The boys were nervous and excited. Especially Ben. Today was the first day of school. The nice thing is the bus stopped right in front of their house so Kaitlin could watch out the window as they boarded.
Reese, ever protective of his brother even though he could be an annoying snot at times, sat next to him. The bus driver turned around and said, “You boys new in town?”
Reese answered the only way he knew how, “Yes ma’am. We just moved here.”
Ben looked at him confused, “No...we di--umph…”
Reese elbowed him in the gut and gave him a look that said ‘say another word and your toast’.
“Welcome to Twinbrook boys," said the driver, "What are your names?”
Reese spoke up, “I’m Reese and this is my brother Ben.”
“Nice to meet ‘cha. I am Bennie Charles. The kids just call me Miss Bennie.”
* * *
After the boys left, it was eerily quiet with only Kaitlin and Maddy in the house. Kaitlin got her daughter fed and dressed.
She had decided since the bees were right next door she would take Maddy with her instead of paying for a sitter. She had next to nothing leftover after buying furniture and paying for a sitter would be tough. And besides, the thought of leaving Maddy with a stranger was unsettling.
She put Maddy in the stroller and they walked. That was perk number two about their apartment. It was right next to the consignment store.
Once she arrived she settled Maddy on the ground with a toy and began to work on the bees. Kaitlin was delighted she got more than the normal amount of honey. She figured since she hadn't been able to harvest the day before, the honey continued to accumulate. This was good, she wouldn't have to come every day. She gave her honey to the clerk to consign and the 'girls' headed home.
* * *
Kaitlin wanted to go across the street and see if she could get a job as a bartender but didn't want to take Maddy with her. So they worked on her potty training instead. Maddy was almost 19 months. She was old enough to start. Kaitlin couldn’t believe her little girl was almost 2.
While Maddy was playing inside, Kaitlin watered the plant she had put in the planter in a small attempt to make the place a little more welcoming. It would be winter soon and it might die. She really hoped not.
* * *
The boys got home and started on their homework so Kaitlin went across the street and ventured into the bar. The bartender was leaning down behind the counter so she took a seat, planning to ask him who she should talk to about getting a job.
When the bartender stood up, she was shocked to see it was ‘Leroy the Landlord’ behind the bar cleaning glasses. When Leroy saw her, he flashed a big smile and greeted her, “Why, if it isn't my newest tenant! I hope everything is okay across the street. Can I get you a drink - Kaitlin.”
“Leroy? You work here?” she asked in surprise not answering his questions.
“You could say that, I own the place. Now what can I get you?”
“Oh...uh, I didn't actually come for a drink. I was, uh, looking for a job. I have been studying mixology and thought maybe…”

Kaitlin nervously did as he asked and walked around behind the bar. She took the gentleman's order. Gentleman? More like a punk than a gentleman she thought and began to make his drink. Leroy chatted up the local tattoo artist not being any help at all. He really does want to see if I can do this, she thought.
Kaitlin handed the drink to the 'gentleman' and he drank it with no complaints, throwing her a $1.00 tip as got up to leave.
Leroy turned to her, “Not too bad. You do need some work on your technique, but I am happy to have you as an apprentice. Tell you what, can you work the late shift? We are open until 3:00 am, so 11:00 to 3:00?”
Kaitlin was shocked! Everyone had been so nice to her, especially Leroy. He had given her the extra $100 when she put up the deposit and now he was giving her a job. The times he offered would work with her beekeeping and the kids school. And she was right across the street if anything should happen. Things were finally looking up.
“Kaitlin?” he asked shaking her from her thoughts.

