Day 38 - Rolled 9 - Adopt a friend's toddler - no longer have to pay for child care.
At Ben's insistence, Kaitlin called the hospital before the boys left for school. Reid had indeed been moved into a private room and was no longer in serious condition. She found out when visiting hours were and thanked them.
Ben was watching expectantly and as soon as she hung up asked, “Well? Can we go today?”
Kaitlin sighed. “Yes. Visiting hours are from 7:00 - 8:00 so we will go after you get your homework done this evening as long as Leroy can go too.”
Ben frowned. “Why does he have to go?”
“He just wants to take us is all,” replied Kaitlin. Then she looked at Reese, “Will you be okay with the kids while Ben and I go?”
“Sure,” said Reese, “Brooke can come home with me after school. I will call her before we leave.”
Leroy met Kaitlin at her apartment after work. He wasn’t in the best of moods. “Hi babe,” he said and gave her a chaste kiss.

Uh oh, thought Kaitlin, he really is upset.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” asked Leroy.
Kaitlin put her hand on his shoulder. “Yes Leroy. I promised Ben and I am not going back on my word. What's the worst that could happen? He's in the hospital. I will tell him I am there with you and send Ben out and we can talk. Maybe this will help him move on and quit trying to make something out of nothing.”
“I'm not so sure it's a good idea to let him know I am with you. We need to find out how he knows your - uh -knows Newt - before we confront him. Hopefully my PI will have something this week that we can use to get Reid to back off. Don't lead him on Kate, but don't bait him either.”
Leroy’s sour mood and unwillingness to say husband didn't escape Kaitlin and she felt horrible. She had somehow managed to hurt every man that entered her life. Leroy wouldn't understand. This was her mess and she needed to try to fix it.
“I'm sorry Leroy,” she whispered, “This is all my fault.”
Leroy turned her towards him. “How the hell is this your fault?" he demanded, "Come on Kate, cut the crap! I don't ever want to hear you say that again! None of this is your fault.”
It is my fault, thought Kaitlin, I was selfish. Had I not become involved with Reid just because I was lonely....
Leroy rubbed his hand a cross his head and softened his tone when he saw she was upset. “God I’m sorry, I'm just frustrated because of his manipulation. Let's just have a nice dinner when the kids get here and then we’ll go to the hospital and get this shit over with.”
Kaitlin sighed. He would never understand so she just smiled and said, “I love you Leroy Chapman.”
“Yeah?” he asked smirking.
“Yeah,” she said at the same time the front door opened and Reese came in with his arm wrapped around his heavily pregnant fiancee.
“Hey Reese. Brooke,” greeted Leroy, “How are you feeling Brooke?”
Brooke laughed, “Like a beached whale!”
“Well you are glowing. How much longer?”
“Only about 6 more weeks. It seems like I have been pregnant forever!" she said.
"Brooke, thanks for helping Reese with the kids tonight," said Kaitlin, "we won't be gone long."
After dinner, Kaitlin, Leroy and Ben went to the hospital. They sat in the waiting room waiting for visiting hours to begin.
“You know," said Leroy wistfully, "The last time I was here was when Hailey was born. That night changed my life forever."
Kaitlin looked at him to see if he was upset, but he was smiling and she relaxed. "It was a life changing night for sure!" she said grinning.
“It was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to me. I got my sweet little girl that night and the woman I love...”
Ben got up and went over to his mother. “Mooomm! Can we go now?” he whined obviously tired of hearing about Hailey and ready to go see Reid.

“Sorry buddy!” laughed Leroy and added, “Hey, I got you too right?”
“Huh?” said Ben.
“Never mind. You two run along. Kate, text me if you need anything - okay.”
“Okay,” said Kaitlin. When the duo turned to leave, Leroy looked down and saw the card for Reid was lying on the chair and called after Kaitlin. She turned around. When she saw what he wanted, she shook her head and blew him a kiss. Kaitlin left it on purpose so she would have an excuse to send Ben out of the room so she could talk to Reid alone.
Kaitlin softly knocked on the door and mother and son went inside.
Reid was lying in the hospital bed with his eyes closed. Ben hid behind his mother. "Is, is he dead?" he whispered.
"No baby, he's resting," she replied.
Reid stirred when he heard their voices.
“" said Reid weakly, "You are a sight for sore eyes. As beautiful as always. Come around here so I can see you better."
Kaitlin and Ben walked over to his bedside.
“Hi Reid," said Kaitlin gently, "I brought you a visitor, Ben has been asking about you every single day. I promised I would bring him as soon as you could have visitors - other than family.”
Reid hadn't seen Ben since he was hiding behind his mother. “Ben?” he asked.
“Ben, you begged to come. Why are you hiding?” scolded Kaitlin, “Go say hi to Mr. Reid.” Then she guided him toward Reid's bedside.
Ben stepped around his mother and went slowly over to Reid. “Hi Mr. Reid,” he said a bit more courageous now, “Are you going to be okay?”
“You bet buddy. A little fire can't get me down.” replied Reid.
Ben looked at Reid and asked, “Did you know you are a hero?”
“I don't know about that," he replied, "Look at me stuck in the hospital with a broken leg. Hey, but when I get out I'm gonna need to brush up on my FI racing. Maybe we can spend an afternoon at your house playing," then he looked up at Kaitlin, “if your mom says okay.”
Kaitlin was fuming. Reid was already manipulating her from the hospital bed. “Ben, why don't you run get the card we brought. I forgot to get it from Leroy.”
Ben frowned but ran off to get the card.
As soon as Ben left, Reid's demeanor changed. “Chapman is here?” he growled.

