Day 40 - Broken window. Pay $200 for repair
It had been three days since Kaitlin's “meltdown” and she hadn't seen or spoken to Leroy. He didn't stay the night like he normally would have, but instead left after she had gone to sleep. When she woke up without him by her side, it was all she could do to get out of bed. His presence made everything easier. But she did. She had a houseful of children, including two of his, that needed her.
Later that morning he did text her and said he had a lot to do and needed to be home to take care of it.
Texted. Not called.
She knew it was just an excuse to avoid her and he was likely planning to take his girls and leave her. Maybe it would be better for them to separate from my issues, she thought sadly. How could she blame him.

This morning, Kaitlin got the kids settled, made coffee and checked her email. She received a reply from her pen pal. That made her smile. At least someone is talking to me, she thought. She knew Leroy wouldn't stay away. His children were here - and he loved them dearly. But she knew she was the reason he wasn't here.
Her pen pal, Meadow, had started writing because they both had a 2-year-old. One thing led to another and Kaitlin wound up telling her about Newt and what he had done. Meadow was such a good person and was so supportive. She wished she had half of Meadow’s easy self confidence and analytical approach to life. She was so emotional even though she tried to be practical.
Meadow was actually volunteering at a women's shelter and had told her the same thing Leroy did; that Newt’s abuse was not her fault. Kaitlin wasn't so sure that was completely true in her case. But she felt like she needed to write back and explain it better to her and also tell Meadow what happened between her and Leroy.
Kaitlin hated herself for thinking Leroy was going to hurt her but she couldn't help it. Intellectually, she knew he wouldn't, but when he starting yelling at her, it was like she was back with Newt. She was paralyzed with fear and didn't trust him. How could she love him and not trust him? Maybe her new friend could tell her what to do.
Kaitlin had just finished he letter and hit send when Leroy walked in. She guiltily turned it off the laptop and shut down the cover. She hadn't told Leroy about her pen pal. It seemed private but at the same time she felt a twinge of guilt since she was talking about their relationship - if they still had one.
"Leroy...," said Kaitlin shocked to see him.
“Hi Babe. I missed you,” he replied.
His words shocked Kaitlin and she didn't move, unsure she trusted his words. “You did?” she asked. What game are you playing she thought to herself. Missed your kids, yes, but my crazy ass, no.
Leroy frowned, “Of course I did. I don't like being apart from you and the children. I just had a lot of things happening.”
Kaitlin swallowed hard before she asked him the next question, “You aren't leaving me?”

“Kate. No. Why would you think…” Leroy stopped suddenly. “Oh...You thought I - no Kate - I really had things. The timing was just incredibly bad. I just, I couldn't stay the other night. It would have been wrong, you needed space away from me. I came by because I needed to see you, to talk about everything and to show you something too. Maybe I can stay tonight - if it's okay.”
Kaitlin was relieved and finally went to him. Leroy enveloped her in his arms. “I’m sorry,” she whispered into his chest, “I just thought you had had enough of my drama.”
Leroy stiffened and pulled her away from him. “No Kate!” he practically growled out, “I am here because I want to be! So stop apologizing!” Then he pulled her back to him and kissed her hard as if to prove it.
They were interrupted by Kaitlin's phone dinging indicating a text message.
She pulled it out and read it. "It's Reese - the baby....." said Kaitlin then read the message aloud for Leroy, "This is what he said, 'Brooke’s water broke at school. They let me go with her to the hospital. The baby is coming fast.'" Kaitlin looked up at Leroy and said, "I gotta go.”
“Get going. I will stay here with the kids,” said Leroy smiling.
“Thank you! I love you!” said Kaitlin as she grabbed her keys and rushed out the door.
Kaitlin arrived at the hospital after little Jordan was born. The nurses directed her to Brooke’s room. She knocked on the door and went inside. When she saw Reese holding his newborn son and Brooke sitting there beaming at them, a sense of deja vu washed over her and a chill went down her spine. She blinked and caught her breath. The young couple, no, family in front of her was so obviously full of love and hope for their future together. She got a lump in her throat and had to swallow hard before she could speak. “Congratulations,” was all she could manage before tears overtook her. She hugged Brooke and kissed Reese on the cheek. Then he handed his little baby boy to her.
Brooke spoke up smiling, “Now we have two sons. Sam and Jordan will be so close. I think that will be good.”
Kaitlin was amazed that this young girl was so grown up. She was so happy Reese didn't wind up with Jade.
Kaitlin was still holding baby Jordan when Brooke’s father walked in. Tension suddenly filled the little hospital room.
Then he broke into a huge grin and greeted them. “Hey baby girl, Reese. I went to the nursery to see my grandson and they said he was in here. I want him to see his grandpa. Now where is he?”
Brooke visibly relaxed, “Hi Daddy,” she said smiling, “behind you. His grandmother is holding him. But I'm sure she will be happy to share.”
Kaitlin walked over to Charles Mitchell smiling proudly and said, “He's beautiful. They did good. Jordan meet your grandfather. Charles, meet Jordan Mitchell Murdock,” she said and handed the baby to him. Charles took the baby and Kaitlin nearly cried again. The man was so proud. She could tell he was trying hard to retain his composure. That was her exit cue. The three of them needed time to talk. Kaitlin kissed her son and Brooke goodbye and went home happy and a little nostalgic.
“Hi!” Kaitlin called back smiling. “Ben, please be careful okay? It's starting to get dark.”
“Mooomm!” he called back, “I'm 11!”
“Not yet! 2 more months!” laughed Kaitlin and went inside still smiling.
When Kaitlin walked inside, Leroy was holding Maddy and the two of them were watching some kids show on TV. Her heart melted. When she first met ‘Leroy the Landlord", confirmed bachelor and bar owner, she never dreamed that same man would be such a sucker for kids, that he would be the father to one of her children or that she would sort of be engaged to him. She just stood there for a minute not wanting to spoil the moment.
“Mommy,” said Maddy when she saw her. She jumped out of Leroy’s arms and ran over to Kaitlin. “Daddy Roy read me a stowy. It's caw’d ‘Unicons fa Auwdwy’! It had magic hawses!” she said excitedly.

