Warning - some NSFW scenes and a little sappy and picture heavy!
Seven Years Later.....
Kaitlin sat in the backyard of her and Leroy's home in Willow Creek watching her family and closest friends talking, drinking, dancing and congratulating Ben on his graduation and acceptance into San Myshuno University.
Four years after Kaitlin became Kaitlin Chapman, Leroy was offered a job in Willow Creek overseeing the design of a new housing development between Willow Creek and San Myshuno called called Newcrest. It was a long term project and one that Leroy would never get in Twinbrook. It was an offer he couldn't refuse.
The only problem was Willow Creek was 200 miles from Twinbrook. Leroy was having to spend a week there and wound up being home only on weekends. Kaitlin lovingly told him she was tired of visitation and wanted ‘full custody’ of him. So after only 6 months they decided to relocate.
The nice thing was San Myshuno was only 40 miles from Willow Creek with Newcrest smack dab in the middle. However, as far as Ben was concerned, it might as well be 10,000 miles away. He had made it clear that he couldn't wait to get out of Twinbrook and be on his own. Kaitlin was pretty sure once Ben left for college, she would have less communication with him than she had when he lived 200 miles away. At least she had seen him every other weekend.
As she watched Ben with Gemma, his “girlfriend du jour”, Kaitlin thought back over the events of the last 9 years and wondered how he wound up so much like his father, the very man he was once afraid of becoming.
When Newt came back into their lives, Ben was angry and confused. At the time he was too young to tell him what really happened between her and her ex-husband.
Ben wasn't aware at that time that his father’s abusive behavior extended beyond just yelling to hitting her and his brother.
Feeling neglected and left out Ben was determined to live with his father. At the same time, Newt was determined to have a relationship with at least one of his sons. Kaitlin didn't blame Newt. He had worked hard to turn his life around.
When Ben turned 13, he moved in with Newt and broke her heart. Kaitlin felt like she had failed him. Ben pretended to be happy and maybe he was for a while.
Newt and Janet married a year after moving to Twinbrook and a year later announced she was pregnant. It was during this time that Ben moved in with them. After Connor was born, Newt’s new son took his attention away from Ben and he began to be resentful, once again feeling like he didn't belong anywhere.
When Ben turned fifteen, the year she and Leroy moved to Newcrest, he began to date girl after girl, a new girl on his arm every few weeks. Just as his father had done. Looking for love in all the wrong places, she thought. Kaitlin often wondered if he finally put the pieces together and found out about Newt's abuse even though he never mentioned it to her.
Kaitlin involuntarily shivered as a sense of deja vu washed over when she saw Gemma hanging on Ben's every word. It was so much the same way she herself had been with Newt. At least none of them got pregnant. Maybe he learned something from his father after all, she thought.
Feeling sad, Kaitlin immediately looked around for Leroy. He always made her feel better.
She spotted Leroy behind the bar talking to their unlikely best friends, Reid and Shea, now Shea Nielsen. Shea was holding their adorable 3 year-old little girl Tonya. She couldn't help the smile that covered her face. Leroy was her everything and she was happy he had resolved his past differences with Reid.
Watching the three of them made her think of her and Leroy's wedding day. It had truly been the happiest day of her life. She closed her eyes remembering and smiled.
It was a simple wedding, performed in their home with just Reese, Brooke, Ben and Dakota as witnesses.
She slowly walked down the spiral staircase of their home, her heart beating erratically. When she met Leroy's eyes, all she saw was his pure, unconditional love reflected back at her. Her heart soared.

