Leroy and Kaitlin spoke to an attorney about the terms of the divorce. He suggested they try to work it out with her husband rather than dragging it through court. The custody and child support arrangements offered by her husband had been generous and it would be difficult for any judge to rule in her favor. Generally, if the other parent wanted to be involved in their child’s life enough to pull up roots and move then that meant a lot, especially when they had been kept away from their children for two years.

Kaitlin was down after meeting with the attorney. “Come on babe, let’s just call him and see if he will give a little where Maddy is concerned, at least until she is a little older.”
Kaitlin let out a breath before responding, “I need to get this done so I can focus on the wedding. I'm going to lose Ben,” said Kaitlin her voice cracking.
Leroy handed her the phone. “Call him Kate.”
Kaitlin dialed. Newt answered and immediately agreed to meet her in the morning with Janet. He wanted this done as badly as she did.
They decided to meet at Leroy's house, soon to be rent house, so they would have some privacy. Newt and Janet arrived promptly and the four of them sat down together at the new dining table.
Once seated, Leroy started the meeting. “The reason we asked you over is threefold - One, obviously to discuss the terms of your divorce and the custody arrangements for Ben and Maddy, but two, since our lives are going to be joined by virtue of your children, we should get to know each other a little better and three, Kaitlin has some questions to ask Janet, and you too Newt, before she will feel comfortable signing anything."
Newt and Janet looked worried but seemed to find comfort in each other, much like Kaitlin found comfort in Leroy's presence.
Leroy had set the tone that this was Kaitlin's party so she took over. She could have just signed the divorce papers and been done with it but her conscience wouldn't let her. Kaitlin took a deep breath and addressed them both. “Newt, Janet, just so you know, I am okay with the terms of our divorce with the exception of Maddy. Ben knows you and wants a relationship with you, but Newt, Maddy doesn't even know you. I know that you want a relationship with her, and I won't try to stop it, but she is only 3. She will have separation anxiety.
So, I want you allow me to retain custody of her and then we will work out suitable visitation. Maybe just getting to know her first, then when Ben goes with you, she can go too - for a few hours. When she gets older and understands what is going on, then I'm happy to revisit it.”
Newt looked dejected. “How old do you think she needs to be Kaitlin?” he asked..
“Can we give her a year? Please?" said Kaitlin fearing the worst, "Then we can see how she does overnight?” she added biting her lip to keep from crying. Just the thought of leaving her little girl in the home of a stranger made her physically sick.
Janet spoke up before Kaitlin could respond. She had the most charming Irish lilt to her voice, calming with it's sing-song tone. She was so different from anything Newt ever chased. Sweet, calm and down to earth. Maybe that's why they got along. Kaitlin immediately liked her.
“Kaitlin," said Janet and Kaitlin thought even the way she said her name was charming, "I know you don’t know me, but I plan to be there whenever the children are with Newt. We both'll be gettin' to know 'em. I would ne'er do anythin' that might upset Maddy. If she wants her mum, then we will bring her home. I wouldn’t expect to keep her overnight until we are livin' in the same town anyway.”
Newt smiled at Janet grateful for the clarification. “Janet is right," he said, "I am willing to give you custody of Maddy for the first year. Then after that it reverts to joint custody. Even so Kaitlin, if Maddy is still uncomfortable going with me for more than a couple of days, I'm not a monster, I will give her more time.”
Leroy looked at Kaitlin surprised, “That sounds fair," he said, "Are you okay with it Kate?” She figured he was just as enamored by Janet as she was.
She wanted to believe Newt so badly. Janet was convincing enough and with Leroy's prodding, she heard herself saying, “I suppose. Newt, will you have the documents updated to reflect that?”
Newt looked relieved, even smiled. “Yes. It will take a couple of days. And don't worry, I won’t have them served again. I will come here and we can sign them together when they are ready. Then we can have your attorney file them,” he said sounding very business like as if he had just closed a deal. This was a new side of Newt had never seen in all the years they were married.