“Yes," said Kaitlin defiantly, "He graciously came with us. So stop planting ideas in Ben’s head that we can be together. I told you. We are over. Why do you want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you?”
“Because Katie, the only reason we aren't together is because of that asshole Chapman. He took advantage of you and stole you away from me. Now you feel obligated to him. Well you aren't and I want back what's mine.
Katie, I might be down, but baby, I'm not out. When I get out of here, I can show you what it's like to live the good life.
And sweetheart, don’t forget our little conversation. I know who hubby is and I can help you be free of him - or not - your choice. He's also an asshole, but you already know that. Either way Chapman is history.”
Leroy was right, she should never have mentioned his name. She didn't know what to say so she said nothing and silently willed Ben to hurry.
“What's wrong beautiful, cat got your tongue? You know I'm right. You still care, why else would you bring your kid to see me? Oh and when little Bennie gets back, tell him that his favorite ‘Uncle’ will be by to play with him as soon as I get out. Uncle Reid is so much better than Mr. Reid, don't you think?” he said with a smirk.
Ben finally made it back. “Here you go Mr. Reid,” said Ben handing him the card.
“Thanks son. Your mom said it was okay for me to come over when I'm out, didn't you Katie?”
Kaitlin could only nod in agreement.
“Cool! That will be fun!” exclaimed Ben.
“Thanks for coming to see me buddy, but I have family due in a few minutes and I need to rest. Come see me again,” said Reid. He then looked over to Kaitlin smirking and said, “What? No goodbye kiss or hug?”
Ben jumped up and gave him a hug saving Kaitlin from having to say anything. She glared at him when Ben wasn’t looking. Reid just continued to smirk at her. She couldn't get out of there fast enough.

When Kaitlin walked out she saw a woman coming down the hall that looked familiar, yet out of place. When she got closer she recognized her and it frightened her. She quickly turned around and went the other direction before Ben could see her too. As soon as she got around the corner she pulled Ben next to her.
“Hey Mom, the elevator is the other way,” said Ben.
"We are taking the stairs. Healthier," said Kaitlin.
Once downstairs, Leroy jumped up and grabbed Kaitlin's hands. "How did it go?" he asked.
"We'll talk later, let's just get out of here now, please," she pleaded.
“Do you think they might be related Kate? That would explain why Newt and Reid look so much alike. Does your mother-in-law have a brother or sister?”
“If she did, I never met them and she never mentioned having siblings. That would be strange. I mean I lived there for 17 years so I don’t think so,” said Kaitlin.
“I will have my PI check. This is something we haven't explored. Reid did say he knew Newt. So she very well could have simply gone to visit just like you did.”
“Reid acted like he knew him pretty well. I guess that makes sense. Thanks Leroy. At least she didn't see me.” said Kaitlin.
Kaitlin’s phone rang making her jump. “It’s Candy,’ she said and answered the call, “Hey Candy.”
“Kaitlin, I need to come by. Are you home? It’s important.”
“Candy - are you okay? Is Dakota okay?”
“Yeah. We will be there in ten. Thanks.”
Kaitlin looked at Leroy and shrugged. “Guess we'll find out in 10 minutes.”
The buzzer sounded and Kaitlin let Candy in, pulling Dakota along holding her little hand. Candy sat down a back pack she had been lugging in her other hand and looked around the apartment.“Girl! I love the place. So much bigger than the other one!” she exclaimed.
“Thanks,” said Kaitlin, “Candy, what’s going on?”
Candy saw Maddy playing at the block table and asked Dakota if she wanted to join her. The little girl wasted no time. Then Candy turned her attention to the couple in front of her. “Where can we talk?” she asked.
Kaitlin led them to the kitchen table and they sat down while the two little girls happily played.