They said the traditional vows and exchanged rings. The minister then pronounced them man and wife.
After a toast and some cake, Reese and Brooke took Ben and Dakota and left to relieve the sitter and give the newlyweds some much needed alone time.
She and Leroy toasted their marriage one more time. Then hand in hand they walked upstairs to their room laughing.
He stopped her before she walked through the door and picked her up and carried her over the threshold of their bedroom door.
He put her down and took off his coat. He reached up to touch her face, "You're really mine now,” he said in awe, “Mrs. Chapman, Kaitlin Chapman, my beautiful wife, my soulmate. I love you with all my being."
She remembered exactly what she said back to him, "Yes, yours. Forever and always. You showed me that love is beautiful and kind. You were always there helping me through my worst nightmares even when I thought I didn't want you there. You healed my heart Leroy Chapman, my husband. I love you more than I can say."
They held onto each other and Leroy began to cry. She was overcome at his tears and joined his emotional breakdown.

He composed himself and kissed her tears away as he began to help her slowly out of her gown, kissing her and touching her sweetly as went.
He made slow sweet love to her, taking his time, cherishing her.
The memory of their wedding night would be forever seared in her memory. It always made her smile - and very needy.
Leroy walked over to where Kaitlin was sitting, drink in hand, bringing her back to the present. “Hey you,” he said as he sat down with her, “You okay? You look like you are miles away. Thinking about Ben?”
She blushed at her thoughts and smiled at her husband. After the memories of their wedding night, all she wanted to do was take him inside and show him how much she still loved him."No," she said grinning, "not Ben, you."
At the mention of Ben, Kaitlin looked over where he stood talking and laughing with his friends. Ben and Nicolas Hamlin were rooming together for college. They had driven up from Twinbrook together for the party along with Nick’s younger sister Sofia and his girlfriend Val.
Sofia was like one of the guys and often hung out with Ben. They went fishing and even worked together on a small garden that Sofia helped him plant. She and Kaitlin had become friends too before they left Twinbrook. She had missed seeing her and was glad she came with her brother.
“Thanks for the drink,” said Kaitlin smiling up at her husband. “Ben has already checked out and I guess I have too. It makes it easier that he has been living with Newt. I'm just happy we get a week with him before he leaves for San Myshuno.”
She paused and took a long drink before continuing, “Actually, I was also thinking about how large our family has grown from what it was like before I met you.” Kaitlin let out a little laugh, “It was just me and my three babies, all alone in the world and you, all alone."
Kaitlin made large a sweeping motion with her arm, "Now look. We have five children and two grandchildren with another on the way, plus all of these friends!”
She pointed over to where the four school age children were playing on the monkey bars and laughed. "Look at Maddy and Hailey. They are as thick as thieves! No telling what they are plotting to do to Jordan and Sam!”
“Should I go check on them?” asked Leroy.
“No...they are fine. Dakota will make sure they don't kill each other! She is beautiful isn't she. Both inside and out. We did right by taking her. Living here in Willow Creek has helped both her and Candy move on. Candy seems really happy with Darius. I wish she could have come but their baby is due any day.”
Kaitlin laughed and said, "I guess Reese's wedding was the place for new relationships to form, Darius and Candy plus Reid and Shea reconnected there. I think maybe even Angie made a love connection. If what Brooke says is right, her brother and Angie are actually moving in together."
Leroy laughed, "She needs someone like him to to keep up with her!"
"Look over there," said Leroy motioning towards where Newt and Janet were talking quietly to Brooke and Reese.
"Yes, they appear to be getting along really well. I think Janet and Brooke have become fast friends, especially since Connor was born and Brooke is expecting in just two months. If you would have asked me if this was possible nine years ago I would have guaranteed Reese would never have anything at all to do with his father and I would be single.
Then, when Ben left for school, it would be just Maddy and me, but now she has more family than I ever dreamed she would have loving her and another little brother she adores." Kaitlin frowned before continuing, “I just wish Ben felt the same way about Connor. Maybe in time.”
Kaitlin stood up, looked at Leroy and squinted her eyes at him, “You know, this is all your fault Leroy Chapman!"
"What did I do now?" he said shrugging.
"You dared to love me enough to make this happen. Without you, it would be just Maddy and me...” then she looked at Newt and frowned, “or maybe just me.”
Leroy lifted her chin so she would look at him, “Guilty as charged Kaitlin Chapman,” he said smirking.
“Oh my god! They came Leroy!” exclaimed Kaitlin as she turned and ran across the yard to the redheaded couple that just walked up.
“Meadow! Norman! I am so glad you guys could make it! Welcome!” she said and drew Meadow into a huge hug as Norman and Leroy looked on.
Kaitlin looked around quickly for Newt, but she saw that he was already headed towards them. He must have heard her.