“Thank you," she said as she thought about the other questions she wanted to ask Janet, "but before I am ready to sign I still have some questions for you and for Janet.”
“Sure Kaitlin. What 'tis it you want to know?” asked Janet.
Her heart went out to her and she hated what she was getting ready to ask her. “You and Newt are together, dating, whatever you want to call it. Newt said you know why I took our 3 children and left him after 17 years of marriage?’ she said it as a question more than a statement.
Janet looked down at her lap.
Newt reached over and placed his hand on her arm, “It's okay Janet, you can say it,” prompted Newt.
“Aye, Kaitlin," she said softly still looking down, "I know why. He was abusive.”
Both women were holding back tears now. “And even though you know this," asked Kaitlin, "you still want to have a relationship with him?”

Newt jumped up before Janet could answer and exclaimed, “Kaitlin! That's enough! Is this really necessary. You are upsetting Janet! Of course she knows! I was a fucking asshole! But no more. Goddammit Kaitlin, I've worked so hard. Fuck. I'm sorry Janet.”
Leroy stood up too, ready to drag Newt out of the house.
Janet looked at Newt then at Leroy and finally at Kaitlin. It was her turn to comfort Newt. She placed her hand on Newt's arm and said, “It’s okay boys, Newt, please, sit down,” said Janet calmly. He did as she said and so did Leroy.
As soon as both men were seated she replied, “Newt's learnin' how to control himself. I'm goin' to his therapy sessions with him. His doctor says he's ready and he’s been nothin' but kind and respectful towards me. Even now, he is just tryin' to protect me. Kaitlin, we have safe words to use just in case anythin' starts to escalate. But we have ne'er had to use 'em. Newt has ne'er given me a reason to be afraid.”
Janet looked at Newt to get confirmation that she could say more. “We plan to be wed soon as the divorce is final. I love him and I know he loves me too. He's a good man and has put much work into betterin' himself - and he did most of that before we met.”
Married? Kaitlin stole a glance at Janet's hand, and sure enough she had on a diamond engagement ring. Kaitlin got emotional. “Promise me that if he lays even a finger on you that you will leave and tell me. I'm getting ready to allow him to be alone with our children. I need to know they are safe,” said Kaitlin tears running down her face.
Janet looked at Newt again. He looked miserable. She smiled at him with confidence. “He won't, but I will promise anyway if that gives you comfort. Your children will be safe. It will be good for them to get to know their father as someone lovin', not someone they have to fear.”
She had a point thought Kaitlin. Janet was sweet and gutsy at the same time. That plus the Irish lilt to her voice and she was perfect. And it was obvious that she loved this new and improved version of Newt and that he was just as taken with her. "Thank you Janet," she said, "I didn't mean to upset you."
Kaitlin turned her attention back to Newt. She didn’t know if he had told Janet anything about his father’s business. She hoped he would just walk away. Janet seemed so sweet, she didn’t want to see her get involved in anything illegal. She braced herself and asked the question, “Newt, what about employment?”
Newt looked nervous. “Janet and I want to move near you so it will be easier on the kids - we won't have to shuffle them back and forth. I was going to buy out Reid's bar but Leroy got him released. Leroy, I never thanked you for that and I should have. So - thank you."
Newt paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "So Leroy, I have a proposition for you. I understand you are becoming a damn - I mean darn good architect,” Newt stole a quick glance at Janet before going on and she just grinned at him, “I would like to buy your bar and hire you to renovate it. That way Janet and I can run it and live here. I have enough investments to get me easily through the start up. Reid can teach me the ropes. Problem solved.”
Now it was time for Leroy and Kaitlin to exchange looks. She screamed ‘Do it!’ with her eyes at least she hoped that’s what Leroy got out of it. “How much?” asked Leroy.
“$850 thousand. Site unseen. You have clientele - that's worth something. The property has to be worth close to that. What do you say?” asked Newt.