Candy looked at both Kaitlin and Leroy with an overwhelming sadness. “Guys, CPS Is threatening to take Dakota and put her in a foster home. Some asshole reported that I was bringing her to work with me. I can’t afford a ‘nighttime sitter’. She just sleeps anyway. She’s not trouble. But if they come and find her there, they said I could get charged with child endangerment or some stupid shit like that. Her scumbag father won't take her back - I already called him.”
“Do you want her to stay here tonight?” asked Kaitlin as she noticed the backpack that Candy had brought with her.
“Kaitlin, hon, not just tonight,” then she looked over at the girls playing, “look at her. She loves Maddy. Brooke and Reese too. You should have seen her light up when they sat for her the other day. This is where she belongs, with you and your kids, not with me or her dad and definitely not in a foster home. I can't make her happy. I don’t know how to be a mom to her. I love her so much, but I can’t take care of her.”
“What are you saying Candy?” asked Leroy.
“Let her live here. Adopt her as your own. I will sign whatever I need to.”
Kaitlin felt so sad for her friend. “Oh Candy, you don’t have to do that. You can work something out,” she said as Leroy nodded his agreement.
Candy looked at both of them, “Yes, I do. I didn’t have Dakota with me all those years for a reason. I love her, but I can’t be a mom. But look at ya’ll. You’ll be perfect for her. There is so much love oozing out of the two of you that it makes my teeth hurt. Share it with her please. Give my baby the chance at a good life that I can't give her.”
“Candy, Dakota is a sweetheart. But that’s a big step. Brooke’s baby is due in a few weeks. I only have two bedrooms.”
“But you have love to give Kaitlin. Can I at least leave her here tonight while you two think about it? If they show up and she's there they will take her.”
“Leave her here Candy,” said Leroy, “But you think long and hard about what you are asking. Once you sign your rights away as her mother, you don’t get to come back and say just kidding.”
Candy started crying, “I know. I love her, but she doesn't even really know me. She will be starting school in just a few months. I can’t send her to school when we get home at 3:00 AM. It will be worse than foster care and will only lead there anyway. She hasn’t been with me that long and the only time she is happy is when she is with Maddy.”
Leroy grabbed Kaitlin's hand. “We’ll talk and let you know Candy,” said Leroy sadly.
Candy got up and hugged Leroy. "Thank you both," she said in tears, "Tell my daughter I love her and that's why." She turned and left without even looking at Dakota.
After Candy left, they got all the kids settled. Leroy made sure to take extra time with Dakota. He wanted to be sure she knew she was loved. When he picked her up to put her in Kaitlin's bed, she put her little arms around neck and clung to him. His heart was hers from that moment. He was already pretty sure he was going to try to get Kaitlin to help him with her but when he picked her up it no longer mattered if she wanted to help or not. Dakota was going to be his.There was no turning back.
He came back in and found Kaitlin sitting cross legged on the couch and sat down next to her. Leroy was dying inside at Candy’s story. It hit so close to home. Now he just had to figure out how to tell Kate what he was going to do with Dakota and pray she supported him.
“Today sucked,” said Kaitlin as Leroy sat next to her.
“You think?” he scoffed.
Leroy figured he would just go for it. He looked at her and began, “Kate, baby, I know how bad foster care can be. I grew up in the system. I was only a little older than Dakota when I got sucked up. She's already been shuffled around between two homes. She needs stability soon or she will wind up broken. Sadly, she is already past the adoption age. People want babies or toddlers. Not children that already have emotional scars. She will get swallowed up by the system.”
“I don’t know what to do,” sighed Kaitlin.
He took a deep breath, “I want to formally adopt her Kate, but I really need your support. I can’t have her at my home, she needs to be here with you, Reese, Ben and Maddy - and the babies too.”
“Leroy, that’s crazy. I mean Ben's baby is due in 6 weeks. I love Dakota but I have only two bedrooms.”
Leroy could feel his heart beating in his chest he was so nervous. He was doing this no matter what. “Kate, I am doing this," he said softly, “Whether or not she stays with you full time or not. If you can't do it, I will keep her with me. But being here will make it so much easier on her. Kate, I just can't let her go into the system.”
“You're serious aren’t you? You really are going to adopt Dakota.”
Kaitlin softened and reached up and touched his cheek, “God, you’re a big old softy. If you are serious Leroy, then she can live here. It would be wrong to do anything else. I am sure it’s better for her to have a permanent home than to get swallowed up in foster care. Just look at how confused Ben is from being shuffled around. You are right babe, she has to live here.”
Leroy was relieved and overcome with love for the woman sitting next to him. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed over the past year. He went from having no one to being hopelessly in love with a beautiful woman and a father of not one, but now two little girls.
He turned around and kissed Kate. "Thank you for understanding," he said chocking back tears that were burning behind his eyes. He hoped she could see the love he had for her in them.
Leroy wasn't sure what made him do what he did next. It even shocked even him. He hadn’t planned it, but it just seemed like the right time.
Leroy kissed his sweet Kate again as he knelt down in front or her.
Kate returned his gaze confused, "'s okay..."
"Kate sweetheart, look at me,” he said stopping her. He needed her not to talk yet. Leroy thought his heart was beating fast before, but now it was racing, he felt like he had just run a marathon.
“I wanted this moment to be so different. But in light of what we just agreed upon with Dakota, I can't wait any longer for the right time.” Leroy stopped and took a breath and smiled. “God, look at us, we are such a motley crew. So, I guess there will likely never be a perfect time. It’s just, I need you to know I am in this with you for the long haul...” Kaitlin couldn't look at him any longer and looked down. Leroy was so emotional, he had to stop and swallow the lump in his throat before he could continue.
“What I am trying to say Kate is that I love you and can never imagine a life without you - you and all of this madness,” he said as he snorted and gestured around the room completely cluttered with toys.
Kaitlin sucked in her breath and put her hands over her face as tears began to fall.