Kaitlin picked up her daughter. “Really? Daddy Roy huh?” she asked and Maddy nodded.
“I guess she picked it up from Dakota,” said Leroy with a smug grin.
“With a little encouragement from ‘Daddy Roy’ no doubt!”
“Maybe.... How's Brooke and the baby?” he asked.
“Jordan is adorable. Leroy, they looked so happy, Brooke and Reese. He has my hair - well Reese's hair! Hah. They are like a little family. I know as soon as they graduate he is going to marry Brooke and move out. I will miss him and Sam so much. Brooke's father came in before I left.”
“Uh oh.”
“No. He was so sweet in his gruff way. He was a proud grandfather. It was so cute. All smiles. I am so glad given that he was so horrible about the pregnancy. You can tell he loves his daughter.”
“That's good,” said Leroy obviously distracted. “Can we talk while it's quiet?”
Crap, this can't be good, she thought deflated. “Are the twins already asleep?" she asked and when Leroy nodded, she had no choice, "Sure,” she said putting her daughter down, “Maddy, why don't you finish watching your show?”
“Let's sit at the table, I have something to show you,” said Leroy walking over to the table. When they sat down he pushed a file in front of her with pictures in in it.
The first were two pictures of Cassie, her mother-in-law. Leroy started to explain who the woman was, "The one on the left is...."
"Cassandra - Cassie - Murdock," interrupted Kaitlin, "My mother-in-law. But isn't that her on the right too? She looks different in that picture, maybe she let her hair grow or it was before she cut it. She really is pretty. Newt gets his looks from her."
"No Kaitlin. The one on the right is Reid's mother, Miranda Nielsen-Connors. She is the woman you saw at the hospital," said Leroy somberly
"Holy shit," said Kaitlin dumbfounded, "Are they twins or sisters or what? That means Newt and Reid are related? The family resemblance is uncanny, but I don't understand."
Leroy laughed nervously. "Sorry - babe you just don't swear much and - I know - well none of this is funny. Yes, Cassandra and Miranda are twins. Nielsen is their maiden name," Leroy let out a sigh and continued, "Here - there is more - look at these," and pushed three more photographs to her, "These are old. They were taken about 25 years ago - at the same event."

