Day 39 - Rolled 11 - Stolen wallet lose $50.
Leroy called Candy and told her of their decision - that he was going to start the paperwork to adopt Dakota but she was going to live with Kate. Candy was curious as to why Kate wasn't doing it.
"Did you not notice how many kids she has!" said Leroy trying to calm her without giving away Kate's secrets, "No judge would award her custody of another child. So I am going to adopt her. And Candy, I proposed to her last night and she said yes."
"It's about damn time! Reid's gonna be pissed when he gets outta the hospital! You know he wants her right?"
"Let me worry about Reid. I will start the paperwork today if you are sure this is what you want to do."
There was silence on the other end of the line. He swore he could hear a sob. Finally Candy spoke, "Yes. I know you and Kate will be good for my baby. Kate gives so much of herself without even knowin' it. And you too boss. You two will be good for her - for her and all those kids runnin' around. I like Kate. She's good people. Take care of my baby Leroy. I will sign whatever you need."
Leroy disconnected the call thinking about how much his life had changed in the blink of an eye. He was so much in love with Kate that it made him hurt that she had so much to work through before they could truly be together. But she said yes! She agreed to marry him- when she could. Candy was right. All Kate did was give and never, ever took. But he had been so afraid he had misread her. He would get her a ring to signify how much he adored her and present it to her romantically. Maybe on her birthday. It was coming up in a few months. His proposal surprised even him, but given what else he was asking her to give, he had to be sure she understood how much he wanted her to be a part of his life - forever.
And now he had not only their 7-month-old biological daughter, Hailey, to love and care for, but also almost 5-year-old Dakota who had stolen his heart. And of course there was little Maddy who would be 3 this summer. God she was so cute too and laid back. She never fussed or wanted anything - except Dakota. And he could give her that.
Leroy figured he didn't have a chance around all of these females. But there was Ben....Ben was a challenge. Was it because he was a boy or just because of how much he had been through. He hoped he could win him over. He felt like he took two steps forward and one backward with Ben. Reid didn't help since Ben had attached to him and he looked so much like his father. And Kate's oldest son, Reese, well they were building a rapport. As long as Leroy made his mother happy and didn't hurt her, Reese would be in his corner. Reese was finally beginning to trust him.
After a few nights of waking up crying, Dakota seemed to accept where she was and was beginning to acclimate to her new surroundings.
She had even taken to calling Leroy ‘Daddy Roy’ which he totally ate up.

Dakota and Maddy were inseparable. Maddy was going to be sad when Dakota started school next week but the ‘twins were growing up quickly and could play with her a little better so Leroy hoped Maddy would be okay and maybe take on the big sister role which so far she hadn't been able to do.
Today was Dakota’s 5th birthday. Kaitlin didn't think the little girl had ever had a birthday party so she wanted to make it special with plenty of gifts and hoopla.
The phone rang and it was Leroy. Kaitlin smiled, “Hi Daddy Roy!” she teased cheerily when she answered the phone.
“Hey Kate,” said Leroy sounding more than a little upset.
Kaitlin’s smile was quickly replaced with worry. “Is something wrong?”
Kaitlin heard Leroy sigh into the phone. “The Feds just stopped by and are taking me in for ‘routine’ questioning regarding the fire.”
“No! Why? You didn't have anything to do with it.”
“I have my suspicions. Don't worry. They said it wouldn't take long. I called my lawyer. He's meeting me there. I should there in time for Dakota’s party.”
“It's Reid isn't it?”
“We can talk later. I love you. Bye.”
Kaitlin knew it must be Reid. He had been moved to a rehab facility and was expected to be released in a couple of weeks. But she knew him, he could cause trouble and she knew he had to behind this. She remembered his words, ‘Either way Chapman is history.’ Why would Leroy have anything at all to do with that? It was ridiculous.
Leroy texted her two hours later.
Kaitlin had everything decorated. The gifts were set out. Balloons and streamers were laid out as well. Reese and Brooke had arrived and were making eyes at each other. They seemed so much in love. Before she had time to think about it, Kaitlin's phone buzzed again.
Kaitlin was getting the kids to bed and Leroy was washing the remainder of the dishes mulling over the interview, more like an interrogation, he thought, when Kaitlin walked up behind him and put her arms around him. That made him smile. He wished they were already married and had all of this unpleasantness behind them.