Newt looked up at Kaitlin’s gushing to see what was going on. Did he hear right? Did she say Norman? He looked at the couple she was talking with. Was it really him? He had never met Norman. Norman was the man he had corresponded with as part of his therapy. Norman helped him admit to himself he had a problem. Norman stayed with him through his transformation.
Sadly the two of them hadn't corresponded much anymore since Newt got married and moved to Twinbrook. His life was so busy with the club, his wife, their 4 year-old and Ben that he didn't even go to therapy anymore. Not that there hadn't been a need in the beginning of their marriage. There was.
It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Newt knew the minute he saw the man and heard Kaitlin squealing, that it had to be his Norman. He put down Connor and excused himself from Janet, Reese and Brooke, then quickly made a beeline to Norman.
Newt grabbed the man in a bear hug. “Norman!” he said barely controlling his emotions. He owed Norman his life.
"Newt. My hero. Cool, hip Newt," said Norman, muttering his words, "I owe you so much, brother. I owe you."
Kaitlin and Meadow watched the two men, both women smiling. “Thank you for bringing Norman,” Kaitlin said to her friend with tears in her eyes, “He saved Newt and by extension, my family. And look around at all of these people. If it weren't for you and Norman, we wouldn't be here together!”
"Oh, Kaitlin!" Meadow said breathlessly. "You know it was you and Newt who helped us!"
"Let's just say, we helped each other then," beamed Kaitlin, “You remember Leroy? Right?”

“Yes. Nice to see you again,” said Meadow sweetly.
“You too,” replied Leroy and shook her hand.
As soon as Leroy released Meadow's hand Kaitlin grabbed it. “Come on,” she said, “I have someone special I want you to meet,” and led her over to where Shea was standing talking to Reid.
A/N: I hope you noticed how cleverly I transitioned into TS4! I hope it wasn't too confusing. 😊
My story continues as we follow Ben and Nick to college in a new series aptly named New Beginnings where I loosely follow the Build Newcrest Challenge combined with the I'm a Lover Challenge. Since everyone is now in TS4, you will see peeks of the family from time to time.
If anyone wants to read about Newt's journey from abuser to a loving father and husband, you can read his story here. It's his correspondence with Norman.
For the Epilogue, I only used four from the casting call. Don't worry. If your sim didn't make it here, when Ben's story starts you may very well see them there! Below are the ones that made it for this part:
Seven Years Later.....
Kaitlin sat in the backyard of her and Leroy's home in Willow Creek watching her family and closest friends talking, drinking, dancing and congratulating Ben on his graduation and acceptance into San Myshuno University.
Four years after Kaitlin became Kaitlin Chapman, Leroy was offered a job in Willow Creek overseeing the design of a new housing development between Willow Creek and San Myshuno called called Newcrest. It was a long term project and one that Leroy would never get in Twinbrook. It was an offer he couldn't refuse.
The only problem was Willow Creek was 200 miles from Twinbrook. Leroy was having to spend a week there and wound up being home only on weekends. Kaitlin lovingly told him she was tired of visitation and wanted ‘full custody’ of him. So after only 6 months they decided to relocate.