As Kaitlin looked over the snapshots, dread rolled through her. She looked up at Leroy as a shiver ran down her spine. “They used to be close," she said quietly, "this is how Reid knows Newt. They friggin' grew up together. Oh my god. But why are they estranged? Leroy, Cassie never mentioned a sister, much less a twin sister. There were no family pictures or pictures of Newt and Reid as children. It is as if they ceased to exist. This makes no sense. Is this what you were working on?"
Leroy nodded. He gave her a resigned look and pushed another document in front of her. “Reid's birth certificate,” he said in a monotone.
Kaitlin read through it and paled. “Nooo! Not cousins. Half-brothers? God, no wonder they look so much alike. I don't think Newt knows about this. Leroy, are you sure?”
“Yes,” said Leroy dryly, “We double checked. Technically, Reid is your brother-in-law. But, baby, he is your children's uncle - by blood. This explains how he knows Newt. The two boys were close growing up until his mom suddenly moved here with him." Then he huffed, "Twinbrook must be a preferred hiding place."
Leroy sighed and continued, "Anyway, now the families are estranged from each other. My guess is Cassie found out her husband screwed her sister resulting in a pregnancy but not until the boys were about 10 - not long after that photograph was taken. Reid may not know who his real father is, but I would be surprised. It's right there in black and white. I am sure he probably hates Newt if he does know. He probably feels robbed of his birthright and it would make sense for him to go after you.”
Kaitlin wanted to die. Leory doesn't deserve this, thought Kaitlin at the revelations. “This just sucks. It's only a matter of time before everyone knows. Leroy, I'm so sorry I got you involved in this. I don't see how any of this can end well." Kaitlin threw up he hands, resigned and said quietly, "Maybe you should take your girls and move into the property you purchased in Hidden Springs. This is my mess and I don't want you or them getting hurt because of me.”
“Kate! Stop! Just don't!” Leroy said angrily and stood up.
He shoved his chair back harder than it needed and glared at her. "Look, I am leaving now," he said calmer than he appeared, "I can't do this again. I have business to take care of. I will call tomorrow because this conversation isn't over.” Then he turned around and left.
Kaitlin was confused and shocked at what just happened. Kaitlin stared at the files Leroy left on the table. She didn't understand why he was suddenly angry and leaving. Couldn't do what again? she thought. They hadn't talked about the fight. Now they were fighting again and she didn't know why other than it was once again something she said. It frightened her that he was leaving again but at the same time she was also glad. She could breath again when he left even though she was incredibly sad.
After he left, she picked up Maddy to help ground her and help her calm down and try to forget about Leroy leaving angry.
Leroy was upset all the way home. He wasn't sure how to deal with Kate's constant apologies and now she is trying to push him away. All he knew was if he stayed, they were going to have another argument and he didn't want that so he left. He poured himself a gin and tonic and sat down to try and figure out what to do.
Leroy’s phone buzzed and he took it out of his back pocket hoping it was Kate. It wasn't. It was the security watching her apartment. “Fuck. I'm on the way," he told the man and got an address. He jumped in his car and headed back to Kaitlin's apartment making a quick detour on the way. He called her to let her know from the car.
“What?” asked Kaitlin when she answered the phone still upset with Leroy for just walking out on her.
“Reid is downstairs talking to the kids. I'm on the way back. I should be there in 10 minutes. Be careful. Gotta go. Love you. Bye," said Leroy and hung up.
No sooner had she hung up the phone, than the door busted open and Ben and Dakota came running in. “Mom, Uncle Reid is here!” exclaimed Ben.
Crap, Uncle Reid, thought Kaitlin, he does know.
“Mommy K,” said Dakota, “Ben broke the window!”
Ben shot her a look. “Uncle Reid is fixing it!”
“What?” asked Kaitlin.
“The window!” explained Dakota holding her arms out, “He’s talking to the man with the broked window.”
Before Kaitlin could say anything, the buzzer sounded and it was Reid. Ben let him in before Kaitlin could object.
“Hi beautiful!” said Reid smirking at Kaitlin. Then he turned to Ben and winked. “All taken care of buddy.”
Ben’s shoulders slumped. “She knows. Dakota is a tattletale.”
“I am not a tattletale! Tell him Mommy K!” she whined as she started to cry and ran to her little ‘room’.
Ben started laughing and Reid did too. Kaitlin shot them a look and they both swallowed their laughter. She went after Dakota leaving them alone together. Where is Leroy? she thought.
The man watching the apartment said Reid had gone inside about 10 minutes ago. Leroy used his key to enter the apartment and saw Reid and Ben already playing video games.
Reid looked up when he heard the door but ignored Leroy and went back to the game. When Ben saw him, he stopped playing. “Mr. Leroy, do you want to play too?” he said seemingly trying to be polite.
“No thank you. Where’s your Moth….” Leroy stopped short when an angry Kaitlin walked into the room along with Dakota who was obviously upset. He just stood there watching the scene play out.
“Benjamin - apologize to Dakota!”demanded Kaitlin, “We don't call people names.”
Apparently fortified with an ally who earlier thought it was funny, Ben decided to argue with his mother, “She is a tattletale. Why should I apologize?”
Reid touched his arm and said, "Ben, mind your mother."
"Fine," said Ben sighing loudly for effect.
Ben got up, turned in a huff to Dakota and said, “I'm sorry, Dakota.”
Kaitlin turned to Reid. “Now. About the window. How much Reid?” she said angrily.
“I took care of it.”
“No! I am going to pay for it and Ben and Dakota are going to work it off! How much?”
“$200. I already paid the jerk wad neighbor.”