Kaitlin wouldn't look at him. She just cried with her hands still covering her face. He could see all kinds of emotions beneath her hands but couldn’t read them. He got worried that she wasn’t ready for this step in their relationship. “Kate?” whispered Leroy, “I'm sorry, it's too soon. You don't have to answer now. Take some time…”
“No,” squeaked out Kaitlin and caught her breath.

Leroy thought he was going to be sick. They hadn't even discussed marriage. He was trying to figure out what to say to fix this when Kate started talking again. He now had a death grip on her arms. “No, Leroy, I mean no, it's not too soon," she said.
"Then what?" he whispered Leroy.
Kaitlin sniffed from crying, "I love you more than I ever thought possible. You make me happy. I just, I'm still married. But Leroy, if I weren't my answer would be yes. Yes, Leroy I would marry you. I just don't...."
All Leroy heard was yes. He couldn’t get Kate into his arms fast enough. All he wanted to do was kiss every single freckle on her beautiful face - his beautiful fiancee's face - she said she would be his.
In between kisses he tried to tell her everything he needed to say, “Oh Kate *kiss* That's all *kiss-kiss* you *kiss* had to *kiss* say *kiss* I mean, I know *kiss* we have a lot *kiss-kiss* to work through *kiss* a ring *kiss- kiss* I don't....”
Kaitlin put her hand over Leroy’s mouth effectively stopping him from kissing her, but also stopping his blabbering.
“Shhhh,” she said laughing at him now instead of crying and threw her arms around him. “Leroy! Stop talking," she said into his neck. "I understand. I don't need a ring - I know our situation is complicated. I just needed to process it. It was just so unexpected. How can I be engaged if I am still married? But darling, it was perfect."
Now Leroy was confused as he stood up to help her off the couch. "Wait, was your yes really a no?"
He looked down at the sexy, brown-eyed, freckle-faced, strawberry-blonde woman, his heart once again beating hard and waited for her response. Kaitlin smiled at him, "No silly, my yes is yes. I love you and I will marry you - when I can."
Leroy was relieved and pulled her up and into his arms again. He really needed to kiss her again. Then he remembered the little girl sleeping in Kate's bed and sighed.
“My Sexy Kate," said Leroy apologetically, "I wish I could stay with you tonight. But babe, you have the sweetest little girl sleeping in your bed.”
Go To Chapter 39
At Ben's insistence, Kaitlin called the hospital before the boys left for school. Reid had indeed been moved into a private room and was no longer in serious condition. She found out when visiting hours were and thanked them.
Ben was watching expectantly and as soon as she hung up asked, “Well? Can we go today?”
Kaitlin sighed. “Yes. Visiting hours are from 7:00 - 8:00 so we will go after you get your homework done this evening as long as Leroy can go too.”
Ben frowned. “Why does he have to go?”
“He just wants to take us is all,” replied Kaitlin. Then she looked at Reese, “Will you be okay with the kids while Ben and I go?”
“Sure,” said Reese, “Brooke can come home with me after school. I will call her before we leave.”
* * *
Leroy met Kaitlin at her apartment after work. He wasn’t in the best of moods. “Hi babe,” he said and gave her a chaste kiss.

