. Shea left him over it. It broke his heart bad. He changed after that. But I didn't give a shit. I thought he deserved it for what he did to me and our friendship. I thought our friendship meant nothing to him.”
Kaitlin said quietly, “She knows about Reid and I...but she never said a word.”
“She wouldn't have. Despite our impromptu reunion hug the day you met her, she is professional and wouldn't judge you or tell you something that would make you uncomfortable.”
Kaitlin was reeling. Innocent? They were responsible for maybe making an innocent man go to prison. One that Ben looked up to. Her brother-in-law - Ben's Uncle. But how could that be? He broke into Leroy's bar and threatened Hailey. Kaitlin sat there for a few minutes totally numb.
Finally she spoke. “You believe him I take it, that his mother framed you back then and tried to frame you again and this time for money - Reid's fathers money - so he and I could be together? You're right, that's twisted and perverted. You know him better than I do, so if you believe he is innocent, I have to believe you are right. How do we prove it Leroy? He can't go to prison if he is innocent.”
“That's what has me worried," said Leroy with a sigh, "Miranda is obviously ruthless and always has been. She won't let her precious son go to prison. I am worried what she might pull to try and redirect the evidence back onto me. I was very nearly the one that was charged. That wire was the only thing that saved my ass. But now it might not be enough if he really is innocent. And you know her husband is the Chief of Police. I wouldn't put it past him to pull something dirty to get Reid off. But if she was responsible, she needs to pay.”
Kaitlin felt a shiver go down her spine. That woman did give off evil vibes. Not like her twin sister Cassie, even though Cassie was manipulative, she didn't seem evil. In fact she adored her grandchildren and always doted on them. “How can we be sure?”
Leroy pulled her close to him. “Let me talk to my P.I." he said, "We have been focusing on Reid. Maybe that was we came up empty handed. Now that we are pretty sure it's Miranda, then hopefully we can find something concrete.”
“Should we talk to Reid?”
“It's risky since he has a restraining order Kate, but maybe I can use a go between and reach out to him. It's just that - it is his mother we are talking about. I don't know how happy he will be that we are doing this.”
Kaitlin agreed. “Then let's wait and see what you can find out,” she said.
“You okay if I leave tonight? I have a lot I need to get done at home and I can get the ball rolling with my P.I. Then tomorrow we can all go to your - no - our new lot and have a family outing. Maybe go to the winter festival afterwards.”
Kaitlin sighed as tears threatened to fall. She really wanted him to stay, but understood. “Okay. What time should I expect you tomorrow?”
“Not too late, maybe by 10:00 am?”
They both stood up and Leroy pulled her into a hug. When he did Kaitlin couldn't hold back and began to sob into his shoulder.

“Aww shit baby, don't cry,” he pleaded.
“I'm sorry. This was so much to take in and I really don't want you to go.”
“I gotta. The sooner we start…”
Kaitlin sniffed and put her finger over his mouth cutting off his words. “Shhhh. I understand. Go now. I love you.” Then she leaned in and kissed him and pushed him towards the door.
After Leroy left, Kaitlin went into the kitchen and grabbed the last glass of wine. She sat down at the table to think about all that he had told her. There was no way she could sleep - her mind was working overtime. Then she suddenly had an idea that would surely take her mind off of everything. She would decorate for Christmas, now, while the kids were asleep and surprise them in the morning.
Go to Chapter 45 - Part 2 of 3
Go back to Chapter 45 - Part 1 of 3
“That's okay, we can all go tomorrow since it's Saturday and we can make a fun day out of it," said Leroy with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
Kaitlin sat back and looked at him with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Leroy lifted Kaitlin's hand and kissed it before responding. "We need to spend more time together as a family. Ben worries me. He is rejecting us - well me - again. I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but I really need to try to build a better relationship with him, Reese too for that matter.”

Leroy’s face fell even more. “Yes. I thought she was asleep. Want me to go?”
“No, you relax, let me,” said Kaitlin as she got up and walked into Dakota's little cubby.
* * * * * * * * *
Dakota was sitting up in bed curled into a ball and crying. Kaitlin walked over and turned on the bedside lamp. “Dakota? What's wrong sweetheart?” she asked.
Dakota looked up at her and sniffed, "I don't want to have orange hair."
"Why would you think you will have orange hair?" asked Kaitlin.
"Since you are my mommy now, my hair might grow back orange like yours,” she said still crying.
Kaitlin bit back a grin at the same time as her heart broke in a thousand pieces for Dakota. She sat down next to her and pulled her close. “No, no baby," Kaitlin assured her, "Did Ben tell you that?"