Kaitlin dug in her purse and shoved the money in his hand. “Now, it's time for you to leave,” she said.
“But Moooom! He just got here!” complained Ben.
“Awww, come on Katie,” he said sweetly, “let me stay a little longer. We haven't had a chance to catch up yet.”
“Please, pleeease Mom!” begged Ben again.
“No Ben. I believe you and Dakota have homework and she may need help. Plus you have a window to pay for.”
Leroy wasn't giving this asshole a chance to say another word and addressed Reid through gritted teeth, “Nielsen. You heard her. Leave. Now!”
Reid stood up and looked at Ben. “I'll call you later kid.” Then he looked at Kaitlin and said, “Maybe we can take Ben and Dakota to see that new Lego movie this weekend. Would you like that kids?”
Dakota’s eyes lit up and she squealed nodding her head and clapping.
That was the last straw for Leroy. “Kaitlin, take them…”
He didn't have to finish. Kaitlin seemed to know exactly what he wanted and said, “Come on, let's go feed Ben's goldfish.” That effectively distracted Dakota but Ben wasn’t so easily convinced and stood there with his hands fisted.
“Ben, mind your mother and go help Dakota,” said Reid and smirked at Leroy when Ben shrugged and followed his mother and Dakota into his room.
No sooner than the bedroom door closed, Leroy was on Reid. He grabbed him by the collar. “Outside!” demanded Leroy. Reid just continued to smirk at him and didn't offer any resistance which pissed off Leroy even more than he already was.
As soon as they were in the hall, Reid calmly smoothed out his shirt as Leroy started in on him. “Keep away from my kids, from Kate and her kids! If you so much as look at Dakota I will….”
“Will what Chapman? Try to kill me - again? I have to admit you almost did it this time,” said Reid.
That sobered Leroy. Shit. He does know, he thought, But how? The son of a bitch knows and he's trying to bait me. This is perfect! “I don't know what you're talking about ass-wipe,” snapped Leroy.
“Everyone knows the bottles used to start the fire came from that sorry excuse for a bar of yours.”
“What bottles?”
“Don't play innocent with me,” said Reid smugly, “I know the Feds picked you up. You are going to prison for murder and arson. Chapman, you will finally learn you can't have what's mine. Once a criminal always a criminal and this time you aren't getting out."
Reid laughed a little before continuing, "Tough break for Dakota though, her new Daddy going to prison. Kid’s got balls - but her mother is better off without her. I mean, who the hell brings a kid to a bar? When I found out you adopted her, holy fuck, that was priceless.”
Leroy clenched his teeth so hard trying to maintain his composure he thought he was going to crack a tooth. “You called CPS on Candy? You son of a bitch.”
“What are you bitching about Chapman? You got the kid and kept your best barmaid. Still funny as fuck.”
“How did you know - about Dakota?”
“My secret. By the way, did you ever get any - Candy - that is? I understand it's just as sweet as it sounds!” Reid said and laughed again.
“You fucking stole those bottles when you busted up my bar! Admit it! Just like you planted evidence about the theft I didn't do - which got me put in Juvie for 6 months.”
“I may be a lot of things, but I am not a thief and had nothing to do with your arrest in high school. You did that all by yourself. And why would anyone bother busting up your bar. It's already a fucking dive."
“You don't know shit about my bar!”
“Chapman, admit it. It ought to be condemned. Your office is so small two people can't fit in it and that tiny excuse for a bedroom! Tell me, is that where you fucked my Katie and knocked her up? She deserves so much better than you.”
“Don't bring her into this!” shouted Leroy losing his patience.
“Where did you get those vintage boxing gloves. Those are pretty damn cool. Maybe when they auction off the place I can buy them.”
Leroy punched the button for the elevator. “Get out! Now!” he shouted.
Reid walked over when the doors opened and turned to Leroy and laughed before he walked inside. "Enjoy your freedom while you can Chapman," he said and punched the button for ground level.
When the doors closed Leroy wanted to punch something. He was so angry. He couldn't listen to anymore of Reid’s pompous bullshit. He had to let him leave or he would have beat the hell out of him. He only prayed he had enough to incriminate Reid or at least prove his own innocence and get him out of their lives.
Kaitlin got all the kids to bed and walked back into the living area. She could hear arguing outside. Mostly Leroy's voice. She didn't dare open the door for fear of what she might see. After about 20 minutes, the door opened and Leroy walked in. Thank God he wasn't bloody. “Leroy! Are you okay? What happened?”