When Newt came back into their lives, Ben was angry and confused. At the time he was too young to tell him what really happened between her and her ex-husband.
Ben wasn't aware at that time that his father’s abusive behavior extended beyond just yelling to hitting her and his brother.
When Ben turned 13, he moved in with Newt and broke her heart. Kaitlin felt like she had failed him. Ben pretended to be happy and maybe he was for a while.
When Ben turned fifteen, the year she and Leroy moved to Newcrest, he began to date girl after girl, a new girl on his arm every few weeks. Just as his father had done. Looking for love in all the wrong places, she thought. Kaitlin often wondered if he finally put the pieces together and found out about Newt's abuse even though he never mentioned it to her.
Kaitlin involuntarily shivered as a sense of deja vu washed over when she saw Gemma hanging on Ben's every word. It was so much the same way she herself had been with Newt. At least none of them got pregnant. Maybe he learned something from his father after all, she thought.
Feeling sad, Kaitlin immediately looked around for Leroy. He always made her feel better.
She spotted Leroy behind the bar talking to their unlikely best friends, Reid and Shea, now Shea Nielsen. Shea was holding their adorable 3 year-old little girl Tonya. She couldn't help the smile that covered her face. Leroy was her everything and she was happy he had resolved his past differences with Reid.
Watching the three of them made her think of her and Leroy's wedding day. It had truly been the happiest day of her life. She closed her eyes remembering and smiled.

They said the traditional vows and exchanged rings. The minister then pronounced them man and wife.
After a toast and some cake, Reese and Brooke took Ben and Dakota and left to relieve the sitter and give the newlyweds some much needed alone time.
She and Leroy toasted their marriage one more time. Then hand in hand they walked upstairs to their room laughing.
He stopped her before she walked through the door and picked her up and carried her over the threshold of their bedroom door.
He put her down and took off his coat. He reached up to touch her face, "You're really mine now,” he said in awe, “Mrs. Chapman, Kaitlin Chapman, my beautiful wife, my soulmate. I love you with all my being."
She remembered exactly what she said back to him, "Yes, yours. Forever and always. You showed me that love is beautiful and kind. You were always there helping me through my worst nightmares even when I thought I didn't want you there. You healed my heart Leroy Chapman, my husband. I love you more than I can say."
They held onto each other and Leroy began to cry. She was overcome at his tears and joined his emotional breakdown.

He composed himself and kissed her tears away as he began to help her slowly out of her gown, kissing her and touching her sweetly as went.
He made slow sweet love to her, taking his time, cherishing her.

Leroy walked over to where Kaitlin was sitting, drink in hand, bringing her back to the present. “Hey you,” he said as he sat down with her, “You okay? You look like you are miles away. Thinking about Ben?”
She blushed at her thoughts and smiled at her husband. After the memories of their wedding night, all she wanted to do was take him inside and show him how much she still loved him."No," she said grinning, "not Ben, you."
At the mention of Ben, Kaitlin looked over where he stood talking and laughing with his friends. Ben and Nicolas Hamlin were rooming together for college. They had driven up from Twinbrook together for the party along with Nick’s younger sister Sofia and his girlfriend Val.
“Thanks for the drink,” said Kaitlin smiling up at her husband. “Ben has already checked out and I guess I have too. It makes it easier that he has been living with Newt. I'm just happy we get a week with him before he leaves for San Myshuno.”
She paused and took a long drink before continuing, “Actually, I was also thinking about how large our family has grown from what it was like before I met you.” Kaitlin let out a little laugh, “It was just me and my three babies, all alone in the world and you, all alone."
Kaitlin made large a sweeping motion with her arm, "Now look. We have five children and two grandchildren with another on the way, plus all of these friends!”
She pointed over to where the four school age children were playing on the monkey bars and laughed. "Look at Maddy and Hailey. They are as thick as thieves! No telling what they are plotting to do to Jordan and Sam!”
“Should I go check on them?” asked Leroy.
“No...they are fine. Dakota will make sure they don't kill each other! She is beautiful isn't she. Both inside and out. We did right by taking her. Living here in Willow Creek has helped both her and Candy move on. Candy seems really happy with Darius. I wish she could have come but their baby is due any day.”
Kaitlin laughed and said, "I guess Reese's wedding was the place for new relationships to form, Darius and Candy plus Reid and Shea reconnected there. I think maybe even Angie made a love connection. If what Brooke says is right, her brother and Angie are actually moving in together."
Leroy laughed, "She needs someone like him to to keep up with her!"