Another look between them and Kaitlin hoped it told Leroy that it was okay to let it go. Sell it for them, for the kids. Leroy smiled at her and she nodded. “Sold,” said Leroy.
“Shake on it?” asked Newt as he stood up. The two men shook hands.
“I will have my attorney draw up the papers for the sale of the property. We can sign them next week when we sign the divorce papers. I will have them sent over ahead of time along with a cashier's check. That way your attorney can review them.” said Newt smiling.
Go To Chapter 54 Part 4
Go Back to Chapter 54 Part 2

Kaitlin was down after meeting with the attorney. “Come on babe, let’s just call him and see if he will give a little where Maddy is concerned, at least until she is a little older.”
Kaitlin let out a breath before responding, “I need to get this done so I can focus on the wedding. I'm going to lose Ben,” said Kaitlin her voice cracking.
Leroy handed her the phone. “Call him Kate.”
Kaitlin dialed. Newt answered and immediately agreed to meet her in the morning with Janet. He wanted this done as badly as she did.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
They decided to meet at Leroy's house, soon to be rent house, so they would have some privacy. Newt and Janet arrived promptly and the four of them sat down together at the new dining table.
Once seated, Leroy started the meeting. “The reason we asked you over is threefold - One, obviously to discuss the terms of your divorce and the custody arrangements for Ben and Maddy, but two, since our lives are going to be joined by virtue of your children, we should get to know each other a little better and three, Kaitlin has some questions to ask Janet, and you too Newt, before she will feel comfortable signing anything."
Newt and Janet looked worried but seemed to find comfort in each other, much like Kaitlin found comfort in Leroy's presence.

So, I want you allow me to retain custody of her and then we will work out suitable visitation. Maybe just getting to know her first, then when Ben goes with you, she can go too - for a few hours. When she gets older and understands what is going on, then I'm happy to revisit it.”
Newt looked dejected. “How old do you think she needs to be Kaitlin?” he asked..
“Can we give her a year? Please?" said Kaitlin fearing the worst, "Then we can see how she does overnight?” she added biting her lip to keep from crying. Just the thought of leaving her little girl in the home of a stranger made her physically sick.
Janet spoke up before Kaitlin could respond. She had the most charming Irish lilt to her voice, calming with it's sing-song tone. She was so different from anything Newt ever chased. Sweet, calm and down to earth. Maybe that's why they got along. Kaitlin immediately liked her.
“Kaitlin," said Janet and Kaitlin thought even the way she said her name was charming, "I know you don’t know me, but I plan to be there whenever the children are with Newt. We both'll be gettin' to know 'em. I would ne'er do anythin' that might upset Maddy. If she wants her mum, then we will bring her home. I wouldn’t expect to keep her overnight until we are livin' in the same town anyway.”
Newt smiled at Janet grateful for the clarification. “Janet is right," he said, "I am willing to give you custody of Maddy for the first year. Then after that it reverts to joint custody. Even so Kaitlin, if Maddy is still uncomfortable going with me for more than a couple of days, I'm not a monster, I will give her more time.”
Leroy looked at Kaitlin surprised, “That sounds fair," he said, "Are you okay with it Kate?” She figured he was just as enamored by Janet as she was.
She wanted to believe Newt so badly. Janet was convincing enough and with Leroy's prodding, she heard herself saying, “I suppose. Newt, will you have the documents updated to reflect that?”
Newt looked relieved, even smiled. “Yes. It will take a couple of days. And don't worry, I won’t have them served again. I will come here and we can sign them together when they are ready. Then we can have your attorney file them,” he said sounding very business like as if he had just closed a deal. This was a new side of Newt had never seen in all the years they were married.
“Thank you," she said as she thought about the other questions she wanted to ask Janet, "but before I am ready to sign I still have some questions for you and for Janet.”

Her heart went out to her and she hated what she was getting ready to ask her. “You and Newt are together, dating, whatever you want to call it. Newt said you know why I took our 3 children and left him after 17 years of marriage?’ she said it as a question more than a statement.