“Hey...I'm okay. Nothing happened. He’s gone. I just need to make a few phone calls.”
“To who?”
“Just some colleagues.”
“Don't shut me out. You don't have colleagues. You're calling the investigator!”
Leroy pulled Kaitlin to him, “Babe, just let me get this done. It will only take a minute. I promise.”
Kaitlin let him walk away. It must have been good because he came back smiling and looking relieved.
“Good news?” she asked.
“Yes. But, Kate - I shouldn't have left earlier. Are you still pissed at me for leaving?"
"No, but I don't under-..."
"Shhh," said Leroy cutting her off, "It's okay as long as you aren't mad at me. Are the girls asleep?”
“Leroy!” she exclaimed blushing.
“I need you, Kate.”
Kaitlin couldn't refuse him. She needed him just as much. “I will be quiet,” she said with a giggle.
“Good,” said Leroy grinning and pulled her to him.
Go to Chapter 41
Go back to chapter 39
It had been three days since Kaitlin's “meltdown” and she hadn't seen or spoken to Leroy. He didn't stay the night like he normally would have, but instead left after she had gone to sleep. When she woke up without him by her side, it was all she could do to get out of bed. His presence made everything easier. But she did. She had a houseful of children, including two of his, that needed her.
Texted. Not called.
She knew it was just an excuse to avoid her and he was likely planning to take his girls and leave her. Maybe it would be better for them to separate from my issues, she thought sadly. How could she blame him.
* * *

This morning, Kaitlin got the kids settled, made coffee and checked her email. She received a reply from her pen pal. That made her smile. At least someone is talking to me, she thought. She knew Leroy wouldn't stay away. His children were here - and he loved them dearly. But she knew she was the reason he wasn't here.
Her pen pal, Meadow, had started writing because they both had a 2-year-old. One thing led to another and Kaitlin wound up telling her about Newt and what he had done. Meadow was such a good person and was so supportive. She wished she had half of Meadow’s easy self confidence and analytical approach to life. She was so emotional even though she tried to be practical.
Meadow was actually volunteering at a women's shelter and had told her the same thing Leroy did; that Newt’s abuse was not her fault. Kaitlin wasn't so sure that was completely true in her case. But she felt like she needed to write back and explain it better to her and also tell Meadow what happened between her and Leroy.
Kaitlin hated herself for thinking Leroy was going to hurt her but she couldn't help it. Intellectually, she knew he wouldn't, but when he starting yelling at her, it was like she was back with Newt. She was paralyzed with fear and didn't trust him. How could she love him and not trust him? Maybe her new friend could tell her what to do.
Kaitlin had just finished he letter and hit send when Leroy walked in. She guiltily turned it off the laptop and shut down the cover. She hadn't told Leroy about her pen pal. It seemed private but at the same time she felt a twinge of guilt since she was talking about their relationship - if they still had one.

“Hi Babe. I missed you,” he replied.
His words shocked Kaitlin and she didn't move, unsure she trusted his words. “You did?” she asked. What game are you playing she thought to herself. Missed your kids, yes, but my crazy ass, no.
Leroy frowned, “Of course I did. I don't like being apart from you and the children. I just had a lot of things happening.”
Kaitlin swallowed hard before she asked him the next question, “You aren't leaving me?”

“Kate. No. Why would you think…” Leroy stopped suddenly. “Oh...You thought I - no Kate - I really had things. The timing was just incredibly bad. I just, I couldn't stay the other night. It would have been wrong, you needed space away from me. I came by because I needed to see you, to talk about everything and to show you something too. Maybe I can stay tonight - if it's okay.”