Dakota wiped the tears from her eyes, sat up straight and sighed dramatically while rolling her eyes, “Thank God - Goodness!” she said as she slapped her hands over her mouth for swearing. Then she said apologetically, “I like your hair Mommy K, but I am glad I get to keep my hair. How much longer before it comes back?”
Kaitlin helped Dakota lay back down. “Only a couple of months," she said, "Now, get to sleep baby, tomorrow is a special day. We are going on an outing to see where our new home will be built. We are having a cookout. Maybe the girls will have a snowball fight against they boys. Maybe even build an igloo,” she said and tucked Dakota in again. She adjusted the cap she wore to bed, bent down and kissed her goodnight.
* * * * * * * * *
When Kaitlin walked back in, Leroy handed her a glass of wine. She smiled gratefully and took the glass from him taking a sip. “I guess this is for the Reid discussion?”
Leroy smiled sheepishly, “Yes and I figured today was stressful enough that we could both use a drink. Is Dakota okay?”
“Yes. Poor thing. She is actually handling everything like a trooper. She was afraid that her hair would grow back like mine since I am now her ‘mother’. It just broke my heart.”
Leroy frowned. “All thanks to the Nielsen family," he growled, "She should still be with Candy.”
Kaitlin shook her head. “What are you talking about?" she asked incredulously, "You know Candy was hinting for me to take her before that even happened so don't you feel guilty over taking her away from her birth mother." Then Kaitlin laughed a little, "Ha! Look at me telling YOU not to feel guilty. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."
That made Leroy smile. "Progress?" he asked.

Leroy held out his glass in a toast, "To progress then."
"To progress," said Kaitlin and clinked her glass with Leroy's.
After Kaitlin took a drink she remembered what they were talking about and asked, "But what about Reid? Angie told me he was arrested, but released on bail plus he had a restraining order to keep away from you and I.”
Leroy got serious and pointed to the couch. “Let's sit down."
After they settled on the couch, he said, "Reid came to see me on your birthday.”

Leroy swallowed hard before answering. “Kate, I think he is innocent. I've been thinking a lot about what he told me when he came in and based on that, it makes some perverted sort of sense that he didn't start the fire - along with some other things.”

Leroy began to recant the encounter and what Reid had said. When he got to the part about Reid losing people he loved and mentioned Dr. Shea she stopped him.
“Wait! He used to date Shea? As in Dr. Shea?”
“Yes. When I got arrested, everyone that knew me felt like it was all Reid’s doing. He had the most to gain. They knew me - knew I wasn't into that shit. But let me explain.

I already told you Shea and I were close, living in the same foster home when we were younger. Some of the kids in school were picking on her and I stepped in and put a stop to it. I became like a big brother to her and she became my shadow. I sort of see Ben and Dakota like that. You know.
Anyway, Reid and I had become good friends playing sports together from the time we were about 12 or 13 all the way through our junior year. He was right in his note. We were best friends - until the my arrest. Since Shea was my shadow she knew Reid and had a secret crush on him. Finally when we were in high school she blossomed and he noticed her as more than my annoying tag-along. They started dating and I couldn't have been happier for her. She and Reid were inseparable.
He and Shea probably would have gotten married right out of high school or least moved in together to go to college. She was in advanced classes so they were hoping he would get a football scholarship and she would follow him and go to school wherever he was.
At the beginning of our senior year when it became clear that I would be captain of the team and likely be the starter and he my backup, I got framed for robbing the store and put in Juvie. Of course he became Captain and got the starting position. My friends said he set me up. Why would anyone else do it? I listened to them and so did Shea even though Reid insisted he didn't do it. He acted like he really thought I did it too and that pissed me the hell off. He thought I was influenced by the gangs that were part of the foster system. Shea left him over it. It broke his heart bad. He changed after that. But I didn't give a shit. I thought he deserved it for what he did to me and our friendship. I thought our friendship meant nothing to him.”
Kaitlin said quietly, “She knows about Reid and I...but she never said a word.”
“She wouldn't have. Despite our impromptu reunion hug the day you met her, she is professional and wouldn't judge you or tell you something that would make you uncomfortable.”
Kaitlin was reeling. Innocent? They were responsible for maybe making an innocent man go to prison. One that Ben looked up to. Her brother-in-law - Ben's Uncle. But how could that be? He broke into Leroy's bar and threatened Hailey. Kaitlin sat there for a few minutes totally numb.
Finally she spoke. “You believe him I take it, that his mother framed you back then and tried to frame you again and this time for money - Reid's fathers money - so he and I could be together? You're right, that's twisted and perverted. You know him better than I do, so if you believe he is innocent, I have to believe you are right. How do we prove it Leroy? He can't go to prison if he is innocent.”
“That's what has me worried," said Leroy with a sigh, "Miranda is obviously ruthless and always has been. She won't let her precious son go to prison. I am worried what she might pull to try and redirect the evidence back onto me. I was very nearly the one that was charged. That wire was the only thing that saved my ass. But now it might not be enough if he really is innocent. And you know her husband is the Chief of Police. I wouldn't put it past him to pull something dirty to get Reid off. But if she was responsible, she needs to pay.”
Kaitlin felt a shiver go down her spine. That woman did give off evil vibes. Not like her twin sister Cassie, even though Cassie was manipulative, she didn't seem evil. In fact she adored her grandchildren and always doted on them. “How can we be sure?”
Leroy pulled her close to him. “Let me talk to my P.I." he said, "We have been focusing on Reid. Maybe that was we came up empty handed. Now that we are pretty sure it's Miranda, then hopefully we can find something concrete.”
“Should we talk to Reid?”
“It's risky since he has a restraining order Kate, but maybe I can use a go between and reach out to him. It's just that - it is his mother we are talking about. I don't know how happy he will be that we are doing this.”
Kaitlin agreed. “Then let's wait and see what you can find out,” she said.
“You okay if I leave tonight? I have a lot I need to get done at home and I can get the ball rolling with my P.I. Then tomorrow we can all go to your - no - our new lot and have a family outing. Maybe go to the winter festival afterwards.”
Kaitlin sighed as tears threatened to fall. She really wanted him to stay, but understood. “Okay. What time should I expect you tomorrow?”
“Not too late, maybe by 10:00 am?”