Janet looked down at her lap.
Newt reached over and placed his hand on her arm, “It's okay Janet, you can say it,” prompted Newt.
“Aye, Kaitlin," she said softly still looking down, "I know why. He was abusive.”
Both women were holding back tears now. “And even though you know this," asked Kaitlin, "you still want to have a relationship with him?”

Newt jumped up before Janet could answer and exclaimed, “Kaitlin! That's enough! Is this really necessary. You are upsetting Janet! Of course she knows! I was a fucking asshole! But no more. Goddammit Kaitlin, I've worked so hard. Fuck. I'm sorry Janet.”
Leroy stood up too, ready to drag Newt out of the house.
Janet looked at Newt then at Leroy and finally at Kaitlin. It was her turn to comfort Newt. She placed her hand on Newt's arm and said, “It’s okay boys, Newt, please, sit down,” said Janet calmly. He did as she said and so did Leroy.

Married? Kaitlin stole a glance at Janet's hand, and sure enough she had on a diamond engagement ring. Kaitlin got emotional. “Promise me that if he lays even a finger on you that you will leave and tell me. I'm getting ready to allow him to be alone with our children. I need to know they are safe,” said Kaitlin tears running down her face.
Janet looked at Newt again. He looked miserable. She smiled at him with confidence. “He won't, but I will promise anyway if that gives you comfort. Your children will be safe. It will be good for them to get to know their father as someone lovin', not someone they have to fear.”
She had a point thought Kaitlin. Janet was sweet and gutsy at the same time. That plus the Irish lilt to her voice and she was perfect. And it was obvious that she loved this new and improved version of Newt and that he was just as taken with her. "Thank you Janet," she said, "I didn't mean to upset you."
Kaitlin turned her attention back to Newt. She didn’t know if he had told Janet anything about his father’s business. She hoped he would just walk away. Janet seemed so sweet, she didn’t want to see her get involved in anything illegal. She braced herself and asked the question, “Newt, what about employment?”
Newt looked nervous. “Janet and I want to move near you so it will be easier on the kids - we won't have to shuffle them back and forth. I was going to buy out Reid's bar but Leroy got him released. Leroy, I never thanked you for that and I should have. So - thank you."

Now it was time for Leroy and Kaitlin to exchange looks. She screamed ‘Do it!’ with her eyes at least she hoped that’s what Leroy got out of it. “How much?” asked Leroy.
“$850 thousand. Site unseen. You have clientele - that's worth something. The property has to be worth close to that. What do you say?” asked Newt.
Another look between them and Kaitlin hoped it told Leroy that it was okay to let it go. Sell it for them, for the kids. Leroy smiled at her and she nodded. “Sold,” said Leroy.
“Shake on it?” asked Newt as he stood up. The two men shook hands.

Go To Chapter 54 Part 4
Go Back to Chapter 54 Part 2
Wow. Janet and Leroy for the win! With them there, this blended family might actually work out.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you watch or know anything about the TV show Younger on TVLand, but I totally heard all of Janet's speech in the voice of Josh's Irish girlfriend.
I rarely watch anything on TV. I am so boring. I used to stay glued to it. But simming and writing is SOOO much more fun. I am glad that you 'heard' Janet. She is a godsend for Newt. :) I can't do dialects but I tried to at least get a little of it. And you are so right. Janet and Leroy as buffers work wonders. Especially Janet! I need to go watch it so I can hear how she sounds. I hear it in my head, but it's very hard to make that sound the same on paper! :)
DeleteI love Janet! She seems like such a gentle and caring person, and she just seems like a trustworthy person! She has changed Newt so much, and she stood up for him when Kaitilin tried to... actually, I don't know why she inquired about her being in a relationship with him. Maybe it was a weak attempt to break them up, or maybe she just wanted to know. Time to get back on track! She looks like she would be like a second mother to Ben and Maddy, and I don't doubt that she will!