Leroy stiffened and pulled her away from him. “No Kate!” he practically growled out, “I am here because I want to be! So stop apologizing!” Then he pulled her back to him and kissed her hard as if to prove it.
They were interrupted by Kaitlin's phone dinging indicating a text message.
She pulled it out and read it. "It's Reese - the baby....." said Kaitlin then read the message aloud for Leroy, "This is what he said, 'Brooke’s water broke at school. They let me go with her to the hospital. The baby is coming fast.'" Kaitlin looked up at Leroy and said, "I gotta go.”
“Get going. I will stay here with the kids,” said Leroy smiling.
“Thank you! I love you!” said Kaitlin as she grabbed her keys and rushed out the door.
* * *
Brooke spoke up smiling, “Now we have two sons. Sam and Jordan will be so close. I think that will be good.”
Kaitlin was amazed that this young girl was so grown up. She was so happy Reese didn't wind up with Jade.
Then he broke into a huge grin and greeted them. “Hey baby girl, Reese. I went to the nursery to see my grandson and they said he was in here. I want him to see his grandpa. Now where is he?”
Brooke visibly relaxed, “Hi Daddy,” she said smiling, “behind you. His grandmother is holding him. But I'm sure she will be happy to share.”
Kaitlin walked over to Charles Mitchell smiling proudly and said, “He's beautiful. They did good. Jordan meet your grandfather. Charles, meet Jordan Mitchell Murdock,” she said and handed the baby to him. Charles took the baby and Kaitlin nearly cried again. The man was so proud. She could tell he was trying hard to retain his composure. That was her exit cue. The three of them needed time to talk. Kaitlin kissed her son and Brooke goodbye and went home happy and a little nostalgic.
* * *
Kaitlin got home and saw Dakota and Ben playing ball outside. They looked so normal and it made Kaitlin smile. Dakota starting school had actually been good for Ben. He had someone he could ‘teach’ things to, like throwing a baseball. “Hi Mommy K!” yelled Dakota.“Hi!” Kaitlin called back smiling. “Ben, please be careful okay? It's starting to get dark.”
“Mooomm!” he called back, “I'm 11!”
“Not yet! 2 more months!” laughed Kaitlin and went inside still smiling.
When Kaitlin walked inside, Leroy was holding Maddy and the two of them were watching some kids show on TV. Her heart melted. When she first met ‘Leroy the Landlord", confirmed bachelor and bar owner, she never dreamed that same man would be such a sucker for kids, that he would be the father to one of her children or that she would sort of be engaged to him. She just stood there for a minute not wanting to spoil the moment.
“Mommy,” said Maddy when she saw her. She jumped out of Leroy’s arms and ran over to Kaitlin. “Daddy Roy read me a stowy. It's caw’d ‘Unicons fa Auwdwy’! It had magic hawses!” she said excitedly.

Kaitlin picked up her daughter. “Really? Daddy Roy huh?” she asked and Maddy nodded.
“I guess she picked it up from Dakota,” said Leroy with a smug grin.
“With a little encouragement from ‘Daddy Roy’ no doubt!”
“Maybe.... How's Brooke and the baby?” he asked.
“Jordan is adorable. Leroy, they looked so happy, Brooke and Reese. He has my hair - well Reese's hair! Hah. They are like a little family. I know as soon as they graduate he is going to marry Brooke and move out. I will miss him and Sam so much. Brooke's father came in before I left.”

“No. He was so sweet in his gruff way. He was a proud grandfather. It was so cute. All smiles. I am so glad given that he was so horrible about the pregnancy. You can tell he loves his daughter.”
“That's good,” said Leroy obviously distracted. “Can we talk while it's quiet?”
Crap, this can't be good, she thought deflated. “Are the twins already asleep?" she asked and when Leroy nodded, she had no choice, "Sure,” she said putting her daughter down, “Maddy, why don't you finish watching your show?”
“Let's sit at the table, I have something to show you,” said Leroy walking over to the table. When they sat down he pushed a file in front of her with pictures in in it.
The first were two pictures of Cassie, her mother-in-law. Leroy started to explain who the woman was, "The one on the left is...."
"Cassandra - Cassie - Murdock," interrupted Kaitlin, "My mother-in-law. But isn't that her on the right too? She looks different in that picture, maybe she let her hair grow or it was before she cut it. She really is pretty. Newt gets his looks from her."
"No Kaitlin. The one on the right is Reid's mother, Miranda Nielsen-Connors. She is the woman you saw at the hospital," said Leroy somberly
"Holy shit," said Kaitlin dumbfounded, "Are they twins or sisters or what? That means Newt and Reid are related? The family resemblance is uncanny, but I don't understand."
Leroy laughed nervously. "Sorry - babe you just don't swear much and - I know - well none of this is funny. Yes, Cassandra and Miranda are twins. Nielsen is their maiden name," Leroy let out a sigh and continued, "Here - there is more - look at these," and pushed three more photographs to her, "These are old. They were taken about 25 years ago - at the same event."