Kaitlin laid her head on his back. “Thanks for doing the dishes! You are spoiling me," she said apparently tired, "I didn't think I would ever get them all to bed. Dakota kept saying it was the best day ever. But then she asked me about her other mommy and why she didn't come. It was heartbreaking. You did the right thing by taking her. Poor Maddy cried. She wanted to sleep with Dakota in her big girl bed.”
Leroy turned around pulling her into his arms, “Sexy Kate, I want to spoil you every day,” he said and kissed her.
“Leroy," said Kaitlin, "I've been worrying all day. Why did they want to question you? That makes no sense.”
His good mood went away. Just. Like That. He didn't want to talk about it. He clenched his teeth together before he answered trying to keep his anger in check. “Evidently someone put a bug in their ear that I had a beef with Reid. It’s no secret that we don't like each other. Seems like they found evidence from my bar on the scene that was used to start the fire.”
Kaitlin looked shocked at his words the smile leaving her face. “Leroy,” she said with a hint of fear in her voice, “please tell me you or the private investigator you hired had nothing to do with this.”
Are you fucking kidding me? he thought as anger rippled through him. He raised his voice and began to let all his frustrations out. “Fuck Kate! You have to ask me that? I hate that son of a bitch but I would never try to kill him! Goddammit Kate, I thought you knew me better than that! Why do you always try to defend him? Do you still have feelings for him?” As soon as he asked her that, he wanted to swallow the words back. He knew she didn't have feelings for Reid. It was just she always tried to see good in everyone - except herself.
Kate’s eyes went wide and she cowered away from and began speaking fast. “No baby. I promise I don't have feelings for him,” she said shaking her head and continuing to put distance between them,
“Please, I'm so sorry. It’s all my fault he is after you. And, and, you told me you had him ‘taken care of’. I’m sorry, I didn't know what that meant. Baby I'm sorry. I love you…”
Shit, I scared her, he thought. Leroy took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a minute to calm himself. He tried to make himself as nonthreatening as possible. He motioned to the chair and said softly, “Let's sit down - just talk - okay sweetheart?”
He let out his breath when she slowly walked to the chair and sat down. He noticed her hands were shaking. He took the chair next to her and slowly reached over to take her hand. She flinched before allowing him access and it about tore his heart out. He covered her small hand with his larger one before speaking to her.
“I'm the one that should apologize. I had a bad day. The interview, then the cake. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I know you don't have feelings for Reid. I'm just upset that he is getting to me once again. You were right to question how I had ‘taken care of him’. He threatened both of us. But it was just surveillance, baby. That's all.”
When she still hadn't said anything he started to get worried. “Kate? Are you okay?”
Kate shook her head yes, but Leroy thought she looked like she was about to cry. Maybe if he explained it better she would understand so he continued, “Reid is a manipulative asshole that has always gotten what he wanted. He is the reason I spent time in Juvie. I was locked up for something I didn't do simply because he wanted me off the ball team so he could have the starting position. He framed me. I think he may be doing it again. Frankly I am more than a little concerned. We are dealing with the Feds and they don't mess around. But we should have something on him soon to stop him. My P.I. managed to convert one of his thugs. So we have a spy on the inside but he didn't think he had anything to do with the fire. Since Reid's been in the hospital for so long, nothing has really happened and he doesn't have access to his home or business. The investigator did call me and tell me he has information about his family but he wouldn't tell me over the phone….Kate, you are shaking. What's wrong?....Kaitlin?”
Suddenly her tears started to fall and she said between breaths, “I'm sorry...please don't…be mad.”
“Dammit,” said Leroy under his breath which made Kaitlin jump and it was like a light-bulb went off. He finally realized what was wrong with her. “Kate,” he said as gently as possible, “did you think I was going to hurt you?” She didn't say anything but the look on her face said it all. “Baby, you never have to run or hide from me, you are safe with me. I might get angry, but I would never hurt you. And you have to stop apologizing. Everything bad that has happened is not your fault. Newt is not your fault and neither is Reid.”
Kate looked at the table and mumbled, “I'm sorry Leroy.”
“KAITLIN!” he said in frustration.
Kaitlin jumped again and covered her face. “I don't know how…I didn't mean to be afraid. You were so mad at me because of the stupid thing I said and this mess I made.”
Leroy wasn't sure how to deal with this side of her. He had never seen her fall apart before, not like this. But then, he had never spoken to her in anger before, at least not directed at her, and it triggered her somehow. “Kate, it’s okay. Maybe it’s best if I leave, give you some space away from me. Let you calm down.”
Kaitlin’s breathing started coming in rapid pants and her eyes opened wide. “You’re going to leave? I'm calm. I promise. Please, don't leave me,” she begged.
Obviously the wrong solution, thought Leroy, now she's having a panic attack. “Okay baby, I will stay. Just breathe - slowly. Please baby - slowly - before you pass out. Can I hold you?”
Thankfully she bobbed her head, so Leroy walked around and eased her out of the chair. He felt like he was approaching a skittish animal.
He guided her to the couch and sat down with her leaving the lights off. She laid her head on his shoulder and started to cry. He shushed her while he gently stroked her hair until her breathing became normal again.
Finally calmer, she turned to him and wanted to kiss him. As bad as Leroy wanted that closeness, there was no way he was going to let her use sex to smooth things over. Not like this. “No baby. You need to rest. Lie down. Put your head in my lap,” he whispered to her.
Kaitlin reluctantly complied and scooted down the couch and laid down. Leroy sat there with her in the dark and rubbed her back until he was pretty sure she had fallen asleep.
If he ever met Newt, he just might beat the shit out of him. He would do everything in his power to see to it she could divorce him and retain custody of her children. It would break her to see them go back to him. But he also knew if they were going to be married she would have to get help. He didn't know how to help her but he knew he couldn't watch her fall apart every time they had a disagreement. And she had to stop apologizing. From what little she said about Newt, Leroy was pretty sure she blamed herself for his abuse. She most certainly blamed herself for Reid. Hell, she cried because I laid out a toothbrush for her...I only expected a 'thanks Leroy' and maybe a sweet minty flavored kiss.
Go to Chapter 40
Go back to chapter 38
Leroy called Candy and told her of their decision - that he was going to start the paperwork to adopt Dakota but she was going to live with Kate. Candy was curious as to why Kate wasn't doing it.
"Did you not notice how many kids she has!" said Leroy trying to calm her without giving away Kate's secrets, "No judge would award her custody of another child. So I am going to adopt her. And Candy, I proposed to her last night and she said yes."
"It's about damn time! Reid's gonna be pissed when he gets outta the hospital! You know he wants her right?"
"Let me worry about Reid. I will start the paperwork today if you are sure this is what you want to do."
There was silence on the other end of the line. He swore he could hear a sob. Finally Candy spoke, "Yes. I know you and Kate will be good for my baby. Kate gives so much of herself without even knowin' it. And you too boss. You two will be good for her - for her and all those kids runnin' around. I like Kate. She's good people. Take care of my baby Leroy. I will sign whatever you need."

