As Kaitlin prepared dinner, she couldn't keep the smile off her face. She was walking on air ever since her Birthday date with Reid. She had never felt so loved, even if he didn't say the words. It was too soon and it was better that way anyway.
There was no doubt that Reid was good for her boys too. Ben had come out of his shell and was doing well in school and even Reese had warmed up to him after he forked over money for photography lessons, $500 worth of lessons, as an early Christmas present. A guess a little bribery goes a long way. Of course Kaitlin objected, but Reid was having none of it.

Of course, Ben 'tattled' on them every time he caught them making out so she knew they were close.
She loved her son to pieces, but she didn't want him to fall into the same trap she did. He was only a year younger than she was when he was born.
Kaitlin stayed with them for the first part of the movie reading through more mixology books trying to learn as many drink recipes as she could before heading to bed while silently observing their behavior. After noticing how comfortable they were wrapped around each other, she figured it wouldn't hurt to finally tell him her story.
* * *
The next evening after Ben and Maddy were in bed and before Kaitlin had to go work, she asked Reese to sit and talk with her while they ate a late supper together. "Reese, you asked me when we first arrived here about you being the result of your father's anger. I just wanted to tell you that you absolutely were not. He was set to go to Bridgeport University on a football scholarship. I discovered I was pregnant a week before graduation but didn't tell him until afterwards. It was his parents that forced us to get married and for him to drop the scholarship and attend the local College to get a Business Degree. That was not what he wanted. I think they are the ones that caused his anger, not you or Ben or even Maddy. Ben was planned. That was nice but sadly Maddy wasn't.
I was naive when you were conceived. I knew better but in the heat of the moment..." Kaitlin looked down at her plate embarrassed. After a minute she continued. "Birth control is not always 100% effective. Two unplanned pregnancies is nothing to be proud of. I wouldn't trade any of you for the world, but at least if you are married before - at least you will be married for the right reasons."
"Mom - does this have anything to do with me and Jade?" he asked.
Kaitlin looked up at her son and those gorgeous blue eyes that were no longer so innocent. "I just don't want you to have to go through life in a loveless relationship because you were making bad choices. Please Reese, you are so smart and you are very handsome. It's no wonder Jade is all over you. She really does like you and I can tell the feeling is mutual. Even if she says she is using birth control, well, if you need, uh, anything, let me know, or talk to Reid."
* * *
Later that week, she and Reid wound up at his place and their normal quickie. But somehow it was different now. He had always been attentive, but now it was more passionate as if they needed to say with their bodies what she was unwilling to say with words.
Afterwards as they lay in his bed, not ready to get up, she told him about her talk with Reese. "So, I asked him to talk to you if he needed, uh, anything. As usual Reid laughed. She loved his laugh, it always made her feel good knowing it was just for her.
"I will give him some condoms, but Katie, I am saving your favorite for us," he said with a straight face. Kaitlin was mortified. She pulled the covers over her head trying to get rid of the visual of Reese and Jade doing what she and Reid had just done while Reid roared with laughter.
* * *
Christmas was just a week away and Kaitlin splurged on a tree and a few decorations including getting each kid a new stocking to hang. She had a couple of gifts for each child as well and Reid had added a few to the mix. It was going to be a wonderful day. She couldn't wait to get Reid under the mistletoe!
There was just one problem. She was late. Kaitlin went to the store after she finished harvesting the honey and bought a pregnancy test. She just wanted to get that done and then she would just move on. She figured it was probably all of the stress of the last 7 months causing her to be irregular. She tried not to think of the other possibility.

She grabbed the bottle of birth control pills and counted. Holy fuck! She had missed at least three pills in the past cycle. She sat back down on the toilet and cried for at least 30 minutes before she made herself get up and throw away the evidence. God, she had just last week told Reese to be careful and here she was with unplanned pregnancy number 3.
She walked into the living room and sat down beneath the Christmas tree. Not 24 hours earlier she was happier than she had ever been in her life. And now...

Kaitlin sat there until dawn. Thinking. How did this happen, how did I miss? I guess holding down two jobs and raising three children alone is tough. She hadn't been sexually active until a couple of months ago so her birth control wasn't top of mind. But she and Reid almost always used a condom, except her birthday night, they were so caught up in their emotions and the urgency to be together that it just happened. But that was only 3 weeks ago. She couldn't remember if they didn't any other time, but because she had told him she was on the pill they must not have. Then a sick thought hit her...Leroy...that was 6 weeks ago. God, it can't be his....it just can't!
* * *
She spent most of the night absently wiping down the bar wondering what she would do if indeed she was carrying Leroy's child. There was no way she would know until the baby was born. It could be either man's child. Leroy will know that. Would she tell him or let Reid think it was his until the birth, if he even stayed around for it. If it's Leroy's baby, the child will likely be dark skinned like Leroy. There would be no denying who it's father was.
Kaitlin looked up and shook her head, "No Leroy. We are fine."
"Then what has my sexy Kate's panties in a twist?"
"Ohhh, that was loww. Score one for Kate!"
"I'm gonna go now if it's okay Leroy. The bar is empty and I have had a long day. I am really tired. See you tomorrow?"
"Okay honey. Let me know if you need anything. I mean it Kate. You know I do. Right?"
"Yes Leroy. Thank you," said Kaitlin as she grabbed her things and left.
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