As Kaitlin looked over the snapshots, dread rolled through her. She looked up at Leroy as a shiver ran down her spine. “They used to be close," she said quietly, "this is how Reid knows Newt. They friggin' grew up together. Oh my god. But why are they estranged? Leroy, Cassie never mentioned a sister, much less a twin sister. There were no family pictures or pictures of Newt and Reid as children. It is as if they ceased to exist. This makes no sense. Is this what you were working on?"
Leroy nodded. He gave her a resigned look and pushed another document in front of her. “Reid's birth certificate,” he said in a monotone.
Kaitlin read through it and paled. “Nooo! Not cousins. Half-brothers? God, no wonder they look so much alike. I don't think Newt knows about this. Leroy, are you sure?”
“Yes,” said Leroy dryly, “We double checked. Technically, Reid is your brother-in-law. But, baby, he is your children's uncle - by blood. This explains how he knows Newt. The two boys were close growing up until his mom suddenly moved here with him." Then he huffed, "Twinbrook must be a preferred hiding place."
Leroy sighed and continued, "Anyway, now the families are estranged from each other. My guess is Cassie found out her husband screwed her sister resulting in a pregnancy but not until the boys were about 10 - not long after that photograph was taken. Reid may not know who his real father is, but I would be surprised. It's right there in black and white. I am sure he probably hates Newt if he does know. He probably feels robbed of his birthright and it would make sense for him to go after you.”
“Kate! Stop! Just don't!” Leroy said angrily and stood up.
He shoved his chair back harder than it needed and glared at her. "Look, I am leaving now," he said calmer than he appeared, "I can't do this again. I have business to take care of. I will call tomorrow because this conversation isn't over.” Then he turned around and left.
Kaitlin was confused and shocked at what just happened. Kaitlin stared at the files Leroy left on the table. She didn't understand why he was suddenly angry and leaving. Couldn't do what again? she thought. They hadn't talked about the fight. Now they were fighting again and she didn't know why other than it was once again something she said. It frightened her that he was leaving again but at the same time she was also glad. She could breath again when he left even though she was incredibly sad.
After he left, she picked up Maddy to help ground her and help her calm down and try to forget about Leroy leaving angry.

Leroy’s phone buzzed and he took it out of his back pocket hoping it was Kate. It wasn't. It was the security watching her apartment. “Fuck. I'm on the way," he told the man and got an address. He jumped in his car and headed back to Kaitlin's apartment making a quick detour on the way. He called her to let her know from the car.
* * *
“Reid is downstairs talking to the kids. I'm on the way back. I should be there in 10 minutes. Be careful. Gotta go. Love you. Bye," said Leroy and hung up.
Crap, Uncle Reid, thought Kaitlin, he does know.
“Mommy K,” said Dakota, “Ben broke the window!”
Ben shot her a look. “Uncle Reid is fixing it!”
“What?” asked Kaitlin.
“The window!” explained Dakota holding her arms out, “He’s talking to the man with the broked window.”
Before Kaitlin could say anything, the buzzer sounded and it was Reid. Ben let him in before Kaitlin could object.
“Hi beautiful!” said Reid smirking at Kaitlin. Then he turned to Ben and winked. “All taken care of buddy.”
Ben’s shoulders slumped. “She knows. Dakota is a tattletale.”
“I am not a tattletale! Tell him Mommy K!” she whined as she started to cry and ran to her little ‘room’.
Ben started laughing and Reid did too. Kaitlin shot them a look and they both swallowed their laughter. She went after Dakota leaving them alone together. Where is Leroy? she thought.
* * *
Reid looked up when he heard the door but ignored Leroy and went back to the game. When Ben saw him, he stopped playing. “Mr. Leroy, do you want to play too?” he said seemingly trying to be polite.
“No thank you. Where’s your Moth….” Leroy stopped short when an angry Kaitlin walked into the room along with Dakota who was obviously upset. He just stood there watching the scene play out.
“Benjamin - apologize to Dakota!”demanded Kaitlin, “We don't call people names.”
Apparently fortified with an ally who earlier thought it was funny, Ben decided to argue with his mother, “She is a tattletale. Why should I apologize?”
Reid touched his arm and said, "Ben, mind your mother."
"Fine," said Ben sighing loudly for effect.
Ben got up, turned in a huff to Dakota and said, “I'm sorry, Dakota.”
Kaitlin turned to Reid. “Now. About the window. How much Reid?” she said angrily.
“I took care of it.”
“No! I am going to pay for it and Ben and Dakota are going to work it off! How much?”
“$200. I already paid the jerk wad neighbor.”