And now he had not only their 7-month-old biological daughter, Hailey, to love and care for, but also almost 5-year-old Dakota who had stolen his heart. And of course there was little Maddy who would be 3 this summer. God she was so cute too and laid back. She never fussed or wanted anything - except Dakota. And he could give her that.
Leroy figured he didn't have a chance around all of these females. But there was Ben....Ben was a challenge. Was it because he was a boy or just because of how much he had been through. He hoped he could win him over. He felt like he took two steps forward and one backward with Ben. Reid didn't help since Ben had attached to him and he looked so much like his father. And Kate's oldest son, Reese, well they were building a rapport. As long as Leroy made his mother happy and didn't hurt her, Reese would be in his corner. Reese was finally beginning to trust him.
* * *
After a few nights of waking up crying, Dakota seemed to accept where she was and was beginning to acclimate to her new surroundings.
She had even taken to calling Leroy ‘Daddy Roy’ which he totally ate up.

Dakota and Maddy were inseparable. Maddy was going to be sad when Dakota started school next week but the ‘twins were growing up quickly and could play with her a little better so Leroy hoped Maddy would be okay and maybe take on the big sister role which so far she hadn't been able to do.
* * *
Today was Dakota’s 5th birthday. Kaitlin didn't think the little girl had ever had a birthday party so she wanted to make it special with plenty of gifts and hoopla.
The phone rang and it was Leroy. Kaitlin smiled, “Hi Daddy Roy!” she teased cheerily when she answered the phone.

Kaitlin’s smile was quickly replaced with worry. “Is something wrong?”
Kaitlin heard Leroy sigh into the phone. “The Feds just stopped by and are taking me in for ‘routine’ questioning regarding the fire.”
“No! Why? You didn't have anything to do with it.”
“I have my suspicions. Don't worry. They said it wouldn't take long. I called my lawyer. He's meeting me there. I should there in time for Dakota’s party.”
“It's Reid isn't it?”
“We can talk later. I love you. Bye.”
Kaitlin knew it must be Reid. He had been moved to a rehab facility and was expected to be released in a couple of weeks. But she knew him, he could cause trouble and she knew he had to behind this. She remembered his words, ‘Either way Chapman is history.’ Why would Leroy have anything at all to do with that? It was ridiculous.
* * *
Leroy texted her two hours later.
* * *
* * *
Leroy finally arrived, cake all in one piece. Everyone sat down to sing happy birthday and have a piece of Dakota's new cake.
Everyone sat around the table. It seemed like with Dakota's 5th birthday she was suddenly so grown up. She was very quiet as she ate her cake and opened her gifts. Maybe it was just overwhelming for the little girl to have so many people making a fuss over her.