ReplyDeleteJanet is awesome and just what Newt needs. She expects him to better and so he does. I don't think Kaitlin is consciously trying to break them up, she just cant understand why anyone would want to be with him and maybe she is a little jealous. It's hard for her to reconcile that he has changed but she is trying. She is still a little afraid of him. I would like to think that they might be friends at some point. Janet would definitely be a second mother to Ben and Maddy, especially Maddy. I don't know if Ben will warm up that fast at his age and with all his issues.
DeleteI feel like I'm the pessimistic side of things, but I still don't trust Newt and am glad Kaitlyn's asking questions to Janet about her relationship with Newt. When Newt stood up and got angry with Kaitlyn for asking a good question, and didn't allow Janet to answer, that, to me, was a red flag. A sign that Newt is being unreasonable. Abuse is something to never take lightly and I kind of feel like, even after everything, the subject is being swept aside like it's irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kaitlyn about Maddie. I don't know what divorce feels like, my parents are still together 31 years and going, my husbands parents are longer than that, and my husband and I have been married seven years...however, divorce does run THICKLY in both sides of the family. I've seen too many children the victims of their parents' divorces and hate that the children have to be toggled back and forth to appease both parents. Yes, some divorce is approved, such as abuse or constant infidelity, but the children, I think, suffer more than the parents do. I still feel like Newt is being unreasonable in a lot of ways. Reese knows the truth and doesn't want to be around his dad, which is his choice, yes. Ben doesn't and does know things, but should be told more. Maddie is completely innocent and will have issues from this.
As I said, all of this is irritating and I feel like I'm the pessimist. Another part of it is that Newt has only been "changed" for a little while. Long-term, things will really tell. Kaitlyn has only recently been transformed and it's still new. I kind of feel like everything and everyone is not really letting things go their course, but, of course, nothing can really be done until this mess is cleaned up.
I don't think you are too pessimistic at all. Kaitlin and Newt both have a real hard time with each other. They are not accustomed to having real conversations and I would assume he is very frustrated that she isn't giving him any credit for attempting to better himself and he loses it.
DeleteNo doubt he will battle this for a long time. You don't just stop being controlling. I hope it doesn't seem like I am ignoring it in the story like it all sunshine and roses now. It's not, Ben has been hurt and may struggle with issues from it his whole life, Maddy doesn't know Newt and it will be confusing for her, Reese may never forgive him.
I just think they are finally getting a resolution that works for Kaitlin. She knows that Ben wants to be with his Dad, but doesn't want them shuffling back and forth accross the country, so having him in the same town, she will be able to keep close tabs on how things go.
Okay, I'll give credit for the frustration of Kaitlyn not giving him credit. I guess I have seen so many instances of abuse and the results that I have a hard time believing an abuser can change. NOT SAYING THEY CAN'T, just saying it takes time. My mom was a victim of domestic abuse and, to this day, she has a hard time trusting. She's an independent, do-it-herself type person...mainly because she was abused growing up and on her own for most of her life. Her step-dad, who was the abuser, never changed.
DeleteForgiveness takes a LONG time. I know, I've been there. Reese, I think, wants to see how dad is after a long time of change before he wants to forgive him. Sometimes people need to see the "finished project" before they can give their own results. It's a protection tactic, to not get hurt again. I wonder if Ben is angry every time he hears that dad abused mom because he doesn't want to believe, or does believe it, but doesn't want to admit it. Newt needs to realize that Maddie is so young and he can't force a relationship with her. She will have many issues if he tries so many things, relationship-wise, with her. It's a good thing, I think, for Newt and Janet to live closer, but I hope he doesn't try to pull something stupid if he gets desperate with his children.