Leroy laughed when she launched herself at him, “Great! Can you can start tonight?”
Kaitlin pulled back, “Tonight? Whoa, yes, sure, of course," she stammered.
Still laughing, Leroy said, "Wait here, I need to get your uniform.”
* * *
So Kaitlin began her night job under Leroy's watchful eye, giving her tips each night. She knew he was watching more than just her mixology skill, always checking her out when he thought she wasn't looking. When she called him on it he apologized and said, "Kate, one can't help but admire perfection," to which she retorted good-naturedly "Your baaad Leroy! Big Bad Leroy Brown! Just like the song." And then they would both laugh. She liked Leroy - a lot. He only looked - never touched - and was always respectful.
Leroy and Kaitlin developed a great rapport and friendship over the next couple of weeks. They laughed together and joked around when they weren't busy. That was something she hadn't had in a very long time, someone to laugh with, well, except Reid. What she didn't know was that Leroy was totally attracted to her and wanted to take their friendship much further. He had never met anyone so sweet and eager to please, plus she was hot as hell in that uniform. Just one catch, she seemed to be dating his rival, Reid Nielson, part owner of the only other bar in town. He had seen his car across the street quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. He knew he had his work cut out for him if he wanted to steal sweet Kate away from Reid.
* * *
Kaitlin was getting ready for work and the boys were outside playing baseball when she heard a loud crash. She quickly ran outside fearing something had happened to one her kids.
She was relieved to find them both okay. "What was that noise? What happened?" she asked.
Ben sheepishly pointed to the window, "Reese threw it too hard and I couldn't catch it," he said almost in tears.
"Don't blame it on me if you can't catch!" retorted Reese.
Kaitlin couldn't be mad. At least Reese was spending time with him and he wasn't playing pretend by himself - as much. "Enough. Reese, throw a little softer until he gets better please. Now get inside and get ready for bed." Inside, she was calculating how much it would cost to get it fixed. She couldn't ask Leroy to repair it since her kids broke it, so she would have to spend her whole week's tips just to have a new glass put in. There goes that $200, oh well it could have been worse, she thought.
* * *
Kaitlin had to take naps during the day when Maddy did so she could stay awake long enough to complete her shift at the bar and be awake in the morning to have breakfast with her boys and hopefully see Reid before she went to work.
Kaitlin's initial fear of Reid's motives and obvious flirting slowly dissipated. She knew he was coming to see her more than her children, he made that clear, but he made a point to spend time with Ben. He knew if he didn't she wouldn't see him.
There was definitely an attraction between them. It just took her awhile to adjust to the similarity in appearance that he had to her ex - well soon to be ex - as soon as she could save up enough to buy a house.

...And a week later, her bed.
Reid was such a gentle lover. Not using her just for his pleasure, but making sure she was taken care of as well. This was new to her. Her only other partner had been her husband.
She decided she would keep what she and Reid had casual. No 'I love you's', no expectations of being exclusive. Friends with benefits type of relationship. Reid made her feel pretty and sexy. So did Leroy for that matter. And both men gave her a sense of self worth, not that she needed a man to do that. But they didn't judge her, not like her husband always did.
Kaitlin had never felt good enough before and both men's affection and friendship made her believe she had done the right thing to take her kids and run away from Newt and his abuse. Kaitlin put the fact that she was still married out of her mind. She didn't feel married even though a piece of paper said she was and as far as anyone knew, she was divorced.
Go to Chapter 14
Go Back to Chapter 12
I hope things won't go down when ( or if) Reid know's that legally speaking, she is still marry...ANd that it won't be weird the fact that he looks like her ex.
ReplyDeleteShe isn't telling Reid the truth anytime soon.
DeleteYes, just put it out of your mind, that always ends well...
ReplyDeleteTrue that!
DeleteI actually read this chapter (and a couple before it) last night on my phone, but I had to come back to comment on the fact that YIKES, Kaitlin can't keep the fact that she's still married a secret... Well, at least I'm assuming it's a secret. She seems to be so keen on just ignoring that fact, something tells me she hasn't broached the subject with Reid yet. And whether they're truly just Friends With Benefits or maybe something more (and Katie's in denial? haha), I have this feeling he wouldn't be too happy knowing he's sleeping with a married woman -- no matter how horrible her not-yet-ex husband is!
ReplyDeleteYes. Big secret for her. She made a huge mistake letting it go this far but tries to tell herself it doesn't mean anything. And you are right. Reid would not be happy. She just thinks she will simply get a divorce when she gets a house and they can live happily ever after. Of course she is falling for him.
DeleteUh oh. Secrets have a nasty way of coming out, and I have a feeling the brown stuff will hit the fan if/when Reid finds out she's still married. Kaitlin needs to smell the coffee and realize it can't all be tied up in a neat little bow. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteYep. Reid makes her feel special in a way she hasn't felt in a very long time. And she likes how he interacts with Ben. But, yes she can't hide the truth forever. It will come out.
DeleteWell, Kaitlin has been living with one total disadvantage:
Deleteshe has never known what real love between a man and woman truly is. All she's had to compare things with is Newt, and he certainly wasn't the best example. She's going to be getting in over her head very soon, I think, and when that happens and when things come out, it's not going to be very pretty.
Exactly. It's definitely going to get worse before it gets better!
DeleteOh goodness, Kaitlin has two men attracted to her which is no surprise, but still...I hope Reid doesn't take advantage of her.
ReplyDeleteYes...let’s hope he doesn’t. I hope he treats her with respect....