Uh oh, thought Kaitlin, he really is upset.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” asked Leroy.
Kaitlin put her hand on his shoulder. “Yes Leroy. I promised Ben and I am not going back on my word. What's the worst that could happen? He's in the hospital. I will tell him I am there with you and send Ben out and we can talk. Maybe this will help him move on and quit trying to make something out of nothing.”
“I'm not so sure it's a good idea to let him know I am with you. We need to find out how he knows your - uh -knows Newt - before we confront him. Hopefully my PI will have something this week that we can use to get Reid to back off. Don't lead him on Kate, but don't bait him either.”
“I'm sorry Leroy,” she whispered, “This is all my fault.”
Leroy turned her towards him. “How the hell is this your fault?" he demanded, "Come on Kate, cut the crap! I don't ever want to hear you say that again! None of this is your fault.”
It is my fault, thought Kaitlin, I was selfish. Had I not become involved with Reid just because I was lonely....
Leroy rubbed his hand a cross his head and softened his tone when he saw she was upset. “God I’m sorry, I'm just frustrated because of his manipulation. Let's just have a nice dinner when the kids get here and then we’ll go to the hospital and get this shit over with.”
Kaitlin sighed. He would never understand so she just smiled and said, “I love you Leroy Chapman.”
“Yeah?” he asked smirking.
“Yeah,” she said at the same time the front door opened and Reese came in with his arm wrapped around his heavily pregnant fiancee.
“Hey Reese. Brooke,” greeted Leroy, “How are you feeling Brooke?”
Brooke laughed, “Like a beached whale!”
“Well you are glowing. How much longer?”
“Only about 6 more weeks. It seems like I have been pregnant forever!" she said.
"Brooke, thanks for helping Reese with the kids tonight," said Kaitlin, "we won't be gone long."
* * *
After dinner, Kaitlin, Leroy and Ben went to the hospital. They sat in the waiting room waiting for visiting hours to begin.
“You know," said Leroy wistfully, "The last time I was here was when Hailey was born. That night changed my life forever."

“It was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to me. I got my sweet little girl that night and the woman I love...”
Ben got up and went over to his mother. “Mooomm! Can we go now?” he whined obviously tired of hearing about Hailey and ready to go see Reid.

“Sorry buddy!” laughed Leroy and added, “Hey, I got you too right?”
“Huh?” said Ben.
“Never mind. You two run along. Kate, text me if you need anything - okay.”
“Okay,” said Kaitlin. When the duo turned to leave, Leroy looked down and saw the card for Reid was lying on the chair and called after Kaitlin. She turned around. When she saw what he wanted, she shook her head and blew him a kiss. Kaitlin left it on purpose so she would have an excuse to send Ben out of the room so she could talk to Reid alone.
* * *
Kaitlin softly knocked on the door and mother and son went inside.

"No baby, he's resting," she replied.
Reid stirred when he heard their voices.
“" said Reid weakly, "You are a sight for sore eyes. As beautiful as always. Come around here so I can see you better."
Kaitlin and Ben walked over to his bedside.
“Hi Reid," said Kaitlin gently, "I brought you a visitor, Ben has been asking about you every single day. I promised I would bring him as soon as you could have visitors - other than family.”
Reid hadn't seen Ben since he was hiding behind his mother. “Ben?” he asked.
“Ben, you begged to come. Why are you hiding?” scolded Kaitlin, “Go say hi to Mr. Reid.” Then she guided him toward Reid's bedside.

“You bet buddy. A little fire can't get me down.” replied Reid.
Ben looked at Reid and asked, “Did you know you are a hero?”
“I don't know about that," he replied, "Look at me stuck in the hospital with a broken leg. Hey, but when I get out I'm gonna need to brush up on my FI racing. Maybe we can spend an afternoon at your house playing," then he looked up at Kaitlin, “if your mom says okay.”
Kaitlin was fuming. Reid was already manipulating her from the hospital bed. “Ben, why don't you run get the card we brought. I forgot to get it from Leroy.”
Ben frowned but ran off to get the card.
As soon as Ben left, Reid's demeanor changed. “Chapman is here?” he growled.

“Yes," said Kaitlin defiantly, "He graciously came with us. So stop planting ideas in Ben’s head that we can be together. I told you. We are over. Why do you want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you?”
“Because Katie, the only reason we aren't together is because of that asshole Chapman. He took advantage of you and stole you away from me. Now you feel obligated to him. Well you aren't and I want back what's mine.
Katie, I might be down, but baby, I'm not out. When I get out of here, I can show you what it's like to live the good life.
And sweetheart, don’t forget our little conversation. I know who hubby is and I can help you be free of him - or not - your choice. He's also an asshole, but you already know that. Either way Chapman is history.”
Leroy was right, she should never have mentioned his name. She didn't know what to say so she said nothing and silently willed Ben to hurry.
“What's wrong beautiful, cat got your tongue? You know I'm right. You still care, why else would you bring your kid to see me? Oh and when little Bennie gets back, tell him that his favorite ‘Uncle’ will be by to play with him as soon as I get out. Uncle Reid is so much better than Mr. Reid, don't you think?” he said with a smirk.
Ben finally made it back. “Here you go Mr. Reid,” said Ben handing him the card.
“Thanks son. Your mom said it was okay for me to come over when I'm out, didn't you Katie?”
Kaitlin could only nod in agreement.
“Cool! That will be fun!” exclaimed Ben.
Ben jumped up and gave him a hug saving Kaitlin from having to say anything. She glared at him when Ben wasn’t looking. Reid just continued to smirk at her. She couldn't get out of there fast enough.