Afterwards she hugged her Daddy Roy and thanked him for her party then went to play with Maddy.
Everyone sat around the table. It seemed like with Dakota's 5th birthday she was suddenly so grown up. She was very quiet as she ate her cake and opened her gifts. Maybe it was just overwhelming for the little girl to have so many people making a fuss over her.

Afterwards she hugged her Daddy Roy and thanked him for her party then went to play with Maddy.
* * *
Kaitlin was getting the kids to bed and Leroy was washing the remainder of the dishes mulling over the interview, more like an interrogation, he thought, when Kaitlin walked up behind him and put her arms around him. That made him smile. He wished they were already married and had all of this unpleasantness behind them.

Kaitlin laid her head on his back. “Thanks for doing the dishes! You are spoiling me," she said apparently tired, "I didn't think I would ever get them all to bed. Dakota kept saying it was the best day ever. But then she asked me about her other mommy and why she didn't come. It was heartbreaking. You did the right thing by taking her. Poor Maddy cried. She wanted to sleep with Dakota in her big girl bed.”
Leroy turned around pulling her into his arms, “Sexy Kate, I want to spoil you every day,” he said and kissed her.
“Leroy," said Kaitlin, "I've been worrying all day. Why did they want to question you? That makes no sense.”

Kaitlin looked shocked at his words the smile leaving her face. “Leroy,” she said with a hint of fear in her voice, “please tell me you or the private investigator you hired had nothing to do with this.”
Are you fucking kidding me? he thought as anger rippled through him. He raised his voice and began to let all his frustrations out. “Fuck Kate! You have to ask me that? I hate that son of a bitch but I would never try to kill him! Goddammit Kate, I thought you knew me better than that! Why do you always try to defend him? Do you still have feelings for him?” As soon as he asked her that, he wanted to swallow the words back. He knew she didn't have feelings for Reid. It was just she always tried to see good in everyone - except herself.
Kate’s eyes went wide and she cowered away from and began speaking fast. “No baby. I promise I don't have feelings for him,” she said shaking her head and continuing to put distance between them,
“Please, I'm so sorry. It’s all my fault he is after you. And, and, you told me you had him ‘taken care of’. I’m sorry, I didn't know what that meant. Baby I'm sorry. I love you…”
Shit, I scared her, he thought. Leroy took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a minute to calm himself. He tried to make himself as nonthreatening as possible. He motioned to the chair and said softly, “Let's sit down - just talk - okay sweetheart?”
He let out his breath when she slowly walked to the chair and sat down. He noticed her hands were shaking. He took the chair next to her and slowly reached over to take her hand. She flinched before allowing him access and it about tore his heart out. He covered her small hand with his larger one before speaking to her.
“I'm the one that should apologize. I had a bad day. The interview, then the cake. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I know you don't have feelings for Reid. I'm just upset that he is getting to me once again. You were right to question how I had ‘taken care of him’. He threatened both of us. But it was just surveillance, baby. That's all.”
When she still hadn't said anything he started to get worried. “Kate? Are you okay?”