“Aww shit baby, don't cry,” he pleaded.
“I'm sorry. This was so much to take in and I really don't want you to go.”
“I gotta. The sooner we start…”
Kaitlin sniffed and put her finger over his mouth cutting off his words. “Shhhh. I understand. Go now. I love you.” Then she leaned in and kissed him and pushed him towards the door.
After Leroy left, Kaitlin went into the kitchen and grabbed the last glass of wine. She sat down at the table to think about all that he had told her. There was no way she could sleep - her mind was working overtime. Then she suddenly had an idea that would surely take her mind off of everything. She would decorate for Christmas, now, while the kids were asleep and surprise them in the morning.
Go to Chapter 45 - Part 2 of 3
Go back to Chapter 45 - Part 1 of 3
This is getting interresting...! It does make sense that Reid would be all mad to Leroy abput this stuff..But, to hold on to a gruge for all this years, this means he isn't the niciest person either..I'm eager to see Miranda's true color's appear, I mean, we know she is the ''master mind'' behind all this, but I would like to see, how thing are in her point of view...It's good that Kate is finally saying what she thinks! A step in the right direction!By the way, I'm a bit curious about what Kate's trait's in game are...would you mind telling me?
ReplyDeleteYes, we will see how all of this plays out. Really her game traits aren't that impactful. But she is Family Oriented, Nurturing and a Natural Cook. Those were things to help her with the actual challenge not so much to define how she wound up behaving! And Leroy, he is a Flirty, Brave, Hot-headed, Good sense of humor and a natural cook. Those fit him so much. I mean he constantly flirted with Kaitlin when they first met and he gets mad pretty easy but cools off pretty fast.
DeleteWowza, this is getting heavy, I wanted to hate Reid for a long time but it's his mother who is manipulating things. She's a total bitch and needs to answer for what she's doing. Kaitlin is making progress, indeed, and I hope she continues steadily in that direction. Can't wait to see what Leroy's PI finds out.
ReplyDeleteReally! The only good thing he did was to wire Leroy and get a couple of things on Reid that led to his arrest. He never found anything solid. Now maybe he will.
DeleteI still don't know what to believe! I'm suspicious of everything. What have you done to me :P I loved the twist with Reid and Shea having been together! The plot thickens! I'm really excited to learn more about Miranda and her crazy schemes (assuming that's really what's going on!)
ReplyDeleteAlso, the part with Dakota worrying about her hair looking like Kaitlin's was adorable!
Yes...the plot thickens!
DeleteI am glad you liked the part with Dakota. I wanted to show a little of her insecurities from being bounced around. However she is getting more attention than she ever did with her real parents who just weren't ready to be parents and never really tried.
I want to add Candy did her weird way. She loved her and that's why she gave her away.
DeleteOkay, okay, okay. I am also seeing growth with Kate. She reacted waay better in this chapter than I expected. Thank goodness Leroy pushed her to do therapy. And she's really doing the hard work with Shea to make gains.
ReplyDeletePerhaps in light of Reid's likely innocence, him and Shea can reconcile...? Hmmm, this is all so interesting. I really hope they're right in believing Reid, but I believe him too! Don't make a food outta me, Audrey, lol. ;)
You are right that Kaitlin is getting better at dealing with stuff. I don't know about Shea and Reid reconciling. She is married, that's why Leroy didn't realize she was Kaitlin's therapist. Different last names. But we don't know the status of her marriage. We may find out soon though. :)
DeleteI didn't think anyone would root for Reid! Haha!
Kate is doing better and that makes me happy. I hope they can help out Reid if he really is innocent.
ReplyDeleteThey will try.