When Kaitlin walked out she saw a woman coming down the hall that looked familiar, yet out of place. When she got closer she recognized her and it frightened her. She quickly turned around and went the other direction before Ben could see her too. As soon as she got around the corner she pulled Ben next to her.
“Hey Mom, the elevator is the other way,” said Ben.
"We are taking the stairs. Healthier," said Kaitlin.
Once downstairs, Leroy jumped up and grabbed Kaitlin's hands. "How did it go?" he asked.
"We'll talk later, let's just get out of here now, please," she pleaded.
* * *
When they arrived back at the apartment, after Ben went to bed, Kaitlin and Leroy sat down to discuss what Reid said and tried to figure out why her mother-in-law would be visiting Reid.
“Do you think they might be related Kate? That would explain why Newt and Reid look so much alike. Does your mother-in-law have a brother or sister?”
“If she did, I never met them and she never mentioned having siblings. That would be strange. I mean I lived there for 17 years so I don’t think so,” said Kaitlin.
“I will have my PI check. This is something we haven't explored. Reid did say he knew Newt. So she very well could have simply gone to visit just like you did.”
“Reid acted like he knew him pretty well. I guess that makes sense. Thanks Leroy. At least she didn't see me.” said Kaitlin.
“Kaitlin, I need to come by. Are you home? It’s important.”
“Candy - are you okay? Is Dakota okay?”
“Yeah. We will be there in ten. Thanks.”
Kaitlin looked at Leroy and shrugged. “Guess we'll find out in 10 minutes.”
* * *
The buzzer sounded and Kaitlin let Candy in, pulling Dakota along holding her little hand. Candy sat down a back pack she had been lugging in her other hand and looked around the apartment.“Girl! I love the place. So much bigger than the other one!” she exclaimed.
“Thanks,” said Kaitlin, “Candy, what’s going on?”
Candy saw Maddy playing at the block table and asked Dakota if she wanted to join her. The little girl wasted no time. Then Candy turned her attention to the couple in front of her. “Where can we talk?” she asked.

Candy looked at both Kaitlin and Leroy with an overwhelming sadness. “Guys, CPS Is threatening to take Dakota and put her in a foster home. Some asshole reported that I was bringing her to work with me. I can’t afford a ‘nighttime sitter’. She just sleeps anyway. She’s not trouble. But if they come and find her there, they said I could get charged with child endangerment or some stupid shit like that. Her scumbag father won't take her back - I already called him.”

“Kaitlin, hon, not just tonight,” then she looked over at the girls playing, “look at her. She loves Maddy. Brooke and Reese too. You should have seen her light up when they sat for her the other day. This is where she belongs, with you and your kids, not with me or her dad and definitely not in a foster home. I can't make her happy. I don’t know how to be a mom to her. I love her so much, but I can’t take care of her.”
“What are you saying Candy?” asked Leroy.
“Let her live here. Adopt her as your own. I will sign whatever I need to.”
Kaitlin felt so sad for her friend. “Oh Candy, you don’t have to do that. You can work something out,” she said as Leroy nodded his agreement.
Candy looked at both of them, “Yes, I do. I didn’t have Dakota with me all those years for a reason. I love her, but I can’t be a mom. But look at ya’ll. You’ll be perfect for her. There is so much love oozing out of the two of you that it makes my teeth hurt. Share it with her please. Give my baby the chance at a good life that I can't give her.”
“Candy, Dakota is a sweetheart. But that’s a big step. Brooke’s baby is due in a few weeks. I only have two bedrooms.”
“But you have love to give Kaitlin. Can I at least leave her here tonight while you two think about it? If they show up and she's there they will take her.”
“Leave her here Candy,” said Leroy, “But you think long and hard about what you are asking. Once you sign your rights away as her mother, you don’t get to come back and say just kidding.”
Candy started crying, “I know. I love her, but she doesn't even really know me. She will be starting school in just a few months. I can’t send her to school when we get home at 3:00 AM. It will be worse than foster care and will only lead there anyway. She hasn’t been with me that long and the only time she is happy is when she is with Maddy.”
Leroy grabbed Kaitlin's hand. “We’ll talk and let you know Candy,” said Leroy sadly.
Candy got up and hugged Leroy. "Thank you both," she said in tears, "Tell my daughter I love her and that's why." She turned and left without even looking at Dakota.
* * *
After Candy left, they got all the kids settled. Leroy made sure to take extra time with Dakota. He wanted to be sure she knew she was loved. When he picked her up to put her in Kaitlin's bed, she put her little arms around neck and clung to him. His heart was hers from that moment. He was already pretty sure he was going to try to get Kaitlin to help him with her but when he picked her up it no longer mattered if she wanted to help or not. Dakota was going to be his.There was no turning back.
“Today sucked,” said Kaitlin as Leroy sat next to her.