Then, when Ben left for school, it would be just Maddy and me, but now she has more family than I ever dreamed she would have loving her and another little brother she adores." Kaitlin frowned before continuing, “I just wish Ben felt the same way about Connor. Maybe in time.”
Kaitlin stood up, looked at Leroy and squinted her eyes at him, “You know, this is all your fault Leroy Chapman!"
"What did I do now?" he said shrugging.
"You dared to love me enough to make this happen. Without you, it would be just Maddy and me...” then she looked at Newt and frowned, “or maybe just me.”
Leroy lifted her chin so she would look at him, “Guilty as charged Kaitlin Chapman,” he said smirking.
“Meadow! Norman! I am so glad you guys could make it! Welcome!” she said and drew Meadow into a huge hug as Norman and Leroy looked on.
Kaitlin looked around quickly for Newt, but she saw that he was already headed towards them. He must have heard her.

Newt looked up at Kaitlin’s gushing to see what was going on. Did he hear right? Did she say Norman? He looked at the couple she was talking with. Was it really him? He had never met Norman. Norman was the man he had corresponded with as part of his therapy. Norman helped him admit to himself he had a problem. Norman stayed with him through his transformation.
Sadly the two of them hadn't corresponded much anymore since Newt got married and moved to Twinbrook. His life was so busy with the club, his wife, their 4 year-old and Ben that he didn't even go to therapy anymore. Not that there hadn't been a need in the beginning of their marriage. There was.
It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Newt knew the minute he saw the man and heard Kaitlin squealing, that it had to be his Norman. He put down Connor and excused himself from Janet, Reese and Brooke, then quickly made a beeline to Norman.
Newt grabbed the man in a bear hug. “Norman!” he said barely controlling his emotions. He owed Norman his life.
"Newt. My hero. Cool, hip Newt," said Norman, muttering his words, "I owe you so much, brother. I owe you."
"Hell, not so cool or hip anymore. I am married with a kid. Normal Newt now, just like you! Anyway, you don't owe me anything,” said Newt as he slapped Norman on the back and threw his arm around him. “Come, I want you to meet Janet and my kids, then we are going to have a beer together and toast to true friendship.”
Kaitlin and Meadow watched the two men, both women smiling. “Thank you for bringing Norman,” Kaitlin said to her friend with tears in her eyes, “He saved Newt and by extension, my family. And look around at all of these people. If it weren't for you and Norman, we wouldn't be here together!”
"Oh, Kaitlin!" Meadow said breathlessly. "You know it was you and Newt who helped us!"
"Let's just say, we helped each other then," beamed Kaitlin, “You remember Leroy? Right?”

“Yes. Nice to see you again,” said Meadow sweetly.
“You too,” replied Leroy and shook her hand.

A/N: I hope you noticed how cleverly I transitioned into TS4! I hope it wasn't too confusing. 😊
My story continues as we follow Ben and Nick to college in a new series aptly named New Beginnings where I loosely follow the Build Newcrest Challenge combined with the I'm a Lover Challenge. Since everyone is now in TS4, you will see peeks of the family from time to time.
If anyone wants to read about Newt's journey from abuser to a loving father and husband, you can read his story here. It's his correspondence with Norman.
😁 Thank you to everyone that responded to my casting call!😁
For the Epilogue, I only used four from the casting call. Don't worry. If your sim didn't make it here, when Ben's story starts you may very well see them there! Below are the ones that made it for this part:
Gemma Parker - Ben's girlfriend by Munter_Bacon
Valerie Burns, Nicolas' Girlfriend by kylemaddex
Nicolas Hamlin - Ben's Best Friend by haswh
Sofia Hamlin - Nicholas' sister by haswh
💗Thank you for reading! You guys make this so much fun!💗