Suddenly her tears started to fall and she said between breaths, “I'm sorry...please don't…be mad.”
“Dammit,” said Leroy under his breath which made Kaitlin jump and it was like a light-bulb went off. He finally realized what was wrong with her. “Kate,” he said as gently as possible, “did you think I was going to hurt you?” She didn't say anything but the look on her face said it all. “Baby, you never have to run or hide from me, you are safe with me. I might get angry, but I would never hurt you. And you have to stop apologizing. Everything bad that has happened is not your fault. Newt is not your fault and neither is Reid.”
Kate looked at the table and mumbled, “I'm sorry Leroy.”
“KAITLIN!” he said in frustration.
Kaitlin jumped again and covered her face. “I don't know how…I didn't mean to be afraid. You were so mad at me because of the stupid thing I said and this mess I made.”
Leroy wasn't sure how to deal with this side of her. He had never seen her fall apart before, not like this. But then, he had never spoken to her in anger before, at least not directed at her, and it triggered her somehow. “Kate, it’s okay. Maybe it’s best if I leave, give you some space away from me. Let you calm down.”
Kaitlin’s breathing started coming in rapid pants and her eyes opened wide. “You’re going to leave? I'm calm. I promise. Please, don't leave me,” she begged.
Obviously the wrong solution, thought Leroy, now she's having a panic attack. “Okay baby, I will stay. Just breathe - slowly. Please baby - slowly - before you pass out. Can I hold you?”
Thankfully she bobbed her head, so Leroy walked around and eased her out of the chair. He felt like he was approaching a skittish animal.
He guided her to the couch and sat down with her leaving the lights off. She laid her head on his shoulder and started to cry. He shushed her while he gently stroked her hair until her breathing became normal again.
Finally calmer, she turned to him and wanted to kiss him. As bad as Leroy wanted that closeness, there was no way he was going to let her use sex to smooth things over. Not like this. “No baby. You need to rest. Lie down. Put your head in my lap,” he whispered to her.
Kaitlin reluctantly complied and scooted down the couch and laid down. Leroy sat there with her in the dark and rubbed her back until he was pretty sure she had fallen asleep.
If he ever met Newt, he just might beat the shit out of him. He would do everything in his power to see to it she could divorce him and retain custody of her children. It would break her to see them go back to him. But he also knew if they were going to be married she would have to get help. He didn't know how to help her but he knew he couldn't watch her fall apart every time they had a disagreement. And she had to stop apologizing. From what little she said about Newt, Leroy was pretty sure she blamed herself for his abuse. She most certainly blamed herself for Reid. Hell, she cried because I laid out a toothbrush for her...I only expected a 'thanks Leroy' and maybe a sweet minty flavored kiss.
Go to Chapter 40
Go back to chapter 38
oooh...Yet again, proving that Kate maybe needs to see some theraphyst or such in the future...don't let your pass haunt you, Kate!But, she is a strong woman for going into all for this...Liked the idea of how they lost the 50 bucks! Finally one of the kids isn'ta toddler anymore, plus one to help cleaning and not to wake up at night for!
ReplyDeleteYes! Not another toddler! I have 3 and only one can walk, talk and use the potty! The other are too young. And we will be getting a baby soon. Ugh. But the bright side is the house now has 8 sims so no more kids!
DeleteSo yes, Kaitlin definitely needs therapy. But at least Leroy recognized her break down for what it was and maybe he can help her.
Laughing about the $50 bucks. I figured that would only add to Leroy's already crappy day and would make his blow up more believable! 😏 Can't do the same thing each time!
Kaitlin definitely needs a therapist. She's somehow able to love everyone but herself. I hope Leroy is able to help her.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to see what they do about these troublesome doppelgangers!
I think he will try to help her. She may be realizing she needs help since freaking out with Leroy of all people...
DeleteAnd we will find out about these doppelgängers in another few chapters. Lol
So much has happened. It sounds like everything is going to come up!
ReplyDeleteLots of 'stuff' coming up. Lol
DeleteI'm gonna try to remember my comment from before! Haha
ReplyDeleteI love the way you wrote Kaitlin's reaction to Leroy's anger. It was very sad, but very powerful too, the way you showed how that abuse still affects her. I know you've done it before in past chapters, but there was just something about the way it was conveyed in this particular chapter that stuck with me!
I feel for Kaitlin, but my goodness, I also still wanna smack her too! Haha But not as much as I wanna smack Reid... And Newt, of course! I am to the point of calling up Maladi and having her sic Meatball on them LMAO I'm that desperate!
I love how crazy things have been getting lately. Thanks to both you and the rolls! :D
Thanks! I want to smack her too! Lol. But she is really hurting. You will see a progression in the future as her and Leroy's relationship continues in this weird limbo and more things begin to happen.
DeleteI told you that Zayne and hope need honesty - well there is a bit a lack of it here too because she can't fully trust Leroy.
Meatball would definitely be one solution! Haha!
Sounds like I'm missing a good story with a character called Meatball. LOL! I can't stop laughing. AhaHahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteNow, back to your story. Poor Kaitlin really needs to see a therapist. I know how deeply these wounds can run, but freaking out with Leroy, have all people, really hurts to see. I'm sure he will be patient and loving with her as always, and I really hope he can help
her. I'm totally dying to see what turns out with Reid. I'm sick of him always interfering, and he totally needs to be stopped. Looking forward to reading more. 😍
Reid is a total ass for sure. Meatball is a paid assassin! Lol
Deleteseeing kate acting the way she is definitely hits a personal chord for experiences from my life. i hope she takes some time to really evaluate her trauma and stops letting her pride keep leroy from helping her. she has so many children to worry about now; keeping them all in a two bedroom apartment isn't a wise choice, it's a selfish one.
ReplyDeletei'm rooting for her to get things together, though!
PTSD kicking in again. Leroy is so sweet to her and no matter what she thinks, she deserves him 100%. I hope he convinces her to go see a therapist.
ReplyDeleteShe sooo needs to see a therapist....