Kaitlin dug in her purse and shoved the money in his hand. “Now, it's time for you to leave,” she said.
“But Moooom! He just got here!” complained Ben.
“Awww, come on Katie,” he said sweetly, “let me stay a little longer. We haven't had a chance to catch up yet.”
“Please, pleeease Mom!” begged Ben again.
“No Ben. I believe you and Dakota have homework and she may need help. Plus you have a window to pay for.”
Leroy wasn't giving this asshole a chance to say another word and addressed Reid through gritted teeth, “Nielsen. You heard her. Leave. Now!”
Reid stood up and looked at Ben. “I'll call you later kid.” Then he looked at Kaitlin and said, “Maybe we can take Ben and Dakota to see that new Lego movie this weekend. Would you like that kids?”
Dakota’s eyes lit up and she squealed nodding her head and clapping.
That was the last straw for Leroy. “Kaitlin, take them…”
He didn't have to finish. Kaitlin seemed to know exactly what he wanted and said, “Come on, let's go feed Ben's goldfish.” That effectively distracted Dakota but Ben wasn’t so easily convinced and stood there with his hands fisted.
“Ben, mind your mother and go help Dakota,” said Reid and smirked at Leroy when Ben shrugged and followed his mother and Dakota into his room.
No sooner than the bedroom door closed, Leroy was on Reid. He grabbed him by the collar. “Outside!” demanded Leroy. Reid just continued to smirk at him and didn't offer any resistance which pissed off Leroy even more than he already was.
As soon as they were in the hall, Reid calmly smoothed out his shirt as Leroy started in on him. “Keep away from my kids, from Kate and her kids! If you so much as look at Dakota I will….”
“Will what Chapman? Try to kill me - again? I have to admit you almost did it this time,” said Reid.
That sobered Leroy. Shit. He does know, he thought, But how? The son of a bitch knows and he's trying to bait me. This is perfect! “I don't know what you're talking about ass-wipe,” snapped Leroy.
“Everyone knows the bottles used to start the fire came from that sorry excuse for a bar of yours.”
“What bottles?”
“Don't play innocent with me,” said Reid smugly, “I know the Feds picked you up. You are going to prison for murder and arson. Chapman, you will finally learn you can't have what's mine. Once a criminal always a criminal and this time you aren't getting out."
Reid laughed a little before continuing, "Tough break for Dakota though, her new Daddy going to prison. Kid’s got balls - but her mother is better off without her. I mean, who the hell brings a kid to a bar? When I found out you adopted her, holy fuck, that was priceless.”
Leroy clenched his teeth so hard trying to maintain his composure he thought he was going to crack a tooth. “You called CPS on Candy? You son of a bitch.”
“What are you bitching about Chapman? You got the kid and kept your best barmaid. Still funny as fuck.”
“How did you know - about Dakota?”
“My secret. By the way, did you ever get any - Candy - that is? I understand it's just as sweet as it sounds!” Reid said and laughed again.
“You fucking stole those bottles when you busted up my bar! Admit it! Just like you planted evidence about the theft I didn't do - which got me put in Juvie for 6 months.”
“I may be a lot of things, but I am not a thief and had nothing to do with your arrest in high school. You did that all by yourself. And why would anyone bother busting up your bar. It's already a fucking dive."
“You don't know shit about my bar!”
“Chapman, admit it. It ought to be condemned. Your office is so small two people can't fit in it and that tiny excuse for a bedroom! Tell me, is that where you fucked my Katie and knocked her up? She deserves so much better than you.”
“Don't bring her into this!” shouted Leroy losing his patience.
“Where did you get those vintage boxing gloves. Those are pretty damn cool. Maybe when they auction off the place I can buy them.”
Leroy punched the button for the elevator. “Get out! Now!” he shouted.
Reid walked over when the doors opened and turned to Leroy and laughed before he walked inside. "Enjoy your freedom while you can Chapman," he said and punched the button for ground level.
When the doors closed Leroy wanted to punch something. He was so angry. He couldn't listen to anymore of Reid’s pompous bullshit. He had to let him leave or he would have beat the hell out of him. He only prayed he had enough to incriminate Reid or at least prove his own innocence and get him out of their lives.
* * *
Kaitlin got all the kids to bed and walked back into the living area. She could hear arguing outside. Mostly Leroy's voice. She didn't dare open the door for fear of what she might see. After about 20 minutes, the door opened and Leroy walked in. Thank God he wasn't bloody. “Leroy! Are you okay? What happened?”

“Hey...I'm okay. Nothing happened. He’s gone. I just need to make a few phone calls.”
“To who?”
“Just some colleagues.”
“Don't shut me out. You don't have colleagues. You're calling the investigator!”

Kaitlin let him walk away. It must have been good because he came back smiling and looking relieved.
“Good news?” she asked.
“Yes. But, Kate - I shouldn't have left earlier. Are you still pissed at me for leaving?"
"No, but I don't under-..."
"Shhh," said Leroy cutting her off, "It's okay as long as you aren't mad at me. Are the girls asleep?”
“Leroy!” she exclaimed blushing.
“I need you, Kate.”
Kaitlin couldn't refuse him. She needed him just as much. “I will be quiet,” she said with a giggle.

Go to Chapter 41
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