Leroy figured he would just go for it. He looked at her and began, “Kate, baby, I know how bad foster care can be. I grew up in the system. I was only a little older than Dakota when I got sucked up. She's already been shuffled around between two homes. She needs stability soon or she will wind up broken. Sadly, she is already past the adoption age. People want babies or toddlers. Not children that already have emotional scars. She will get swallowed up by the system.”
“I don’t know what to do,” sighed Kaitlin.

“Leroy, that’s crazy. I mean Ben's baby is due in 6 weeks. I love Dakota but I have only two bedrooms.”
Leroy could feel his heart beating in his chest he was so nervous. He was doing this no matter what. “Kate, I am doing this," he said softly, “Whether or not she stays with you full time or not. If you can't do it, I will keep her with me. But being here will make it so much easier on her. Kate, I just can't let her go into the system.”
“You're serious aren’t you? You really are going to adopt Dakota.”

Kaitlin softened and reached up and touched his cheek, “God, you’re a big old softy. If you are serious Leroy, then she can live here. It would be wrong to do anything else. I am sure it’s better for her to have a permanent home than to get swallowed up in foster care. Just look at how confused Ben is from being shuffled around. You are right babe, she has to live here.”
Leroy was relieved and overcome with love for the woman sitting next to him. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed over the past year. He went from having no one to being hopelessly in love with a beautiful woman and a father of not one, but now two little girls.
He turned around and kissed Kate. "Thank you for understanding," he said chocking back tears that were burning behind his eyes. He hoped she could see the love he had for her in them.
Leroy wasn't sure what made him do what he did next. It even shocked even him. He hadn’t planned it, but it just seemed like the right time.
Leroy kissed his sweet Kate again as he knelt down in front or her.
"Kate sweetheart, look at me,” he said stopping her. He needed her not to talk yet. Leroy thought his heart was beating fast before, but now it was racing, he felt like he had just run a marathon.
“I wanted this moment to be so different. But in light of what we just agreed upon with Dakota, I can't wait any longer for the right time.” Leroy stopped and took a breath and smiled. “God, look at us, we are such a motley crew. So, I guess there will likely never be a perfect time. It’s just, I need you to know I am in this with you for the long haul...” Kaitlin couldn't look at him any longer and looked down. Leroy was so emotional, he had to stop and swallow the lump in his throat before he could continue.
“What I am trying to say Kate is that I love you and can never imagine a life without you - you and all of this madness,” he said as he snorted and gestured around the room completely cluttered with toys.
Kaitlin sucked in her breath and put her hands over her face as tears began to fall.

That can't be good, thought Leroy so he finally just blurted out what he had been trying to say for the last 5 minutes, “Oh god, Kate, will you marry me?”
Kaitlin wouldn't look at him. She just cried with her hands still covering her face. He could see all kinds of emotions beneath her hands but couldn’t read them. He got worried that she wasn’t ready for this step in their relationship. “Kate?” whispered Leroy, “I'm sorry, it's too soon. You don't have to answer now. Take some time…”
“No,” squeaked out Kaitlin and caught her breath.

Leroy thought he was going to be sick. They hadn't even discussed marriage. He was trying to figure out what to say to fix this when Kate started talking again. He now had a death grip on her arms. “No, Leroy, I mean no, it's not too soon," she said.
"Then what?" he whispered Leroy.
Kaitlin sniffed from crying, "I love you more than I ever thought possible. You make me happy. I just, I'm still married. But Leroy, if I weren't my answer would be yes. Yes, Leroy I would marry you. I just don't...."
All Leroy heard was yes. He couldn’t get Kate into his arms fast enough. All he wanted to do was kiss every single freckle on her beautiful face - his beautiful fiancee's face - she said she would be his.