If Ben lives with dad, I'm concerned his problems might get worse because no one is really trying to help him. Also, Ben might see dad and be happy for a while, until he finally learns the truth about why things happened the way they did and then get confused, upset, angry, and then who knows what will happen after that. Kaitlyn or Newt, or Janet or Leroy, maybe even Reese, should get him into counseling. If the divorce thing is "in the way" of every other issue, then an agreement and officiality needs to be done and then work on Ben. Reese might need some deep conversations or some counseling, too. Maddie, not sure. She could do Play Therapy, where she acts out her emotions and thoughts while playing. Or, if she's too young yet, wait until she gets a bit older and get her into counseling to figure out if there's any issue. As for Kaitlyn, she needs to continue counseling until both Shea and Kaitlyn can tell Kaitlyn's ready to do life on her own. For me, if I was in Kaitlyn's place, I'd continue to go to counseling for an indefinite amount of time. Leroy should attend sessions, too, to get perspective and give support.
Sorry about being long-winded. It's been a long day already and it's only 12:40pm Central Time. Then again, I am pregnant with my first and all this tiredness wears me out often. :)
Thank you for your comments. I am so sorry that your mother had to go through that. My heart goes out to her. And on a lighter note, congratulations on your pregnancy! 😁
DeleteForgiveness does take a long time and sometimes never happens. Ben most definitely needs to be in counseling. I hope that someone recognizes it soon. I would expect that Janet would just because she is sort of on the outside looking in and it might be easier for her to recognize it.
Janet goes with Newt to his sessions. She pretty much has to. I'm not sure if you read his pen pal letters, but he knows he has to stay in counselling for a very long time. You are right, abusers don't just stop. They have to relearn learned behaviors that they have done their entire lives. He has to relearn how to interact and compromise, not think he is entitled to feel how he does. That is almost impossible to do because they have to stop and think before they say and do instead of how they've always done it...well, at least that gist of what I read when I researched abusers.
Anyway, I wanted to try and portray Newt as realistically as possible as someone trying hard to be better, but still not all the way there especially when it comes to Kaitlin. I certainly don't want to make light of abuse in any way, shape or form. It is a horrific when it happens and leaves lasting scars as we are seeing in this story.
Kaitlin will no doubt have to continue her therapy as well. She is not healed, but is only just learning to cope. I would think the first time she has to let Ben go with Newt will be very hard for her and her anxiety will reach a pretty high level. It's a good thing that she has Leroy to help her.
Thank you! My husband and I are excited to meet our little girl in December.
DeleteJanet seems insightful, but I am hoping she knows everything she needs to know about Newt before she marries him. I hope he tells her about the family business, too, unless she already knows about it.
I haven't read the Pen Pal letters of either Kaitlyn or Newt. They are bookmarked in my browser and I intend on reading them, just might be after this story is done. Life is a bit crazy in my world, not just with my pregnancy.
I'm a little worried about Newt owning the bar from Leroy. Being around all that alcohol and the uncouth crowd could make his behavior and change harder to manage and grow from. Maybe if he makes it a fancy restaurant or something could be better.
I'll wait and see what the end result of this story will be. You might have others wanting a sequel to see how the story continues.
Our conversation, I noticed, has dominated this comments section. Haha, oh dear.
Hey. That's okay! I love to hear your insights!
DeleteJanet does need to know everything. I hope Newt has been completely honest with her.
Newt plans to make it a more upscale establishment. That's why he wants Leroy to help with renovations. I doubt Janet would want to run a dive bar!
I like Janet! She seems sweet, and someone Kate can trust, so she will most likely trust her kids are ina safe place, if Janet is on it...And that point Janet brought up is true, if they were raised only for Kate, the kids (AKA Maddy) could ahve grow up hating their father, without even knowing him.Also, I'm glad they came to a common place.
ReplyDeleteJanet has been good for Newt. Without her I think it might indeed been an entirely different conversation.
DeleteJanet seems like a good woman. And she got the good side of Newt. I wonder what it'd have been like had Kaitlin got that good Newt. Guess I will never know. And Leroy and Newt sealed the deal. Things are looking up!
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how hard it was for Leroy to shake on the deal, but it was one of things you just don’t turn down.