“Shhhh,” she said laughing at him now instead of crying and threw her arms around him. “Leroy! Stop talking," she said into his neck. "I understand. I don't need a ring - I know our situation is complicated. I just needed to process it. It was just so unexpected. How can I be engaged if I am still married? But darling, it was perfect."
Now Leroy was confused as he stood up to help her off the couch. "Wait, was your yes really a no?"
He looked down at the sexy, brown-eyed, freckle-faced, strawberry-blonde woman, his heart once again beating hard and waited for her response. Kaitlin smiled at him, "No silly, my yes is yes. I love you and I will marry you - when I can."
Leroy was relieved and pulled her up and into his arms again. He really needed to kiss her again. Then he remembered the little girl sleeping in Kate's bed and sighed.
“My Sexy Kate," said Leroy apologetically, "I wish I could stay with you tonight. But babe, you have the sweetest little girl sleeping in your bed.”
Go To Chapter 39
Ooh, drama. I love how you're incorporating the game's goof of "cloning" Newt here with the possibility of making Reid a related member of the family Kate's running from.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for Candy, not being able to raise Dakota. ...But gosh, at this rate, Kate's going to be like running a whole daycare! C'mon Leroy, work your magic and get them a bigger place!
Ben's attachment to Reid is pretty sad, I feel like he's trying to find his dad in him when well, Reid is kinda creepy :s Hoping it doesn't lead to anything bad.
Small world huh! We will eventually find out exactly how he knows Newt. Leroy's P.I. has a new angle to explore. But he needs to come up with dirt he can use to make him back off. Reid seems to be good at hiding his scheming.
DeleteCandy is a wild child for sure and was never a part of Dakota's life until her ex remarried and his wife didn't want Dakota either. And she's so dang cute. Candy tried but now she is desperate. Leroy knows Candy and she is outspoken and she wouldn't ask if she wasn't desperate. Both he and Kaitlin are all too aware of hard itnis on kids to be shuffled around. I mean what's one more!
And yes. Reid is creepy - even worse in some ways than Ben's own father but very much like him in others (not just appearance). And you are right, it really sad how Ben has attached himself and Reid uses it to get to Kaitlin. Newt grew up privileged but Reid has had to scape for everything he now has but not like Leroy. He bullied and cheated his way to where he is now building up his little empire along the way. Being a firefighter was a good cover for Reid and made him respectable in the eyes of the community. Leroy is one of the few that knows what he's really capable of.
Okay,okay! Soo much going on in this chaoter, let's go!First, it seens that Rein is stilll a snake even after he almost dying, so, i still will go with the #reindieinahole, ahh, only if Kate had the guts of while there was no one seeing, to pick up the pillow, and...yeah, next, it seens Kate is now running a Daycare! Awesome! Heck of a lot problem when they all grow up! Ahhh! <3 her and leroy are cute! Hope they somehow gain the lottery or something like that, because, to earse 6 childrem and still showing she has everything in control to finally divorce from her husband is hard.
ReplyDeleteYes. It will be difficult for her for sure. (Dang random rolls). This was a really long chapter and I am all for the pillow scenario too! Totally #teamreiddieinahole!
DeleteYes, it totally looks like a daycare. She has a lot to overcome. But Leroy is there to help!
Since you rolled it again, I suppose it was only right to actually do it this time. So many little kids! I don't know how they are managing to care for them all.
ReplyDeleteLeroy's proposal was really sweet. Reid is a psychopath, and I hope Kate stops putting herself in this position with him. Was her only option really to nod when he talked about coming to her house to hang out with Ben? Like for real?? I just wanna shake some sense into her sometimes. Hopefully Leroy's connections come through before Reid completely goes off the deep end.
I know. Actually I think getting Dakota worked out better than another pregnancy. When I was working through this chapter the proposal just happened. I didn't plan it but it seemed like something Leroy would do. Glad you thought it was sweet. Things definitely need to get sorted out with Reid and sooner rather than later. She is afraid of hurting Ben.
DeleteOkay, I don't like Reid anymore. Is he fucking Newt and he is just pretending that he isn't? Does he have like Multiple Personalities or something?
ReplyDeleteAhhh, I can't believe they actually adopted Dakota. She's adorable but that is A LOT of children in no space. ;_; There must be no privacy at all in that house. lol
No privacy is right! That's a good theory about him maybe being Newt. Lol.
DeleteDakota was too cute. Agreed! When the baby comes the house will be full - thank goodness! So many little ones. Reid is gonna totally go off the rails and Kaitlin is just feeding into it. Ben's arrachment to him doesn't help and totally needs to be nipped. Kate's apartment is Grand Central Station now that they have Dakota. She's adorable and I feel bad for Candy, but dang! That's a lot of kids. Leroy's proposal was so sweet. ❤️ He needs to help her get her divorce and get them into a bigger place. Then, they need to become the family they were meant to become.
ReplyDeleteYes!!!! I want them to be a family so bad. And hope nothing else stands in their way. I am worried about what will happen when Reid gets out. Things are easier when he isn't being a psychotic stalker.
DeleteGlad you liked the proposal. It really did just happen while I was writing him explaining about Dakota. It just seemed like something he would do. ❤
DeleteHonestly, I've been waiting forever for Dakota to be Kaitlin's. I just knew it eventually had to happen. And this sweet proposal - oh goodness, I love Leroy <3
ReplyDeleteYes - I adore Leroy...He is the best. He was a total unplanned happy accident. He was a roommate - due to the apartment roommate glitch in Sims 3 so when Kaitlin got that little one bedroom he showed up. I used him as a potential baby daddy because I figured at some point I would roll a pregnancy. When she went to get a job at the bar across the street, he was their and it was just karma!